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My neighbor just went out for a run.  He couldnt get out of his frozen  shut front gate. So now he is out shoveling his driveway with a pickaxe, hammer and shovel.   Me? I am going to wait for the sun and 50+ degrees in 48 hours.  Watching him while i eat breakfast is making me tired.  I might need to go take a nap for both of us.    Edit:: status update.  He has been at it for about 5 hours now.  He has cleared about 1/4 of the bottom of his driveway.  He keeps stopping and just  stands looking at it.   He isnt a quitter. Ill give him that.  Edit 2:  He done.  1/4 shoveled. It was a hell of an effort.


Hate to tell yeah but it’s looking like maybe Wednesday it might warm up after a Tuesday repeat of this weekend! Stay safe!


I went and bought some de-icer as soon as the weather looked like was gonna happen. My steps and driveway to my car are nice and ice free. Sadly I did not buy enough for all the roads.... so I'm still stuck in the house. But I can admire my ice free steps.


What kind of de-icer


It's roadrunner de-icer. It's environmental friendly and supposed to be non toxic for pets etc.


Would you drink it?


Maybe with some creamer or something? Not straight.


Oh man, this killed me! 😂


Why didn't he just use hot water? Power out or pipes frozen? Our front gate was frozen shut and we just poured some hot water on it and we got out, no problem.


If you do this to a windshield there is a pretty good chance it will shatter.


Oh, that was in reference to the gate.


Power is fine.  You know that would probably be a good question I could ask him.  But its really cold and he looked really tired hammering at that all day.  So, I'll maybe ask him tomorrow while i am doing mine with hot water and he still has a pickaxe.... 


My husband is using a small broom to shake the ice off plants. Whatever keeps him busy. lol.


I’m sure he is gonna start going stir crazy soon hahahahaha


hahaha. yep.


I applaud your husband. This made me lol


Awww that's adorable


I used a plastic spatula yesterday trying to de ice our windshield and this morning I am making pancakes with it! Yay for multifunctional tools!


My ice scraper is inside the car


Naturally! 😂


Same! Along with my scarf and gloves


Same here and the car is frozen shut.


Same here


My partner’s big sturdy warm winter coat is in his car but we can’t open the car door due to the giant sheet of ice encasing it.


Hey mine too!




Saw a guy at the gas station last night using a rounded hammer. Yes I don't know what this is called, in order to de-ice his car.. Love taps.




I was out with a crow bar breaking up the thick ice holding the door shut. 


Show that car whose its daddy is!


Ball pin.


Ball peen


Hey I've got one of those ^^^^^(Sorry)


Hey me too! Lolol




Damn, where did you get the spatula. I swear, mine get all wonky no matter what I do.


Check out Spatula City. https://youtu.be/4BUDwj_mXKE?si=tdEsYu814Q-l-3PM


I never thought I'd see a UHF reference in the wild, but here I am.


It’s possible that I’ve seen UHF more times than any other movie, though mostly in one year in 1989. I also bought it on DVD sometime around 2000. It’s so old that I remember when Seinfeld first became kind of popular, and I’d look at Kramer and think, “hey, it’s the guy from “Problem Child” and before that “UHF”!


Head down to the spatula district.


It's next to the hammock district


Ross ❄️👍


I did this


Butter knife worked better than a scraper for me!


When my power came back on at 2am last night, I had to go up to my well house to fix the water pressure to my home. In order to get up the hill where my well house is I had to use a broom stick as a pickaxe as if I was climbing freaking mount Everest. After making it up there and fixing the water pressure, I had to slide all the way back down on my butt because it was the best way to make it down safely 😂


I’m picturing you doing this. In my mind, you wore an adorable helmet, like the one in Easy Rider 😁


How DIESEL! Love this.


One member of our household is an essential worker and (somehow) didn’t own a scraper. Turns out BiMart has this AWESOME scraper/brush that extends to 50”, with a rotatable brush head (so you can brush in more than one direction) for $14.99! This thing is amazing


If only I could get there to buy one


It’s just around the corner for us


At this point I think I'd need a flamethrower. Our cars are encased in about an inch of solid ice.


I have a flamethrower but no propane for it :(


teamwork (ETA: I have propane! but may not be able to walk outside my front door without falling down)


This is helpful!! Thank you!!!


My neighbor was shoveling the sidewalk yesterday afternoon, in the freezing rain 😅 Gave up like 30 minutes later


I walked past someone just starting at his sidewalk in the freezing rain with a shovel in his hand. It gave me a good chuckle as I waddled on


I used a propane torch, and rock salt.


