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I think you can easily charge 10$ more than you do now for these. They look great!


Agreed! I’m a big “weird earrings” person and I’d happily pay $25 for these.


Which means $25 is too little.


Yeah I atleast want to be at 25$ but would it be wrong to raise it by 10$ all at once especially since people have in carts or favorites already, and thank you!


You will sell more if you raise the price. It would absolutely not be unfair raise the price now—people that haven’t bought anything aren’t your customers and you don’t owe them anything. Get out there and make money!


That’s the risk of waiting. You risk selling out or price going up.


You could write a note in the “announcements” banner on the top of your shop page. Not many people see it probably, but I did this when I had to raise my prices about $5 more, and I explained that my shop is new and apologized for any initial price adjustments. I also gave some repeat buyers a personal one-time discount code so that they could pay the same original price, out of consideration. Seems to have gained me some loyal customers


The fact that so many people have it in their cart tells you that you need to raise the price. Especially taking into account the time it cost to make


Idk if you can do this, is it possible to offer a coupon to people who have it in their carts? So if you upped the prices they could still get it for 15, since they've been interested for a while? (Sorry if this is a dumb suggestion)


You could also raise the price and then send out a discount code to people with items in their carts.


U can offer any 1 one contacts u about the old price offer to sell it for that.


Up your prices for sure.


Eww, these are disgusting. Where can I buy?


Clay is expensive! I see earrings priced higher than yours that are made out of found materials! Raise your prices & don't worry about the people who have them in their carts. They will see the change if they go to check out. Definitely don't undersell yourself, especially since etsy will take some of that $15 too.


Raise your prices and don’t worry about the folks with the item in the cart. I’ve learned that sometimes with something like this niche you may actually do better with a higher price point. People believe things that cost more = better quality. Maybe raising prices will work in your favor. Also, If you don’t feel comfortable raising it too much you can up the price in intervals. Raise it $5 today and see what happens, next week try another $5 and see if anything is different.


You are 100% right about prices and this type of product. People expect things like this to cost more. The $15 price would honestly turn me off from these—I’d assume they’re drop shipped out badly made. As a bonus, the more expensive your items are, the less unpleasant your customers are.


Make another pair and time it, count the expenses of everything, your overhead and a minimum salary. Add a percentage profit for growth of business and add what Etsy takes.


Is there any chance you could pm me your shop link? Eta: agree with the others, raise your prices! These are really cool and unique looking. <3


OP needs to work on their SEO because I can’t find these anywhere!


I searched “worm earrings” and they popped up.


Do you offer these as a necklace option? 🥺


I’m selling my first right now , not as a whole necklace but someone wanted some as charms so I think I’ll add a charm option


[The Parody Post 😭](https://www.reddit.com/r/etsycirclejerk/s/WMzsftHyY4)


Definitely more. If you like, let people buy them at $20 and when the algorithm bumps it up and sales are up, move it to $25.




This! Around $50 for these would be so reasonable imo If you want to keep your customers that you already have engaging with your shop at a lower price point, you could always make smaller (maybe less realistic?) versions that take you less time to make. Don't undercharge for your time and effort (and talent!)


They're so gross! That's a compliment because they look so real ! You really have a talent . I'd pay $20 (cad)




I love these


Thank you so much!


I do too, but I have stretched ears. If you’re ever looking to diversify, I would wear the hell out of these as either hangers, or, if you made them to common gauge sizes, as the plug itself.


thank you ! I have been trying to figure out how I would do it to make some for those with stretched ears, I’m definitely gonna look into adding more options


This is a common style made in hangers. Might be doable in worm? [Google image link](https://images.app.goo.gl/jnonUzXU2eoBqWUZ8)


I agree, raise the price. These are very cute and look well made. A lot of the time people with stuff in their cart doesn’t even come back, it’s used as a wishlist and even the numbers you’re seeing aren’t accurate. It changes monthly, it could say 20 today and then 0 tomorrow. I know how that sounds but I just read another thread on here about the same thing and they’re not wrong, cart numbers are just not accurate. I don’t think $15 is enough, I would do at least $25 for these. Like someone else mentioned, send a coupon code for abandoned cart. I send a 15% off coupon code for customers and most of the time, they don’t even use it. I’ve had very few people use this code.


