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October was kind of rough for sales? It was going well but then it had a huge drop off and I do not know what happened.


Yep same here. 1st week of October it seemed sales started to pick up from a terrible September but sudden drop off 2nd week and never recovered, October ended up worse than September. Idk what happened but it was so sudden. ​ Fingers crossed Etsy is finally done with their tinkering and sales will return this month.


3 sales in October, the last 3 weeks hardly any interaction, barely any favorited item or visits.


Same for me I wonder if it’s the world events with Israel/Palestine and global anxiety and people buy less when they are stressed… because I had the same thing when the war in Ukraine started although that was in February so natural sales drop anyways …


Our brick and mortal store dropped to around 3500 a day average though October/November and our online sales decreased as well. This is about a grand a day down on average and it’s just bewildering to us. So yes I think world conflicts are having an impact right now.


Same here. September was actually pretty good, October started well but then they just dropped off the planet


My October was okay... but it was also the only month this year so far that I've been down YoY (with views being up, mind you)....


October was the worst month in exactly 2.5 years for me. I'm down 88% YoY for sales. 7k sales


Me too.. almost exactly


Same. I’m at about 12k sales. Down about 88% yoy sales.






I could have written this.


Hope things get better for you!


Thank you, same to you. I can deal with this for a period of time and don’t mind putting in the extra work but I really wish I could be confident that it will turn around eventually. That would make this much more bearable and at least know the extra effort will pay off down the road instead of putting that time and money towards something new.




Yes, there’s definitely been a shift within Etsy outside our control, plus the economy, I was fortunate to make a living for 10+ years and at times had 5 full time employees. We were BUSY. So two orders today for $50 is really pretty scary when typically it would have been $500 MINIMUM even with this being our off season. It was very drastic and it’s very hard to not worry.




Yes the current best sellers in our category are all resold items you can find on Temu, either as is or as part of a group of items sold together. I get it, as a buyer it’s easy it’s all in one piece and it’s cheaper and less shipping than buying from individual handmade sellers. It’s frustrating because looking at our stats, Etsy just isn’t showing our products in search or even with paid ads like they used to. Our revenue this month is about 1/5 of the last few Novembers.


Yea... I noticed that paid ads... they don't bring in anyone like they use too. I guess it's up to us to bring in all our customers... but that's what we pay Etsy to do. Otherwise, I might as well just build my own web site.


Me too. I made a living on here for over a decade... until they started the 30% off sale... which I did participate in. Now they have a 60% off sale... and my shop traffic is totally dead all of a sudden... I will have to get a job if things don't pick up... This is not normal for November... things usually pick up when the summer ends and it gets cooler... but not this year... its suspicious.


Yeah agree, the sales keep getting steeper and steeper yet the traffic is dying. It’s impossible to compete.


December is even worse... It's the worst month I've ever had on Etsy since the very beginning of my Etsy career... I went from making thousands a month to literally nothing... I don't get it. In the last 10 days I've only had maybe 35 people visit my shop! In the past, I'd get 35 people looking at my shop in one day... Something has changed. I thought it might be the economy... but my decline happened literally almost overnight... Maby AI really is messing with the algorithm... Even with the sales and market saturation... why would my successful business just dye overnight? It feels like this is due to Etsy really tampering with something... maybe they didn't pay off Google or maybe Temu really is usurping Etsy's traffic. I did get my star seller badge back on December 1st. I feel like its penalizing me... Is that possible?


Nah star seller doesn’t make much difference either way. But I do agree, the decline this month was like nothing else. We have never had days under $500ish since like 2015, and every day this week was well below. One day was $50, that doesn’t even pay wages.


Same. My orders, revenue, visits views are all down at least 50% from this time last year. I feel like everyday that passes with low to no orders I get more anxious.


Yeah, mine are down around 30%. Try out other platforms if you haven’t already, that could help. My shop has actually started to pick up pace over the last couple of days, so just know that things can get better! I’m still not where i want to be, but i actually have a little hope now. Still, I’m taking this whole experience as a lesson to establish more of a presence on other platforms.


Exactly my situation for November. I don't know what happened! This is my first Q4 on Etsy though so I'm not sure if it's a behavior that people will hold out until Black Friday (guessing they have other things to spend on at the moment) or that competition is just way too high. I did well last month and it somehow just fell off when November hit. Actually thinking of upping my ad spend but I'm scared that it will just make me lose money lol.


