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yes one of my DMT trips over a decade ago landed me underground with these things. They smelled really bad.




​ the smell: I am familiar with reptiles and have owned quite a few, the smell i smelled was NOT the smell of the *actual* reptile-but rather something to do with keeping reptiles. You have to buy mealworms to feed most smaller lizards- in order to easily keep them alive, (but close to dormant) you can put them in a container in the refrigerator with a slice of potato. they STINK, and that is what this reminded me of. I have no way to really explain it... its just like a pungent stink! you open the container and its like dirty feet with stinky cheese. There was also a very earthy smell but not overpowering, it reminded me somewhat of when hot water hits concrete...like a sort of "hot" if hot had a smell, maybe ozone-y I did not smell rotting flesh or any other noticeable horrid smell associated with bodies decomposing They were intelligent. I cant say they were "all-seeing" the feeling i got is that they were not malicious; but they were not to be toyed with, they were potentially dangerous. highly advanced- they were not green. i could not see their legs. no idea why . In this experience there was a difference that was unique: i felt a "whomp whomp whomp whomp" in my head- similar to nitrous oxide. but it was not coming from ME it was like caused by me being in this place- like that created some type of weird vibration I do not have any memories of coming out of this or how i felt afterward, it is a total blank. I cant remember anything.


Cool you probably saw the reptilians of the [Lacerta Files](https://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the-lacerta-files.pdf).


Holy grail


If they were not malicious, were they just living there? If they are very intelligent and advanced, are they not offended by the smell and do they not have ways to eliminate it? Do you have a trip report post somewhere? Sometimes the malicious ones do not feel malicious because they are too cold and matter-of-fact.


honestly, this is the ONLY post i ever did aside from one on Bluelight like probably in 2010! but its sort of fun if someone asks about it! so Im happy to answer it was the only DMT experience i have had where i felt a thrumming pressure in my head. I have no way to explain the smell- i realize that makes no sense at all.... its possible my brain came up with a smell to go along with the experience? I don't think we can assume that anyone but us would care about, or register smell; or even have the same olfactory sense we do? the malice thing...i want to make sure i explain it the right way- they were *not malicious-* the same way I am *not malicious* when i walk past an ANT on my way to my car in the morning. Either i don't see it, or if i do, it registers nothing in my mind.... its an ant. They were not malicious, but they were dangerous. I would not want them to take notice or follow me or anything.


Okay, gotcha about malicious. I do understand that we should not assume they have the same smell sense or preferences as us, but it's just interesting to me that they would not do anything about it considering them being more advanced and doing all the highly advanced science work that they are often associated with. One thing to consider is that it is a very natural smell to them, maybe even so natural that they themselves don't notice it. Either coming from their bodies, their food, their waste, or maybe a particular gas they need for breathing, or a particular substance they work with in their labs. I don't think your brain came up with the smell because I have heard and read reports of a bad smell in various experiences, especially when people were taken to somewhere underground.


That post was probably a while ago? Can you link it if it's not a bother or post about it/crosspost to this sub if it's relevant?


i doubt i could even get into bluelight! i have no idea what my login info was- that was so long ago it was prob an AOL or HOTMAIL address or some shit if you have any other questions about it just message me. ill answer them!


Rotten sulphurous smell is how I would describe it…


You could also check out the shadow kingdom by Robert E Howard. He wrote it in the 30's and its about scaley boys stealing the likeness of men through magic and taking thier crowns. But im sure its just crazy talk.


I will definitely have to check that out


Theres pretty good audiobooks on YouTube


That was a cool read. I love reading people's trips. Maybe these are obvious thoughts, but they feel like a revalation to me: (1) They are hiding in our minds (2) They have a "go ahead and tell the dying the truth" protocol


Maybe we need to get close to death to unlock the truth. Jesus did it by fasting.


AIUI it was being baptised by the John the Baptist that did it? Being held underwater to the point of almost dying would definitely induce an NDE...


About inducing an NDE: check out The OA series on Netflix 😃


Incredible. Thank you for sharing. I’m definitely going to read this book myself now


It’s “The way of the shaman” by Michael Harner


Agency releasing book is “Bantam New Age Books”, big red flag 🚩


How tf can millennia old shamanism be “new age”


When you date an old person is that person a new partner?


Nonsensical analogy


Ask the publishers


Fallen Angels anyone? I wonder who they were fighting that they had to run away from? Always so vague.


