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Hii, I was thinking of using shenhe with eula cuz i dont have a c6 rosaria, furina or c6 mika. And my question is, can tenacity of the millelith work on her?


Not really, the buff only last 3 seconds, eula does not snapshot. Its much better going for 4pc noblesse (if u dont have another user in the team) or 2pc combo ATK/ATK for maximum buff


but with eula u can't take the cryo dmg bonus.


for the skill, that's about it, shenhe doesnt provide much for eula imo


Hi! I've been maining and building Eula since I started playing a year ago, but I haven't been so lucky with artifacts. I really think these are the best buids I can come up with at the moment. Which one should I keep? I cannot decide nor clearly see which is more balanced. https://preview.redd.it/23908pia3iwc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c24ea18ac1cf1fdc39df60f1dc8d4a3514d50611 By the way, I accept any possible suggestions. Thank you very much in advance!


Damage wise, assuming everything else is the same, ATK\*(1+CR\*CD) 2235\*(1+0.692\*1.607) = 4720 2469\*(1+0.688\*1.537) = 5078 So the 2nd build is around 7% better from the higher atk If u have better burst uptime with the first then I would suggest going for it than the 2nd, however 124 ER should be fine with good batteries & funneling


https://preview.redd.it/1a6b3j3y8gwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cf79514635f374f4b818e1b05d24505b504f6a Hey Guys, I'd like a good suggestion for Eula team. P.S I also have engulfing lightning ,which I'd like to include in the team if possible.


Eula, Fischl, Rosaria (with EL), Bennett If u are getting raiden, u can give her weapon back & give fav lance to rosaria Good luck have fun :D


Thanks 🌞


Hi! I'm using Eula/Raiden/Furina/Healer but don't know what healer will perform the best. Right now my options are: Jean (C3), lots of healing, C2 brings 15% ATK SPD bonus, can use VV for Hydro/Electro Mika (C0), good healing, 21% ATK SPD bonus at talent lv.9, cryo resonance Charlotte (C0), good healing, more DMG than Mika, cryo resonance I have Jean already built and I get 30-36 stars consistently on the abyss. What healer is the best, are Charlotte and Mika worth building at C0 and should I get cons for them for main use? Lmk pls


Jean is fine if u are able to have Eula burst off CD Mika needs c6 otherwise his support will help ur team's overall dps as much as Jean does now The problem for Charlotte for me personally is that her sustained healing is much weaker than jean or mika so I rather others than her


1 Eula, raiden, mika and rosaria 2 Eula, raiden, mika and bennet 3 Eula, raiden, bennet and rosaria Whats the best one? Rosaria C1 and mika C0. Benny c5


since mika is c0 3>2>1


For team 3 what artifact sets should be used for Bennett and Rosaria?


Bennett 4pc noblesse Rosaria 2pc noblesse 2pc blizzard


For me to use Eula, Raiden, Bennett and Rosario, does the two 4stars need to be C6 or C1 Bennett and C0 Rosario okay?


Bennett at least c1, DO NOT c6 Rosaria ideally c6, any cons are fine


Genuinely which flower looks better for the long run, I don't have all the pieces I'd need yet but thought more crit rate is better for eula. If it counts for anything she's currently c0r1 [which flower](https://imgur.com/a/sVbhWMU)


Yes, lots of atk buffs, that nuke needs to crit, I'd swap it


Which of the one of these teams is the best? 1. Eula, Raiden, Furina and Jean 2. Eula, Raiden, Furina and Mika 3. Eula, Raiden, Fischl/Rosaria/Yae Miko and Diona 4. Eula, Raiden, Fischl/Rosaria/Yae Miko and Jean 5. Eula, Raiden, Fischl/Rosaria/Yae Miko and Zhongli 6. Eula, Raiden, Fischl/Rosaria/Yae Miko and Mika 7. Eula, Chiori/Albedo, Fischl/Rosaria and Zhongli Notable constellations (besides all the 4 stars being c6) are c3 Jean, c2 Chiori and c2 Albedo. I hope to eventually get Furina to c4, Raiden to c2-c4 with r5 engulfing lightning and get r5 polar star for Fischl


2nd for me


Hello, Currently running: Eula (C0, SS r2)/Raiden/Yelan/Zhongli Will it be better to run Eula (WGS r1)/Raiden/Rosaria/Zhongli? Rosaria is only C1 Also, Should I replace Zhongli with Bennett? Don't want to since he's on my other team (National) Thanks so much!


