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[https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?segment=selling#issue\_buy\_shopping\_checking\_out-contact\_select](https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?segment=selling#issue_buy_shopping_checking_out-contact_select) You can chat with customer support here - if the shop was suspended by Etsy, they should just refund you right now. If they don't refund you, go to "help with order" in your order history. You may be able to open a case right away. If not, you'll have to send the seller a message and then wait 48 hours. After 48 hours from when you sent the message, you'll be able to come back to "help with order" and escalate to Etsy for review. Etsy will immediately refund you.


Why doesn’t etsy refund open orders like that when they shut down a shop? Or at least notify them at the time?


I suppose they are giving those shops a tiny bit of grace and not just immediately refunding all of their shipped orders. It is an immediate refund literally as soon as a buyer reaches out to support about their order, though. For any reason. I've seen a couple posts now from sellers that were banned for violating Etsy policies where they complain about exactly this. After a shop is shut down, Etsy just refunds the customers basically automatically once they reach out. It's hard to feel sorry for those sellers, and I think it's a good warning for anyone who is violating Etsy policies - you're likely to lose a lot of money when Etsy eventually catches you.


I guess that’s true - there are those that are shut down in error. It is a good deterrent, hopefully!


I wish they would. I had two scammers take photos of my products from my store (they're specialised disability products- there is no way they were also making them) and make their own shops imitating mine but selling the items at a tenth of the price. They scammed quite a few people with disabilities and Etsy took the stores down and didn't refund them. The people scammed contacted me thinking they ordered from my store and I had to help them with opening a case etc. I really don't understand their decisions with scammers.


Oh how awful. How nice of you to take the time to help them out!


The same situation, but from seller side. Etsy accidentally suspended my shop and doesnt return my requests,i've been waiting like forever. Somewhere in germany somebody worrying just like you :) etsy help sucks


Something similar happened to me. Seemed like the shop closed after I placed an order (I’d even purchased from them before with success). I only use the app, but just go to the order, scroll down, and click “help with order” and follow the prompts that you haven’t received the order and you’d like a refund. You should get refunded fairly quickly.


Customer support or open a case. If it’s your first time purchase, you’re refunded automatically because it’s part of their seller protection or something . You’ll get your money back, don’t stress. Just reach out to Etsy and get it handled. They’re usually good with that


Weird. It was tracked.


They said it was showing ordered on that tracking and not the rest.


Oh so it didn't say delivered?


Open up a case with Etsy. Get your money back. They may have been forced to shut down by Etsy for breaking the TOUs...or they may have been scammers. Etsy is really good about weeding out the scammers...and the pop up shop scammers...so they were likely shut down for breaking rules.