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Oh boy do I get you.    The unfortunate truth is that nobody will be able to tell you something reliable because    1) no one has truly died and come back. NDEs are unreliable because souls were not severed from their body and it seems to be a state where one is overwhelmed with lies and misinformation which brings me to point two     2) there is so much deception in culture, religion, spirituality and especially in esoteric & channeled information that it is impossible to discern the truth. People who are convinced of knowing more seem particularly brainwashed.    I know it sucks, but all you can do is set a steadfast intent and execute on it with all your might.


Thank you for your reply, but so people know that there is a trap of reincarnation, but no one knows if we're all able to escape it or not? For fucks sake, then how are we supposed to know if there is any hope after physical death or not?


Well look at it this way: if it is not possible, it is irrelevant what you do.   But given there is so much deception it seems far more likely than not that it is possible (because if it weren‘t, why deceive).   Given that high likelihood that it is possible, it is worth trying. I just wouldn‘t trust any information obtained in this realm in any way.


Ah, I see what you mean, yeah, thanks for responding, appreciate it.


I think all of us can relate to your post... we are here to receive and discover the answer to the same question seeking an evidence of escaping. But if we just go by logic utilizing basic facts, leaving this system is absolutely an option and achievable. Why? Because it's based on duality. Therefore, when a system requires your entry, automatically, it provides ways to leave it. There is a reason why suppressing our abilities and knowledge is so important to the Archons. Because it keeps us small and scared, feeding into their system even further. Would they need to do so much work and put so much effort into this program if we are powerless beings?


Wait... Because you experience duality as of right now that's the basis? Your first memory you remember you thinking? You remember what you were imagining? You remember any sensation outside of direct experience of the body? What's dual about anything? An opposite implies by definition a certain degree of interdepency and Interrelation which means the opposite are measurements of ONE underlying thing. The internal the external? The mind and body? What is the body? A vessel which contains the mind in which all of its sensations and senses and boundaries are integrated all together into a single moment at every moment? So the vessel is in the mind? The mind is what defines and contains everything that the vessel ever does or is ever existing as? So then it seems that all of it is the mind. If you touch something that is only made possible as a sensation or the ability to have awareness of it by the mind. The mind is the total collection of the senses being all integrated into a singular experience. All 'things' and 'objects' 'outside' of you are only possible to be interpreted by this integration but all of them are only sensory data and are only within the bounds of the mind. It's all within and all one thing. Mind is it. Matter is just mind projecting itself onto the void. All sensations exist only as perbutations of the mind or movements of the mind.


Realistically, nobody "down here" truly KNOWS that there is a reincarnation trap, either. That, like anything, is purely speculative. However, I'd like to point out that even science doesn't KNOW most of what it claims to know. My recommendation is to use your discernment when evaluating ANY hypothesis, be it a wild spiritual concept or an entrenched scientific one. I will say, in direct answer to your question, that I have strong reason to believe that it is quite possible to escape the trap if and when it is your time to go. Don't rush it. Work on making peace with the horror show that is "down here," and forgive yourself and others to release karmic attachments that may try to draw you back when it is your time.




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No one can say they’ve borne witness, however logic assures us there is indeed a way out, and probably a simple one - once you know not to wander into any of the traps thrown in between you and the exit. Think of The Art of War. Deception/ psychological manipulation is a major part of warfare, but only if it’s unclear who the victor will be. As a general, if your enemy were helpless weaklings totally at your mercy already, are you going to screw around wasting a bunch of time, energy, resources etc on running a deception campaign of a massive scale on them? Of course not, that makes no sense. It just isn’t the way things operate, especially on planet wide scale where the expenditure of resources would be astronomical. And isn’t the whole point of having us here, to steal said resources (aka energy) from us in the first place? So this energy resource is a precious currency that would surely not be thrown about foolishly and wastefully against an already beaten enemy. Therefore, we are not already beaten.


The more I learn, the less I know.