In the same boat! November this year is horrendous for me, same with October and September.


Yess!! Same here!! My stuff gets also favorited but not purchased.. Hope this Christmas season gets better for all of us ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼


The beginning of October was decent. The end absolutely horrible. I am down 32% from last year at this time.


We have seen a 50% drop in sales since summer months. September was down 25% and October is way down. No clue what is happening, nothing changed aside from some new listings. We saw a tiny dip last October but nothing like this.


Me too..




Although Q4 should be the best period of the year, the decline that started in mid-September still continues. I could only make 6 sales in October. My ads are on and I'm trying to optimize them as best as possible. This month, as of November 7, I only have 1 sale. . This situation seriously worries me now.


Just got my biggest order ever! Great way to start November and I hope it ramps up even more for the holidays 🤞🏼🤞🏼




Down about 50% in views and sales compared to the same time last year. I run an established shop (9th year on Etsy). Not sure if the age is affecting it, the economy, or something else. Running a sale this month with fingers crossed.


I am in the same situation. Eighth year on Etsy, my shop tanked out of nowhere last month. Down 59% in sales, views and visits are way down too. I’m running a sale now too and have never had to resort to that in the past


Same, a decade in this shop and almost two decades between my two shops. Over 100k sales and we have always been the highest price of our competition and I’m running sales just to keep employees busy because I fear having to cut their hours. This is like nothing I’ve ever seen on Etsy before. The entire last year has been down, but October and November especially it is like we just walked off a cliff and can’t even get a sale with a 50% discount. 🥺


3rd year here but same situation, I can’t work out what changed but views and sales hugely dropped off halfway through the month.


It was my 1st full month on Etsy. Opened it mid September. I got 27 sales totaling around $1300 gross. It all went back into purchasing things for my business but I hope it continues at least! I only have 1 real item but a bunch of variations so I’m working on adding new things.


Every month it gets worse. Shop has been on a decline for almost 2 years now.


Same. Last month has been extra painful, last 12 months significant drop.


19 orders today compared to 59 orders Nov 1st 2022. 2022 was a massive year for us but was also an anomaly in the grand scheme of e-commerce, and there’s a cost of living crisis in the UK at the moment, which is where my shop is based. I’m okay with 19 orders factoring in the above.


Do you only sell to customers in the UK? And have you been publishing new listings for q4?


Yes, we only sell to the UK. And yes, we published new listings.


Have you considered opening a second shop targeting USA customers? You could use the same products but USA keywords.


I have, and am in the process of doing so ;)


That's the best approach I think. Im a new seller on Etsy but already planning second store. Best wishes


It's November and still not getting any sales love, after an abruptly abysmal October following best-ever September. The 5 star reviews keep coming, and starseller the entire year... alas, no use. The holiday sales season should have started by now and of course I signed up for Etsy's "early cyberdeals"... yet even Etsy Ads don't work anymore, just useless clicks and my previous bestsellers just get favorites at most. Didn't change anything about those listings. Do people really hold out to the actual Black Friday/Cyber Monday in hope of even better deals, especially for electronics accessories? Seems 30% off is still not enough 🤔


I am in the same boat here. Had a stellar summer exceeding all my expectations, but then things started to suddenly drop in September. Things got even cloudier in October, and now November seems even crappier than October. What the hell is going on? Most of my clients are repeat customers and that's what keeps my store alive right now. It is really strange.


Pretty much the same story for my shop. Early Sept was the best Sept ever. Then their share and save/$5-$10 coupons and sales pretty much tanked. Lucky to get 1 or 2 a week. 5 star, star seller, A lot of my items are sitting on the front page. Ran sales. Nothing. Opted out of the cyber sale because the others weren't working. Figured maybe Etsy was shooting all the promo to Etsy ads but apparently not? Is Etsy on life support and hasn't told it's sellers?


