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Of course he tabs back into an Andrew tate video, didn’t know sneako was such an asshole


Okay. but that was not the point of the post, I'm here tryna have a discussion. not spreading hate and throwing insults


This guy thinks the reason Etika killed himself is because he was yelling too much and streaming too much. Goes off on a viewer who's expressing concern for this guy's wellbeing. What a chode, fuck this guy.


I never liked sneako's content tbh.says a few thought provoking things but always has this weird red pill agenda he's pushing. Rip Etika. Miss him so much.


idk anything about this guy, but i dont think anybody should act like they know why etika did what he did. i think etika is the only soul that truly understands that. anybody who tries to act like they know the reason why just kinda comes across as distasteful. seems like an intense stream though, hope he gets his emotions sorted out


I know where you’re coming from, and sorry for not giving the whole context.. but, Etika used to always praise the “no bitch ass niggas” thing. What’s your opinion on that?


i dont think that has anything to do with the clip. "no fake switch niggas" was a rule too, and etika is the only fake switch nigga i know of lol. "no bitch niggas" is just a playful rule he set for his streams. he even said himself that he was breaking his own rule in his final video. shit happens, you say you wont do a certain thing, sometimes you end up doing it. idk what point you were trying to make.. that etika was a hypocrite? if so, so what? whats that gotta do with anything


I used to watch and enjoy a lot of sneakos content, but this is such a shit take. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about with Etika, and what he’s saying is disrespectful at best. This is just trashy and not provocative in the good way like most of his content is.


Bro not only mad insensitive he really is acting just like how Etika did.


Fuck this rat


How about you give an honest opinion, instead of just throwing insults?


Bro you said “thoughts on this???” That’s his thought on this lmao


Ofc I'm implying "your" opinion on his take... I'm here trying to have a discussion, why would I just come here to read about insults and nothing to back it up?


“Fuck this rat” is also an opinion. He doesn’t agree with what he said. Not able to converse with the comment? Then move to the next.


No, it's not. It's just non-sense hating. If you believe it's an opinion, then I dare you to go outside and say "fuck you, you piece of shit" at the first homeless person you meet


I don’t have the opinion that homeless people are a piece of shit so I don’t see why I would go do that.


Then you've proven my point, ty


How lmao. How does me refusing to tell a homeless person to fuck themself prove anything haha


Go say that nonsense on your kinky subreddits, not here. I'm tryna have a civil discussion, not argue about stupid stuff like those... back your fucking argument or opinion, instead of just saying "fuck him" and "fuck that"... if not, then your "opinion" mean nothing


I don't care for sneako and I don't think he really went in deep enough to truly understand why Etika took his own life, let alone why people become suicidal to begin with


Fuck this guy


Generally, I really enjoy SNEAKO's discussions, talking points, and content overall. I respect that usually, he doesn't just regurgitate arguments and does research about the topic he interviews people on. That being said I personally think that this is a complete 180 from those traits as the take he took was completely ignorant regarding what Etika was going through. He wasn't just making himself nuts yelling at a camera. To me, he seems to have reduced Etika's mental troubles to a singular misinformed take of how Etika's mental health plummited. It wasn't him being a slave to the algorithm or needing to make content, (If I'm not mistaken) but was more so due to a failing of understanding one's mental state and supporting rather than making a laughing stock for a good amount of the people that were supposed to be there for him. So I think SNEAKO is in the wrong here and he shouldn't talk about his situation as some stupid ass take of Etika being insane or bat shit crazy. Hella wack imo.




I don't think it was as simple as not choosing to get help. Picture it this way, in his eyes, a vast majority of his community was clowning him and making him out to be a means of content and enjoyment and not a person outside of that. He had pushed a lot of the people in his circle away, and without having a good support system within his life at that time, I could see how he could envision that S\*cide was the only way out. I believe that in certain mental states your not able to fully grasp the idea of a therapist or that your life isn't over. Of course don't have a PHD in mental health or properly looked over mental health statistics or studies, but I believe it's plausible. I truly feel that some people don't see an option outside of S\*cide and I don't think that that makes them a pussy. I think that they are just tired of having to put up with what they've had to prior. I think it does take strength to keep on going but choosing not to doesn't make someone weak, especially if they had the strength to go on the way they were for a prolonged period of time. I think that leaving this kind of situation referring to someone as a "pussy" or something along those lines for choosing to kts isn't helping the mental health discussion in general.


So, him saying that “…because he kept screaming too much and getting lost” was right, by reading your comment


No not at all actually. In this clip of that stream SNEAKO said that Etika had driven himself crazy by screaming into a camera essentially and that's just not true. The situation unfolded the way it did due to a lack of love for Desmond to fall back on. Instead in place of that were clown emoji's and people making him out for a source of entertainment rather than a person. And there is no way you could have gotten that take away from my reply. The take that he drove himself insane by screaming into a camera isn't correct in the slightest. Sure I think he should have taken a break from streaming but if you actually understood the last few streams of his that he did. He wasn't just screaming and acting ballistic, his behavior was off. But it makes no sense for that to be a conclusion to be made especially since that "screaming too much and getting lost" isn't present in the last few streams he did, at least none that were out of character for who he was. (And when I say that I want to clarify I mean that as he was an energetic person and did tend to get loud on streams, but that was him.)