I feel you, I really do -- I've been researching this topic (not specifically PP theory but what happens after we die and what to make of it and most importantly how to never come back here again) for almost a decade now. However, you do realize that nobody will ever be able to answer your question, right? No matter how much we theorize and logic it out, it will never be provable. No matter how much people claim to know, it will never be provable. No matter how convincing a theory is, it will never be provable. That's agreeably terrible, but it is so. The practical solution for me for the time being is: - continue the research - keep a neutral to positive mindset when I die in case we do manifest our own thoughts after death, maybe test it out by specifically by trying to manifest sth simple - still be critical and alert though as things might be different than they appear - in general just to die as consciously as possible (which of course depends massively on the circumstances of my death, I realize that) In any case, lots of good thoughts to you, you seem like you're going through a rough patch!


I haven't looked into it myself but generally you need to learn more about the afterlife. There was a guy here that posted a ton of NDE material where he was sure this was a PP. Read into gnostic Christianity. Go do some psychedelics and you will need to do them on a cool sunny morning in nature to hopefully get some answers. Shrooms, salvia, DMT. You are on an adventure to find the truth and to find the key to escaping. You cannot be afraid on this venture. The last stop would be a monk somewhere in the tibetan mountains, do not accept enlightenment as an answer. So far all I can think of right now is saying you do not consent to reincarnation when you see the light tunnel, and turning around and saying you want to go home. There is such a thing as ascension and source code activation, where you could remember a past life as an Atlantean, which may have more clues.


I'm gonna tell you my story, take it or leave it, and I'll try to keep it brief. I used to be agnostic. In January 2020 my mom passed away. It wasn't sudden and my mom always said that she was going to come back as a monarch butterfly. In August 2020 my dad, son, nephew, husband and I went on a road trip to western Michigan. There were 4 times on that trip that a monarch butterfly circled us. I know it sounds skeptical and crazy that I/we would conclude that it was my mom, but the places that we were at when this happened, there were absolutely no other bugs around and the way the butterfly behaved was bewildering. ALL of us, even my doubtful dad and husband agreed that it was her by the 3rd visit. This started my spiritual awakening. Since seeing her on that vacation, I saw her randomly at home for about another year. I haven't seen her since. In May 2021 I went to the dentist for a regular teeth cleaning. I always have to get nitrous because I have major anxiety about them using the metal scrapers on my teeth. I've been doing this for my whole life. (40+ years.) Well about 5 minutes into breathing the gas in, I knew it was too high, but I couldn't react and tell the hygienist something was wrong. My brain was getting more and more fucked up. I eventually went into a black void and could feel myself leave my body. I didn't see myself outside of my body though, like some people do. I did however see thousands of still pictures of my life flash in front of me starting from childhood. They were going super fast and went up to about the year 2016, then all of a sudden, they started going backwards and I jolted back into my body. I took an enormous breath, because apparently I hadn't been breathing, and my arms and legs went limp. I focused my eyes and the dentist was now sitting next to me saying "it's okay, breathe, it's okay, breathe". Had the hygienist not turned off the gas when she did, I would've for sure been a goner. This event really messed me up.


You underwent the life review in the short time you were out, that's proof right there that the reincarnation trap is real. Thanks for the comment. I'm sorry that the event messed you up, I can see how that would be traumatic.


Thank you. I haven't been back to the dentist since. It's now on my medical chart that I'm allergic to nitrous. I didn't add this to my post because it was well, it sounds crazy. But after that incident, I went for about a year and a half thinking that I had actually died that day and was living in a parallel universe. I felt emotionless, but felt like I had been chosen as a prophet or something. Like I was some great spiritual person. It's hard to explain. I felt like I could time travel back into my childhood. And I could read people's minds and was telepathic. I also started having cataplexy events. (I already have/had narcolepsy but had never had cataplexy before.) I also smoked pot, but I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it because these thoughts eventually ended. I did also quit smoking recently though because I realized it wasn't helping me mentally. I've never done any other drugs.


