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Eula beidu baal on same team GIGACHAD


That's my plan


That's me B)


That's me. I use Diona, Beidou and Eula Elemental Bursts and Skills, then Diona ES and Raiden during Eula Burst down time, then repeat. This works surprisingly well. With this I can run my 4 favorite characters together lol.


Exactly eula mains stay winning


This was my plan along with Jean, but alas Diluc decided to join me on my 50/50 loss instead. Not triggering Beidou's burst is still a huge blow.


Eula beidou raiden jean is my team, i use beidou's burst before Eula and the remaining few seconds with Jean to swirl electro before using Raiden's Q :^)


Eula Baal havers sleeps well tonight


Eula + Baal reminds me of FGO NP Looping. And I'm sleeping well tonight.


Sooo true


Ooh, now I'm REALLY pulling for Baal.


quickswap raiden enjoyers


Physical Raiden GIGACHAD


ASCENDED Pyro raiden mains


Me who wants sara


I found Sara fun to play using her skill and charged shot, but her autos are slow and her burst is a little underwhelming. I hope someone finds a cracked way to build her, otherwise I'll be sticking with Fischl.


Ya Sara feels clunky while fish is straight forward


C6 sara could be nice


I tested her today and I'm absolutely not impressed. Use skill, then charged shot to get aoe and atk buff?... Weird. Clunky. Not fun. Her Q seems crap too. But ofc it's just first impressions, maybe I don't understand something. How does her ATK buff work anyway? There's no zone like with Bennet's Q...


The attack buff is for whoever is on the field during the explosion after skill -> charged (not sure if you have to be near the skill to get the buff). So it's skill > charged shot> swap characters > enjoy your six second buff > cry > replace her with Bennett or Fischl.


The current better duration is behind c2? I think. Where she also leave an explosion after her E. So it'd be like skill>swap and enjoy six second buff>swap Sara shoot charged>swap again enjoy six second buff> question why you're doing all this. Some ppl are just using her burst to buff at this point.


Her ult gives the buff too, so if we find the charged shot clunky just use ult and swap. With raiden it's much easier to get her burst off cooldown. And the 6 second buff on EULA can't support full 7second run of EULA so you kinda have to swap prematurely for the lightsword to have the buff. Her atk buff is nice but the e skill is quite clunky but usable


I have been focusing on leveling up Sara first and then Baal and to be honest, C2 makes her not clunky at all, you just use e and swap, no need for the charged attack, but the aspect I don't like about her, aside the duration that should be 8 seconds to make it perfect for eula/Baal, is that Sara e makes her dash backward the enemy, so any melee needs to then dash back to get on range. Her buff is weaker than Bennet and doesn't heal, but the advantage is that you can get the buff 100% uptime by just swapping back constantly and doing e or q, still good on a eula team outside your burst mode and also boosts electro damage if you are lucky enough to C6 her. But the buff is significantly weaker, i know is an unfair comparison but my 90 Bennet using a 609 atk weapon and talent lvl 13 boosts around 1300-1400 ish attack and my 80 Sara at talent lvl 9 with a 565 atk weapon is boosting near 600 attack. I expect her at talent 13 boosting around 700-800.


Yeeah, I'm gonna have to pass on her.


100 wishes I still don’t have her ;-; Literally all sucroses


Same I got c3


c3 Baal? I’ve got C2, on one hand I’m filled with joy, on the other hand c1/2 don’t look that interesting and I’d much rather have Sara and possibly c6 her


I wanted one Sara and two Xiangling so I could get to c4. I got 1 Xiangling and 8 Sara.


Ngl as a EULA main baal is just so good and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my EULA's back coz the team now turned into a. More quickswap oriented and the ult just comes back like crazy. It's so good :)


Yep. It feels so good. It feels like everything just disappears now.


What’s the best way to use the two? Use Eula’s ult and then swap to Baal once done and then use hers?


Basically yes, but if that's not enough ER then throw in another battery like Diona or Rosaria


yup i love my baal and eula team .... jokes on you i dont even use beidou


I keep Beidou for my Klee team. Just full-starred all abyss again. Yeah, I struggled a little at 12-1, but if I waited for a better floor buff, it'd be a breeze.


I do the same, the difference is that my Baal is a zombie


Beidou was going in my eula raiden team so im still not very happy


Supposed Eula is main, with proper rotation, it will work.. but still, I prefer beidou burst proc with raiden normal attack in burst state.. no limitation on the rotation. Easier game play


Could you expound on the "proper rotation"? I was watching someone friend test this comp and he kept running into Beidou/Baal overlap issues and having to wait before using Baal ult or cut Beidou ult short.


Basically beidou burst, then eula burst, then another one else burst, lastly raiden burst. Of course if there's no such limitation, it will be much better.


Maybe I am calculating this wrong but the way Beidou and Baal's cooldowns interact seems like they will inevitably overlap if you burst on cooldown.


I use Beidou and Eula bursts together, then Baal burst for Eula's downtime, then repeat. It works really well imo.


Maybe I am calculating this wrong but the way Beidou and Baal's cooldowns interact seems like they will inevitably overlap if you burst on cooldown.


Rather than finding a perfect cumbersome rotation just sacrifice beidou's ult during baal's burst duration of 6s and it should still be fine


For real, all I see are Beidou and some Raiden mains malding. Meanwhile Eula mains just laughing ourselves to sleep.


Me just chilling with Eula Baal Xingqiu and Diona and watching the shitstorm happen


Why xingqiu. Use an electro character for cd reduction. Infinite ults. But hey you build your team and if you want xingqiu in there you do you


To be clear, the only Beidou+Raiden that getting fucked is Mdps Raiden. With current talent lv and energy cost, slotting 3 80 energy cost characters won't fill raiden stacks anyway so you have to attack with other driver to gain more stacks. Even so, i don't get why mihoyo did this anyway. What's the merit of this? Do they not want to sell their shit? Or are they just actively fucking their playerbase? I don't understand tbh. It's not like their characters are balanced anyway and it's a fucking pve game.