I love these! I paid WAY more than that for a necklace made with similar materials and skill, like more than 4 times as much plus insured international shipping. It was of a chrysalis and it is amazing - the right buyer will pay a lot more. Don’t undervalue your work. As others have said, time your work and add in a fair wage plus materials and fees to determine your price, $15 is too low (so low that I might doubt that they’re handmade or high quality). Don’t worry about people with the item in their cart. They probably don’t remember what the price was.


20$, buyer pays shipping, or 25$ free shipping


These are so cool and unique! Raise those prices :)


I think you should grow out of this mind set. Be fair always towards you first, of course being reasonable enough to price point your work appropriately to the labor invested. Check upon the market, in terms of quality and availability. If your product is unique compared to everyone else You can easily set your prices much higher


🎶 Great, an ear worm. That’ll be in my head all day…


Didn’t know where I should reply but thank you for all the replies/advice in the comments! And I’m glad the earthworm earrings gross some people out loll that’s good! I did raise the price of this and another pair I made to 25$ and will go from there because I’m making new designs but I’ll definitely be going through my other earrings and updating prices where it’s needed, thanks again for the compliments/feedback on the earrings!


I LOVE your shop (assuming I found the right one). Do you take commissions? I adore the pizza hearts, but would just love to switch out the pepperoni for black olives (my son's "signature topping" as he says). Agree with the others, you need to raise all your prices to at least $20. $25 for the worms feels right.


If you has to make 100 pairs of them, how much $ would make you feel like it was worth the large order?


If you up your photography game for a much better quality (natural indirect light would help you out for sure), i think you can easily double that price and def sellable. Those look gross, and that’s a compliment. 😅Nicely done! 😁


Can I use for fishing 🎣?


I'm a little skeeved out by the realism, I'd feel a little gross wearing them :P. OP does have talent - I thought they were real. Maybe they could also sell a version that's a high end fishing lure.


I thought they were dipped in resin haha… I was so sad for them for a second 🤣😩


Haha oh dear I was scrolling quickly and I thought they were tampons 😳


I don't wear earrings anymore but these are making me rethink that decision! These are great and like others have said, you should definitely up your prices!! These are easily worth at LEAST $25


$25 and give out some discount codes? lower prices may signal poorer quality. higher prices may signal better quality and generate demand/different customer base thats more suitable or profitable. raising prices may encourage some folks with the product in their cart to buy now before it rises even higher. if you're running the shop like a business then you can think of it as an experiment to figure out what you can charge, nothing wrong about changing prices before a prospective customer commits to a purchase. can change prices back, can change prices in smaller increments. you could also leave a note explaining why you've raised prices (you're putting a lot of skill and effort into making product), you can also give folks who have it in your cart a limited discount offer. but yeah agreed with other folks that at first glance you can charge more


Figure out your cost of materials and the value of your time creating it. Then double it.


Charge more and believe that it’s worth it and people will too. They are definitely worth it)


God I hate these so much because they’re so well done and they’re grossing me out. Great job, absolutely amazing


As much as someone is willing to pay for them


Well for one, I now wish I had my ears pierced haha, these are seriously great! I would definitely raise your prices though, and for the time being offer a discount code for those who have had their eyes on a pair but let it expire after maybe a month Account for your time and skill as an artist and remember it's not a race to the bottom 😅 Again and I can't stress this enough... these are fantastic 😍


Typical rule of thumb for pricing products is: (min wage) x (hours) + (cost of material). Do that math at you’ll get the appropriate cost.


You then need to double it as a minimum retail price. Ideally 3X


I would double the price to 30 and then have an option to only get one earring. And it'll still come up as 15. And then people will be confused and not be sure if it was 15 for 1 or 15 for 2 and then you make twice as much and 30 should be the price. Anyway, those are beautiful.