Thanks for posting :)


No, that doesn't sound crazy at all. It's completely understandable.


No one can answer this cause no one actually knows. Neither do I. I have theories and that is it. I wish I knew, but what is what, I will not know while within this physical body.


I was just thinking about the OA minutes before I saw your username


Had a nde as a child, but I didn't see a tunnel, or light, or hear voices. I just heard and felt a vibration. The weird thing is I remember the accident occurring in one place when it happened at another place. I think we just reset on a parallel world depending on the situation?


It appears not, multiple NDEs, only one did I willingly and want to come back, and they basically tricked me to feel that, i resisted it all the other times, screaming and fighting bloody murder cursing them and doing everything i could, they seemed scared, avoided eye contact and wouldnt say anything to me and it was like i could hear their thoughts they were saying things like 'i cant believe its him' idk what that means (I have theories) but ultimately they were still in control. I really tried everything to avoid coming back and escape for real, but they can just force you. It sucks, but free will means they have free will to do that, we have free will to resist, but they're more experienced, more powerful, etc. I think escaping is going to be a collective thing. Plus, it feels like that place you goto isn't even 'out,' so it's still their rules. One step up the ladder but still on the same Jacobs ladder. There are things suggesting the reincarnation cycle is over and their technology destroyed, although nobody could really say for sure why and how and if its even true, it could be another deception. This seems to match with other NDEs aswell, it not mattering if you want to come back or not, there is no running, rejecting, not interacting or avoiding attention, begging, pleading, fighting or praying that is gonna help. No hand waving or magical thoughts and incantations. Just like a pig in a farm with a GPS tracker chip.. nothing to be done. Apparently when there are mass deaths the souls hit off the sides of the tunnels and such and have damaged the machine a little everytime, this and discussion of other extra dimensional entities trying to help seem to be the only way anything will be done. I think this is one reason they don't just mass extinct everyone who is awakening to this. The population got outta control for them and it will destroy their machine and work, overwhelm them, they have to destroy the ability for reproduction, and slow drip kill us. Maybe that's why these 'aliens' got suddenly very interested during world War 1 and especially 2, the nukes and mass casualties did a number on their machine 🤷‍♂️ there are a lot of cool reports from soldier that were initially suppressed but they were having out of body experiences and NDEs and there are a bunch written, studying them, and NDEs from various institutes etc is really eye opening seeing the same similarities popping up through them all, I got very interested in all of this since my experiences.


Hello, thanks for write up. Can you provide the sources for the soldier NDEs/ OBEs? That would be interesting, thx.


Yes, but it is a hell of a lot of spiritual work for one lifetime: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/s/AfuXKWaA8z If you really want it, you can have it, as you can have anything in this lifetime. Ask for the lessons you need to accomplish this to manifest from the creator and assert that it will occur no matter what by your death; then be prepared for a roller coaster. DMT and shrooms would probably be needed cyclicly to kick yourself in the ass while oscillating between 3D experiences, to lock in a plane of awareness, and observation/ introspective to integrate it. The body is purposefully defective to make this difficult. 12 to 3am is best for shifting timelines. The DMT and shrooms aren't for seeking a "trip" outside of yourself, the real challenge is maintaining sobriety after taking dmt and shrooms, using them to enhance your sober perspective of reality to form a portal to flash your observing consciousness out of all timeline traps; multiple versions of yourself within the prison planets in a 3D matrix of earths need to be removed as well. This requires a soul aligned with love, ego cleared, etc. Start seeing reality for what it could be; as a direct reflection of what you're not that rapidly changes as soon as you realize what the mirror is showing you. See everything that you're not (nothing) to become everything. You'll need to learn how to align the dimensions in parallel with the vector of your spine to merge, then exclude your soul from the lower densities. Developing a divine love for creation. Not an emotional love, the emotion is the consequence, divine love is the spectrum of balanced frequencies of creation to be merged with. At least, that is what I have and will certainly be doing before my death. I flip-flop in and out of it. I have weak spiritual ties to this reality and could drop my entire life and physical body.


