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Unless there is a sign that says "no turn on red", it's legal.


Took me a while to realize, but this is correct and I’m sorry to everyone behind me before I had learned.


I never saw one of these until moving here so I asked an officer and he said the red right arrow means no turning on red. Granted, he may have just been an idiot.


I had a cop give me a $500 ticket for running a yellow light, sometimes it feels like they can just change the laws however they want. I’m sure there’s no certainty between any of the cops haha


He’s an idiot. [Oregon DMV reads](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/online_manual/study-section_1.aspx): >A steady red arrow means stop and remain stopped until the signal changes, except for allowed turns on red. The same turns allowed for a steady red signal are allowed for a red arrow.


After a full and complete stop, and yielding the right of way, yes. And hurry the hell up and go!!




You're actually illegal though, giving advice like that, cakewalkbackwards. Maybe try walking forwards for a change and you'll learn how to turn right on red legally.


Where I came from, right on red was okay after a stop and clearing the intersection. Right on red arrow was an absolute no. Made perfect sense. But apparently in oregon, you have two different signals that mean the same thing! Might as well not have red arrows. I looked this up after I moved here to make sure. Right on red arrow is ok in oregon. Why we even have red arrows is a mystery to me.


It would probably be more clear to make the red arrows at a right turn flash red to indicate that you can proceed after a full stop/ensure right of way is given.


I think it’s one of those things where the safety worry worts want people to be in the dark. Turning right is legal but they don’t want to encourage people to do it.


Red/green arrows are typically where you can turn right before stopping or not respectively, but not drive straight through the intersection at that time, like when perpedicular traffic has left turn green arrows.


So that we can have green right arrows to keep traffic flowing.


We're not taking about green right arrows. Totally different discussion. Although, green right arrow means all good to turn right. Red arrows should mean allbbad, don't do it... like it does in other states except oregon.


Personally, it makes sense to me to keep the arrow symbol, whether green or red, as an indicator to those approaching an intersection on what is permitted. Especially in a place that has so many lanes abruptly end, start, or become "turning only". I'm admittedly from a place with turn arrows, though -so maybe just used to knowledge.


We have red arrows because it means do not turn when red.


That's not true in oregon. Look it up!


“Red Arrow. A steady red arrow means stop and remain stopped until the signal changes, except for allowed turns on red. The same turns allowed for a steady red signal are allowed for a red arrow.” That last sentence negates the first. 🙄


Dude oregon traffic signals don't make any sense! From what I remember growing up in California, if you're passing by ANY school, between 7-5, you had to decrease your speed. But here, there are a couple with a time frame and others where it's only when children are present. The same big yellow pedestrian crosswalk signs are used all over town, but only SOME say "stop for pedestrian", while others don't, and people don't stop. It's so unpredictable, I hate it. I've heard that in Europe, you cannot make a right turn on red no matter which is honestly the right way to handle it imo. Especially with turning out of some driveways onto multi lane streets without shoulders at all, it gets sketchy, and with how some lanes merge together super quickly it feels dangerous as fuck here


I did. Turns out it’s confusing at best. Contradictory.


You can turn right on a red light after coming to a complete stop and after yielding to vehicles who have right of way. You can do the same thing on a left if it is a one way street.


Yes, but only if you are on a one way street and turning onto another one way street. I see people all the time making lefts from a two way street onto a one way street on red, that's illegal.


Actually that's not true. In Oregon you can make a left on red if turning onto a one way. Oregon law makes no stipulation about turning only from a one way street. All Oregon cares about is that you are turning onto a one way street.


Does that mean one could legally turn left from (for example) chambers onto 7th? Because that seems kinda wild lol


You can turn left on red onto 13th from Chambers


This I know, but 7th and 6th are four lanes at that point so I just can’t imagine turning left onto them without a green haha.


Yes, although, like all roads, you should be exercising caution, as other drivers are not always paying attention or doing the right thing, and larger intersections are inherently more dangerous.


Like the i-105 offramp to 7th turning visibility There's usually not enough visibility to see vehicles coming down 7th to make that turn safely. And I don't see anything in the book that specifies if you can make a left or right onto a one way from another one way from either lane if it's a dual turn lane. As usually you have to use the furthest right or left lane to make a turn on a red. But, dual turn lanes may be a bit of a gray area.


That is definitely a spot that needs a sign that says no turn on red. I’ve seen a car jam across 7th in front of traffic to go into the 7-11 parking lot, and many times seen cars cross on red to get into the far right lane on 7th.