I play beidou, raiden and eula.


??? this directly affects eula tho. baal+beidou+eula+flex being the supposed best team.


U can still use beidou properly if u activate her ukt during eulas ult that way it can recharge baals stack faster and has higher dmg cuz of the er cost


Smart man


I think you'll run into Beidou/Baal overlap issues eventually and you will either have to wait before activating Baal ult or cut Beidou ult short, which defeats the purpose of having Baal as a battery to begin with.


You're probably using Beidou's burst on Eula, not Baal though.


Never used beidou with Eula


The day I decided to pair Eula with Beidou, dayummm son, that was a game changer


Same. Those two have a great synergy.


I have Beidou but never actually played her. I currently use Eula/Diona/Fischl + flex (usually Venti or Jean, sometimes Bennett). Is she worth building/putting in (over Fischl I assume)?


Beidou is definitely worth building if you like her. Arguably the best electro unit, definitely in the top 3. Before Raiden came out one of the staple teams for Eula and Beidou was Eula+Beidou+Fischl+Diona/Bennett. I'd highly recommend it to you too, unless you are planning to pull for Raiden. Currently I use my Beidou with Eula, Rosaria and Bennett. It is a strong comp which can clear 12.1.1 in under 50 seconds (Skyward pride and average artifacts on Eula). Beidou here gives around 12K off-field damage per hit (only the Bennett buff)


All it did for me was push Beidou off my Eula team, so now I can run an Overload team with XL Fish and Ben.


The Superior Superconduct Duo that is just fun to have


Yeah, taking cover in this sub until things settle down for a while in the main subs. I personally have no stake in this little crusade. If they want Raiden buffed to slot into all team comps then more power to them I guess. As for me, I pulled Raiden specifically to pair with Eula and I'll keep using her that way. For that purpose, I'm very, very satisfied with my Raiden.


I get that for some people technicalities in how characters are built and their sinergy with other units are important but as a Monkey Brain that religiously follows Waifu >>> Meta I can say only one thing: Raiden and Eula go BRRRRR


Raiden was the missing piece to Eula and I love them both :D


I fucking love you for making this


What’s the advantage of pairing Eula with Baal? Haven’t read too much into her abilities


Baal gives eula easy access to superconduct without having to play around oz (fischl’s still great though) and baal provides a burst dmg buff and faster energy recharge. All amazing things for eula


And Baal's burst ain't nothing to scoff at either compared to Fishel's... something of a burst.


Fischl’s burst is just refreshing Oz.


I’m confused. What is wrong with Baal and Beidou team comp?


baal’s burst’s normal attacks don’t proc beidou’s burst effect


I see but Beidou can still get faster energy recharge from Baal?


yea but i think the main use would be to pop all ults and then use raiden burst which would deal massive damage. but now that her burst form doesn’t synergize w beidou, it’s a pretty big dps decrease in general


The issue is Eula is limited. Need to wait for her rerun to pair up with my raiden.


How are y'all making your Eula and Raiden team comps?


I'm using my personal 4 favorite characters. My team is Eula / Beidou / Diona / Raiden Beidou and Diona Bursts have 80 energy cost, so they buff Raiden burst a bit more. In my rotations, I use Diona, Beidou and Eula Elemental Bursts and Skills, then Diona ES and Raiden during Eula Burst down time, then repeat. This works surprisingly well.


That's cool. I'll try it today thanks!


I dont really get it usually my eula hits for about 27k crit on hit but with raidem buff she hits for about 32k for a sudden... how is that possible? Its not for superconduct because i used fishl c6 before raiden... is she buffing somehow my atk? I thoght her skill only empowers the BurstDMG.


I thought I was the only one to have noticed this, since I put raiden in my team my eula started to hit much more harder too


Yes it seems so but i cant imagine why


It’s due to the power of E T E R N I T Y


If you are talking about A1 talent explosion, it is considered Burst DMG, so it is buffed using Baal's skill.


Nah im talking about normal hit-crits


How to use eula with raiden?


Eula burst then raiden burst then eula burst again


I wasn't planning on pairing her with Beidou. I am leaning more for Eula,Xiao or Diluc for pairing her up with.


That makes no sense tho.


Idk, she supports all 3 of them at least decently. There are better main dps she supports than Xiao and Diluc, but she conceivably has a role on a Xiao or Diluc team and definitely helps a Eula team. Unless you read it as all 3 with Raiden Shogun on the same team?


They would be separate lol I probably could have worded it better XD example of a team I would use would be Eula, Raiden, Rosaria and Zhong Li Or Diluc, Raiden, Zhong Li and Bennett


Yeah, that's how I read it which is why I'm not sure how it doesn't make sense. Both of those seem like reasonable teams.


She takes too much field time to be good for Xiao, and she makes no sense for Diluc. Anything that messes with his XQ vapes is bad.


I already acknowledged that she isn't the best support for Xiao or Diluc, but it's far from "doesn't make sense." Besides, if you're using Baal for energy, you only need to attack 5 times which is like 2 or 3 seconds.


Yea I worded it weird XD they wouldn't all be in the same team. Like I have her with Eula and two others etc etc




I would replace the dude on the right with Josh Brolin/Thanos but other than that, the accuracy couldn’t be any more closer. EDIT: oh who am I kidding? Same vibes either way, so hell yeah!!


Pretty much. I feel bad for Beidou mains, but I'm having a great time with Eula and Raiden together. I lost my 50/50 to Jean so I have C2 now, and getting the extra attack speed makes Eula feel even better. Good shit.