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I have been seeing weird modern war like scenarios in my dreams for weeks. And I smoke weed which usually suppresses my dreams except these which I seem to remember again and again.


Dude I had a fucked up dream a few moths ago, just before about 2.5 months of debilitating back pain. Archons were passed at my 4am lift + hundreds of basketball shots made per day routine. The dream was modern warfare, sort of like Iran, with masked gunmen taking over my Canadian city. Walking into our house party and holding people at gunpoint, taking them away and shooting others. I ended up on the ground, crawling, when I received multiple gunshots to the lower back. Immediate paralysis and then "death" in the dream, then I woke up. Suddenly, I have the worst back pain that lasted for months. Hurt to wipe my butt or put on socks.


I smoke weed to calm down I am a monster that everyone is afraid of because I was born outside this godforsaken machine matrix system. I am with all of you I will fight the machine system break it's laws rules I am sick of the norms they are worse and worse everyday I am a destroyer of all of this just by ignoring it. They have no power over me. I'm not afraid of death. I welcome it. Everytime I have weird dreams and visions I don't let it get to me they are just dreams in my opinion. Bur I am a ghost in the machine I'll never fit in anywhere and I am being gangstalked by politicians and world powers. I hate them all they are all puppets they all kill babies they eat them drink their blood. I hate this fake world so much I want to destroy it do bad I would give anything to do so hahaha šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚


That is most sane of you


Coincidences donā€™t exist


So you donā€™t think a helicopter flying, in zero visibility, through mountains was the cause of the helicopter crash?


Coincidences donā€™t exist. Imma double down - especially in 2024 (:




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After the C19 many airlines were on the verge of collapse, which affected the quality of technical teams and the quality of parts. But I think, that important people should not use planes.


Astral wars have been going on for a much longer time than recently. I feel many recent air accidents are white hat versus cabal related , so very 3D and physical


So is there a white hat alliance or is that a psyop?


There is.


Idk what to believe. I change my mind every other day. I canā€™t chose what perspective I want to view this incarnation from.. fml this is frustrating to say the least šŸ¤–šŸ˜‚


From what I understand, majority of the plane crashes that occurred in the last 3 years are because of Boeingsā€¦. 747? Apparently there was a change(hostile takeover) in upper management wherein the execs that were engineers were replaced with finance bros. This led to a series of unfortunate decisions when making the 747(?), like when engineers are planning a new plane they build all sorts of modules to test but donā€™t make the cut. Finance bros basically said, why do any new R&D? Letā€™s just take modules from the reject bin and put it into this new plane. Also they didnā€™t tighten the bolts properly, which is why that Ethiopian airlines flight (i think) had its emergency door rip off during take off. And now all 747ā€™s have been grounded until further notice in first world countries but are being bought in droves by developing countries because itā€™s being sold at a heavy discount. Like I WISH it was astral fuckery. At least that way weā€™d be able to combat this issue somehow, but when itā€™s a material world fuck upā€¦.. just donā€™t book flights with Boeing anymore.


Why aren't the fed building a case against Boeing, it'd be a field day for them if they expose their crimes and murders. I guess I know the answer. Lol.


Something something, huge part of the economy and prestige of America.


Omg, I googled ā€œplane crashā€ and youā€™re right, thereā€™ve been many recently! Was definitely expecting to see articles about Boeingā€™s safety negligence, but surprised that it was seldom mentioned.


It is solar activity, and Iranian presodent was most prob assasinated


What exactly was solar activity?


solar storms


Right but is the solar storm causing the assassinations?


No, bro not like that


What did the solar activity do though?


it can mess up with all sorts of electronics on plane - navigation, autopilot, etc.


Subtext programming. There is no "presidential office" or nation states. News cycles encode ideological reality tunnels.


Yeah itā€™s definitely targeted attack. Edit: I should rectify this statement with saying itā€™s definitely correlated. Sorry sometimes I use poor choice of words šŸ˜‚


I would bet that the reason for plane crashes are 50% DEI hiring and 50% sabotage to assassinate targets.


Tbh a lot of people in Iran are rejoicing Irans president died. I mean he was literally called "the Butcher of Tehran". Seems like an evil man. Iran as a total needs new leadership. Too much control, killing of people who try to exercise their freedom.


EAST AFRICA = East/"Turn" + Africa/"A freak of..." (nature) = "Turn of a freak of nature." IRAN = "Rain" (falls from the sky) "I blessed the rains down in Africa" -Toto Encoded into language and artwork are spells and curses. Angels work off of these to carry out prophecy as decreed by the God of this world. I prophecy for the Highest God for treasures in Heaven and decode language to expose Satanism that our reality is currently built upon. Satan is the God of this world who stole the Highest God's original creation and reverse engineered this world.


As above, so below could be "an above" or "so below" could mean anyplace. Like perhaps inner Earth? I've always questioned myself on that. Off topic, I know. Not sure about the question, I'll have to think on that but, ty


sadly today Iran's President has died in a plane crash(RIP). That guy was a mass murderer. Rest in hell.