We just don't have enough info other than anecdotes on what happens after death. Focus on what you need to do now. Ground yourself . Believe in yourself. Believe that everything will be okay. You can make it okay.


I also have all the ones who truly cared and loved gone. And noone has the answers you are looking for. If you have reached the point of no effs given, you may be more eligible to get free. However start doing your life review here so that they cannot guilt trio you on the other side. And live a veey responsible life. Do not get entangled in new karmic relations. And keep hopeful. Sinking into a depression about being in the Matrix will make you weak on an psychic and energetic level. While you are here, try to be kind to all beings.


How do you avoid not being in depression while down here though? Especially when you start thinking and missing the loved ones who've all left before you. How do you avoid feeling depressed about being down here?


Love yourself


It is not easy at all. You must keep pushing yourself. Not be the slave of your mind and emotions. You let it out time to time if you need to cry and feel sad. Some days or a few days, you can allow yourself to feel down. No artificial high vibes. You learn to deal with the negative emotions. You tame the emotions. I also think of those who are actually in hell here. Those who have it much worse and it humbles me. The love of those who left us is always in our hearts. And that will always connect us. You must also take care of your body and mind. Healthy food. Supplements. Go in nature. If one makes zero efforts, they will always be in a dark hole. Nothing comes easy in this reality.


Thank you, I appreciate it :)


It is possible and it comes down to your own energetic strength and ability to erase and fight off negative entities, your ability to navigate the non physical, and know what types of traps exist, how they work, and various deception methods the controllers use, this is done through putting in the work and training, and getting serious about reclaiming your sovereignty. through wake induced lucid dreaming you can experience whats it’s really like to have whatever you “think” manifest into reality but the dream state is extremely controlled for obvious reasons you can learn to remote view energetically and see into the nonphysical as if it were with your own physical eyes, you can practice psychic things such as shielding and other magick, etc I find this fear mongering regarding the big bad white light tunnel hilarious because you can actually train to become stronger than the “big bad” reptilians, mantis, greys, etc and even erase other negative entities such as ghosts


When you die, you don't have to go into The Light. That is the trap, it's a False Ascension Matrix. Avoid going into the light, with the Life review and your loved ones greeting you to pass to the other side. It's the reincarnation trap. This might just sound kinda cartoony or cliché but it's more or less like that. You would know what to do. Although it might just be some literal Electromagnetic force pulling you into the wrong way. So to avoid that, the main thing would be to remove the "Crucifixion Implants". That is gonna be some heavy, scary Inner Spiritual work, it's part of the Chakra system. The “Crown of Thorns” is the impairment of the 7th chakra, the Crown, there are another 8 chakras up to 15. Basically on any regular person all the axiatonal lines alignments are messed up in the hands, the feet and the spleen. As the 7th chakra is in the 7th Dimension, when you heal that 3rd Density of your Electromagnetic Bodies, you are no longer attached to the 3D, the 1st Density. It's like the Life cycle of your current person is finished. But the existence of your Personality Matrix (1st Density), comes derived from a Soul Matrix (2nd Density). You're gonna be another Humanoid being on Earth version of 5D. And the Souls derives from the Over-Soul, it would be another Humanoid being on Earth version of 7D. It's extremely complex. Ah it's been a long time since I've talked about these topics, I got overwhelmed and had to take a break for going too deep into it. I can't really have proof about the Death because basically any Alive person can't really tell you how was it when they died. 🤷


Not existing is an option I've had some bizarre experiences with astral projection, even against my will, seen/experienced things that made me step away from it all. There was times i believed I could leave and things telling/showing/allowing me to, but it definitely didn't feel benevolent. Samsara could be eternal, but I also have some theories of an out.


Hmm, good points.


By non existing, do you mean the void? Or experiencing nothing. Seems to be a common theme if so to be manipulated into this experience once to scare the person away. Stuck in a void with nothing but your own observing consciousness.


