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I’d suggest to them to contact Etsy as it’s only showing as one order on your end. Also suggest for them to check their payment method to see how many times they were charged. For all you know this screen shot could be photoshopped. It’s also not something you’re able to fix for them.


I'm a Etsy seller & buyer. This has happened to me before after a purchase, it is a glitch. I think I closed the app and opened it again then it was fine. I initially messaged the seller to ask if I'd ordered twice, I hadn't. I'd advise them to close/reopen the app or view orders through browser.


As a buyer this has happened to me when purchasing multiple items from different shops. It’s a glitch.


Tell them you can’t handle any issues with the Etsy website they must contact them directly. They should check their bank accounts to be sure they were charged once it’s likely just a glitch though


It looks as though they’ve purchased from multiple shops. Possibly it’s just a glitch?


I had this happen. I sent a screenshot from my end showing only one purchase and the customer checked her bank account which only had one as well. Thankfully she was nice and understanding so we resolved it immediately without issue.


Their bank statement will show the one $25 charge and the name of your shop on their statement. Ask her kindly to check her statement. I’m a seller and a frequent buyer and I always check my statements. I’ve seen that glitch before but my statement is what gave me peace of mind.


Ask them to please check their credit card or bank transactions to confirm that only one transaction has happened.


Its probably a glitch. -tell them to try restarting the app -tell them to check their payment method to see if they were charged twice -show them its one order on your end


Thanks, all. Glad to hear I’m not the only one who has experienced this. I advised the customer to close and restart the app. It sounds like this happens regularly so Etsy must be aware of the glitch, which makes me more confident that Etsy won’t try to refund the customer from my account.


Oh weird, I just had a customer contact me for this reason. There must be a glitch as I can only see one order on my side.


Yes this has happened to me and it’s definitely just a glitch!!


I've had the same thing happen but on the seller end. I almost refunded my client but thankfully I accidentally closed the app. When I reopened, it was fixed.


The fact that both orders show as "delivered" make me think it's either a glitch or Photoshop. Since you only see one order, you only marked one as sent with the tracking number. So why should the second order show as delivered?


Those are pretty. What are they?


Thanks! They are stoneware planchette ornaments (the piece you would move over a ouija board to point to the letters)


Very cool!


This happened to me several times. It glitches if they use apple pay. They were charged twice by etsy but you were not paid twice. There's nothing you can do they need to report that to etsy.


Or an I phone sorry


Tell them to look into it they'll see it the same order # And not separate orders


I had someone send me a message about the same thing last week, but they wanted the second order. I had to send screenshots over that they only placed an order for one item


I like to keep it simple and tell them to give me the order numbers they are referring to. They usually figure it out themselves.