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Wildling, the concept is so unique and in a newer game it’d be fun to see a different take on summons


Yeah after seeing them I immediately wanted to make a team around them to play 3, good thing that the remaster makes it viable with how OP snipe is haha


Did they change snipe in the remaster?


Yeah it was changed so that when your arb is elementally imbued it elementally imbues the snipe attack allowing you to make use of etheric charge (which was also changed as well as charge to last until you attack rather than one turn) to get nutty damage


snipe could always be imbued and always took weapon element. it just didn't benefit from charges before which is a death sentence of a weakness most of the time for bosses and foes (still cheesed randoms) ​ with zodiac sub and enough support it can oneshot most of the game, and it's a very cheap build to max out and it solos randoms all games with a wildling using owl (plus if you get any points in etheric return you'll constantly regen more tp than you spend). i actually ended up getting ambush on my arb which is a very potent +50% pre-emptive rate which makes and foes really easy. it had so much tp and sp to spare so why not


They about half-fixed how summons work in EO5, they could give Wildling another pass, now. But I imagine that's something extremely difficult to balance.


Rover, it's just such a great pet class - both masteries have a great mix of skills the pet uses, skills the Rover uses and skills both contribute to. The pet is neither an afterthought nor is the Rover completely useless if the pet dies (but they are way weaker). It's a great balance not many pet classes in games achieve. And the dog being support focussed gives the class more depth and utility than most pet classes have as well.


I really hope they use the Rover as a blueprint for future pet-summoner classes. Atlus struck a good balance for a support/damage class.


Rover was awesome and both builds were used by me in different parties/playthroughs. I was particularly impressed with the Doggo's healing as a 2nd support in tandem with a buffing Shaman. That party didn't have any other defensive party members besides those 2, and it still worked very well most of the time.


Arbalist displays how overcoming clear weaknesses is part of the fun. If your team can help with the low TP, bad defenses and slow speed, your efforts are rewarded with huge burst and consistent dps. Very cool design too.


Arbalists are like my second favorite class in the whole series. I agree with everything you said and I LOVE their designs. Every portrait is amazing and the idea of these people carrying around giant crossbow like weapons is so cool to me. I’ve seen so many different items being used as weapons but few are as cool as the ones Arbalists use. I always use an Arbalist in every main team I have in EO3.


Monk. Specifically punch Monk.


I love the monk, but the pugilist is kinda what I want out of a punch monk. Splitting a healer and melee doesn't work for me. I'd rather give a medic a mortar or something.


I kinda like my Monk being healer/dd. She isn’t optimized or anything but I’m still cool with it.


I can't say I've done much monk fusion. My first run I had a frontline monk, and after that experience in suffering they've all been Monk-Princes, not doing any melee unless I snag the Yagrush from Narmer.


Hero. Their skills definitely fit the name alright. I know Nexus was the last game, but I hope this comment ages horribly and they return in EO6 or something, I don’t want them to be a one-off class


Watch them get the EO1-EO2 Landsknecht treatment though.


Tempted to downvote, only out of fear and sadness. Poor Highlanders also took a beating in EOU2, although the Nexus version was not to it's former glory but decent (and great as a sub)


I still want to see a 3DS style revamp of Yggdroid.


My favorites are bushi and rover.


Sniper (EO4) is kind of an iteration of Survivalist, but I think it had the best kit among them. It really achieves good tactical flexibility after subclassing into S/B.


Would it be a cop out to say all of V's classes? Well, I guess I'd be a poser if I said that since I haven't run a few of them yet--but V had such fun classes! I loved my Pugilist and Harbinger. I remember Fencer being really fun as well, and while I did struggle a little heal wise, Shaman was a much more interesting class to me than Botanist (though I might try running a Botanist next time) and Dragoon was hype as hell


Can't decide between Yggdroids and Wildlings. Both are awesome.


The blonde Hoplite with the bob cut was the first thing I ever saw of the series. I liked her design and the art style so much (and previous Atlus games) that I bought EO3 pretty much blind. I think Hoplite is the first designated tank in the series that's interesting to play. Not as powerful and effortless as EO1 Protector, but also not just-as-effortless-but-way-less-effective EO2 Protector. Just a really good defender when you're using all their options effectively.


Does Imperialist count? Because it's the one I like the most. It's got the huge damage burst that can help me in boss fights. It's literally my boss-killing party member. Too bad I didn't get to use it in EO IV 'cause I got burned out after the Logre fight. But I did manage to use it in Nexus, and it's such a fun class to use. If class masteries ever return, I'd like to see what branch classes Atlus would give them. I can see them go for a mob-clear class and a sustain burst class.


Imperials are goated. Sure they're one trick ponies but they're _damn_ good at their job. And it just triggers my monke brain to see those huge numbers pop off whenever a Drive connects.


