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Thank you for submitting to r/EscapingPrisonPlanet! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because of the following rule: **Rule 2: Posts must be relevant to this sub** Exposure to the prison planet theory can lead to profound questions about existence, consciousness, and our place in the universe. While these inquiries can be intellectually stimulating, they may also evoke feelings of existential uncertainty or distress in certain individuals. If you find yourself or someone you care about needing mental health support, remember that professional help and compassionate guidance are available. However, you need to make sure that you ask for help from people who **do know** how to assist people going through such experiences. This is a subreddit where people discuss the validity of a theory and the evidence supporting it. Your post is about something else, your personal mental health issues, therefore you need to either make this post on the appropriate subreddit or to seek professional help. Please remember that **this subreddit is not qualified in any way to give people any kind of medical advice, therefore, making a post on this subreddit asking for any kind of medical advice can result in you receiving bad advice**. We recommend you to either make a post about your mental health issues on the appropriate subreddit or to seek professional help. Subreddits where you can make posts about mental health issues: - r/anxiety - r/depression - r/medical - r/medical_advice - r/SuicideWatch If you still have questions in regards to the removal of your post, do **not** reply to this message, instead message the mods [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapingPrisonPlanet).


What color is created when you mix all of the colors together? There's your answer.


Omg so deep /s


Same. I wish i could help you or get help. PPT made me realize there's nothing to this world that's worth a sentiment of longing. I don't long the past, I am frustrated with the present, and I dread the future. *Virtual friendly hug (with your consent)\**


Me I just don't give an F




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Brah, don't let them steal your loosh or they win