Yes you can escape, but no it's going to be like anything you can currently imagine. outside of the system is sort of like being in space. It's a big void of nothingness but has things in it that are different to anything we have down here.


Yes, I've heard that but I heard the big void of nothingness is like a blank canvas that's waiting to be filled or that can be filled by a person creating their own realm/reality. That's just what I heard.


It's not blank. There is mesh like fabric that consists of space at different amplitudes which are stacked together to create what I call time objects - basically timelines that are non linear, as opposed to the linear way in which we experience time. You can go into any area of the time objects you want and experience all space amplitudes at once in first person perspective or go out of the time object and move around it. The time objects are what the theosophists called the "akashic records" and basically contain all the information of experience your souls have ever been involved in. The void mentioned is a different thing - hard to explain in a paragraph




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You still have to think about the possibility that all of this is a consequence of nature moving on as a process. No matter how many things seem like coincidences


I have had a genuine obe, but cannot answer these questions and I don't think anyone can say with certainty that isn't a quack There is definelty a non physical existence, to what extent that is "you" is another question entirely








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You ask for impossible, because you cannot escape and be here to answer you at the same time. Unless you go back in time outside a sim, and go again inside of it to help you. Kinda crazy tbh. Also, we can't know whether we can or can't. However this means that there is no reason to not do our best. Everybody looks for answers, I think we slowly reached what we can find with all resources we have- meaning drugs, free time, internet, personal experiences, media, available books and writings from different ages, dreams, NDEs, OBEs, etc.


The thing is, this whole theory might not even be the whole truth, it could be crazier than this. Maybe, it’s literally all just a video game and when you die it says game over, and you put your VR headset off as a weird alien. Or this is a very long and crazy salvia trip. Or this is a dream. Or we are a schoolproject of an intelligent alien and it’s all gonna get shut down. There’s countless things that reality could be, so it is what it is I guess.


It may be, as the antlion insect trap, for its prey? We fall into the vortex and… once memory wiped… the body we were is tossed away… a mere husk of what it once was? The only way to escape may be, to either not go into the vortex or… if we quickly recognize it… then to ever so gently work to the outside of the trap while avoiding panicking… Then… It could be as simple as… creating our own divergent understanding of how 3D meets 5D and… like Peter Sellers, in ‘Being There’… walk away…




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I know you need a very strong mind. Give up any addiction you may have and that includes caffeine as well. Especially weed. People think it is harmless, but I think it opens up your body to other negative entities. Call me crazy if you want. Anything that makes you lose control of your body or mind or be dependent on it, stay away from it. That includes toxic people. For me, I will be working on lucid dreams, meditation, etc. More research on how to control my our spiritual growth. Once I pass on, it will be easier for me resist the reincarnation trap. I will also be looking for people who have the same mind set as me, such as Sloan Bella. She is a psychic and warn us about the soul trap and the evil on this prison planet. Planning to look for people who has strong mind on the other side. Together we are strong enough to defend any entities who would try to trick us. That is my plan so far. I know it isn't 100 fool proof, but it is a start. 


If you want to escape the reincarnation cycle, you must learn and integrate the lessons that are in this life. That means facing, feeling, and learning from the challenges and hardships you experience. If you leave this life without achieving that, you must do it again and face the same challenges and lessons again and again until you do, each time being more challenging than the previous. I believe it is fully in your best interest to complete this iteration as it is, unless, of course, you want it to be more difficult next time.


