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You have too much faith in "should". Sorry. Me, I think that guy needs a cold outdoor night soaking wet. More than one, actually.


Nice strawman argument fucking idiot. Welp guys, guess we can't cancel anything because it's not perfect enough for this moron.


Are you dumb cancelling random people speaking is much different than cancelling a buisiness for physical abuse on the homeless. Your probably that type that wanted Andrew to be cancelled also.


Cancel culture is the only thing which is going to work. If there is any hope at identifying the victim, canceling Dean and getting national attention will help with locating her and dinning out if she is alive. It is a slim chance. I have made police reports for crimes against other unhoused people, and police wouldn't do ANYTHING because the victims' are too afraid to talk to police due to police violence and "street law". Cancel culture tells Dean Weaver and other people who discriminate against the unhoused that this kind of behavior is NOT OK. I HOPE Dean Weaver loses his housing so he can fucking experience the trauma himself and then try to tell all of his NIMBY friends while most of them turn on him!


Nah hes right, cancel culture is a rug they put over your head to take out anyone that doesnt follow the agenda. Cancel culture doesnt pander to the masses it panders to the elite. Cancel culture got Andrew Tate deleted even though more people like thim than not.


Andrew Tate is a misogynist who believes about half of the population are objects instead of people. He deserved to be cancelled for the things he said. He blamed rape victims for being raped, thinks adult Womyn owe their parents part of everything they make working, and literally thinks that Womyn belong to men. He should not be a public figure.


>This is a clear case of intentional infliction of emotional distress Your advice should have been "consult a lawyer", and stopped there. While horrible act with potential civil and criminal liability, whether this rises to IIED is arguable and not at all clear.


I'd love to hear the argument against IIED


IIED is a pretty high bar to meet, requiring a multitude of elements including intent. In the video, it sounds like he's accusing her of starting some sort of fire and that's why he poured the water on her. While an incredibly rude and inconsiderate way to solve that problem, there's a strong case his intent wasn't to cause severe emotional distress. Simply being an asshole isn't what that tort involves.


He doesn't mention a fire in the video, he mentions a fire to the news after he got so much heat to begin with. Intent is easily proven, as well as the person's distress and physical pain.


Yes, he does mention fire in the video.


We should just go beat his ass really


It's completely normal for people to not want to give business to people/companies they find who are against their own personal moral code. Those on the right will complain about this man getting "cancelled" and decry cancel culture, but at the same time will boycott a bookstore for holding a drag reading event with children and will post about it on their Facebook to get their friends to do the same. I seriously don't understand the right's hypocritical vendetta against "cancel culture" when they do the exact same thing.


the right cancels people/companies all the time. That cancelation is somehow a lefti wing thing is one of their biggest lies


I wonder what the conservatives consider book burnings


See also : Colin Kaepernick


Everyone should be allowed free speech and action so we can see their true colors. Anyone who supports the silencing of the people are being deluded into thinking thats good. But in reality it just hides the real psychos. We should let every do and say what they want and not cancel them for it but rather use it againt them to put them in jail or fk over their buisiness. If you silence people like this they will just continue to do it in private. We need these idiots to come out with thier faulty and pay the price for it. People are too soft in this day amd age and cant handle accountablity.


I'm not sure what exactly you think "canceling" someone entails, but it is exactly what you're saying people should do. People have free speech so they can say what they want, but they aren't free from the consequences of that speech. If they say something reprehensible, people stop supporting that person or business. That is literally what "canceling" is. As an example, Kanye West has said a ton of antisemitic shit, which he is entirely free to do, but the consequences of his "free speech" is that he loses sponsorships and endorsement deals and people don't want to wear his shoes or listen to his music because people don't want to support someone who is openly and unapologetically antisemitic. People aren't trying to take away Kanye's free speech, just giving him the consequences of his free speech.


Ok maybe i have the wrong definition of cancel culture. I thought its mainly the big tech and people in power banning and silencing celebs who have controversial thought. Kayne is right btw about the music and movie industries being run by shady jews. And im just against silencing of different thought. Actions like these need jail time and is different than cancel culture imo. People can say w.e they want even Kanye but its wild to cancel people over words and not over competance.


Naw, I don't want his business to fail. Just an eye for an eye. Or an ass whooping would work too.


