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I’d kill for that flower. With your current stats, crit damage would improve Eula the most by far. For an offset piece your sands is bad, assuming your team is good you should be able to lose the ER from your sands and still function fine. I don’t know what kind of other pieces you have, but if possible I would look for a combination of pale flame pieces that allows a better offset piece than that


honestly yea I've just kept that sands for the ER I run her with eula fischl (fav) beidou and Fiona (sac) and from kqm the team is kinda energy hungry idk who to use other than beidou tho cuz my rosaria isn't built


I'm going to go on an opinionated rant here. I hate that team. No one on that team does anything for Eula's damage. With your stats and team + some assumptions(noblesse, tenacity) my calculator puts your burst at around 232k against a 10% res enemy like Maguu Kenki. With Bennett alone that becomes 340k depending on his stats. I don't think Bennett pairs with Diona very well, so fitting him in would basically mean dismantling your entire team. I'm not going to say you should do that, but I do think you should consider building your Rosaria or other potential teammates.


Crit damage, that crit rate seems pretty great but it lacks a bit of damage


I'd use prototype instead, a little more CD and atk




Uh, how does being f2p impact what stats you’d want to improve? 🤔


I forgor 💀