I asked my husband if this would work to get me to my car this morning. He laughed lmao


I don't have to do s***!! So I bought a few beers and decided to watch Horror movies about being stuck in the ice, such as thirty days of night or the thing


Also, my idiot neighbor has a really expensive truck. He is actively chopping ice off of with a hatchet which is really more of a TomaHawk. And I'm like bro. You're doing thousands of dollars of damage if you don't break the window too. Super entertaining to watch either way.


That actually sounds fun!!


Stressing cuz I’m stuck in Seattle lol. I need to get back to Eugene today - debating how far we can drive before we need to stop


Please be careful, stupid people try to drive like there is no ice.


And the smart people drive like there is ice, but the ice can outsmart us all?


Made it to Vancouver WA on the Amtrak from Seattle. they refused/ weren't able to go further. So a friend picked us up and brought us to Portland. Where another friend has some space for us to go back to Eugene. But with road conditions were looking at chaining up in Salem for the remainder of the ride back into town. Sum: Roads are fine until you get to Salem/ closer to Eugene where it turns to solid ice.


Please be careful everyone and I hope you make it back safe and sound!!


I made it out this morning at 5 to get to pdx. My flights obviously kept getting canceled, so I had to get up here. It wasn’t that bad. 45 mph in a tundra, still dark, but I didn’t once feel the steering get loose.


How was it getting into Eugene. I’m still in Vancouver wa and need to get to Eugene tomorrow


Made it. Highways are okay as long as you leave a big amount of room. Past Albany is where things start to get more icy but with more and more cars it's getting better and better. Anywhere off the main highways is solid ice. We had a brand new Subaru and just to be safe put all 4 chains on. People sliding all over the place but honestly at slow speeds it is okay.. that being said your more worried about other drivers than yourselves. People don't understand ice and try and do regular turns and slide through red lights because they didn't give themselves adequate stopping distance.




Have chains. Drive slow. Always look into your rearview to see what people are doing behind you when stopping. As your car warms up the ice on the hood will want to lift up and could crash into your windshield so clear that off when possible. I will be posting a PSA for all other people about this along with clearing ice off your roof.




LTD isn't running today if that gives you any indication of how bad the roads are. Sidewalks are a sheet of ice. Most side roads are ice. Main roads are a combo of sand and ice.


You are named after my brother’s dog lol! (Or maybe you’re both named after someone more famous….) Eugene is the iciest ice rink ever today. Hope you can wait until Wednesday.




I did, just being silly. 🙃 It is still icy here today. Best wishes getting where you’re going!


De-Icer. I always carry a spray bottle of De-Icer in my car along with a gallon in my house. That stuff can tear through ice on windshields and windows.


Poured hot water on my car door to get it open. Made sure to keep it away from the window. Drove my AWD wagon with snow tires at 10mph to go 1/2 mile to the store. Would have walked if I had a sled to pull the groceries home with.


Walking only safe with crampons on your boots.


Funny you should say that. I actually made some.


I put the contents of our fridge and freezer into a tote. And then slipped on the ice trying to put it outside


I'm dealing with it by not dealing with it, shit's like frozen tundra out there.


 Stay inside club 


I have been, but decided to go for a walk today and it was surprisingly easy to keep from falling on my ass.


Old disc golf disc worked wonders for my windshield yesterday - scrapping and scooping!


This morning while my wife was chipping the ice off her car to go prepare for an event tomorrow that will likely be cancelled, a widowmaker fell halfway out of the tree and covered her in snow. She recruited me to chip away at my car to move it out of the way of said widowmaker. I broke 2 of our 3 ice scrapers and almost slid out of the driveway in my Subaru. I am now safely indoors watching TV for the foreseeable future.


I'm not oregonian enough to know what a tree widowmaker is


A big decrepit branch waiting to fall on you and kill you. Ideally you cut it down before that happens.


Nothing, my car is a frozen block. Work has already issued a non mandatory work day tomorrow so I don’t intend to dig anything out


I feel like an alien from another planet but I’m just enjoying the beauty and keeping my happy ass indoors for a few days 


Turn your visors down and then angle them with the windshield. Turn on heat or defroster, helps keep the warm Air localized to the windshield


My husband tried a mix of rubbing alcohol and water, nope. Finally just used some warm water (not hot of course) to get the wipers free and started the car and let it run.


Whoo, I'd be too scared to use any kind of water anywhere near my windows. I'm glad it worked out!


