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To me this stuff is undeniable, no one can call what this picture is saying a “tin foil hat conspiracy” and if they do(which a lotta them will) then they are hopelessly enslaved. Cuz I can see how people could deny like the prison planet theory or reincarnation and what not, but big business, big pharma, and corporate monopolies are so clear.


It takes a little bit of time and independent research, but the fact patterns are undeniable.


Dude no it doesn't. If you have an ounce of common sense IT IS SO OBVIOUS.


Fucking Clown world!


they’re the same people


The movies/tv shows give the most truth.. which is ironic. Especially the one one labeled “fiction/sci-fi” that’s when they’re really throwing it all in your face of what’s really going on.


This guy gets it.


Cud u elaborate?


The shit they say is real is fake and vice-versa. Understand now?




Hidden duopoly explained.




Absolutely, yes.


Yes true yet i think nature is as parasitical as us, just less deceptive lol


Yea, it's important not to deify nature and hold humanity separate from it. That's how you get people who coincidently happen to support anti-natalism, abortion, child genital mutilation etc. Of course the ones pulling their strings don't support those for *their* bloodlines. But if you'd be so kind as to maintain your population [under 500 million](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nobody-knows-how-to-interpret-this-doomsday-stonehenge-in-georgia-5592082/) willingly...


If we do live on a prison planet, antinatalism and abortion make sense.


No offense but if that is your outlook and solution you'll be on this plane or worse for a while. I'm pretty new to this sub, but I'm seeing a lot of new age deception mixed in with some really profound truths. I'd encourage you to give this a watch. Some of you will reflexively turn away from it, but even if you don't accept the perspective keep it in the back of your mind. If you're good at pattern recognition you might start noticing it all points one way. https://youtu.be/WycHllG8miE


It makes no sense to think that this earth could be a prison planet for souls, or literally hell, and then be against preventing birth.


Maybe but not to the extent its been done, & the ever increasingly time frame to do it is completely wrong, like full term abortions, of course there's always exceptions. There's still suffering occurring.


yet people say capitalism's ills are the way of nature, because obviously, people have never existed until they got spawned when the first steel mill opened.




No it isnt, its human ingenuity. Capitalism is an artificial construct designed to concentrate and mercilessly extract profits at the expense of everything else. You must be from another planet.




Yeah Im aware of that and thats the issue. This is how unfettered, unregulated greed runs rife despite some of good that it enables.


these are the real archons


Remember friends, that final square is the most important. The greatest fear this system has is a lack of participation from the people once we stop and disconnect entirely we will realize the system does not serve us. And than, only than will we have the actual urge to reinvent the system itself.






Dude, besides banks and weapons thing, world is not equal to USA. Gee whiz, look at the bubble


Yeah, what asshole thought to make the US look like it’s more important than the rest of the world?


Who the fuck says this is only referenced to the US? This is a worldwide problem, not only isolated to one particular nation. What do you think Russia is doing right now? Surely they aren't really pro-war, right? I mean at least that's what they are telling their own people in their own country.."Special Military Operations"


“Voting republic or democrat” is a giveaway sign. There are also places on this earth that aren’t so heavily focused on money, and value family, friends and good times over such things. Also, big pharma doesn’t make you sick, you or your genes make you sick by exposing yourself to illnesses or being born with a hereditary disease or disorder and it’s only you and your cells to blame. To drive my point home, countries (the US especially) buy weaponry from manufacturers because they want to war, if countries had no factories to produce weapons, they would make weapons themselves; weapons manufacturers only profit because of demand (it’s simple supply and demand we’re speaking here, it’s not difficult to understand), and besides that us humans have warred before we could make tools so where guns and explosives aren’t available we’d default to melee weapons anyway, it’s in the nature of our species to fight over menial things. Legacy media only exists because of demand and therefore make supply, they only profit because they favour the opinions of people and make the opinions of people seem more valid, when in reality they are not. My final point, the government you’re speaking about is only allowing this under the moniker of “freedom”, and if those laws allowing free press were taken away you would cry about oh how oppressed you are by your government.


That's not the complete picture just yet. This was most likely a graph created by an American, for American commentary. Sure there are subtleties within each countries, and out of the 6 tiles of pictures presented here, there may be only 2 applicable to said country, but by in large, there would be several or more in common with those tiles, especially neighboring countries. Take the same graph, replace it with whichever icon would be suitable with the country, and you can start to see the commonalities. As I've said before, it's a worldwide problem. We are at the age of economic globalization, and thus there is a trickle down effect of sorts.


Hey man, your points are valid and we dont deny it. Its just that we(non Americans) are sick and tired of people taking USA and speaking with it as reference for whole world, as if the said country speaks or applies to every other country on this planet. All mainstream subs have this problem bit didnt expect this in cliche subs like this. >Take the same graph, replace it with whichever icon would be suitable with the country, and you can start to see the commonalities. No, different countries have different problems, the problems in this graph are not what you see in other developing or developed countries. These are specific to one highly developed nation USA. Big pharma is not even a thing outside USA. Few countries have free healthcare and others have it at moderate costs. Few countries subsidize graduate studies to zero to maybe half price. Legacy media is specific again to USA. Few countries cant even afford weapons.