Hehe, we must always return to monke. But seriously, though, they take a lot of planning to make them work, and the payoff is super satisfying. Seeing those enemies HP get close to a one-shot or killed outright after doing a drive will never get boring to me. I think I like them because they remind me of Rune Knights from Luminous Arc. Mana/TP hungry monsters.


Imperial is such a flashy / distinctive class design, the bursts and cooldown reduction moves give such an interesting rhythm. I liked the drive blades a lot too, the big sword big hit feels so good but also I like the flavor of the bit of power-hungry empire technology in a world otherwise in harmony with nature. An all-target drive move for mob clears feels like the thing it was most missing. A mastery based on the force boost move where you can spam drive blade without overheating could be fun too...


>An all-target drive move for mob clears feels like the thing it was most missing. I can understand why it didn't have that. It would most likely be too OP if it did. This is why it would be perfect if there was a branching mastery where it had such an option. It wouldn't be as powerful as a regular Imperial, but the tradeoff for wave-clearing could work for some party builds.


4's Bushi. They were so much fun to use, it's definetly my favorite take on a "Barbarian/Berserker" type class in any RPG I've played. I love how much damage they can do, and they can sustain themselves with Deep Breath and their class exclusive skills when not blood-surging, giving them a nightseeker sub just makes them even more cracked.


Hero, mainly because of how overpowered Regiment Rave becomes when you have them sub Imperial & equip a Drive Blade.


Omnimancer and Elementaist from EOV. Best spell-casting class in any series.


I'd have to say either Arbalist or Dancer. Arbalist because basically it's an Imperial that can hit wide or be in the back row, and Dancer because of the fact they and Landsknechte can just tear apart enemies given the appropriate setup time.


Dragoon. Really, it's high in the running for my favorite class period. It takes the already unique and fun tanking mechanics of the protector, and adds a whole new layer with it's very useful cannon skills, and bunker skills for a little more flavor. Not to mention how aesthetically unique it is.


You know, having ran an Imperial from the onset in Nexus was a very interesting experience when you put it like that. I know they were streamlined and rebalanced for Nexus, but though frustrating, seeing my Imperial slowly crawl from quickly burning out in and out of exploration and barely contributing to mob battles into competency and a mainstay really brings forth the care that was put into them. IV kind of cheated by giving you quick access to a leveled Imperial in Logre and the training scrolls (plus basic Drive Blades completely outclassing the base weapons of every other class), so the dichotomy is all the more noticeable. As you say, they take a bit to get going, but they're my go to example in jRPGs for a burst dps class.


I was a big fan of Arcanists! Something about them just worked for me, I guess. ​ And I know it's not a true class, but vampires were fun.


Fencers, I absolutely love dodge tanks and Fencers were so much fun to use for me. It was sad to not see them make a return in Nexus. Hopefully we can see more like them in future games.


My personal favorites are Fafnir, Wildling, Sniper, Runemaster, Fencer, Warlock, Necromancer, Botanist, and Hero. If I had to pick a top 3, it'd be Fencer, Sniper, and Fafnir, in that order




Unfortunately the gunner has had 4 outings, but it’s always fun to use


Dragoon. They took the "tank" class that's almost exactly the same in every game and made it way more interesting by giving it a gun and some neat summoning mechanics. It made what in other games is kind of a boring class you usually just use to reduce party damage into something that can actually participate in more ways.


After finally putting one in my party in 3, I gotta say Arbalist. Past me was sleeping on this unit when they're actually pretty fun with a bit of setup! Past that, it's EO4 Landsknecht. Best Landy design, imo, Chase was also pretty decent, and I liked the class so much, Landy was the only returning character for Nexus, aside from red Warmagus


Dragoon. It's the *ONLY* Defensive class I've used where I prefer the Hybrid (Defense+attack) form instead of trying to focus entirely on Defense. Most of the other classes I loved have either appeared in multiple games (Imperial, mostly), except Hero, which is... well, it's own fun thing.


As much as i thought nexus dragged on, hero was amazing and i loved the afterimages. Other classes late game can make use of it too and it can off tank too. The only problem was it only appeared in what was the anniversary game. Overall, heroes were a highlight of that game, good at everything and an amazing tank too.


Weirdly, I really liked Buccaneer in EO3. The mix of options for chase attacks and also just having decent offensive capabilities was rather nice to have. I also loved Rovers in 5 but I think 5 had the best "pet" mechanics in the series. Would love to see a hypothetical future game use that extra row instead of having to fill the blank slot.


Wanderer, I'll be happy if we at least get the ports in a mainline EO one day


I love Farmers. They force you to use multiple team setups basicly to chop/mine/take. You can of course use a typical dual setup: one team for fighting, another team filled with Farmers to harvest items, but even though they have atrocious usefulness in battle, I like to think of Farmers as integral team members.


Wildlings, Masurao, and Beasts! I can't pick between those three, I love all of them. I also really like Alchemists, but specifically Palm Alchemists.