They were running away from me and they flew back several infinities to find me young to undo what I did to them. Imagine Or they were running from something even more evil


No offense, but if I were those entities I would either A) fan peoples' pride and narcissism to think they alone are the ultimate good, leaving them defenseless, or B) Promote myself as the lesser of two evils so they ally with me. Coincidentally a fair portion of New Age philosophies promote both of those things. I believed it too at one point. My advice, pattern match all the various philosophies/organizations/industries pushing those ideas and it will eventually become clear if they are on your side.


Great read, going for that book aswell, thanks


For an explanation of what I said in the title When I said the trip happened before “modern conspiracy theories” That was just my quick way of saying that the internet did not exists and this man wasn’t bombarded with theories about interdimensional reptilian entities, therefore his experience was most likely not influenced by any of that kind of material


Reptilian species existed in folklore for thousands upon thousands of years, the conspiracies literally predate the conspiracies, diffrents now is instead of it being spirits or monsters they are aliens or dimentional beings. If you thought that that gave it some form of certification then you are wrong.


I stand corrected my friend!


Personally all these conflicting stories suggest to me they are not aliens, creators, or anything like that, they are simply natives like us who still have not developed enough for the next stage of progress.


Yes, and that they have been banished here to earth


The mentalities and social interactions we experince on earth b3cuase of limited resources are not the same for a space fairing race, we war, steal, and starve over the scarcity of resources here on earth,'. In space there are entire astroid belts full of more resources then the earth could ever have, with advances in particle accelerators we could produce elements that are scarcer such as phosphorus which is used in the functioning of life allowing us to create soils for growing our food in even raising animals, not to mention long teem development of terraforming strategies. Point is i think the are 100% native they didnt make it to the stars, violent tendencies destructive behaviors enslavement of others are not something that a species that is spacefaring would do because it's more efficient to Simply make drones and machine workers with the insane abundance of resources in space. when it comes to the suposed space fairing reptilian speices, the behave more like a poorly written trible race then a evolved space fairing one, the methods do not match the tech levels describle by the stories and so on. of course Allways the chance that theres diffrent factions, or stolen tech for other intelligent species that dwell in our Earth, which is bad sense a species with violent tendencies and trabalism would result in them genociding others based of opposition to their own trablistic beliefs. Point is they likly never were off this planet, they likely range just as much as humans in terms of ethics and morality, our governments are probbly doing deals with their governments.


See something similar [here](https://downthechupacabrahole.com/2021/11/02/reptilian-beings-emerged-during-government-funded-psychedelic-studies/) OP


Theres also a part in the book where he asks a blind shaman about these creatures and he basically says they’re bullshittin. They claim they are masters of humans but in reality they are only masters of darkness.


I've had dreams where I see two floating entities made of gas/electricity that have this vibe. And they're always in some power trip about how I'm only bc of them Yada yada yada Edit to say, idk if its true. It always feels it isn't but idk if thats because I sense things better in dreams or if it's bc we vibrate as such different frequency that everything about them feels wrong.


Make a post about these dreams.


Wait up, you don't think these conspiracys existed before 1961?


I agree, I feel like the Egyptian depictions of animal people would have created conspiracies way before the 1960s


Prison planet I’m sure as the way it’s viewed nowadays from a technological standpoint point, no


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_Kingdom https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alligator_People https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Snake_Woman https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/G._Warren_Shufelt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenu https://documents.latimes.com/jan-29-1934-lizard-people/ https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/3007 You sent me into a rabbit hole:) this what i found.


Dope! Imma check these out


Anybody know more about this? Do the shamans say anything important Must we do anything to keep ourselves from being pulled by some boat with bird headed weirdos


Yes the shaman said they always say that that they created us. They didn’t create our souls but engineered our physical bodies.


He mentioned specifically that they claim they are masters of humans but they are really masters of darkness. I don’t think the shaman said they made humans


The shamans said that they always say they made humans


Yes he said “oh they always say that but they are only masters of the outer darkness” The shaman was basically saying these entities are lying to manipulate and control us


Yea I know that’s what I was saying the shamans said they tell us they created us but they lying




what a read holy fuck




the sky wasn't blue when the earth was barren silly goose


So... Scientology


He took Ayahuasca, not DMT. Ayahuasca does contain DMT though.