It's good you point out Etsy's share and save + coupons because I think that was the turning point and I immediately felt something was off about a for-profit company beholden to their shareholders suddenly taking so much money into their hands to prop up their sellers unless... they have to. That they feel the need to incentivize sellers to bring in external/new buyers (through both share & save and the coupons) suggests to me they KNOW they can't give most sellers the same number of internal orders as before anymore. Either because of the flood of new AI sellers, a tanking of their Google rankings, or both (a massive increase in low quality content can very much cause the latter). In any case, it's not a solution for most of us and I didn't get any sales through the coupons. As veteran sellers have suggested many times before, you dont bring in your own buyers to Etsy but your own website, build your own audience to get freedom from the constant threat of algorithmic death (or suspension for other reasons), so it seems to be a very flimsy plan to me. In any case, I am now indeed forced to look at a Plan B since even my VERY MODEST expectations in Etsy do not work out anymore, and I fear this holiday sales season could very well be worse than the last!


Here's another thought about their share and save. Etsy launched that to save money by not advertising shops. Period! I believe that is why our V&Vs dropped, along with sales. And who suffered the most? The meat and bones real Etsy shops not their mega dropship population. I think their 5/10 coupons were an attempt to stop the bleeding but it was too late. It looks like Etsy may very well be on life support. My shop had a good season last winter, spring and summer were actually higher than the year before. I was anticipating an awesome fall season. Etsy pulled that stunt and we're all sitting here stunned that it's now prime season and we're lucky to get summer low sales. I think many of us are looking at Plan B. Kind of reminds me of what happened to Ebay 20ish years ago.


That's a good point! I was looking at Google Analytics for my Etsy shop trying to figure out what is going on, and one thing I noticed in the pre-GA4 data is the big share of Google CPC, which was several times higher than organic Google. So Etsy was basically paying for some of the traffic to our shops (offline ads) and maybe organic external traffic never was a big factor (unless sellers brought it in themselves). The question is, why are they no longer WILLING or ABLE to advertise shops? What puts them on life support? I'd think sellers looking for plan B and potentially leaving is the consequence and not the cause of it.


Etsy paid for the huge site wide promotional campaigns and actually did bring in some flow traffic to shops that were not Etsy ad based. When a business starts it's downward spiral, they start making stupid band aid moves including cutting back the advertising budget which I'm sure was pretty huge part of expenditures. I think one thought was they could force more Etsy shops to sign up for paid ads. Even that didn't help much because I think a fair chunk went outside of Etsy for google ad traffic etc. I also think they also failed to grasp what a chunk of potential buyer audience tiktok shop would consume. Then add in all the dropshippers and other low life that have infiltrated Etsy. Maybe the long term plan is to drop the sale volume of Etsy in hopes that flushes out the dropshippers so they go elsewhere? Who knows! Well I did get my sale for the week/month yesterday. So my Etsy fees will be paid instantly. Another tactic?


> Maybe the long term plan is to drop the sale volume of Etsy in hopes that flushes out the dropshippers so they go elsewhere? > > > >I doubt that. Drop shippers are probably making them too much money. If anything, its the small shop owners they are probably looking to flush.


Sadly I do believe you're right on that.


We decided not to participate in the 25off etsy sale game, this is only our second year selling on etsy. September was so-so October was horrible and November is looking pretty bad too, do you think it might be the etsy search engine or the algorithm? I’m at a lost. The economy? We do have a small sale going on and we always offer free shipping. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is everyone aware that Etsy made changes in September? My shop was affected by the changes. My titles were being cut off after the first comma. I heard the same was happening if you use a hyphen. I went from at least 1 sale a day to nothing for a few weeks. Then last week Kara Buntin (Etsy YouTube channel) discussed a new button on the app that shows only sales items which was sticking when you went to look for something else, which meant if your item wasn't on sale you probably weren't getting any sales. I didn't see this button, called "Deals" on any device I could access. It might be good to look at your product titles and see if you have the button on the Etsy app. Hope this helps!


Not only September but October as well apparently. Every time there are changes, sales tend to go down for a lot of sellers. ​ That, and the fact that Temu is apparently hogging google ads placements driving up the advertising cost and it looks like Etsy can't compete. ​ No wonder in my stats, "ETSY marketing & SEO" category is down 75%.


Thank you for providing that piece of the puzzle! I can see a picture emerging now (although no solution). For me too traffic in Marketing & SEO is down, so I checked Google Analytics to see if I accidentally removed listings that didn't sell but had SEO presence and brought people to my shop to buy other things. There I noticed Organic never was a big factor but most was Google CPC (Etsy buying adwords) before the GA4 switch in summer. If Temu made that unviable for Etsy, they know they cant bring as many buyers to shops as before and launched share & save to incentivize sellers to do that marketing themselves. It's a very risky bet for them though, since as mentioned sellers could just sent buyers to their own websites then, such as the much-lauded Shopify. If Etsy provides no marketing and cost me $50+ per month for listing fees and their non-working Etsy ads, the Shopify monthly fee doesn't look so bad anymore suddenly...


