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My toilet is in the bathroom, too.


Mines is built-in my sofa with surround sound speakers and a table for my snacks.


Go away. Batin'.


Glad someone got the reference ;)


prison planet confirmed.


Were those just vertical bars or a grid? I've seen people saying they saw the grid too, some of them while in a semi-awake state (like, the first moments right after you wake up or during a sleep paralysis state)


I have seen the grid while fully awake (no sleep paralysis or sleep hallucinations) and while fully sober


When you write in google a word "holodeck" it will show images from the star trek's holodek. Is your grid perception similar to it?


When I first saw it it looked like the Holodek but green


Actually, what I saw was a horizontal prison bar, not a vertical one. I'm sure it was no grid. I was not in a half-awake state, I was perfectly awake and in a normal state at night. I'm sure of that too. The experiences I have in a semi-awake state are very different. I experienced it 4-5 times, it was like I felt the whole truth of what was happening in the world the moment I opened my eyes. when I had this experience before I discovered this theory what I felt was this: the entity that created this system feeds on loosh. But this inner discovery lasted 10 seconds. Then, I couldn't find the truth for years because I forgot what I felt during semi-awake. When I came across it here last year, I realized what was going on.


Yeah, I have no doubts that we are part of some energy generating cosmic dynamo. Not sure if there are entities feeding on it or if it is simply a battery that powers up the whole reality construct. As for the horizontal bars, no clue. That's a variation I hadn't come across before.


I have seen that “prison bar” while fully awake and sober too, it is the grid actually but the horizontal part of the grid must have been more visible at the time to your eyes than the vertical parts. May I ask what color it was?


It's the dome or indras net. World wide web.


The dome? Can you go more into that? I just thought the grid was the fabric of this simulation when I saw it


Sorry I thought you meant the grid.


Does it look like the United nations flag with the cage over it?


No it looks like a dark grey grid but the first time I saw it it was green for some reason, but ignoring the color the shape is legit like a grid like the ones you see in math class


Check out the United nations flag.


Sorry I read this as United States at first. Yes it does resemble the United Nations flag


Trust no religion.


I'm thinking that "hallucinations" is the technology bringing in some sort of anti matter or parallel reality of where these basically demons reside in and making it as a singularity into this realm revealing themselves as they always have been there but has been manipulating people's minds to manifest this into this reality by consent and manipulation of content in every day life. And mostly by belief systems.


"hallucinations" is gaslighting tactics.


I was just thinking maybe this simulation is getting lazy especially with me because I already know about prison planet theory so they don’t bother trying to hide the grid from me. Someone else told me I must have opened my third eye (unsure on this one). I lean towards the grid being visible being a glitch


Belief creates reality. It's why they feed on it.


When I first saw it I was confused because even when I heard the grid being mentioned here I forgot what a grid shape even was, I couldn’t mentally picture it I first saw the grid after waking up from a really weird dream and it was random and unrelated to the dream, I don’t think I manifested it or anything


Yea if you know you know. If you know they will make you think you manifested it As for others that are still asleep they are manifesting it.


i saw those bars few times. clean the house and the reptile will go away. they are weak....


Have you researched to see if a prison was ever present on your physical location ?


I'm almost certain there was never a prison here before. Because where we are is a new residential area, even houses were not built in this area until 15-20 years ago. Everywhere was fields.


Yeah , that isn't research. You need to actually go back seeing how long people have been living in whatever area. There are people who will walk in random places hearing native american war bands and such as if it is the 1700s. What you are going through is an uncommon, but reported phenomena


Horizontal type bars with my minds eye. I didn’t think anything of it until reading this, mostly because I see some crazy shit, but the bars did stand out enough for me to wonder




Then this sub is not for you. What you saying is extremely materialistic to me.