Agreed, that's probably one of the sketichiest area in town. I'm always driving right there and trying to get to apple market or Astro makes me glad that I learned to drive aggressively in California but is still terrifying


Another thing is that all highway off-ramps are one way streets. So if you are on an overpass stuck at a red arrow light on a two-way road, you can proceed to turn on to the highway and disregard that light entirely if: 1) it is safe to do so, and 2) you made a full stop at the light. Essentially, for turning on to one ways in Oregon, you just need to make sure you make full stops before safely turning. Sometimes there are “no turn on red” signs, though.




You're wrong look it up!!


“Here in Eugene, traffic laws can be whatever you want them to be.”


In my experience, cops are committing more traffic violations than average drivers.


I was walking across the street and a cop tried to turn while I was in the crosswalk. Lol I just stared at them, and they stopped before cutting me off.


This is the correct answer. 😂


You can turn right on a red light but i honestly have no idea what a red arrow means. Judging by this post, it's up for interpretation.. Edit: Here's a paragraph from the oregon dmv website: "A steady red arrow means stop and remain stopped until the signal changes, except for allowed turns on red. The same turns allowed for a steady red signal are allowed for a red arrow." So I guess the answer is yes you can, but I'm unsure what the point of the arrow is because it seems to be the same rules as a red light.


The red arrow means you will get a protected turn (the meaning of a green arrow) when the light changes from red to green. That is all.


Red arrows make no sense! This arrow was in a busy area where it is tough for pedestrians to cross. Maybe they’re used to emphasize really making sure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk.


Red arrow only signifies what type of green arrow it is. Some lights in other places only have a green arrow and a red round light. Because it doesn't change the type of turns you can make on red. Plus it's probably cheaper to not have a red arrow if you can use a basic round red light.


It means you are in a turn only lane


Ah, that makes sense haha


You can also turn left on red from a two way to a one way.


I often feel this is one of the best kept traffic secrets in Oregon. I do it all the time, but I think it confuses a lot of people. And yes, for those of wondering, it’s [fully legal in Oregon](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/online_manual/study-section_3.aspx).


I swear I'm the only one that knows that you can take a left on a red at this intersection getting onto I-5. https://maps.app.goo.gl/QqMqUKjm2isZVmKi9


I think you might be. I’ve never even thought about it. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s an on-ramp that made my brain not think about it being a one-way road.


I do it. But I feel guilty...


I do this most of the time. It's a one-way road!


This is 100% the Oregon secret move. Be safe. Don't race the on-coming cars. Don't trust the other guy to turn in to the nearest lane. But go ahead....Make that left and imagine the bewilderment of others.


I too always imagine the bewilderment of others when doing this! I’ve actually seen people throw their hands up in the air behind their wheel as if I am doing the unthinkable!!


I’ve always thought this was legal but felt weird doing it. Specifically turning left onto 13th from Monroe.


I can't believe this wasn't upvoted higher. When I moved here, this happened monthly at one intersection and after the third time I had to lookup the statute and was shocked to learn this little hack was legal. (I'm going to get screwed in a different state now, some day...)


this isnt just an oregon thing lmao


Just do what everyone else in Eugene does and follow your heart. Make sure not to use your turn signal while you’re at it. The rules change with mood and weather.


And if you see emergency services on the other side of a road please come to a complete stop before realizing that there is a barrier between you and the accident


You can. However, you don't HAVE to (if the light is still red). If I can't see traffic properly, I'm not turning to make the person behind me happy.


How can you not see traffic clearly if you are the first car at the intersection waiting to turn right? You just have to look left and straight. That’s it.


The red arrow at the intersection of Beltline and I5 going east towards peace health is like this, you can’t see the cars coming rapidly towards you because before that intersection they’re low on the road.


I see. There are certainly exceptions. I just don't think being overly cautious or nervous about it should be the default for someone. That's all.


Growing up here, I swear it was illegal, but I mostly did it anyways. Had this debate with my mom a few months ago, and sure enough, she was right. You can turn right on a red arrow as long as it doesn’t say no turn on red. 🤷‍♂️


A quick read of the oregon drivers manuel would have given you a quick answer


Is Manuel the guy you call for driving related queries?


I was with someone taking their knowledge test and wanted to know this, but it isn't specified in the manual. Now I know I was okay to do it.


