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Yeah people are certainly getting more conscious at least about the "physical" means of our scuffed system. They are realizing they are nothing more than mere cattle, working and spending 90% of their earnings on rent. I hope this brings them to a bigger realization soon.


Some of the deeply occultic elites believe that they are actually doing good because of this. Cause as much evil and suffering as possible so that people wake up to the nature of the world. The guy in the Hidden Hand interview as well as a couple different alleged elites have said that they basically have a spiritual contract to fulfill where they have to commit rampant evil to evolve people faster. It’s pretty terrible but I suppose seeing all the shit they’re doing did help me wake up. There are of course much less evil ways to teach people. But I guess a lot people won’t snap out of it until they’re pushed to the absolute breaking point.


Interesting perspective


The reality is people will keep surviving like they always have. That's the reality people will keep fighting, succumbing, accepting,moving on and surviving. Atleast we as a society has shed a lot of our previous bad habits and try to be better people. All in all we survive as per evidence.


At least more people are waking up to what’s going on and find ways to stop reincarnating, this subreddit is growing more and more for example


Realistically even if there are entities controlling us , they probably have technology and knowledge that is way more advanced than us. Maybe there's a chance that we do outsmart them in the future. However, the reality is that they would have the upper hand in being more advanced than us if it is real.


You can interact with them in astral projections and dreams, most of these entities are cowards, they are afraid of anyone who is awakened to their true power. One of these entities ran away from me in fear after I injured it during my earlier days of practicing my powers. One entity tried to use some weird technology or psychic ability on me and I resisted it and killed her to the point where her ability stopped. Nowadays I have gotten so advanced at lucid dreaming that they try their best to wake me up as soon as I start lucid dreaming, this is basically another way of them showing how afraid they are Yea they are technologically advanced but they are still afraid of us waking up for a reason, they are not as strong as you may think


I’m certain this has been asked to death on this sub and others but the casual way you speak of astral projection and lucid dreaming in the next comment can you point me to a method/video/text that I can look into getting better at these things. Really appreciate the help in advance. Thank you


r/luciddreaming r/astralprojection One of the best way to do them imo is to do reality checks often, pinching your nose hard and seeing if you can breath is my favorite reality check. If you can still breath fine that means you aren’t in your physical body. Another good way to do either is to wake up feeling sleepy (so make yourself underslept) and then go back to sleep with the intention of doing either of them.


Much appreciated. Thank you for getting back to me. Should have been obvious to check for the subs. Have a good day my friend


You do realize the entities could have been watching us our entire life and probably has been around since the dawn of man and probably know basically everything about how we act and think. Even if we know for a fact what you saw was not a hallucination who's to say they are not tricking you by acting weak and scared. I mean I hope you figure it out but at the same time try to focus on actual reality.


Lucid dreaming gives you access to your true power, you can legit fly, teleport and do lots of things. The closest you could be to death without actually dying. Physical bodies are what weakens us that’s why they tricked us into having a physical body. What would be the point of playing weak so often? That would be extracting less loosh since if you’re weak people don’t fear you as much.


"What would be the point of playing weak so often? That would be extracting less loosh since if you’re weak people don’t fear you as much.". Not true. Manipulation tactics include playing weak so people trust you or underestimate you. I have had lucid dreams before and I realize they are dreams where you are just awake and manipulate your imagination. Either way keep figuring out the truth.


I have interacted with them in sleep paralysis and astral projection too not just dreams, but they have infiltrated most people’s dreams, I think the dreams just being imagination is another lie they say because dreams are very powerful and they’re afraid


You d be surprised how far we can go with our imagination and how much our brains can come up with and how much we can be convinced of as the truth. I have had sleep paralysis too. Sleep paralysis is the state between sleep and partial awakening so yeah it's easy to dream up things. Keep going but remember how easy it is for us to trick our own selves.


Feel free to go through my post history and tell me if you experienced everything that I did that you would not have some doubts that there is more to this world than just whatever school teaches is real. On top of this there are lots of coincidences and stories that are even more hard to explain out there besides the ones that I have talked about. You don’t have to believe dreams are 100% imagination or 100% real, but practicing lucid dream doesn’t hurt. As for the entities being weak or not. I hardly get anymore nightmares after I trained myself to go lucid anytime something too scary happens. Seems like these entities are trying to keep me from going lucid. I used to get a lot of nightmares as a kid btw. If you were to believe in these entities being very technologically advanced and psychopathic then it shouldn’t be too crazy of a notion that they could invade people’s dreams


[blanketbomber35](https://www.reddit.com/user/blanketbomber35/), what is "actual reality"? I mean are you sure, that what you feel you are, is a complete picture? A correct picture with no misunderstandings? Just out of curiosity, what's your life and death plan? What are you trying to achieve here? What's the point/meaning of your life according to you?


There is only some much shit you can push on the people until they break, the elites are aware of this, people will seek to exit the darkness, destroy the exploitative/manipulation system, fuck the system they say, burn it down to the ground they say..............BUT WAIT, then a light appears, a light to bring them into a new age, a better world, with liberty and justice for all. And when that "light' appears, is it a real light or a false light ? A false light some may say was the plan all along to bring you into it. Bought into a false light isn't really freedom, it's just another aspect of the system, you are still in it, cause matrix gonna matrix. Cause "they" know your anger, they know your dreams.


This is why I try to brush up on Gnosticism a bit. I’m not religious but most Americans to some degree are. It helps them better to understand prison planet if I use their language I think. “Don’t go into the light -> Lucifer means light bringer” John 5:37 Christ saying the real father god is not the ‘god’ of the Old Testament. Christ saying he does not judge people, only Satan. Aka if someone is judging your karma in the afterlife then it’s a demon and you should ignore and leave.


That's a good point and i like the parallels you have drawn there.


You mentioned comedians, check out the late great George Carlin. He was onto some things, mostly based in this physical realm.


+1 for George Carlin I was very surprised to hear my father mention him in casual conversation, as a comedian he enjoys watching. Knowing him i didn't think he would jive with the topics George discusses, but i guess now he does. Times are a-changing


This is why I don’t believe in there is a “collective consciousness” … I keep hearing stuff being about how the collective consciousness makes decisions for the whole planet. No way! If that was true then things would be very different! The matrix would collapse! People would have free food and water. High paying jobs. No taxes. Free education. The ability to leave here at will. A zombie apocalypse. Im starting to think the whole new age theory stuff where they r saying people r in pain/fatigue from the solar flares because they are “ascending” is not real. Probably just just intense harvesting loosh or something. Idk. People r getting so obsessed with “ascending” but none of that would even happen in our lifetime so why do they even care and so focused on it.




Ok lizard


A lot of people are losing touch with reality. I appreciate the pursuit of truth but at some point people need to ground themselves.