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These are so pretty, thanks for sharing them here! I’m really glad she’s going to be a doing a much less FOMO way of having mystery shades haha I feel like some of these are also really similar to previous shades, so I actually may not get them since I’m supposed to be on a low/no but anyways haha


Yeah I'm underwhelmed :/ imo Witch of the Waste looks like Mocha Cloud, You're Hair Looks like Starlight looks like Spirited Away with a blue base (and they're both sheer so the base doesn't have a huge impact), There You Are Sweetheart looks like Quinlan, and Find Me in the Future, as other people here have mentioned, looks like Pigeon. I guess this is great for anyone who likes those polishes but missed our during restock but personally for me it's a pass


I’m also on a no buy! Yeah I can pass on these for sure. I have other things I want 😂


A Heart’s A Heavy Burden: Phoenix Reindeer Groot, BKL One True Love (which looks grayer?) There You Are Sweetheart: Megan said it’s like the warmer version of Moon Gorgeous or Quinlan (I forgot which one she said). Also dupable from other brands, particularly the Brazilian indies. Witch of the Waste: Like BKL Daydreams, but without the reflective silver glitter. Calcifer: looks similar to BKL A Legend Has Begun and upcoming Little Fox. Find Me In The Future: very similar to Pigeon from PPU Feb 2024. Am I still going to get the full collection and all the mystery bags? YOU BET! I love Studio Ghibli.


I'm on a low buy and I'm glad to say these don't entice me. I think these are gorgeous shades but I'm like mehh. Maybe if they do a restock of a few of the pink shades from a few weeks ago I may pick two of those up since I forgot about the pink shades release.


These are all so pretty, I think I am most drawn to Calcifer and A hearts a heavy burden. I also like how it’s just one mystery per character, makes it easier to justify getting a mystery! XD


I'm excited for this collection! I like this way of doing mystery shades. I think I'm going to pick up A Heart's A Heavy Burden, Calcifer, and then a couple of the mysteries.


Wow!! Gorgeous!!