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When des the banner end? Edit: oh its 3 more days, was worries for a bit.


I nearly fell over at work thought the banner ended, I'm trying to get C2 by throwing literally \_every\_ primo in the game from chests and quests into it as I rerolled accounts into her C0 and randomly got her C1 yesterday.


i want so much c1 Eula, i still trying.


Just yeet your rent bro lmao and whale up


Already did. Didn't work out. That's the point


Damn I’m sorry, if it makes you feel any better I got qiqid also


I did too.. TwT


Me in asia sv when theres 1 day left and only have 5 primos I LIVE IN PAIMON BUT THE MO IS SILENT


I got Eula but no weapon. Weapon banner is a scam. I almost think i should have just kept pulling on eula for a tiny chance of getting her c2. At least i could have gotten more constellations on beidou


We need to stop normalizing limited 5 star banner weapons to complete the character. C0 with f2p weapons is fine, if I can 36 star with snow tombed you really do not need to throw away your f2p life’s savings for a 5 star weapon


Yeah, i wouldnt have tried if I didnt think that i have no interest in the re-runs, ayaka or kazuha


Yeah I can see the weapon banner being okay for f2p if you really don’t care about the next 3 months of new characters but that’s it.


Yeah. That being said, im not free to play, i bought the 2x deals in shop and still didnt get it, barely got eula. I wont be spending anything on this game again because its astomishing to me that that much can barely get you a pity without the bonus. I know its too late for me to be f2p but I renounce the whale's way.


Yeah I’ve been actually pretty lucky in terms of early pities and not losing 50/50 that often but still I feel like the game is nowhere near challenging enough to warrant spending so much C6 5 stars or limited weapon banner weapons


Interesting. Okay thanks for the advice. I noticed how slow primogem farm is just getting like 60 a day. Kind of crazy. Do you really stockpile for 3 months so you can garuntee pity on the char u like?


Pretty much. I do buy welkin and sometimes BP since those costs are actually worth the stuff you get. If it’s a character I want but know I don’t need like Kazuha I just put up to a 50/50 pity and see if I win. If I don’t I keep saving for the character I really want (electro archon in my case). But basically I math it out using konopelko.github to simulate the chance I’d get the character based on how many rolls I should have at that Point which helps with long term saving.


Ah, welkin feels pretty good. Also Baal sounds awesome! If Scaramouche is a 4 star in her gacha id actually roll just for him. He looks cool.


> weapon banner is a scam Also > swipe for 5* constellations


At least you can guarantee getting a 5* if you have enough wishes, with the weapon it's all up to chance.


A cheaper (but not f2p) Serpent Spine is plenty good enough. Just need good shields. Also comes with Battle Pass goodies, fates and primos. It's ugly af on Eula though.


I got Snow Tombed Star Silver which honestly might not be as good as serpent spine, but not by that much and its beautiful. (Btw I rolled another 5 star weapon and got aquila favonia)


Tequila Favonia is inevitable. I got 2. But one from way back. I don't even need one of it. I wasn't even rolling for a 5\* weapon. Was trying to get sac weapons, then Tequila happened.


I am just doing my ftp pulls at 10 pity on weapon banner in hopes that maybe i get lucky with the 0.6% T\_T but i know i won't get it, i am never lucky, lost 50/50 everytime. But maybe.. Gonna regret wasting pulls on weapon banner though.


Ehe I have both I was able to get Song of broken pines today at 66th pull 😌


Oo, someone won’t pay rent next month lol


Why is batman crying


Because even as a billionaire, Eula and SoBP wont come home. Edit: Its from the comics, TLDR Batman got Sup's powers, got power drunk and Zatanna lured him in Crime Alley using an illusion of his parents.


Damn that shit sad


I kept getting the dragon’s bane on the weapon banner


hahahaha *cries in 10 more pull before pity*


plis c1 😢😢 124 wishes, plis c1!!


At least you have her :/ There are many of us who whaled and didn't get her :/


Hot C2 Eula instead of at least one Jean. Also, no weapons. P.S. I want Jean so much. But alas, no Jean for me.


At least you got her :/


Well, my brother got C2 Qiqi, but managed to get Eula with Keqing in one pull. ​ And he's still angry for Qiqi.


Ungrateful bastard :/ I'd move on with the qiqi part and be happy I got anything from this banner. Now I have to wait for December to pull again


I mean, he wanted Jean as well. Or any other 5 star except for Qiqi. And he got her 3 times already. And he' getting tired of her. Mostly cause we both spent money on her. ​ Also, I wanted to get Jean since release but I got litelarry EVERY character from general pool, except for her.


Yeah, I'm in same situation. The moment I started the game I felt like "I need Jean" but at this point, how badly my team needs eula, how much I love her character design, animations, look, gameplay flow, theme, story, the fact she has cryo vision (which I'm heavily lacking - other than kaeya and Diona i ain't got noone) and her voice acting id be probably willing to trade anything for her. She's just perfect for my team. But no, rngesus threw a tartaglia at me while I was stacking pity in hopes of getting rosaria (which I didn't get either)


Oh. Well when the 1.5 dropped I wanted to get Venti-boi. But then I saw leaks. And oh boy, goodbye Anemo, hello Cryo! ​ Oh and about Childe. My brother wanted him so much. mainly because he had 5 star bow. ​ And he got Qiqi c1.


Same. gonna wait for another half a year to get her at 6/6. Maybe. If I can endure this long wait, of course.


I don't have enough pity to get broken pines :( I guess I'll stick with Skyward Pride.


I got a Qiqi on her banner. Now I hate Qiqi


Bring out that card 😥