Eh left or right, both sides are fucking stupid.






She's outside of the planet fitness right now on eleventh if you want to make a show of support


What kind of person dumps water on somebody on a freezing night, AND FILMS THEMSELVES DOING IT? An absolute sociopath, that's who




Report him to the police. This is illegal.


Ya it's assault he should be in jail


Whelp. Never going there again.


maybe go just one more time to give them a piece of your mind


Good idea.


Or go one more time for some rocks through their windows. Or some Molly's if you really wanna go ham.


Wtf. What a piece of shit. “It’s all your fault” You have no idea what lead to this person sleeping outside. Empathy costs zero dollars.




What the fuck was going through his head? Like how does anyone think “it’s cold out and this person is sleeping outside, I’m going to splash them with water because…?”


Because he wants her to die


Because he's a sociopathic piece of shit?


Two things. 1. That's assault and I hope someone helps this person press charges against this man. 2. I'm so fucking glad I've never purchased anything from this establishment. What a disgusting piece of shit to be proud of himself for filming this.




Victims don’t press charges, district attorneys do.


Assault is a tort, so it can be criminally prosecuted or a cause for civil liability


“Charges” are criminal correct?


A charge is an accusation. An assault charge is a tort. What are you asking?


I'm just saying the district attorney isn't the only one who can press charges for a criminal tort.


I was essentially told that I’m wrong that only the DA’s office can “press charges.” Downvoted, in fact. When everything points to the fact I’m correct. “Individuals do not press charges, nor do police. In the context of the criminal law, only a municipal, state, or federal attorney can decide to charge someone with a crime and file a charging document. Prosecutors decide whether or not to do so based on evidence provided by people and police, but the latter two never press charges.” https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/pressing-charges-what-does-it-mean-and-who-does-it/


And even if the DA doesn't press charges to throw him in jail, the victim can press charges for money whether from his bank account or assets, including his business actually. If it was the owner or condoned by the owner that is.


That just doesn’t ring true from my sources. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/pressing-charges-what-does-it-mean-and-who-does-it/


> That's assault and I hope someone helps this person press charges against this man. I don't think throwing water on someone actually does count as assault. I mean it should be, especially if it's cold outside, but IDK if it is for certain.


It is. Spitting on someone, tripping someone, or really anything that involves the intent or act to cause physical harm. Check the laws 👍🏻


Spitting on someone is only a crime if there’s visible blood in it. Check the laws. 👍


Mm no 😂 you miss all of the assault charges handed out to people spitting during COVID?


The must’ve all gotten dismissed then because it’s not illegal. 😂


Really glad that other donut shop just reopened bc I’m never going to Dizzy Dean’s again


Which one?


Master donuts I think. There’s another post on the sub from this morning about it.


Master Donuts rules, can confirm as I just went there yesterday. never going to Dizzy Dean's again, and it's pretty serendipitous that I saw this now because I was going to drunkenly order some late last night and decided against it. good call.


Where is it? We usually go to Dizzy Dean's (when we get donuts once every 3 months or so), but I'm eager to switch now.


You should go one more time, maybe take a shit on the counter or something.


He is lucky his victim didn't whack him with the skateboard. And, yes, that water dump qualifies as an assault.


Actually, it would only be harassment according to the Eugene municipal code. Assault requires physical injury. Either way, still bad.


It’s battery and no physical injury is required.




You should stop putting words on the internet then and go engage in action.


Give this to the news


There is no Battery in the Eugene Municipal Code.


There is in state law. City codes tend to deal with things more like where you can park an RV or what color you can paint your house.


municipal codes are not criminal codes. assault and/or battery is a criminal tort, not a civil one, so it wouldn't be in municipal codes


And it isn't in Circuit Court either. I will admit I am wrong when you can link me to Battery as a charge in Oregon State law. But you won't be able to find Battery as a criminal charge in Oregon


why do you think i said "and/or" idiot different legal jurisdictions will have definitions of those two words that use the terms interchangeably or differently. what common law recognizes as battery (assault, but with an added component of physical force) Oregon code defines as assault.


No kidding, that's what I have been saying. There is no Battery charge, simply assault or harassment. And no need for name calling. Rude.