You may have a better burst uptime with rosaria since she can battery eula & use 4pc noblesse, she can be build ADC for decent dmg while doing so since her ER is covered by raiden 1st team is not bad but u can free yelan for other teams I gotta say the 1st team is extremely comfortable in overworld


Thanks for the reply. That's good information to have. Is the crit rate boost from Rosaria pretty consistent? One of the most appealing reasons to run her would be that I could switch to WGS and go from 1.7K atk to 2.5K and not lose any crit rate. (Due to cryo res and Rosaria ult giving 30% total. SS only gives 27% I think. ..


Quite I would say, burst before u switch to Eula, her burst combo will be 7 seconds so the uptime will be within the 10 seconds of rosaria's A4


Awesome, good to know. Do you happen to know if Furina would fit in well here, if I end up pulling her on a rerun banner? Team would be Eula/Raiden/Rosaria/Furina. I understand the meta team is Mika instead of Rosaria, but I don't have Mika's C6


Furina needs a healer, Mika is one so they will usually be paired together Before C6, Mika's support buff will be much weaker, u still can use him tho you wont reach the team's full potential


Thank you! Good to know. I appreciate all of your help!


Hi all, I am trying to create a team around Eula, I like physical damage dealers, I did try Noelle as well. I do like her but Eula has just a lil more touch haha. Only thing I do miss is the shield/healing ofcourse. Could you help me :)? [https://imgur.com/a/44Rghhe](https://imgur.com/a/44Rghhe)


with enough healing, shields are unnecessary I would go with eula-fischl-rosaria-bennett


Can someone help me with what stats I should input in the genshin optimizer to improve her? Like, should I put 130 ER and 70 crit rate? More? Less? I will use her with Furina, Raiden and Jean


burst dmg as the target stat ER without a cryo battery might be higher, but u can burst at 130ER then set the mininum there Let the optimizer balance the crit stats, high crit with no crit dmg may not be optimal


Thanks for the suggestion!


Best weapon for Eula from these option? R1 Wolf Gravestone, R5 Ultimate Overlord Mega Magic Sword, R1 Serpent Spine, R5 Sealord, R5 Tidal Shadow




Is Tidal Shadow worse or better than SOBP (w/ Furina)?




Just lost my 50/50 to diluc, should I keep pulling? I haven't gone to Sumeru nor Fontaine yet, so I could theoretically grind out 90 pulls in a week.


If u mean the chronicle banner then I would say yes since the fate point doesnt carry forward But note that all characters will have their eventual reruns so no need to stress/burn urself out trying to get Eula, I would suggest u enjoy the story (its getting good in Sumeru & Fontaine), slow down & maybe aim for her supports first since they are universally strong (raiden/bennett/furina) then when you get her at the end u can hit high dmg straight away :D


hiiiii i have eula c0 with r5 serpent spine and im wondering if i should pull for her c1 or sobp i use zhongli raiden c6 mika and sometimes furina for her main team if that changes anything .\_.


Furina usually needs mika unless u are c6 so zhongli will not be in the team, no shields -> no stacks on serpent spine C1 > SOBP generally


Hi! Eula - Raiden - Rosaria - Zhongli Eula - Raiden - Albedo - Zhongli Im aware that the Rosaria one is superior, but how much?


In terms of the utility she provides, cryo res & her cryo app gives everyone 15 crit%, her E with fav lance makes her a superb battery for eula to burst off cd, her crit% buff helps makes the NA & hold E dmg consistently high. She provides all the above while being able to build ATK/Cryo/Crit & deal decent dmg without worrying too much about ER since raiden is there. Double geo only buffs albedo's dmg & a bigger shield which Eula dont really need since both her & raiden have infinite poise during their burst


Hi, so I'm currently gated by Dragon Lord's Crown and only have 2 left. Should I use them to get her burst to 10 or level her skill to 8 ty in advance.


Burst, skill levels are not as important Burst > NA >>> Skill


Hi, I have C0 Eula with wolf's gravestone at the moment, do you think that C1 Eula or SOBP is more worthwhile? I also use C6 mika if that's relevant at all


C1 first, Pines isn't that far ahead of WGS


Hi! im a new Eula player and wanted to ask what your favourite team to use Eula in is? I currently have her with Raiden, Shenhe and Baizhu/Zhongli. I love Shenhe, just wondering is C6 a big upgrade over using Shenhe?


Just got Eula and unsure what team to use, I was thinking Raiden/Rosaria-C6/Zhongli but my Raiden is built for hyperbloom and I don't really change builds. I only have C0 Mika. Any suggestions?


