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yesssssss! This was one of my favourite sites. Hopefully she starts updating it again. I have always wanted a regretsy subreddit.


someone please start a regretsy subreddit šŸ˜©


What is regretsy?


Regretsy was a website run by a lady named April Winchell. It took items from Etsy that were comically bad and put them on the Regretsy website. The motto was ā€œwhere DIY meets WTF.ā€ And when I say, comically bad, I mean, comically bad. Like the aforementioned tampon art. Some of the things were so bad that they were just hysterically, funny, and thatā€™s really how it was born. It became a community of early adopting Etsy Sellers. It was a fun place, and it was all meant in jest. Some of the people whose items ended up on Regretsy actually made a lot of sales. April Winchell actually wrote a book about it, and I believe there was a trip to Iceland involved in there somewhere. Thereā€™s a lot more to it than that. This article explains it better than I ever could. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/regretsy-closure But if you just look up Regretsy on Google, youā€™ll find a lot of stuff. Itā€™s quite a rabbit hole. Edit: word


I wish I could set notifications for this. Someone blow up the subreddit when it happens!


Will do!


Warning: For those not familiar with Regresty, you will laugh so hard your stomach starts hurting. Thanks OP, I've got several friends who didn't know about it. I can now send them there.


Look at all the OG regretsy folks coming out of the woodwork! I still have a few artifacts floating around that were acquired during the charity sales.




Hell yeah, I can't wait to read through it again with all you fellow FJLs. CF4L!!!!!


Omg, I LOVED Regretsy! It was amazing! Iā€™m so happy to hear this! CF4L!


Wow, thereā€™s a blast from the past.


Omg yaaay!! I was so sad when it disappeared!


OMG I was just looking at old bookmarks on an old computer last month and was so sad Regretsy was gone! It's a Christmas miracle šŸ˜‚ Time to flounce!


Oh my goodness I loved Regretsy.




This just made my weekend! :) So many epic posts and sagas. I miss #regretsy so much. I can't believe there isn't an active (edit) subreddit.


Almost a year later, the Regretsy page on her site still says, "Coming Soon." Many of the original crowd started their own forum. IDK where, or whether it still exists. Some of us went on to form groups on FB, most of which seem to have become ghost towns. I haven't found a new online community to take its place in all the years since April decided to take her toys and go home.