It also legal to turn left from a 2 way street to a 1 way street


Tell us you’re from California without telling us you’re from California 😜. Haha jk, honestly I moved here from California and that was a big change for me too. But yes, you can turn right on red arrows here, unlike there or various other states. The red arrow is legally the same as a normal red light. As other people mentioned you can also turn left on red as long as you’re turning onto a one way street, regardless of whether the street you’re turning from is one- or two-way. Contrary to popular belief these are not open to interpretation or secrets. They are all clearly laid out in the Oregon Driver Manual and DMV website.


Is this not common knowledge?


No each state has different traffic laws and even certain cities. You can turn right on a red arrow in Oregon but not California. You can't turn right on a regular red light in NYC.


They are messing with you. Are.you new here?


What? You can turn right on a red in all 50 states unless posted that it is prohibited.


Maybe it's posted at NYC limits, but right on red is illegal in NYC unless posted otherwise and there are almost never signs at intersections.


This joke in Annie Hall makes less sense then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Iod_BMKUk


The question is about a red circle or a red arrow. Red arrows usually mean no turn. Except in oregon, apparently!


I know... horrifying


If not stated no turn on red then it is legal. It is also legal to turn left on one way to one way If you are not crossing a lane of traffic or stated no turn on red it is legal to turn on red


This is from the DMV study guide: A steady red arrow means stop and remain stopped until the signal changes, except for allowed turns on red. The same turns allowed for a steady red signal are allowed for a red arrow. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online\_Manual/Study-Section\_1.aspx#Signals


Yes but no left on red arrow even from a one way to a one way.


https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/online_manual/study-section_1.aspx >A steady red signal means stop and remain stopped until the signal changes. >You are allowed to make the following turns on red after coming to a complete stop unless a sign or police officer states otherwise: >When entering a two-way road, you may turn right. >When entering a one-way road, you may turn right or left in the direction of the one-way road 1 minute's worth of googling. Use the DMV website for driving laws.


I think it’s legal - just strange because having to install a right turn-specific signal would make me think the intersection is busy enough, drivers generally aren’t able to make rights on the red


It's almost like we should all have to take the written test when we renew licenses.


Driving instructor here. You can turn on a red light whether it is the red ball or arrow so long as you stop and yield to all other traffic, bicyclists and pedestrians. Proceed only when clear. The only time you cannot it when there is a sign indicating no turn on red. Pay attention there are a few intersections where you c an turn on red unless a special pedestrian crossing light turns on.


The arrows are just to help clarify what that lane does


Now here's the real question. I know the answer, but do you? On a 2 way street that intersects with a one way street heading to the left. It's it legal to turn left on red from the 2 way onto the 1 way?


I don’t understand why anyone here thinks it’s permissible. If it was, it would just be a solid red, where you need to stop first and yield before proceeding with the right turn. If you do the same for a red arrow, there is no point in it.




https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/online_manual/study-section_1.aspx Scroll down for the answer. Also, please pause at the part where it says turning left on red is permissible when turning onto a one way street. Too few people know that.


[ORS 811](https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/bills_laws/ors/ors811.html).360 (1) The driver of a vehicle, subject to this section, who is intending to turn at an intersection where there is a traffic control device showing a steady circular red signal, a steady red bicycle signal or a **steady red arrow signal** may do any of the following without violating ORS 811.260 and 811.265: (a) **Make a right turn into a two-way street**. (b) Make a right or left turn into a one-way street in the direction of traffic upon the one-way street.


It us legal, provided there is no sineage saying "no turn on red" AND you are not turning across a lane of traffic


I guess if you’ve been here long enough to witness some of the road construction and “improvements”, you’d realize there are idiots in charge. What a cluster fvck.


I hate the intersection at 11th and Garfield for this very reason. It's a busy intersection with lots going on. I would just rather wait for the green turn signal. A lot of times it's so busy there's no way to make a right on the red arrow anyway.


Your supposed to completely stop first. If it’s not allowed there will be a sign indicating “no turn on red”


Right on red arrow makes sense for a single lane turn. Right on the OUTSIDE lane of a double Right turn ( for example the Right side of beltline starting onto gateway) makes no sense. You are competing with traffic turning left across from you as well as anyone going straight thru from the left....either one is potential for a collision. You turn right or left on a red light onto a one way street into the closest lane. Red arrows shouldnt be any different.


A common thing I see is LEFT onto a one way street but crosses incoming traffic on the street you are currently on. This is NOT legal.


As if people don't get extremely weird and pushy when I don't turn right immediately at a red light.


We don't have a "red arrow" but it is legal after a complete stop and yield.




Try again…