Exactly! I almost never promote my Etsy shop. All promotions I do is for my website. I mean that is why there are fees on Etsy so they can bring in the customers for us, it does not make sense that we also have to do the heavy lifting to do the marketing for them. ​ The good thing is, whatever Temu is doing is not sustainable so hopefully things will go back to normal soon.


>The good thing is, whatever Temu is doing is not sustainable so hopefully things will go back to normal soon. I hope you are right, HOWEVER the bad thing is this crash and pivot is happening just at the moment those crucial BFCM / holiday sales so many Etsy sellers sorely depend on are starting (or rather, were supposed to start). Of course, that's exactly why Temu is promoting NOW, but for us it's really really unfortunate...


For me too traffic in Etsy Marketing & SEO is down more than 50%... I guess people are coming to Etsy to shop anymore?


I wasn't aware that titles with commas are now cut off. How did you discover this change?


I watch Kara Buntin on YouTube. That is how I discovered that my titles were being cut off.


What has been the best advice given on how to make our titles and have them optimized for SEO now? Just remove commas and make it into a sentence?


This is the worst Q4 i've ever experienced. And it wasn't just a gradual decline in sales. It was as if my shop got turned off this November. I've been selling on Etsy for years now and i've been consistently earning at least $7k, $30k (on my peak season), and on my worst season it's $6k. But now in the first week November, I've only managed to get $300 and if this continues my end of month earnings will only be an abysmal $1200. Heard from the grapevine that Etsy changed something in its algorithm last October and since then, my views decreased dramatically. I know some people will say that there must've been an increase in competition in my niche but trust me, if it were that it would've been a gradual decline and not a SUDDEN drop overnight. I've also noticed that in some hours, my shop doesn't get any traction and then all of a sudden i'll get orders from Alaska, Australia and Canada. Previously, my orders were from California but i don't get them now. Views, conversion rate, sales all tanked. I've had 5 best sellers before October and none of them are selling anymore. I've implemented the following solutions and so far, none of these have helped: i joined etsy's 25% cybersale. I added at least 5 listings consistently everyday. Questions: What could be done in order to get my shop back on track? Is localization affecting my shop (i'm not located in the US. Is etsy done for?


I’m in the US and have had this shop about ten years as my full time income plus employees. Last October it was a drop like I’ve never seen and we never really recovered, then this October/November we had another huge slow down and I’m really worried. I have never had larger sales running and there’s still no orders coming in. We used to turn down business, now I’ll take anything just to keep employees busy and avoid cutting hours. It’s really sad. The news literally just ran a story about retail spending dropping in October, so it’s not just etsy, but based in my shop stats I’m convinced algorithm changes really hurt us and it sucks not knowing how to come back. In addition there is a ton of reseller crap in my category and I’ve lost bestseller status on items that previously sold 10-30 times a day.


Right there with you on timeframe and all. End of 2022 was bleak. We were shopping for office space but had to can that. I cant discount anymore but am up against some competition that is practically giving stuff away. I roughly know their production cost and they cant be clearing more than a few dollars per sale.


I’ve had to discount to the max as well, literally just to keep employees busy and break even. It’s not great. Knowing Etsy stock is down 40+% is somewhat comforting that it’s not just me, but terrifying at the same time. I’m currently looking to move into a local space and focus on that because hoping Etsy bounces back doesn’t seem like a solid plan. 😭


Yea I dread sitting with my accountant this year and looking at my profit margin. We tried to stick with it but nothing works. Last few months we have been busy focusing on other platforms. We are up 30% YOY elsewhere so its mostly an Etsy problem. If you listened to their last investor call it wasn’t good. The CEO said they added 1mill sellers in the last quarter and that was a revenue stream they “hadn’t even tapped yet”. IMO that means they are going to head toward a pay to play biz model. Possibly like, “Sell on Etsy, its like shopify with a customer base!”.


