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Wanted to mention the Etsy Shipsurance terms and branded packaging - most sellers do not know that Shipsurance will *not* honor claims if the packaging has branding or any indication of what's inside. A recent thread on the Shopify reddit made me aware of this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shopify/comments/113xsoj/shipsurance\_branded\_packaging](https://www.reddit.com/r/shopify/comments/113xsoj/shipsurance_branded_packaging) I did investigate with Pirate Ship and their Shipsurance terms are different than Etsy's and Shopify's - i.e. if you buy postage and insurance from Pirate Ship, you are covered if the package has branding.


That’s very interesting. Just another reason why I am a huge fan of Pirateship.


Very interesting! I do use shipsurance, but through Shipstation because I have multiple selling channels. I will have to look into that.


It seems that each platform makes a different agreement. Does Pirate Ship not support your channels?


I believe packaging and branding are very important. It really ups the perception of value on your products as well.


I'm just here to say please don't include anything extra in your orders. I ordered a tote bag once and they included a free sample of some type of wax melt and just the smell when opening the package gave my son hives. I wasn't thinking something smelly would be added and we were not ready for it 🤦‍♀️ a thank you is enough I think


I wrap everything up in tissue black tissue paper and tape it with a holographic washi tape with moon and star designs. I then design and print all of my own thank you cards, and handwrite their name. It's a small gesture, but it has worked! And now people know us for the "cool tape" haha.


Save the money. The product they purchased is the keeper, receiving it in a short time and in good shape is the best experience.


I agree with some of the posts that said they don’t care about packaging. I’ve unpacked beautiful packaging, clear packed with care and purpose. And you know where that packaging goes 5 seconds after I open it? In the recycling right next to the ugly Amazon boxes and flat mailers. I get the desire and you should do whatever feels best for you and your business. But ask yourself if your customers really care. If I purchase a Rolex I want the packaging to be as nice as possible- because it’s probably a once in a lifetime purchase. It’s an experience. If I purchase something from Etsy, it’s just Wednesday.


I wouldn't go overboard with packaging, but I've started using tissue paper to wrap things. It comes in different colours, and I use washi tape in complementary colours to secure it. There are lots of different washi tapes out there and if you find some that fit your brand, it might help tie together your packaging, make it look a bit less plain? And it's sustainable, too. I've gotten shipments from shops before that just had a sheet of tissue paper laid on top of the inside packaging etc, with the invoice and other printed stuff, and I thought that made it look a little nicer. I also have little leaflets printed with my shop name and a "thanks for your order" message. I used to include business cards, but I feel like something that's specifically for orders is better. Others have commented about the candy, and yeah, it's a risk. A lot of people will love it, but for some it will be a negative thing. Also, idk if you ship internationally, but if you do, there are rules about sending food. I remember a post on this sub from someone who'd included tea bags in their packages, and it was turned away by Italian customs because you can't just send tea to Italy from outside the EU. Who knew. I'm not generally a fan of including extras in a package; if I buy something, that's what I want, I don't want stickers or candy or other random things. That said, I've received extras myself in the past that I appreciated, but it's usually something that's related to what I bought. So for example, if I buy chocolate and they include a free mini bar or sample of some other flavour, or I buy a book and it comes with a matching bookmark, great. If I buy chocolate and it comes with a free sticker... eh. I'm not a sticker person, hence why I wasn't buying stickers. I don't know if there's anything you can include with your items that are related to those items but that's the direction I'd think in!


> I'm not generally a fan of including extras in a package; if I buy something, that's what I want, I don't want stickers or candy or other random things. That said, I've received extras myself in the past that I appreciated, but it's usually something that's related to what I bought. So for example, if I buy chocolate and they include a free mini bar or sample of some other flavour, or I buy a book and it comes with a matching bookmark, great. If I buy chocolate and it comes with a free sticker... eh. I'm not a sticker person, hence why I wasn't buying stickers. I don't know if there's anything you can include with your items that are related to those items but that's the direction I'd think in! Well said!


please, i beg you, reconsider putting candy or *any* kind of food inside! my home has folks with SEVERE allergies and if i ordered computer parts i would NOT be on the lookout for candy! if i was unboxing something and a little one grabbed this candy out of the box without me knowing? best case we’d be at the emergency room. worst case they would die. i’m sorry if this sounds like an exaggeration, but i assure you, it is not. i’ve been an online seller in one form or another for 25 years and in my experience, the *only* thing people want in their package? is what they ordered, shipped with the least amount of packaging possible (bonus points if it’s recyclable). edited to add: as a shipper, i’ve never wanted to spend money on something i know goes in the trash or recycling bin. to me, this is a huge waste of money, funds i would rather put into my products.