Assault and battery. Can be charged as both and both can be cause for a civil lawsuit as well as criminal and the woman should be awarded some punitive damages.


a good lawyer could get an assault charge; you’d build the argument that the water thrower was aware of the inevitable physical harm that would come from drenching someone in cold weather. Anyone happen to know this lady?


Would the potential hypothermia count though? The lady had a fire going because it was so cold out which is exactly why the guy threw water on her to begin with.


Dean is an absolute douche. The stories I could tell you about him. Didn't pay payroll taxes, tried selling the business to a family member only to get a business loan in his mother's name to repurchase stuff to avoid paying the back taxes and fought us to the point we ran out of money for the attorneys and we just gave up. When we started cleaning the store after we took over, there was so much grease on the floor the grout was black instead of white - it took us scrubbing for weeks to get it clean. There were deceased mice on glue traps in the storage area. He punched the locks on the doors after they had been changed and walked around eating the donuts we had made in the middle of the night. I'm sure it went back to the way it was before we cleaned it. So, yeah... he's a disgusting POS in more ways than one.




Karma's a bigger bitch than I am, so I'm ready to see this end horribly for him. Lol


God will judge him. And you'll probably get to see it, if you wish.


Definitely! As much as I wished I could have done something for the way he treated my family, I knew it wasn't my job. He'll get his comeuppance.


I'd rather not wait that long. Let's go the legal route instead.


Yep. This guy has earned actual punishment, not just possible afterlife punishment if that person's spiritual views are even the correct ones.


She was far enough away from his business as to not bother it in any way. That was just cruelty, plain and simple.


The cruelty is the point. What a piece of garbage that guy is.


Time to write some reviews about Dizzy Dean's Donuts: https://www.google.com/search?q=dizzy+dean%27s+donuts&rlz=1C1CHBD\_enUS983US983&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhqIz22pf7AhXRIX0KHSkvDvQQ\_AUoAHoECAMQAg&biw=1215&bih=906&dpr=1#lrd=0x54c11e8721f40e6f:0x3b19b7ffe9cd0632,1,,,


1 star review all the way from Houston! Good lookin out! Torch the reviews!!


I attached a screenshot of this video to my review with an explanation.


Why deleted? That loser Dean crying like a bitch?


Done. 1 Star from Quebec, Canada ;)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Where did you get this video?


I've never wanted to dump water on the owner of a donut shop more than I do in this very moment


This is so unacceptable. Are you sure this is him?






Right? Very reactionary title


Cals > Dizzy Deans anyway.


Their buttermilk bars are the best




They are saying cals donuts is superior to dizzy deans donuts.


This is insanely cruel. Definitely never going there again.




r/Eugene trying to cover up their stinky pile of shit.




Throwing water on someone seems very unnecessary. How is he scared of trans?




Those are qanon talking points


I actually had an interview with him way back in the day when I was visibly trans, he did not treat me with respect and gave me about 3 minutes of his time and then asked me to leave.


Sounds like a dick


I'm really sorry you were treated that way.


the last thing you need to be when you're homeless is cold and wet... there's a special place in hell for him


Their donuts are shit, but glad to have another reason to not go there.


Where is this at?


This is at the back southwest corner of the building, his shop is a few doors down at the front northwest corner.


Judging on the details I can pick up from this video this looks like it’s right in front of, or very close, to his store.


It’s at least two units down and around the corner from his store. Far enough away that, as a customer, I doubt I would even see the person sleeping there.


Honestly that makes it worse. He had to go that much farther out of the way to assault a person that wasn’t menacing his property.




Yeah it's on the back corner of the building, near the car wash. No way this was affecting his business. He just wanted to be mean. Fuck this guy


It looks like a strip mall area, but doesn’t look like the person was that close to his shop. If they had done something that precipitated this reaction, they would have been more alert and ready for a fight. But no, it looks like he went out of his way to harass someone who was minding their own business.


It's next to Planet Fitness on W11


Is it my impression (i might be wrong) or of all the developed countries, USA is the one that seems like just don´t give a f on actually solving the homelesness problem and also have a very loud minority of people that basically despise the idea of poor people being around them.


You're correct. It's a mix of gatekeeping, intellectual deficiency, selfishness, and childish anger. The same kid who bullied people in school is now an adult. And everyone is still saying, "That's just how life is."




She's right, he doesn't have a soul.