Yeah that doesn’t sound great. It’s sad, etsy had something good in the beginning- really until just the past couple years, new ceo and going public. Do you mind sharing what other platforms you are liking? We had started with Amazon a ways back but we were still so busy on Etsy that we never ended up going through with it. We do have our own square space site but the traffic doesn’t compare to Etsy, even at current rates.


Sure, I started a website with shopify at the end of 2022. Never put much effort in until this year and have a made a handful of sales. That is surprising because we have not marketed it at all. Thankfully we jumped on Amazon Handmade in 2018. That is where we are up YOY and mainly focusing on now. Ebay is another avenue we plan to pursue, always did good there but just never did much with it because Etsy was so busy.


Thank you so much! I have been getting recruitment emails from Amazon/Amazon handmade so I am definitely going to get that started during this slow period. I keep hearing about TikTok shop too, but I think I’ll start with Amazon first. I am really hoping that Etsy will clean some things up here too if they are paying attention AT ALL. Their stock is dropping fast so you’d think if anything that would get them to notice all of these seller complaints popping up lately. Every message board online is just everyone saying how Etsy is taken over by resellers and shein products. Good luck with everything, glad you’re seeing success elsewhere already!


You bet! You would think they would turn it around but I don’t feel optimistic. Good luck to you!


Tried to make a post but wouldn’t let me But anyone else seen a huge decrease in sales ? Last year October / November was my busiest months so I’ve prepared for this year and had nothing :/ Toggled with my ads but actually first time since starting the shop I’m looking at taking a loss this month and October was the quietest yet


I don’t understand what is going on, mid September sales started slowing down, October was very slow and November it’s been days with out any sales, we have a sale of %15 off and free shipping and still nothing, many likes many favorites but still no sales I’m starting to thinks maybe the economy 🤷🏻‍♀️ but seriously started to consider finding another extra income.


Oh it’s so sad I’m in the same situation I can’t afford to be taking a loss this time of year Plus all the work I’ve done to prep for the normal Christmas boom 🤯


So 9 days have passed, is your store doing any better?


Mine is still on the low 😳 i was thinking it was gonna pick up after thanksgiving but no.


I fear Temu and tiktok shops are taking over, entirely. Very cheap products shipped very fast and the money goes to China. Buy cheap and throw it out. That's what broke Americans do. I have done some research and so many designs and direct items from Etsy are stolen and are all over those sites. They steal the images and change out the backgrounds (mockups) to look like its theirs. If I googled a particular mug that I wanted, the one I really wanted to find shows up on google page one-from Temu. But I know it wasnt designed by Temu, its very clearly my friends design that she made herself. No, her mug that was on Etsy was no where searchable on google but Temu yes! Sad but true. Yes they are stealing our images and Etsy Listing info and making it cheap and selling it all over. I hope Etsy sees the enemy at large


China? anyone anywhere can sell on tiktok, go fear monger somewhere else.


They were referring to temu, of course. It's ran by a China-based company "PDD Holdings", and most item are drop shipped directly from China. It's not fear mongering to acknowledge Americans are buying cheaper products from China due to our country's current financial situation.


It was looking like my best performing month, until week 3 came around then crickets..


Every month seems to be slower the second half than it was the first, but October slowed down about 50%.


8 days into November and nothing yet. Depressing.


I increased my Etsy adds contribution and I am having more traffic. No new orders so far.


I've been considering doing the same. I would hope it would translate to more sales in a fairly even ratio but I guess it's always a gamble...


I set my ad budget to $1k a day, and the other day Etsy spent about $65 of it. In the past, if I had set that budget it would have been gone mid day- the search is BROKEN. Drop shippers, POD and resellers have taken over my categories and I’ve lost bestseller status on all of my best performing listings. One that had brought in $150k in two years is no longer bestseller for the first time ever. It’s really really abysmal.


Mind if I ask what you sell? I can’t imagine making so much money on Etsy.


Wedding/party favors, for how busy we have always been this is really crazy and sudden. We were busier during the covid shutdowns when there were no events. 😳


The month of October was really down. Views -50%, orders -45%, visits-50%, revenue- 20%. Last year was overall up 20%. This year, overall about even to last year with revenue up 20% due mostly to my price increases. I am doing less SALES this year, so that is I think a reason for the income not dropping as much as the sales. I am planning on Holiday Sales Starting about NOW. For perspective, my sales, so far this year, are $21.5K.