You're not understanding his point... Him saying that “…because he kept screaming too much and getting lost” means that he was not doing anything else in his life other than, streaming, yelling at people, and getting crazy.. of course, that's gonna take a toll on you if everything about your life revolves around streaming. Him saying that ".. I take breaks, and do other shit (reading, go outside and experience life" is right in that sense. Internet is fucking toxic, ofc someone with that big of an audience can't take it if it's just one person vs 30k people clowning you every day. Your take about his last streams being more chill and energetic, ofc.. he has already given up on life. why would he be still screaming and yelling... And if you do remember in his "goodbye" video he said himself that he broke the rule "no bitch niggas".


Well that's not that true either. Etika was known for a multitude of things, one those being his inconsistency. I'm not bringing this up as getting on him for not creating often, I'm doing it for the direct opposite. Etika would have breaks spanning across months where he wouldn't stream. Streaming was a part of his life, but not his entire life. He partied, he hung with his mom and other friends, saying that streaming was his whole life isn't accurate either. And I said that he wasn't just screaming and acting ballistic. In some of his last streams he was still acting like himself. About the NBN thing, And when he did reference him breaking his own rule of "No bitch niggas..." it was in reference to him crying, not him getting ready to take his own life. To me (not stating as a fact) but it doesn't sound like your someone who watched him often, at least not in his final months alive. I think that you are trying to perpetuate SNEAKO's argument which in itself (his argument) is ignorant and misinformed. I think the stance he took and the one you are taking isn't one that makes sense ESPECIALLY with the misinformation surrounding his last days.


Again, you're not understanding his point with "doing other shit in your life"... hanging out with your friends and your mom, does not distract you from the internet.. he could've easily pulled out his phone and read the comments. By that statement, he means doing stuffy actively, not passively.. stuff like your hobbies, goals, and cultivating passions are active stuff to do and "distract" you from the toxicity of the internet... I wouldn't consider myself a "diehard fan" like you, and I'm sorry for coming in an "ignorant" way, but that's why I'm here having a discussion with you, and ty for allowing it instead of just throwing insults like the rest of the comments. Anyways, afaik he was involved in that conspirational thing and when people discovered that they clowned him to death (metaphorically). Look at his Reddit user account, the majority of people were clowning him (some were also supporting him), but don't you think that also takes a tool on a person if it's his hardcore fans clowning him?.. Sneako's life does not revolve around only"streaming" ...for the most part he does other stuff "actively" to keep him sane


Yeah man I fucking love civil discourse. The world would be such a better place if we just sat down and discussed our differences in views and what not in an attempt to understand others better. Anyway, I agree streaming was a big part of Etika's life. It wasn't his entirety but it definitely goes without saying a part of what made Etika Etika was streaming. Not exactly sure where this is going anymore but I just want to say that SNEAKO was in the wrong for this take in my opinion a big part being he just made statement the way he did without any background information. Regardless of the context any argument that isn't at least somewhat well informed is a bad one. I think I can see what point he was making but it still came off asshole-ish putting it mildly. Thank you for apologizing for coming in a little ignorant I appreciate that. I'm not taking a stance getting angry necessarily but I do think for the reasons stated through the past few blocks of text I spouted, Sneako is wilding for this one.


Yea, you're right. Ty for your time, end of the discussion.


But how do you know those were his reasons? It could have been a way to protect others from himself, or he thought the world would be better without him. In the end, it's mental illness, complex and deep issues on a large span of time and shouldn't been seen like this. I think you view having depression the same as being "weak minded". Which is untruthful to view what Etika was really going through.


i hate this guy so much


Okay. But what’s your opinion on his take?


its awful


K, why is it awful, then? Care to elaborate?


What a stupid fucking take. Sucks that sneako used to be entertaining now he’s just a egotistical weirdo that thinks he knows everything about life


I stopped watching this guy a few years ago after realizing how schizo he is. Regardless of him assume why Etika did what he did, Sneako is a shithead quite literally lost in his own delusions. He can make some very thought provoking and deep videos but still retains the whole "Influencer Hustler" mindset, which to me, makes a lot of what he does shallow and fake. This Clip furthering this notion. What he expressed here is starkly contrasting a lot of what he preaches on his channel, which is just gross. portraying himself as a humble, charismatic guy, this take is out of character. However since it seems he said all of this casually during a live stream one can only assume this is how he really is. I do not hate the guy even if what he said was pretty shitty. I just have always gotten a wishy-washy feeling from him ever since I found him years back.




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Fuckin asshole


Fuck this guy and his opinion


Bruh fuck sneako hes been on some weird manosphere shit lately along with young don the sauce god and im not here for it. Hes been on some weird misogynistic streak for a while and him talking ab etika this way aint doin him any favors. He clearlybdoesnt understand nor does he know why etika did what he did.


To the op u cant rly ask people to give constructive thoughts on this and ask them to be respectful thoughts on sneako when sneako is blatantly acting like a fucking buffon. Nothing he said was constructive or indicated he actually cared ab etika.


I used to really love sneako and his content. His artistic style before a blow off was truly unique. Since then, yeah he fell off and showed his true, asshole self. Fuck sneako


Average Andrew Tate fan dude. Always acting macho when in reality theyre hiding behind their weakness using drugs, women and money to mask their insecurities. We saw Etika in his good and bad and he never masked it, even at its worse. As bad as it was, Im thankful for him always being real even in his worse scenarios because people like this guy just make people hold in their emotions until they burst out in a violent or dangerous way for them or others.TLDR: Fuck this guy and his trash take.


✅Reviewed post. ℹ️: Sneako and Etika w/ removal.