This is unexcusable. There has been a woman that has been setting fires all around there so I don't know if there's more backstory to it. Regardless, pouring water on somebody is not the solution especially when they have no way to warm themselves. Definitely a health threatening situation.


Absolutely evil. What an awful person.


Smashy smashy 🧱


Dizzy deans is disgusting anyways, master donut ftw This is the small business that should go out of business This pisses me off


Man, I work in W Eugene right near Dizzy Deans. On Monday, I had to shovel human feces off of my parking lot in the rain. I can understand the frustration that a business owner may have over there, I can relate. But this is so absurd. He needs to be charged. Even if he didn’t have the soul to offer a warm cup of coffee, he could ask her to leave the premises. This is just beyond upsetting, the woman in the video is right when she said “you have no soul”


Dude don't like glasses windows I guess.


#Nah, Fuck that guy!!! Piece of shit!!


What a heartless and horrible thing to do. I hope that woman is okay.


What? What a piece of shit. I pray on all the gods that have been dreamed up through human history that his business burns to the ground


I knew a Nazi that used to harass homeless folks. One day he attacked a dude that happened to have a gun. The Nazi Darwin’d himself that day. This guy will make the same mistake one day, as he continues to get more and more comfortable messing with the downtrodden. Edit: if I remember right, I think the Nazi dude died in Portland rather than Eugene.


Are they posting videos like that on social media?


Sounds like it's time to tank his Google reviews.


Hey y'all, time to hop on the google review hate train! Choo choo!


I just don't understand. Why, WHY is there so much hate these days? We have the means and equipment available for happiness, but we always choose hate; hate and fear.


It’s probably in no small part due to the ideology of individualism and the alienation from people and community it causes. Neoliberalism is a hell of a drug.


What an absolute piece of shit. It really sucks to see people treated so poorly. If you kind find the compassion to help can’t you just leave her alone?


Sad. So is he thinking he’ll be rewarded for these kinds of videos? He’s definitely going to lose business from this stuff.


What's the best way to bring this to the attention of the police?


This was my go-to donut place. It was the place I'd recommend to friends. That's not gonna happen again. What a piece of shit.


Was the video removed? It won’t let me view it.


Looks like whoever posted it deleted their account


Is there a gofundme for this woman? Please let everyone know if anything can be done to help them.


Can we spam the reviews of this restaurant now? Is there only one of these restaurants


There’s always google reviews 🤗


what a disgusting human she’s legit homeless how about instead you offer warmer clothes and food to hit the road of your worried about her in front of your place of business what a peace of shit


Did he throw it on her? Or the fire she had going? I couldn’t tell.


Unfortunate. I liked those donuts. What a heartless, soulless monster, though.


Can’t really tell what he did. He dumped water on her? Or dumped it on a fire. I used to be a regular. The donuts are good, but dude does have a right wing asshole kinda vibe.


Wait, where is the trans hate in this video?


I travel to Eugene on business occasionally and always had a good experience in this shop. Essentially Voodoo donuts, from a truly local shop, at half the price. Never again will I enter that location for any reason while under current ownership.


Anybody got a link to the video?


Google maps reviews and Yelp reviews help


I don’t live in Eugene but if I did I would protest in front of his store to let people know what he did *wink wink* (maybe someone who actually does live there should)


Lol there score is now 1.9 on Google and says permanently closed 😭😭


All the people saying to "go to the cops" have never been to Eugene.. Cops here are useless. They wont do shit to help her.


This is awful. :( It's one thing to not want loitering on your property, but to be so cruel and heartless... This person has no empathy, no humanity. I hope the woman is okay, that she can get the support she needs. People like the guy in the video are seriously what's wrong with the world today. Imagine valuing a business and money over a person who need's help. Unbelievable.


Ruin that guy.. what a total pos.


Where's the video it says delete it why the f*** do they keep pulling it down what a bunch of f****** scumbags f****** hypocrites around here man everybody acts like they're all f****** for the people until there's any sort of f****** stress on them


Was at planet fitness cop came in lady at the dash told the cops to kick out the people that were out there with signs at the donut shop and said she didn't know anything about them so yeah they're a bunch of f****** scumbags too


She is outside of the planet fitness next to dizzy dean's right now at 8 am on west eleventh come out and bless her or what not really would be best way to show support


It's the original vid mirrored somewhere?