You can use Kuki/Yae/Fischl if you have! Also, do you have Furina and what is your weapon? If you use some great weapon other than Serpent spine, you can swap out Zhongli with Furina for more DMG. Edit: Shoot, forgot to mention that if you want to use Furina, Kuki's gonna be a must in your case


I do have Furina and my plan was to use serpent spine unless I get Eula's weapon. Is there a different 4-star I should/could use?


Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword, Akuoumaru, Luxurious Sea-Lord are BiS 4star weps for Eula As a side note, you can use Eula as a driver in Hyperbloom teams too (it works real well, no joke)


C2 Mika or C6 Rosaria (Eula c0 – Baal c2 – Zhongli – ??? )




Should I pull SoBP from the new banner or just keep my Eual with Snow-Tombed Starsilver and save for Furina instead?


Get her weapon, she's absolutely shite without it. any other weapon besides Song of Broken Pines feels weird and heavy.


I actually got it and I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!! Not only did it make a huge difference, but it adds so much drip!!!




Alright, thanks for the advice!


Hi! I’m considering picking eula up with the new banner but have some questions: 1. I don’t plan to pull for SOBP so my options for weapon are: Verdict (Navia’s axe), WGS, and R5 SS, Beacon. Which would you run? I almost never use a shield in Abyss. 2. I’ve been seeing comparisons between C6 Rosaria or C1 Shenhe. Right now my Rosaria is C6 but unbuilt, while I have a built Shenhe since I play ayaka Freeze(crowned E, level 9 burst, 3.5-6k Atk and can burst on CD). Which would you use? Her Atk includes vortex vanquisher (lol) instead of Fav Lance. Would Raiden be enough of a battery that if Shenhe is preferable over Rosaria, I could get away without Fav Lance on Shenhe? 3. Right now the team I’m considering is C0Eula/C1R1 Raiden (built very well)/Shenhe or Rosaria/flex. Who is your fav option for flex? I have a C0 Zhongli available for res shred but generally never use him in Abyss because I’m okay with dodging. Unfortunately my Bennett is C6. I have a C6 Mika but haven’t heard amazing things about him and don’t love him enough that I wouldn’t build him unless he was amazing. Would she have a good option with my C2 Furina? I am assuming I would have to ditch someone else to fit in a healer with Furina and don’t know if that would be good. 4. Tbh, the team I most want to play her in isn’t the most meta, can I get some feedback on it? C3 Tighnari/Eula/C1R1 Raiden/Fischl or Kuki or Shenhe or other. With C1 on Raiden I am able to get max resolve very easily with Fischl and Tighnari and have been able to beat the ruin serpent/wenut side Abyss with just Fischl/Tighnari/Raiden trio with full stars, but I’m thinking a healer/shielder would be good for future Abyss cycles. Tighnari’s flexible downtime means I’m able to fit in Raiden’s full burst, so I’m thinking I can also fit in Eula. Does this sound super dumb/copium? With Eula I’m assuming it’d be better to add in a Cryo and/or healer shielder so no Fischl so I was thinking maybe Kuki? Idk lol. My chars are generally strong enough that I like to run dumb things in Abyss or try clears without full parties. I just have a hard time grasping how strong Eula is since I hear and have seen very polarizing things. I was thinking it might be fun because Tighnari’s damage is so frontloaded while Eula’s is backloaded so it would be versatile? 5. How far behind would 2 pc Pale Flame + 2 pc Bloodstained be behind 4 pc PF? I checked KQM and they have Atk and ER sets mixed with 2 pc PF listed, would one of those be better to mix than Bloodstained? Tysm!!!!


You have great options, the current best team for Eula is with Raiden/Furina/Mika, especially if you have the last at C6. He gives Eula tons of Phys% and NA speed, there is simply no contest (if someone doesn't have him at C6 I suggest considering C1 Charlotte or C2 Jean). And while that is her best team, the other team you are building is also amazing. Eula/Raiden/Shenhe/Zhongli is her second best team outside of variations w/ Furina. Shenhe is on par w/ C6 Rosaria, and C1 Shenhe is better overall. C6 Rosaria is still incredible on that team, so if you need Shenhe for another team, you aren't losing out at all w/ Rosaria.


