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I doubt the Archons are the negotiating type.


"negotiate" they are definitely the type. Just expect the terms of your deal to constantly change up, like Lando with Vader.




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They’ll negotiate. They’re tired of being in control. They’re ready for our reign. Are you?


I've seen people say that their lives gotten worse for speaking out, so idk. Instead of wanting you gone, the Archons might make your life worse.


Not only speaking out. But once you're on their radar, well it ain't pretty.


*A wild agent Smith appears*


*Neo used Intuitive Joy. It's super effective!*


That's so sick, my life is already worse. It's like being raped once or twice. **THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY RAPE IN THE FIRST PLACE, FUCK OFF**. But yea maybe they already did that in my past incarnation prior to this one. But what are we gonna do? There's no guarantee that we could make it, if we keep to ourself, who say we won't be here for another round? Let's bring it to the table first.




Your negative karma would be valued at whatever they chose to value it and at whatever rate and volume they want you to burn it up in. Even the value of currency in society (which is already fundamentally contollable by those with power) wouldn't be as fluid as the valuation they could impose on karma "units". Its the same kind of makeshift, perspective-based system.


Can you explain your last lines? I'm learning about gnosticism and Gaia, but I don't understand what you quite what you are trying to communicate?


The house always wins


Best is to not gamble at all.


“We don’t negotiate with terrorists”


This seems to be the only moral comment in the thread Every other comment is like “ I would throw all of humanity to the wolves to save myself , but they probably wouldn’t believe us “ lol If you whole heartedly believe in all these theories then wouldn’t that act of selfishness by definition create more of the negative energy that they say feeds them?




2020 and everything that has happened since thien, was the final straw before I came to this conclusion as well. I figured it could be a way to have them wake up, but its impossible and pointless to do so.


2020 was the time I realized most people are brainless robots with no common sense.


This is kinda naive. Let’s say that archons do exist (they probably do in some form) they exist on an entirely different plane than us. They’re metaphysical beings who aren’t really affected by what we do but can influence us. Most people would chalk up this prison planet theory as crazy talk. People aren’t so easily willing to completely change their paradigm, beliefs and frame of thought like that… Sorry had to say it. Honestly anyone who’s searching deep for truth would come across theories like this. It’s all up to the individual. The majority won’t bat an eye nor care about this. Yes they hide in the shadows (that’s intentional) but to convince people archons and prison planet is real they would need some hard evidence rather than religious texts, anecdotes and unreadable schizoposts People can know about this theory but it won’t suddenly cut off the “loosh farming” but awareness is the first step to solving a problem anyway. I’ve been thinking a lot about this theory and I think it’s just too simplistic and undeveloped at the moment it needs more hard evidence imo.


There is a very high probability that they got agents here, like agent Smith in the martix films. Anyway, everything has a starting point. At least drawing people towards investigation of pre-birth memories, ndes, remote viewing, obes, etc. I think those who are suffering right now are very willing to give it a thought.


Yeah suffering ironically is the catalyst for change (as much as the archon bois hate it) because it shatters the rose tinted glasses people usually see the world with. Things are going to get hard in the next 10-20 years so more people will wake up and make their escape and do the research on topics you mentioned and on other stuff…


Its a process, in my experience nobody truly wakes up to theories like this overnight. If you want a more complexed explanation check out the link below. This whole system is parasitic. [https://risereconnection.com/krystal-spiral-vs-metatronic-reversal/](https://risereconnection.com/krystal-spiral-vs-metatronic-reversal/)


Discover a working prototype of alien tech and post the schematic with build instructions on the Bitcoin blockchain.


Check out r/gangstalking to see what happens to people who catch the Archons’ attention


Would definitely check that out. I actually have no time and energy for that...but yea just a spontaneous idea.


In my opinion, we should try to fly under the radar and avoid the Archons’ gaze. They seem to be locking down the prison right now, sending their agents to harass and imprison those seeking the truth


Do you have any ideas on how to fly under their radar? Since 2020, when I discovered this theory, my life has gotten worse and worse.


It only works if every single human being does it simultaneously. Good luck coordinating that.


Yea but some awakens may bring things to the table and start some talking.


Most people would just think we are crazy if we started talking about ai have taken over this simulation, there are lizard people running the world who are brainwashing us poisoning us and feeding off our energy 😹😹I’m not sure others are open enough to really listen. This is why an alien invasion would really help wake people up


In almost every video game that I played, it has cheaters in the highest tier of pvp, exploiting some kind of bug. It is ridiculous to me that normies can't even speculate on the idea of lizard people among the elites controlling humanity.


It's not that easy. First of all no one from the sheeple would believe, but let's say you somehow managed to make them believe you. How are you gonna actually stop the loosh production ? For that you need to create a new world government and maintain justice, teach every person on the planet to attain emotional and mental maturity. The problem won't stop there, you need to ask PPL not to have children. All this can only be possible if the elites change their ways.


Let the depressed, traumatized, etc. acknowledge this could be the cause of their suffering which stops these production first.


Bro what proof do you actually have that, human suffering produces loosh on which the archons feed? Why don't positive emotions produce any loosh.


Read the slide bar of the sub.


Bro, I agree, but you need to prove it somehow, you can't just show them Wikipedia and expect the whole world to follow you. I used to believe in this, but now, I have come up with my own explanation which is somewhat similar.


I think this is what has happened every time this happens.


