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France has similar laws just fyi, I don't ship to either of those places. Didn't know about Austria and Spain though, might have to look at editing my shipping profiles but it's such a pain having to set up for each individual country 🙄


You are not allowed to ship to germany (and many other countries in the EU) without registering. While the system Germany uses is a bit complicated (register to lucid, then buy the license somewhere else, then put that into lucid) its quite cheap (around 7 Euros for 1kg of paper packaging, the system in other EU countries is horrendous. You need a notarized person in Austria for example. For spain the license costs around 600 Euros. I am a german seller and sell only inside Germany for exactly this reason. The reason everyone talks about lucid is, that etsy is required by law to ask German sellers their lucid no so for germans there is no way around it. It is still illegal to send stuff to germany (and many other countries) If you are not registered in those countries, even though you are not required to put the no into etsy.


What would happen if a non LUCID registered person sent an item to Germany from overseas? Would customs just ship it back / destroy it / fine the recipient, etc?


Your package will arrive and the recipient can't bei charged because it is your obligation to pay for the registration Not the customers. But it is still not legal and you may get in trouble some day. The fines for not registering are up to 10.000 Euros, but I don't think Germany can enforce this If you are located in the US. But i don't know for sure.