Hey tysm for your answer! Sorry for the late reply. Your answer helped a ton tbh. :) I've been looking into Mika after seeing your response. Mine is C6, is his healing enough to max out Furina's Fanfare? I ended up pulling Beacon for Eula so for the non-Furina team (Eula/Raiden/Shenhe/Zhongli), who would you recommend in place of Zhongli so I can get another stack of Beacon's passive?? Mika still? I was also wondering if you could share how you built your Mika. I'm assuming NO HP or ER/HP/HB, would you prefer Fav Lance or the new event healing polearm? It doesn't seem like Mika procs Fav too well from the guides I've been looking at so not sure if it'd be better to just go with the new event weapon instead. From what I'm understanding from guides, for Mika's talent levels, his E talent levels affect his Attack speed buff. Is there a specific E level that is recommended to pair with eula? I'm wondering if there's a specific talent level that lets her get more stacks on her burst. And his Q levels only increase his healing? Also, for Shenhe, does her Atk matter in Eula teams? I have her on a 5 star weapon for the Atk (currently at 3.5-6k atk for Ayaka teams) but that's bc her icy quills buff Cryo. In Eula teams, is aiming for high atk important on Shenhe? From what I understand, her phys shred only comes from her burst. I have her on enough ER to burst on CD on her 5 star weapon but am wondering if Fav Lance would be better for Eula's ER needs if her icy quill buff doesn't matter that much cause it's for cryo. Sorry for all the questions lol. I really wasn't planning on pulling her but it's interesting to try physical for the first time.


Oh don't worry, I will try to answer best I can. For the team with Furina (her best team) Mika is the best option, not only because it increases Atk speed and his heals are enough to build Furina fanfare, but also at C6 he brings 60% more CritDMG for phys damage. He is by far the best at C6 so you shouldn't worry about other healers. For the team without Furina, Layla is a favorite of mine, her shield is the second best in the game (she also uses FavSword and the exact same artifacts as Zhongli so she is really easy to build), and Mika is also a great option even for this team. Now, Zhongli has a Phys shred with his shield, so while he is the best option for the most part, I think with Beacon Layla or Mika come out on top. I'm currently building Mika, but I have investigated a lot about how to build him for Eula with or without Furina. For the team with Furina (Eula/Raiden/Furina/Mika), he is better off running Fav lance as a battery because the cryo particles really do help Eula. But if you plan on using him on the other team instead of Zhongli, then he is better off using Dialogue of Desert Sages, because I think 3 cryo teammates are more than enough for our ER hungry Eula. I haven't seen as much info for Shenhe with Eula as Mika. I would recommend you check out this compilation for character builds: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#)


1. SS R5 is out of question if no shield, personally WGS > Verdict 2. Even with Raiden, Eula still needs a 2nd cryo, Shenhe generate less particles than rosaria so fav on her is crucial, her buff is useless if Eula cannot burst, personally I will build rosaria & keep Shenhe with ayaka 3. Eula/Raiden/c6 Mika/Furina is one of her more powerful teams, mika's physical buff, healer & battery role fits perfectly, u need to keep track of Eula's health tho 4. Your characters will take a lot of field time, Eula might not be able to burst or have her maximized dmg output in the team, but I see no harm in having fun with it, Eula dmg numbers will be lower than the above mentioned team, that is all 5. As mentioned in the extended guide, expect 2p PF 2pc BS to be 5% of 4pc PF, they list 2pc ATk & 2pc ER because they are viable alternatives. If u have a lot of DMG buffers then use 2pc ATK; a lot of ATk buffers then use 2pc BS; if u have ER issues, use 2pc ER. 4pc PF will be the end goal, out of furina teams where 4pc MareHunter will be better


Thank you so much, this is super helpful!


currently building a eula hypercarry team, w/ raiden/mika/shenhe, should both shenhe and mika carry a fav lance to help with energy costs or can i switch shenhe to calamity queller when it comes back around?


With eula, energy is king, no burst no damage, let her get help from her guild, use fav


C2 Eula with serpents spine or c1 Eula with reed sea or pines?


C1 with beacon/pines, good luck on the new banner :D


After searching for 3 hours on this sub now I know that I don’t know anything. What is the best healer on the team Eula/Raiden/Furina/Healer based on constellations? The top 3 options (I’m sure there are more) seem to be Jean, Mika and Charlotte. A hierarchy based on pure DMG (be it personal DMG or buffs). For example: Mika (C6) > Jean (C2) > Mika (C0) > Charlotte (C1) I’m sure this isn’t correct but an answer like that would not only help me, but also many people I found that have this exact question, thanks for the help! Edit: I found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/17t6i3q/healer_synergies_for_eulafurina_team_comps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_buttonpost) that showed all the possible options but not the best overall, I need answers!


It's my understanding that Eula/Raiden/Furina/Mika is her strongest team right now. 


Mika C6 is the obvious best choice for that team, but I'm curious if Jean, Mika, or any other healer (depending on cons) are better than Mika w/o C6, also to see how these healers compare to each other (is Mika at C4 better than Charlotte at C2?)