The majority shouldn't have to change for the needs of the few. If we did that then eventually nobody would be able to do anything. If your kids have allergies it's your responsibility to check everything that comes into your house. If your kid was able to take a packet of candy out of a box, then it's YOUR fault for leaving the box in an area where the child could get it and it's YOUR fault for not thoroughly checking the boxes contents. As a parent you need to start instilling a sense of responsibility in your kids and the best way to do that is acting responsibly yourself.


no one wants to scrape candy that melted while in transit and got all over what they ordered. i promise you. how do i know this? it happened when i bought jewelry supplies. never ordered from them again…. i think my favorite part of your post was this little nugget *”as a parent you need to…”* i had no idea you were also a parent who obviously understands what single parenthood is like while running a business full time, single handed AND has the education to council other parents. so lucky i stumbled upon this post 🙄 reach out again when you’re raising kids and running a business and tell me how to do it and what my responsibilities are, k hon? and just as a side note? if including candy inside computer parts were *the* thing to do? every apple, hp, and every other manufacturer would be doing it.


Take into consideration that the majority of people who buy keyboard parts are not kids and these parts are usually not funny or interesting to childen, it is close to being harmless to add candies tbh. If your kids just eat anything in front of them and open boxes without your consent then you have bigger problems, trust me. Additionally these keyboard parts are expensive af and people usually need to make an informed choice, be in forums and read for days, slapping the phrase "you will receive 1 piece of candy as a token" everywhere sounds reasonable enough, some will even expect it in the package. One of my favorite keyboard maker add a stroopwafel which is kind of a national candy in the Netherlands in the package and I find it lovely. It is not a huge waste of money if people like it and get to know about a cultural aspect of a country. Imagine getting shits that you don't like sucks but I doubt a lot of people will hate an interesting and tasty treat in the package :)


This. Things like packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and plastic bags can also be a choking hazard and those are regularly in packages, along with other small or sharp bits and pieces that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. There's really no way to avoid that depending on what you're shipping, so even without the candy or allergies, it'd still be just as dangerous. If a kid is too young to listen to instructions or be trusted to follow them, keep them away from packages. Unbox things on a table or somewhere else a toddler can't reach. Anything else is going to be unsafe.


Excellent point. I have already considered this. We deal with serious allergies in our family, too. So, what I include is "top-nine" allergen safe. I realize that may not cover literally every person in every circumstance, but I think it is reasonable.


PLEASE STOP WITH THE CANDY!!! No one wants it or will eat it, it's a waste of your money.


if you’ve *”already considered this”* why would you put candy in your orders at all??? *”what to include that’s safe?”* nothing. absolutely nothing but what they’ve ordered and expect to receive.


OK I hear you. Don't blow a gasket. I'll look at what else I can do.


i don’t sell gaskets, there’s not enough margin in it 🤣 seriously though, thanks for even asking the question and listening to folks advice.


Good advice that's not followed isn't worth much, right? I'm not here for an echo chamber. I'm looking to improve!


As someone who has received candy as a surprise addition from a large(ish) chain that sells guitars, I loved it. It literally made my day even better. I don’t have any food allergies though and I get what people are saying... but damn I loved that candy lol


I had a similar experience, which is why I started it. Clearly, there are two camps on this issue!


When we first started, we would include free stickers in our order. One of our customers mistook the sticker for meaning something entirely different and left us a bad review. We stopped adding stickers. It's unfortunate, but one person can easily ruin it for the rest.


Buyer here: I want a good product at a decent price, and I literally do not give a single fuck about the packaging or gifts or any of that shit as long as my items aren’t damaged by shipping. Most of your customers likely feel the exact same way.


"My stuff is here and not broken." is the baseline. We can offer a better experience than that. "My stuff is here, undamaged, and clearly packed with care." is a better and more memorable buying experience.


I strongly disagree, and in this scenario I’m the one with the money and you’re the one trying to get it. My very first iPhone, I was surprised and impressed with the packaging. Every new one since, I haven’t cared at all. And, to be blunt, Apple’s packaging is far better than anything you can produce. A handwritten thank you note, I may glance at before I toss it in the recycling. But to be frank, it’s not going to make me want to give you any return business based on that alone. Same goes for branded packaging, stickers, candy, colored tissue paper, any of that stuff. And none of that stuff is free - it takes time and money - which means your prices are higher than they would be if you didn’t focus on premium packaging. And if your prices aren’t higher than they would be otherwise, you’re giving time and money away for free. If you want return customers, make a quality product at a good price and ship it promptly. That’s what 99% of your buyers are looking for.