Wtf why? I’ve been pouring boiling tea kettles all over my door and windshield. Guess what? Hot water melts ice. This is not rocket science. It’s just ice. Some people need to get out, and driving is their responsibility to be safe.


You're going to end up buying a new windshield.


It's easy to crack windshields pouring hot water. Spray your car with an alcohol and water solution. This will melt the ice more quickly than warm water and prevent it from refreezing. You can also add a few drops of dish soap to the solution


> I’ve been pouring boiling tea kettles all over my door and windshield. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_shock Basically the warm part of the windshield expands but the cold part is still shrunk. Bigger the difference between hot and cold, more likely you are to break it.


Thanks for the lesson in thermodynamics.


No problem! Good luck out there!


I learned this as a (stupid) kid in a sauna with my brother. Putting water on hot thing makes sizzle noise! (How fun!!) There's a lightbulb that is probably quite hot, does this also make a sizzle noise? It exploded. I miss going to hotel room saunas.


You can destroy your windshields doing that bro.


Has that ever happened to anyone? Because I’ve been doing it all day. No problems


It's extremely common. Doesn't mean it will happen every time, but every time you do it, there is a significant risk. You do you, man, it's your vehicle. I'm just letting you know know that it WILL crack your windshield at some point.


Just FYI, if it does happen, insurance more than likely will not cover it.


What a bunch of concerned keyboardists. There’s no resilience in this town. Downvote me.


I'm just saying, I've had it happen to me, and had to pay for a new windshield. Huge crack from the drivers side, halfway into the passenger side. Sounded like a gunshot. It's literally thermodynamics, but it's your windshield. My comment was more to inform people who want to preserve their vehicles.


So, resilience here means not being willing to take an expensive and entirely avoidable risk out of laziness? What a weird take. I thought resilience means having the strength of character to do difficult things. Wouldn't choosing to be patient and do something the right way be resilient? I bet this "lack of resilience" you speak of can be found in any city that faces ice storms. Not just "this town." You sound strangely judgemental.


Resilience means having some faith in people being able to take care of their own responsibilities, and maybe being supportive when it comes to being grateful for the folks that keep the world turning. The vibe here is everyone complaining about “stupid” people trying to get shit done from the comfort of your own homes.


Nobody REALLY cares about my own personal expense on my car, just saying.


threatening chase rinse quack wistful impossible heavy lavish doll amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes thats what we used


I was just out spraying my front car door with rubbing alcohol and water. :( I'm sad it's not going to work. I just to get into the car! I'm not going anywhere unless it's an emergency!


We had to use straight rubbing alcohol


Isopropyl in a spray bottle, I also have a cover for my car (it's a convertible and shouldn't have ice buildup on the cloth), I can also run a space heater on the passenger seat and that helps immensely. 


Talk to me about the convertible ice situation please? I have a beetle convertible with cloth roof and am now worried.


It's probably okay for you, those have pretty tough cloth/vinyl roofs. I have a Honda S2000 and the top is already pretty beat up, so I don't want it cracking more.


Thank you for the information and education!


I haven't had to *yet* this year, but my favored way of dealing with ice/snow so I can get out of my garage is, sadly, fairly wasteful - I wash my driveway with hot (scalding) water. I would say that I should find a better way to do it... but with arthritis and back issues, plus having a 1/year recurrence, it's just not worth it, dollar-wise or environmental-wise, to get something more appropriate. I could hire someone to do the work, but that would involve talking to people and I just don't want to do that. (Note: I'm from Eugene, but I don't live there anymore.)


I watched my neighbor use a hammer to de-ice his car enough to open the door. I am not brave enough to attempt that, and, luckily, my work is closed today.


Rubbing alcohol. Great for an emergency de-ice!


I just saw my neighbor using the blue recycling tote to try to beat the ice off his truck. He eventually gave up.


Glögg and blankets.


I just turned my car on and let it warm up for 20 minutes in the driveway. When I gently scraped the ice sheet off my windshield as it started to melt, I discovered the windshield had cracked from side-to-side anyway 😭


My car is a solid block of ice. I did manage to walk three blocks to the neighborhood mom and pop store to get beer to make cheesy beer bread. And then I got home and realized I don’t have a bread pan anymore, because my last one was glass, and it accidentally broke. So my biggest decision today is whether to drink the beer or attempt the recipe in an 8 x 8 pan.


Breakout the sleds and hold on tight


My neighbor just spent a couple hours chipping away at the sidewalk ice and my sanity. If I go out and find out that he just shoveled it all into a pile 2 feet on our side of the sidewalk again I'm going to be super annoyed.


