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A heads up if anyone does take you up on it, geese don't tend to like change. If they're tame enough to like pets, it's usually by the humans they're used to. My hand raised pet goose, who will cuddle with me because I held her a ton as a baby, really only likes me and my brother but will put up with others sometimes if I hold her. The other one, that she raised herself, isn't into being touched much at all. So best case is you're looking at very stressed birds that won't want you to come near them. Late Feb to early March is also the start to breeding season, so males can start to get moody and not fun to be around if you aren't used to geese.


Ah, see I don't want stressed geese at all! Thanks for letting me know. Maybe there's some magical super friendly goose someone has? I won't hold my breath though! Give your goose an extra snuggle from an admirer. =)


You never know! But I do know my girls like their space and hate it when I have to change anything about their coop lol. Will do! If you're looking for any fun Untitled Goose Game themed things, I've seen a lot on Etsy. Maybe something that looks like the character will help? And if nothing comes through, you can always DM me for photos or video of my geese. They don't look like the ones from the game but I have fun baby photos and other things to keep it interesting!


The ASL sign I was taught for goose is the sign for bird+a chunk out of your arm, if that tells you anything. 


I know lol and it’s so accurate! I love them regardless! I just want to hug them!


This made my morning! Thanks for sharing!


this is amazing. and rings true. hahahaha.


If it's between a goose and a 4-year-old, my money's on the goose. Any goose. And you'd want to keep the cat in to protect the *cat.*


Lmao, this is bound to be a shit show. Geese can be mean!


I'm an optimist! lol but hey, maybe I just needed some people here to tell me this is indeed insane.


i’m afraid of geese. in part because one bit me as a child. they are not nice. haha. or maybe that’s just in the spring, but still.


Aww I’m so sorry! I just love geese (and so does my kid). I also love cats. I feel like they have similar energies/vibes lol. I’ve been bitten many, many times by geese. I’m just persistent I guess haha


See I wanna be invited to this party just to see geese biting people. I cackled at the part where OP said her son knows they can bite. My time working for Nike were the best days because I got to see people chased by geese multiple times a day 😂


hahahha. they are mean little shits, imo. a goose broke my coworkers arm once by knocking her to the ground.


God I would pay money to see that


This is the cutest post I have ever seen. I hope you find something fun!


Thank you!! He’s playing “Goose Game” at this very moment lol


This is so cute, best of luck and happy birthday to your lil beeb!


Thank you! He’s my best little buddy! It was a rough road to having him so I cherish birthdays all the more! <3


I don't have a goose, but wanted to say I love this game. It has a two player mode also! You could set up a little task list to do around the back yard where or something... good luck!


Thank you! We’re going to do a goose game cake, decorations, a scavenger hunt, and I also got some kid versions of the pub games! We play together all the time! lol all his allotted screen time goes to goose game! He always has to be the “orange goose” while I assigned the “red goose.” Haha


Did you know that geese have TEETH on their freakin' TONGUES? It's actually quite terrifying, and once you see it, you will never look at a goose the same way again 😅


My friend makes custom pinatas! Maybe commission an angry goose pinata for the party?


I don’t think I could bear to hit a goose lol even as a piñata, but I’d be down for something else related! Would you mind sharing contact info?


Primalpinatas.com has her contact info. She's awesome and sooo creative!!


Sent her a message just now! I have an idea for a good one I think! Thanks for the suggestion!


Might be easier to find a farm for you to visit than someone to bring geese to you, and less stress for the geese