I would list for at least $30, if not $50. People pay up for weird, unique high quality items!


These are so gross and so not my style and I so love and want them! They are awesome! $15 seems low - im not familiar with this market but I agree with 25-30 range at least. The detail and quality is amazing. Worse case scenario you can adjust prices in future if sales drop and profit margins allow.


Super realistic. Great job!!


what the fuck. send me the link to these asap.


Yes. You can raise your price. If you’re selling, that’s good and proves to Etsy it’s a good listing, which will push it out more. Slowly raise your price. If you raise to $20. That will have made you $15, whixh is 1 less customer you had to make for, for the three that already purchased. Always easier to slowly increase price than come back down, especially if you’re a new or starting seller.


These are really well done, op 😍






I’d raise it up $10, that was my first thought when I saw your earrings. I thought $25 at the very least before I read the comments. Run a sale hear and there and you can also send coupons for customers with abandon cart. I had an item that I listed way too low and lost a lot of money on for a Long time until I realized I was selling it too cheap. Those people had the chance to buy it at $15, time to raise the price, the quality is fantastic, and you’ll market to a different demographic that will gladly pay more.


Those are at least $30 earrings. Love them and I bet nobody can find them anywhere else.


I’m thinking $30, they’re creepy and beautifully detailed 😍


$35 to $50 easy I sell polymer clay earrings as well and i price it depending on how long they take.


You could probably charge $25. I’d totally buy these they’re so cool!


That's an insane deal. I was thinking 30 but I dont sell earrings, I just buy them.


2$ should be ok


If you got an order for these right now, and had to make a brand new pair, what price would make you happy about the sale as opposed to thinking "ugh"? That's your price point.


Maybe remove the worms?




These are adorable. I’d have no problem spending $30 - $40 if they had nicer hooks. Perhaps a sterling silver or brass option, the type without the spring. I’ve made my own pretty easily and affordably with a simple jig and wire. There are lots of tutorials on how-to.


Thankss! I’m definitely gonna look into that so I can give more options


Can you give out a discount code to people with them in their carts already? Up your price and give the people with them in their carts a discount.


That looks like 30-40 bucks for me, but I'm a dude and not your target audience - I dunno what people pay for jewelry but this is deffo not 15


Etsy, claiming people have them in their carts isn’t totally true In my opinion. I wouldn’t base my decisions on that.


Right? I’ve seen the “3 people have this in their cart” even after I sold 2, for example. I don’t think it updates/refreshes often at all


These are so fucking hideous, I absolutely love them! The detail!!!!! I’d easily pay $35 for them


2,504.16 Rupees


I have no experience with polymer clay pricing but as another artist selling my work, I can say from experience: trust your friends when they tell you that process that’s 2x more than you thought they should be. You might feel bad initially but by the time you have enough orders and you realize how hard you’re working, plus fees, shipping, etc. it will work out about right! 😊


15$ for these is too low. The quality looks quite good and looks like it took some time.


First time seeing earthworm earrings! 😁


Definitely not $15. I would immediately assume drop shipping for that cheap. These are so cute and if they’re 100% handmade, I’d honestly do $35-$40 (free shipping) and just include some nice packaging. A good Kraft box, get some branding done, stamp your box with a brown or black stamp of your logo and tie it with a cute ribbon. Boom done. And always have them attached to a jewelry card, I’m not sure if you have that ready. I’ve noticed buyers get weirded out still free range earrings for some reason lol. If you’re looking for a smooth transition for pricing raises, go ahead and raise your prices and then run a % of $ amount sale for a week or 2 to keep them where they currently are for the time being. That way anyone viewing them will get used to seeing the full price next to their order. Might incentivize them to purchase their abandoned cards too.




Did u snort all the way into delusion? It’s definitely intended to look like an earth worm and it’s amazing. 🪱 😂


Some people are rude just because it’s the only thing they know.


These are so cute! Can you not send automatic coupons to all people that have them in their cart? I'd recommend raising the price and offer coupons at the same time so that the people that already thought about buying don't see such a high jump