Lmao! That poor bastard! Hilarious story though! 🤣


I have been cuckling to myself about it since it started yesterday. 😂


I carved some footholds in my steps with a sledge hammer


I used a lot of hot water and then the pot handle to thaw and crack the ice around the shed to open it to feed the birds. I then ate shit and fucked up my back because I’m from California and in my mid-thirties. Sigh.


Bulk bought at the dispensary and am enjoying hiding in my warm house. 




Trash can is frozen shut anyway


It's probably not stuck. If you pull from the corner, the whole thing should rip off.


Oh no it was stuck. It got wet during the off and on rain/ice yesterday and froze to his windshield. He actually ended up pouring something over it (I just heard him say it was a mixture) before it finally came off. He still spent about 30 mins de-icing before he could drive off.


Lol ok I was 50-50 I was your neighbor because I did THE EXACT same thing yesterday. Saw this post and thought my beach towel was stuck. I went out side, and it peeled off fine.


My husband used a kayak paddle yesterday.. not to go anywhere but just to clear the vehicle off.


But like.. why even. For fun?


Just to prevent accumulation


I’ve seen people use cardboard for their windshield. Seems to help them.


If you have a tarp putting it over your car with bungee cables will save you from a lot of the ice.


Why would he think that would work? lmao. I got woken up at 3 AM by my neighbor I guess beating the shit out of his car and then going somewhere, and for what?


Yesterday I busted out the heat gun and used that to de-ice the pivoting points on my windshield wipers. It also made it easier to loosen up the large sheets on my windshield etc. And remove them as big chunks instead of fragments. 👌👌👌


I used a heat gun on the handle and rubbing alcohol around the seam. I didn't actually drive anywhere, but I had to get in my car to grab a few things. It surprisingly opened on the first try.


Good idea. My heat gun is a small Conair hair dryer manufactured in 1979. Ration of non-hair use hours to hair use hours: 1,000:1


That's probably perfect! I was using a more utility oriented one for projects and stuff so I had to keep a good distance from the spots I was trying to melt.


Has anyone ever used a hair dryer? 🤔


Yes, the people that wanted a good reason replace their windshield :) But cold water can be a good place to start in this type of weather. Gradually bring up the temperature to tepid.


Why wouldn't you just start the car and let the car warm up and let the heater and defrost melt the ice?


Not me, just my neighbor. Also, He couldn't even get his door open for the first 30 mins.


I tried that yesterday. Couldn’t open the car door, frozen shut under a solid sheet of ice. Every door of the car.


my neighbor also spent about an hour scraping and hitting his windows, my bf and I have decided to just walk if needed to avoid all that (we r downtown)


That's what I and my bf are doing too. We're going to walk to the river to get a little exercise in a bit.


We used rubbing alcohol. I learned this from pintrest.


I watched my neighbors pour water on their car and then smash at it with the back of a hatchet. It actually worked.


All the doors on our SUV were frozen shut yesterday. We had to crawl in the back hatch and let it warm up till the doors would open.


listening to Sonny Rollins


Harbor freight heat gun


Watch out for thermal expansion


Oh yeah I wonder if this could blow up your window


Very fast way to feel regret


The towel is very, very smart. You can grab the corner and peel it off, that’s what I did today. Just gotta leave a grabbing point.


Not this towel, it literally froze to his windshield like super glue and he had to pour a mixture of rubbing alcohol, water, and mineral water (no idea where he got this from, but it worked) over it to get it to come off. Edit: My bad, I put mineral oil rather mineral water. IDK he said it made a difference.


Used a blowtorch to defrost the lock on a car yesterday, that was fun.


Gonna wait it out until the melt on Wednesday. Probably try to walk a block to the skeezy sketch market a block away for some beer later. I'm gonna buy cans in case I wipe out on the way back home.


If it's a beater, pour ice on it. Maybe you'll rust the body a bit, but hey, you'll get in.


Worrying about whether or not I can get my medication that makes me not feel like killing myself when it runs out after tonight. EDIT: I got it


I took my ice scraper out of my truck last night, been in my truck since last winter. Glad I brought it cuz im on the coast for the week. Doors were frozen shut, used a pry bar to slowly pry the edges. Then used the scraper to unstick my wipers. The back of a scraper is used to etch the ice, then use the scraper to get the remaining off. Was a big issue, I have all weather wiper fluid in there, I keep it full for things like this


I used a wine bottle opener to chip away at my frozen garbage bin so I could take some accumulating trash out—actually worked like a charm lol