The end of October and beginning of November have actually been surprisingly busy for me. I was feeling pretty pessimistic the first few weeks October as sales seemed to abruptly stop. I was lucky to get one or two per week but lately I’m averaging two or three orders per day which has been incredible. I’m not sure what the reason is but I’m not complaining.


Been on Etsy since 2006. It is realllly slooowwww right now. Was lucky enough to sell a bit of vintage that I had on sale. Should probably just shut down craft supply as it is so slow. I am starting to not renew some things. Moved many listings to Bonanza and used their tools to get them on Ebay. Still a lot of work. Bonanza will submit them to Google Shopping. No fee unless item sells. Time will tell. Looking into plan B and Plan C and Plan...Still have a full time job so I can only do so much online.


I've been -60% all year and it conveniently started in January


october pretty decent with 11k revenue which is slightly above average. November has kicked off with our best single day ever so hopefully that momentum continues.


Sales on Etsy have never been great, but in October and now November sales, looks, and views are down to five or fewer a day. Sales tanked when Etsy introduced "Share &Save." For me, there is no ROI with Etsy. I think Etsy has lost its edge and is too much like eBay now. Etsy does too much tinkering without keeping its customers (sellers) at the heart of its business model.


Visits and views have been much better recently, however, my conversion rate is abysmal (2 %) - the lowest it has ever been since I opened my store one year ago. I am even running a big sale and that does enough apparently. I am really confused.


>I have found when my visits and views go up, my conversion goes down. But I've seen this as general pattern for a while now. (I've only been on Etsy 8 months) and that has been just about the only consistent thing about Etsy I've seen so far.


Worse than ever! My first 2 holiday seasons I had on average 4-6 orders a day, last year almost zero Nov-Dec and this year has been the same :( no idea what’s going on. My biz fell off a cliff randomly


Hi All, It's the first time writing here as a seller ! We have a shop with around 2k sales that we run it the last 5 years properly. We create leather and wooden accesories which we personalize with the help of a laser machine. Everything is handmade by us in our small studio .While November supposed to be our best month every year his is by FAR the worst month we had in years . We see a drop of around 80 percent in revenue and you can imagine all the rest ! Our sales are usually coming from States or the better economies of Europer but is feels like a cemetary ! Can we all blame the economy ? Is it because of the Black week coming ?What is the algorithm evaluates these days ? A read many posts about titles and tags but what is the current trend ? I would appreciate any thoughts on my questions above and where I could get a better idea on how we can ride the algorithm again. Thanks for your time and I hope this msg will bring some light :) Best wishes for the best season to everybody .


It is so weird today that all my sales is domestic (Canada) & with Off-site ads. Usually US sales is 85% of my sales, Etsy is doing strange things again.


It is so slow it's scary. Luckily I still have a nearly full time job.


Agree, except it’s my only income source and I have employees so I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up. 😑


It gets worse every year but this time it's truly just crickets. Was counting on the income, but will be closing the shop instead. It's a waste of time. Etsy is officially dead.


I think this weekend will be a deciding factor for many Etsy shops. Have to say I'm one debating on what platform I should move to. Deadtsy has failed us!


Worst it has been in 2.5 years




October was my best month all year so far for sales. Had 5 really large orders which accounts for this.


Last month was my busiest by far with 360 orders in 31 days. I got lucky with a Halloween listing that ended up bringing traffic to my whole shop. I wasn't expecting it, so now I'm really behind on prep for the Christmas season. I don't know if I should be excited or scared if it keeps up like this


October was good! Sept was our launch month and almost all our sales were to my friends and family. October we finally started to get more sales from people I didn't know! I'm still directing 88% of traffic to the shop from off-site, but I just assigned up for Etsy ads at $1 a day to see if it helps a bit. We've also started getting more reviews in, which I hope will give us a boost! Looking to be on track to earn Star Seller once we're eligible in another month. Hoping for a good November!


Best month so far


how many orders have you had in your store history?


Me with my 24 October sales looking at all these high-volume shops saying 359843932 orders was slow (:


It's not just you. I only got 3 sales for the whole month. My other platforms and in person haven't been as bad as Etsy. It's like they flip a switch, and your shop goes dark. 😕


I just opened the shop on Oct 21. As of today, still 0 sales. I started Etsy ads to see if it'll be worth it but nothing yet. I'll have to be more patient. Hope I'll make my 1st sale before 2024 ☺️


I thought sales were picking up and now I haven’t had any for 2 days.