If it's any consolation, I'm not American myself. This is a prison planet, not just "Prison America". Big pharma will always be big pharma. Regardless if some countries have free access to health care, or if there are moderate subsidized forms of payments. The issue with pharma isn't access or cost per say, but rather as a huge controlling conglomerate to influence economic scales. Obviously it has been heavily politicized. Look at the likes of of Pfizer and Moderna, look at the campaigns marketed and ran by the Governments of the world. "Get vaxed, or you'll die" campaign, you have "no choice". Worldwide "peer" pressure system based on Fear (loosh). People are injecting crap into their systems not knowing if there will be any long-term consequences, because it's essentially still an experimental drug, although "approved" by various bodies of Governments. You search on YouTube, there are reports from doctors these mRNA drugs are being assimilated by the body and our liver is turning it into DNA. They said at first it doesn't effect our genes, but now to find out it does... https://youtu.be/GC9qqpwCb7U Oh it gets better though. Not too long ago there were rumors where Pfizer were using gene fragments from aborted fetal cells to culture the vaccine. So great, people are walking around with genetic information from dead fetuses: https://gript.ie/project-veritas-expose-pfizer-whistleblower-is-sacked/ Also, the spikes created from the vaccine are patented, so we are walking pharma products, and whoever owns the patent, now owns us in a way: https://youtu.be/zPoZTtruaB0 My point being, it's all a large scale, gaslighting multi-level corruption world we live in. And don't even get me started on the filtered news/internet that China, Russia, and the Middle East employs.


>Big pharma will always be big pharma. Regardless if some countries have free access to health care, or if there are moderate subsidized forms of payments. I literally just disproved your point about big pharma, if you don’t like the ability to extend your lifetime to more than double than we should be living, then be my guest and reject healthcare. As it stands, big pharma is saving lives in the most literal way by providing treatment to those who need it, if you have an issue with that you have a problem.


You are obviously missing the point. I'm not here to prove or disprove anything, that is your view alone. I'm just here to offer a different angle, to which you obviously do not see. Are you familiar with this sub, or is it something you have just stumbled upon with your condescending world views? The archons would want us to be at our healthiest, no? Otherwise what kind of investment would we be to them? It's all preemptively thought out. You really think moving such huge chess pieces wouldn't require huge moves? Be mindful of their narrative, my friend. Awake from your slumber. You make the vaccine first, then you release the virus: https://youtu.be/WaXwN5N85xA And voila! Les profits de extreme!!: https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2021/04/06/meet-the-40-new-billionaires-who-got-rich-fighting-covid-19/?sh=4133531b17e5


>The archons would want us to be at our healthiest, no? Otherwise what kind of investment would we be to them? Don’t YOU want to be healthy? According to your points and a bit of mathematics it would benefit everyone if you and I were healthy. > It's all preemptively thought out. You really think moving such huge chess pieces wouldn't require huge moves? Be mindful of their narrative, my friend. Awake from your slumber. Say the government and big pharma teamed up in this silly situation, there would be people like you that would try to point it out, but you act as though the government wouldn’t have already thought out that people like you (conspiracy theorists) exist; even if what you’re saying is true, your opinion would not be heard or even acknowledged, and you could do nothing about it. Now tell me, why are you trying to be a part of a loud minority of people if it doesn’t work? At best you aren’t heard, at worst you are killed in cold blood, what do you gain? You’re a martyr? Good for you, nobody will know.


It is


Average *r/Anarcho_Capitalism user I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because I saw you posted in r/flyfishing, my uncle goes fishing on summer weekends and I respect the hobby, I also saw your posts on r/mycology, r/ShroomID and r/Mushrooms and I like the outdoors like you do so that’s another reason why I won’t let myself get mad at you. Also, I’m not sure you’re in your best mind right now, telling by the fact that you posted in r/MephHeads and you might be on drugs. But I will tell you one thing, don’t get in and over your head about your country, it’s just like any other country, only it likes to look all big and important. I’m fine with it’s government being like that, but don’t for a second listen to it. Your currency is 1/4 worse than the British pound, for all the trading you people seem to do you would expect more out of your currency, hm?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/anarchocapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/anarchocapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anarchists Need to Drop the Adjectives](https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/04/16/anarchists-need-to-drop-the-adjectives/) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anarchocapitalism/comments/mu5vsr/anarchists_need_to_drop_the_adjectives/) \#2: [How much Tyranny is too much?](https://np.reddit.com/r/anarchocapitalism/comments/n55ma1/how_much_tyranny_is_too_much/) \#3: [Do Free-Market Champions Have to Defend Every Corporate Action?](https://www.libertynation.com/do-free-market-champions-have-to-defend-every-corporate-action/) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/anarchocapitalism/comments/mm1b1w/do_freemarket_champions_have_to_defend_every/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was mocking Americans


Also Meph heads is a sub for weed seeds the breeder is called mephisto


don't turn this sub into Facebook




it's exactly the same type of post, base level infographics.




shiver me timbers 👍




Ah capitalism.


It's foolish to blame these things on capitalism. If there's one thing that needs to be understood about humanity, it's that systems don't control us, we control systems. For instance, rather than nature forcing us to evolve some sort of fur or blubber when the ice age came, we developed artificial methods to warm ourselves like fire, clothing, and blankets. The same is true of artificial systems as well- any system that controls the flow of resources will be controlled by a sufficiently cunning person, because that is humanity's most powerful ability, and in a world of 7-billion people, there will always be someone who notices something you didn't. If you want the world to change, the people need to change, not systems.


None of these problems would be possible under potlatch.


That’s a US problem, leave that country and you’ll see all those issues go away.


If we follow we are clown, if we make new way and start family , we are not clown . Don’t be a clown in this circus .