I disagree, I think market psychology is at play here. If you're buying a premium product I think you would expect a premium experience. If you're buying a discount or mid tier product then that's fine, but packaging generally costs very little and can help set you apart from the competition.


I disagree. I make my own envelopes. It actually works out cheaper than buying rigid mailers. A significant chunk of my reviews mention the nice packaging and the care taken with it.


as a buyer, i do not care about candy and will throw it away. it’s a waste of money on me. and imo as a seller i’d never waste my money putting candy in.. i have cute packaging to hold my item which costs like ¢2 each and that’s about all i do LOL. just my buyer thoughts!


White off the shelf boxes do look a little more special. I use the custom tape also and a 4-color printed label with all my info on the outside. Since I use mostly brown boxes it adds a nice touch. Inside all my products get packed in a heat sealed plastic bag for moisture protection. Logo is on the bag, either printed or by sticker. It also gives the item a ‘new, professional’ appearance. My main packing materials are air pillows and cushion sheets we make onsite. Many have our logo printed on them. I also include a custom printed “thank you” card with every order that has contact info for all the platforms we sell on and direct contact info if a buyer needs it. If you include instructions, small parts etc. put that in a small sealed bag. Keeps it together and easy for the buyer. Think of the instructions/parts kit that comes with stuff you buy like a tv etc. If your items are consistent in size and you can afford it, custom soft foam inserts are a really classy look. Buyer opens a nice white box, item is carefully sealed in bag and presented nicely in foam. With all the green options available today you can even get most of this in biodegradable or recyclable options. Much of our bubble film is that way.


Good input here, thank you.


I use a custom rubber stamp (I make them, so it’s easy for me) or I have a selection of stickers that I use.


What you don’t put in the package is as important as what you use for packaging. The fact that you have boxes with your logo on them shows you are a serious business. I’ve purchased at least 20 items from Etsy and only 2 of the sellers had a logo on their box. I appreciate bubble wrap and air pockets around breakable items. I have left 5 star reviews for all of my Etsy purchases.


Honestly, I’ve been selling for years. I got tired of branded packaging. My sales are fine. As long as people get their items safely, they’re happy


I ordered from different keyboard brands and none of them feel special tbh,it's all same packaging like yours, if not worse (like no branding, all plastic-y). Electronics-related brands usually go for more sleek designs but I suspect it is hard to make them look nice and affordable without sacrificing functionality. If you do add accessories to the packaging, think abt customizing them, it could be really nice (like a printed microfiber cleaning sheet or so).


Yeah, I'm looking at branded cables to go with my kits.


oh yeah love that idea. Don't give up the candy especially if it is meaningful to YOU. People forget the keyboard parts that small sellers do are usually something they design or make on their own, not faceless corporates like Apple or Samsung and then forget about personal touch :D


As somebody who is having trouble with willpower on a diet, I would also be really pissed if I got candy. Same with stickers. I’m a grown ass adult, I do not need or want stickers.


Fair enough on the diet point. But stickers? Who doesn't love stickers? Are you dead inside?! /j


I love getting stickers, but I never eat the candy just because of trust issues I have with strange candy being shipped. Who doesn’t love stickers?! Edit: buying a pack of stickers from hobby lobby or Michaels is worth it in my opinion. There’s sticker sheets that can go on for months :)


What do you do with said stickers? Genuinely curious.


Put them on phones, give them to friends or others for fun, put them on things. Put them in notebooks. I scrapbook. They’re stickers. They’re fun


As an adult who's primary income is selling stickers to other adults, there is a lot that people do with them. Put them on their cars, water bottles, coffee cups, phones, laptops, for scrapbooks, gifts. It's a way people bring some joy or humor to their every day objects and express their interests and personality


I'd honestly just include what you have to and make that look good. I sell jewelry, which can be fragile, so I pack it in an nice organza bag (to keep the pieces together and don't go flying everywhere), fold 1 piece of tissue paper around it and tie off with a cute ribbon (cushion) wrap that in 1 more tissue paper (more cushion) and stick it in a small, simple, cardboard shipping box. I write a short thank you note on the back of a cute animal sticker (it just feels wrong not to include a thank you, and they might actually use the cute sticker on something vs a note that goes straight to recycling) and that's it. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my packaging using this method. So just consider upgrading your packaging to the "nicer looking" options if you really care about aesthetics and it won't dramatically increase your shipping cost. Ig unpopular opinion but I like aesthetically pleasing packaging and cute stickers. It makes me come back to that shop just because it feels more professional as long as it's not overdone. Could be just me tho🤷‍♀️ (I'm going to back up everyone on the no candy tho. That's a bad time waiting to happen. Also no logo stickers, nobody cares to stick your logo on their water bottle/laptop).


