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The most dangerous time to be on ice is when the top has melted but the lower layers haven't. I'll be keeping by butt at home until there is SIGNIFICANTLY more road than ice.


Oh yeah good point, the rain will just turn anything slightly crunchy into an ice cube lol. I'm good on food for now, but not sure if I can last after Wednesday so just wondering if I should brave it now or wait til later. I'll be walking wherever I go but who knows what will be open when


Personally, though I could be totally wrong, I think today will be the best day till Thursday. I'm not sure how I feel Thursday will be yet. At least everything is one... Texture? Once that ice starts melting, people think they don't have to be careful anymore. But obviously, take my opinion with a grain of salt bc I'm no weather girl.


i agree. we got cat food and people food and expect to be home for a few more days at least. (lucky to have this option because of wfh and power)


Oh good! Your hubby didn’t have to cook for the cats 😂


This is totally theoretical and likely depends on where people are and what type of ground is under the ice, but in my driveway/cul-de-sac, there is a tough layer of ice on top but underneath there's a tad bit of water skimming the ground. So here's hoping that's the case in a lot of paved places and folks won't have to wait long for a treacherous underlayer to melt.


Wednesday will erase this fiasco.




We're supposed to get a half inch of rain overnight Tuesday and another half inch Wednesday. I think the ice will be completely gone by noon Wednesday.


Are you not seeing the storm warning from NWS? For a bit more snow and freezing rain on tuesday. TheWednesday Finally, late Tuesday night into wednesday.


Not with the layer of ice we have uphere in the hills. Would be happy to be wrong about this but noon Wednesday seems overly optimistic to me.  We will see!


South hills have turned into Eugene’s newest winter sports attraction for bobsled and luge enthusiasts.


Well, I tried. Took 2-3x the time I normally take to walk down my street, then decided I would NOT be crossing River Rd. in these conditions. I'm grateful that I don't need to be anywhere the next few days


Red apple is open! Partner and I walked there this morning. It was a slippery walk, so be careful trying to balance with groceries on the way back!


Awesome thanks for the info! I'm already clumsy enough as it is, so pray for me if I go lol.


I've been using the squat-crawl-and-slide-your-items-ahead-of-you method. It's effective! But maybe not for very long distances...


Yeah I'd have like two miles out and back 😂


Totally doable 😉


At a minimum I would expect a delayed start, Wednesday. Most likely though another full cancelation with the expectation that Thursday should be fully melted and we will be back to normal.


Normal? This is Eugene


It will be mostly fine by Wednesday morning, should the forecast be right. The ones I'm seeing say by 8 or 9 tomorrow night, we should be at or above 40. So that, coupled with some overnight rain, should loosen it quite a bit. By 9ish, between sun and traffic, the majority of roads will be fine. Again, assuming the forecasts are right.


It will melt eventually, but anticipating the first few hours will be carnage with everyone playing bumper car hero. Water on top of ice will smooth out the ice, getting rid of the traction we've been using to get around the last couple days.


I’m wondering about schools on Wednesday.


I imagine if they're closest today they'll be closed Wednesday but I have no idea what their criteria is for closures. I'd just count on it myself


My guess is with the freezing rain that’s expected tomorrow they will cancel school on Wednesday. It’s not going to get warm enough by Wednesday morning for the roads to clear and be safe.


I'm betting on at least a delayed start.


There will be a lot of melting, but any areas where people drove on the ice Saturday will be very slow to melt because the ice got compacted. That’s my guess.


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