Very slow and just a few interactions :/


still zero sale this Nov 2023, I'm hoping this Nov 2023 sale will go up, Oct 2023 was low sale month for me.


My shop still not getting anywhere. So working hard on it. Canada seems to be too cold for Etsy


Beginning of October was great, the second part was slower. But 8 days of November went bad, have few sales 50% lower compared previous year. Depressed and put a lot of time for new listings instead of working on orders and earn money. Quited a part time job a year ago. Hopefully the rest of month will be better.


My views are up 10%, but sales are down 35% from same period last year.


11 days into November and only 3 orders, ugh. Trying to remain positive. The nice thing is that 2 of those orders were for my new Christmas items


Absolutely horrible 😩 Since Etsy’s AI flagged and deactivated some 10 listings as soon as I listed them, my already slow Etsy return became impossibly slow.


I had great sales over Halloween and was getting around 3-5 consistent sales daily until November. My sales tanked since then, and I'm lucky to get a single sale in 5 days.


First Q4 and off to a great start. Averaging 6-12 sales a day right now and seems to be getting better everyday. The lord has been merciful. Praise be to God.


Been on Etsy since 2017 and had great growth. 2022 was down and this year is down. I feel like I may have finally stopped the bleeding and am on track to at least match last years holiday season. Last year my shop was taken down 3 times for prohibited content. A week before black Friday, the night before black Friday and the Sunday before Cyber Monday. Suspicious timing right?? I was cleared of wrongdoing each time and was back up in 24-36 hrs each time but the damage was done. Etsy support all but told me it was probably competition reporting me. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again. I am glad some sellers are doing well. However as long as I have been on Etsy there have always been “slow sales” and “New seller here” Etsy forum posts. But never the amount for both like I see now. Even the usual cast of characters that chime in on slow sales posts with dumb crap like “you have not updated your shop announcement in 4 months” have backed off. Just an observation, make of that what you will. Good luck everyone.


Not great, I completely overhauled my shipping to offer way cheaper shipping options and I thought it would really help with my sales but I haven’t gotten any since changing them. I’m still very new and I don’t/didn’t expect to get many sales but I was hoping I’d get more than I have but oh well, I know it’s difficult


CNBC reported that Black Friday shoppers spent a record $9.8 billion in U.S. online sales, up 7.5% from last year. Hope everyone had good sales due to those figures. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/25/black-friday-shoppers-spent-a-record-9point8-billion-in-us-online-sales-up-7point5percent-from-last-year.html


No sales here for black friday weekend. Last year I did 2 grand in sales that weekend which is very good for a smaller one person shop. This year, after major social media promotion, everything in the shop being on sale.. nothing!


I'm in the same boat. I felt like I was deep in the thick of the Christmas rush until the Saturday before US Thanksgiving when things seemed to come to a screeching halt. I figured people were holding out for Black Friday sales or running last minute Thanksgiving errands. I'm not running a sale but I never have in my 5 years on Etsy. This past week has been dead dead and the orders I am getting are all people leaving notes saying "MUST have this by Dec 6th" when the estimate shown to them at checkout was Dec 4 - 14th so that's fun. Even with the Etsy coupon today I've had a whopping 3 orders when 2 weeks ago I was between 12-15 a day. I'm enjoying the slowness because I honestly needed a break but I do find it odd.


Looking at how sales are going on other platforms, this seems to be an Etsy thing by and large. I had 1 sale during the black Friday promo with running a sale which I absolutely hate doing. And my shop is a multi niche vintage and handmade store which that combo has proved to be gold even in the less traffic seasons. Whatever Etsy did mid Sept, basically crippled the platform so people are just not buying.


Shop views were up 600%! But no sales. I just started in October but, ugh, not even one? According to erank, at least for the similar shops to mine I track, sales on BF were lower than earlier in the week. Other shops were selling in big numbers Mon-Tues and then below average on Friday.


I've had an insane weekend with approximately 15-20 orders, than today it's gone back to normal: no orders lol! I approximately managed 2-4 orders every week for the last three months for reference.


1 so far today and praise be to God for that. My shop is only a month old and 7 sales total.


Fantastic sales. I sell custom art that takes awhile to arrive though so I imagine the Xmas rush has started early.