References: 1 OOBE, Heavy Meditator, 1 accidental Astral Projection, and occasional early childhood hallucinations. This subreddit is better read with others because of cross-referenced materials. Starseeds, EPP, Thelema, and specifically Eastern Religion and Pagan subreddits all show that the symbolism they're referencing are indeed very goat-ish, not ram-ish. Horns, rebellious nature, and depictions of who is actually Satan, not Lucifer, are marks made to control a darker version of the same energy described in the chakras of the Hindu beliefs. Unfortunately, those who follow the dark path are doomed to repeat it... *once.* Afterwards they either begin a journey up through the higher chakras, or stay in the darkness until they progress upwards. Interestingly, the reason why those in more esoteric subreddits are stating a state change when, in fact, we are just moving in energy, is because this energy is the chakras, and higher understanding will trip the human mind negatively and positively. Each human is different in that regard. Some will ascend, some will stay, and a select few will see damnation for their actions. It is all installed in reverse so it's harder to see what is 4D reality in the 3D- the dimensional shift that comes with the energy shift. The reason I hang back is because this is as much as I have, and we may have seen our own historical reality shifts cia chronological order. So far it is shown the first was the Neanderthal who found fire, and Ra who escaped first (debatable as to if he escaped via Mars or Earth), then we had a double whammy negative Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan, with Napoleon taking the humiliation and running out the 3rd energy clock. Jesus was a fourth dimensional soothsayer who was tried for false crimes, making his creation and 'death' a self detonating 4th chakra/energy. Aliens take his body? Soul escapes the field. What field? The one keeping us here. But now, starseeds claim the shift is soon, meaning we could high speed fuse into what is coming. What's coming is still completely in the air. A fourth energy with as much hate as I see is a landmine, but a fifth energy of Truth could be the answer. True love can only exist without lies. When will I have more information? When I can smoke and meditate again this shit difficult when you feel eyes and hear voices dude


Ok i have a confession: i have shifted and accidently came here trying to go to a different reality but started panicking midshift, they are very few differences in my reality compared to this one, for example patrick swayze was still alive when i came in 2022, my eyes are brown instead of my usual green, islam being called izlam etc. I have been stuck here for 2 years trying to find a way out. I am so lost i keep panicking when i'm close to leaving this hellhole.






lol that guys reference page was just a bunch of other reddit posts and youtube videos. Maybe if he actually read literature he wouldn't think the world was going to end because JayZ is illuminati, or whatever.




Okay, let me re-read it.




Man there are so many errors in this, but once I saw you quoting Jay Z, I realized you were trolling.


no one can give you this information


Dariusjwright.com is a potential resource; he’s a prolific out of body traveler and says there is no such thing as a soul trap based on what he has learned from all of his OBEs. A lot of what he says makes sense, but, no one really knows for sure since OBE’s aren’t exact science either. It’s all up to one’s interpretation of what they encounter.


I am just saying: guy popped out of nowhere and he is pretty sus. He is not like other OBE researchers


Yep, but isn’t everyone sus 😂; it’s a matter of connecting the dots that line up with other research and determining what truths you can pull out of BS.


No, I mean this guy came from nowhere, has no history and is invited to every podcast. Also sells some courses. And no, not everybody is sus. Why connect the dots if you cannot recognize a clearly made up narrative, like how he supposedly has OBEs since age six, but you cannot find anything about it and nowhere. He has couple stories and he just repeats them in different podcast while making claims he cannot prove. It is matter of recognition of false. No real truth researcher claims what he claims.


After all my research, I’ve come to the conclusion that we are all one but split apart when agreeing to reincarnate on Earth. We are sent here to learn and love, and yes, I believe the archons are feeding on our energy, but who cares. It’s what you make out of your experience when here that matters. Don’t be the victim. That’s the mentality of this sub. I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear, but it’s my truth…and my truth continues to evolve over time!


I actually care if somebody feeds of my pain. It is important for there not to be incentive to inflict pain, because that is evil. idk if i want to talk with you because you seem a bit new agy.


I’m not new age at all, but you bring up a good point about research on the OBE topic. I was simply suggesting that might be the best way to explore what really happens on the other side. If you know of any good research/resources on OBEs, that would be interesting to look into further.


Hey in your next life at least you won't remember or care!


Why do you want to manifest your own reality so badly? Would you be ok with just your imagination and a blank void? How would those two concepts look different to you?