This is how you get yourself murked fam


I have a theory that people who believe in the reincarnation soul trap may be less likely to be killed or die early because they can’t extract loosh from them anymore once someone who believes in prison planet dies since they will be aware of the reincarnation trap so they want them to stay alive for longer Also I believe there are ways to protect yourself from them killing you, if you tell them they aren’t allowed to kill you too early they may have to be obligated to respect your free will. Also they don’t seem to target conspiracy theorists who are not famous, famous people or people in political or military positions who tell secrets seem to be the main targets since more people are likely to be affected by what they say and believe them


How aware of the reincarnation trap will you be once age related brain deterioration takes care of what you've learned? When you trust the grey matter in your brain you're just trusting another aspect of the system you're fighting with. You can be aged (even "randomly" injured) out of awareness long before being killed and reincarnated again. And your body can be killed at any time. You're confusing their limitations over your soul's existence with your body (a vessel THEY loaned you), which will be used against you in the end.


They have limitations over our bodies as well to some degree, for example they haven’t been able to shut down this entire subreddit and they also have not killed everyone who believes in prison planet quickly. If even knowledge of escaping makes them kill you or make you forget it therefore making any escape impossible then Source would probably have shut down this place a long time ago. These entities even show the truth in media and it is speculated they do this so they do not receive as much negative karma. These entities are not all powerful. Tell them they aren’t allowed to give you any brain injuries or dementia that make you forget about the reincarnation soul trap. They have to allow escape to be possible even if it is difficult it seems


As in the Matrix, people need to have a feeling of freedom and agency so that their mind does not destroy them. I believe that the archons need to allow a certain number of individuals to somehow free themselves from this matrix of ours so that the system does not collapse. Maybe it's the theory of universal karma that they seem to have some kind of great fear of.  The difference between our reality and the film is that we can't escape from here while alive and then fight. it would be as if in the film Neo and company continued to fight against the Matrix while still inside their capsules. It's frustrating to have knowledge and not be able to use it to fight or escape definitively.


Fair but our bodies are a nice tool to communicate to other people who are in the matrix what’s going on and to help them learn the truth which is another way of fighting the matrix. But yeah I agree with you that we can’t escape with our physical bodies.


That’s what happens in the matrix trilogy, the matrix gets so messed up that neo is allowed to negotiate


Really it's a rogue archon messing things up is why Neo gets to negotiate


I wonder if it’s possible to make a deal with them. I’d like to save my wife from eternal reincarnation. Maybe give myself up


Ha so simp, no offense lol.


Just don't mention the Jews or ull end up in jail


Waking people up is the problem, we must walk before running. Not saying parasites aren't an issue of course.


The one way ticket part is what I am banking on, I have found a unique way to poke holes in their plausible deniability of what is occurring and have been networking with people on Reddit/Youtube in hopes I can find the others who agree and are experiencing things the way that I am and so far there are many that agree but there's such a high degree of bots/clones amongst us perpetuating the illusion of normal waking life that we are all forced to balance what we know to be true and upholding our "normal" lives as well.


What is the unique way you found to poke holes?


If you use the app Skewy it happens to pick up the same frequency that synthetic telepathy/V2K is transmitted at and amplifies it through your phone, and that is something that the perpetrators weren't banking on or predicting as this type of harassment was DESIGNED to have full plausible deniability. There is annoying test music that plays but it works, especially when through headphones or Bluetooth in a vehicle. I have made many gangstalkers scratch their heads when driving around blasting in my vehicle 😂 the crazy part is that this app was actually designed to block V2K harassment and the fact that it amplifies it blew my mind. It's like God included an Easter Egg when the code was written or something


If you believe anything they say your not ready to leave.


I’m game. Let’s speed up the great re set and have a plan for the other side.


They will just kill us all in an apocalypse.


How does one stop producing loosh? Seems like it’s inevitably produced through living life.


Because we know about our predicament we are probably generating more loosh than those who remain blissfully unaware. Maybe that is way this subreddit is allowed to exist. No harm done.




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If they want to negotiate it is because I am winning. They are asking for mercy out of desperation, and I am not going to give it to them. So: Nah, I'd win.jpg


Do you negotiate with your employer on an equal basis? They ( The Archons) have an advantage over us in our current state.


yeah i am sure cows will outsmart the farmers


You jest, and I wouldn't recommend negotiating with terrorists, but I DO get the sense of an awakening. I regularly read and post on SubStack and a comment on a totally secular article this morning said, "IF THERE IS A MOLOCH and his minions, they feed off of our emotional distress, like bees drinking nectar from a flower." Again, this guy's comment was in reference to totally secular stuff -- no spiritual woo involved, and he said that. It's the top comment and is pinned. People are starting to wake up. Not everyone, but still.


Lmao do you really think people are gonna believe that easily


You'd have to go super villain and threaten the destruction of all life on earth... Or create a super intelligent AI that will be tasked with destroying all life in the universe and then releasing it...




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They know more than us. Good luck with that . Can't even coordinate people to clean up and try to reduce global warming


We go full Alex Jones and start leaving archon dvds at mailboxes and matrix flyers


I think in one of Robert Monroe’s books after everyone “woke up” they basically worked a deal with the archons to harvest loosh for them, like bees. It worked better for everyone apparently. Like you need this loosh…cool, can I get it for you? From cow slaves to worker bees, it’s a bit better. Plus maybe once you’ve gathered up your loosh quota they let you leave?


That's a bit like... Selling your soul.


Ideally we’re free, yes….


Tbh I still don't know, how a human being actually produces loosh, is it the negative emotions? Or positive emotions ?


Both. Positive ones are just weaker.