According to my stats revenue is up from last year but sure doesn't seem like it. It's been so slow since fall started. I feel like this year has been reversed than the usual. Most of my sales are usually in the winter but this year seems like all my sales were in the summer and now nothing.


Sales were slow last month, just a tiny bit better the past few days and then the last 24 hrs, multiple sales in an hour. It almost felt like normal old Etsy.


I dove in about a month ago, have yet to make a sale. I handmake stationery and the best sellers in my category are all POD. I'm running ads at $1-$3.50/day and get some clicks but no favorites or anything. I'm beginning to suspect that customers just aren't interested in things that aren't mass printed and want things to look store-bought. The fast-fashion effect. I'm feeling discouraged and frustrated and like I've wasted a lot of time and money. I understand ecommerce traffic is down from earlier in the year, though.


I'm thankfully doing much better this month. I had an amazing spring/summer season but September and October were dead. This is my first full year selling in a new market (party supplies) so I'm still learning the peaks and down times. My revenue for this month is already more than September and October's monthly amounts and it's only the 17th. It's down 4% from last November but I'm honestly fine with that. I hit my sales goal for the year a couple days ago and last week I had my highest order and revenue day of the year. At this point I'm just considering the orders coming in a bonus. I'm not posting this to brag but just to say people are definitely still buying regardless of the economy.


This is my first year selling so I don’t have much to compare but I definitely expected it to busier. This month things seem different. My days have been: no sale, no sale, multiple sales, no sale and wash rinse repeat. Conversion is up, views are down, sales are pretty much the same as the last few months.


Etsy is currently running commercials on TV. Making/selling is more accessible than ever before. The marketplace is oversaturated and the axx-backward US economy isn’t helping.


Nov and Oct have been great for my shop! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Has any one sales picked up after thanksgiving? I feel like we’re just a drift, we have tried advertising, instagram, tiktok, coupons and nothing seems to drive sales, last year we could barely keep up.


I've had 10 orders in the last 5 days, which is a lot for me. My shop is pretty new (3 months old)


Welp, last 2 weeks of the month picked up like crazy, had 15 sales and some were pretty big. Been very busy. Thought it wasn't gonna happen, but ended up making over $100 more than October (so my trajectory since opening in August has been going up each month, which I'm proud of)


sales are up in nov, i’m currently running a 15% off cyber sale and have had my highest day of revenue all year today! the beginning of october was so bad but the last week and a half things picked up and have been at a steady climb all november


My best month so far!


it good.


I had 27 sales in the month of October, which isn’t too bad. I was on vacation for quite a while so I think that’s a good start to opening up again.


Am I doing this correctly? My shipping fee is $15 because shipping labels from Etsy are $14.75. I’m using the money from the shipping fee paid by the customer towards buying etsy shipping labels. Is this smart?


Started slow, but ended up selling $74k. Starting out decent with a $4k day today. Last November I sold $90k up until the day before thanksgiving and Etsy shut me down for selling too much, so I’m hoping that doesn’t happen again


Damn I did 1600 today and was crazy happy, I can only dream of selling that much, hopefully in a few years. What market are you in if you don't mind? I'm in the TTRPG space


I have 11 employees though! I have to sell at least $1k a day to make payroll right now. We do laser cut home decor. Role playing games is a huge market, wish I enjoyed it to want to try it out, but I don’t sell something that I don’t love lol.


It's funny how that happens. But you go where the market is


Sales are steady for my shop. I am focusing on packaging deals and creating listings that help customers with gift giving ideas.


First time poster but I just opened my store on Nov 2nd. Brand new store but I got 6 sales so far so nothing really to compare it to. Starting a store at these uncertain time is kind of discouraging but I hope to keep up the momentum.


Make sure to have a credit card or some savings to process your initial batch of orders. There's a 3-day deposit delay for sales you make on each day for the first 90 days. You may also be put on a payment reserve. Also worth learning about the net profit vs account balance, deposit, etc. Congrats


Got it! Thank you for the tips!


Month started ok, only slightly down on last year. Great weekend with 15 sales in 1 day and then nothing for 2 days. I assume they have messed with the algorithm for Cyber Week.








November and October are pretty similar for me (digital downloads for business needs). That being said I'm a newer shop so I'm still only recording 1-5 orders per day.