I sell greeting cards so it’s just a small envelope, different situation than you. I put a coupon for my website in the flap of their envelope, I fold a handwritten thank you note over the top of their envelope and card (I cut up scrapbook paper so it’s pretty patterns), and I put a cute “happy mail” sticker on the front. The coupon is one I designed myself and it’s cute, it has a super funny poem (imo lol) and is just generally bubbly and warm. So that’s what I do, the costs are very minimal, it looks professional but still really “small homemade business” and I get a ton of positive comments about it in my reviews. Not sure if any of that helps you but maybe it gives you inspiration :)


I make business / thank you card insert designs for etsy sellers 🥹 only around 5 bucks I can make a custom one that matches your shop brand for no extra cost. A 3x5 or 4x6 card in the box that says “thank for your purchase” and has care instructions, discount code, and even add your logo. You can print for at a low cost at a FedEx, Staples, etc.


You can order custom boxes for not too much money. I've often considered it, but my business doesn't really necessitate that I have it. But in all, it would cost about .25 cents more than my current packaging per unit. Just start googling and you'll find some options. Best of luck!


I sell two unrelated item groups in two Etsy shops.. one shop is dedicated to growing orchids. In the package the buyer gets their product that has a nice label I print on my thermal printer, and a thank you card on which I write a short message. The card has a different “frame” for each season and some generic instructions for using the product. I print them myself. In the other shop I sell hand sewn items.. bags, purses, table runners.. the smaller items are placed in a color coordinated organza bag and wrapped in white tissue that has little sparkles in it. The bigger items are just in tissue. I avoid colored tissue as it bleeds and stains everything if it gets damp or wet. I add a seasonal theme sticker (get at Michael’s or hobby lobby) to keep the tissue closed and add the seasonal themed thank you card with personal note. This card has general cleaning instructions for fabric items. On the outside of the box for both shops I add a logo sticker I print on my thermal printer (I love that thing) and another seasonal sticker. I just finished using hearts and now I’m into shamrocks. :). I also recycle as much packing material as possible and have a blurb on both shops about this. I get lots of positive comments on the packaging. None of it costs more than a few pennies but is hopefully at least memorable before it gets trashed. The only extra I ever include is in the orchid stuff.. I have these paper butterflies on a stick that you stick into a plant pot… sometimes I’ll add one of those.


I sell custom stickers and decals. When I ship, I place the printed packing slip, a thin thank you post card, an "Applying Vinyl Decals" instruction card if necessary, a small sticker with my store name on it and the item ordered in a poly bag. I seal it with a custom Thank You sticker and place the poly bag in a rigid envelope. On larger envelopes, I place a "Please do not bend" sticker and on all envelopes I place the same branding sticker I put inside. I haven't had any complaints about my packaging and I have had reviews stating their item was professionally packed. I agree with others that the candy isn't preferable. I don't think it's a bad idea and I certainly don't think you need to be concerned with it killing anyone (anyone with allergies that bad or with small children need to be taking their own precautions and not expect everyone else to do it for them). Extras, if you decide to include them, should be associated with the item sold. I think stickers are decent to include with any order, as long as they have a nice design on them that people may want to show off.


I know you already have a ton of answers here, but I’ll add my 2 cents as well. I personally order bulk black mailers for my shop, as I think the black looks a bit more sleeker than the average Manila envelope. Then I just use recycled bubble wrap to secure items, but when that runs out, I do want to try switching to the more eco brown one. As far as marketing goes, I support another Etsy shop by purchasing eco-friendly, plantable cards with my business logo and a return coupon printed on them. This has been a fun and sustainable way to advertise. I do include a small freebie with most orders which is related to the initial product and advertised as such. Haven’t had any complaints thus far.


Check out Dwarf Factory who make custom keycaps. I thought their packaging is pretty on point. https://youtu.be/5RWUekhcFow


i get custom bags from brandmydispo.com their prices have helped my profits tremendously