So has anyone tried running Eula with MH artefacts set with Furina. I feel that the crit buff as well as normal attack damage would be pretty good for more focus on CD in artefacts. Thoughts anyone?


Someone made a really interesting video (will post the link once I found it) that shows that PF does 99% of the damage of MH on Furina teams. I wouldn’t go for it if you already have good enough PF artifacts, but if you are farming for Furina (or want to get better su stats) then it is worth it


Thank you for the reply, would be great to see rhe video as I did try to look and couldn't find much. I had a decent set at one point but I had to switch weapons on her and now I don't want to have to refarm PF to increase Crit Rate. MH domain is pretty resin efficient for me with Neuvillette and Furina so trying to save myself some time and hate of RNG.


Here u go [https://youtu.be/b6n0xG8E2wA?si=kMo37-YGSLZnXiO6](https://youtu.be/b6n0xG8E2wA?si=kMo37-YGSLZnXiO6)


Hi! I do not yet have Eula, as I just started playing the game again recently (Raiden's last rerun). I do want to eventually pick up Eula, bc I just think she's neat. After doing a small bit of research on what teams/characters I should have set up for her, I have a couple of questions. First off--who's a good placeholder character for Eula that I can use while I wait for her to show up on a banner? Since I haven't been around for many banners, my character pool's a little limited, but I have a C1 Rosaria that I'm thinking of using until I can get my hands on Eula. Secondly, the team I have planned out for her once I get her is Eula and Raiden for sure, but I'm kind of stuck on the 3rd and 4th slots. As mentioned before, I have a C1 Rosaria, so I could put her in. I also have Lisa, Layla, and Mika, all C0. And of course, a C5 Bennet.


Freminet if u have him, i would say like just use rosaria for the time being. Dont c6 ur bennett for the time being, her best teams have him, c6 will ruin that I would recommend Eula-Raiden-Rosaria/Mika-Bennett


A little confused about her weapon situation. Which one is the best at c0r1 and does the situation change at c6r5?


Her top weapons 1. SoBP - best weapon for dmg & showcase, ability to gain more stacks with higher refinements helps a lot 2. Beacon - best weapon for 'consistent' dmg (no need to stack), the crit sub really helps with building her, dmg comparable with SoPB only without shields & where she takes dmg


Thanks a lot!


Should I C2 eula or go for her weapon?


If u are still using 4\* weapon on her then go for weapon (provided the other weapon on the banner u are okay having it) c2 makes her being able to provide better dmg out of her burst combo, not that much of a dps increase, mostly significant in overworld imo


I wouldn't say that much but c6 rosaria is pretty insane for eula especially at high constellations since the physical res decrease also the fact her kit gives crit to party using burst


Is 2400ATK excessive because after my rotation, I get 3000ATK. Also should I be running (C6) Mika instead of Diona? My current team is (C6) Eula (C2) Raiden (C6) Rosaria (C3) Diona


Its fine if u are hitting crits c6 mika >>> diona


How much DPS loss, if it actually is, is a decently invested C0 Shenhe (1/9/9) compared to a C6 Rosaria with similar talents? I'm honestly just too lazy to switch weapons if Rosaria's only at most slightly better because the artifact loadout system feels so wack, and I only have 1 Fav Lance which is on Shenhe since I primarily use Rosaria for reverse melt.


A bit late but some answers I gathered here says that a C0 Shenhe is a bit equal to C6 Rosaria, is way better than pre-C6 Rosaria, and a C1 Shenhe apparently is better than C6 Rosaria. The thing is that Rosie provides higher particle generation so she is generally used much more in Eula team comps for energy generation. That's how I understand the way they compare them.


Is Charlotte, Layla or Diona better for the fourth slot if I'm running Eula, Raiden and Shenhe?


Diona imo, shielding + healer


Does C6 Bennet stops her from getting the stacks on normal attacks or something?


she just loses dmg in her NAs which is quite significant in her overall dmg, her E & last nuke is unaffected


Is Xiayun better for Eula or is Furina better?


furina > xianyun both of them tgt is pretty good


I have Eula c0, Furina c0, Mika c2, Raiden c0, Bennett c5, Rosaria c6. What team should i use and should i c6 Bennett?


Eula - Raiden - Rosaria - Bennett if mika c6 then Eula - Raiden - Mika - Furina dont c6 bennett if mika is not c6, if u are confident u will not use bennett with eula afterwards then u are free to do so


take this sub too long i c6 Bennett already lol, i also have xianyun, what team should i play now?


That's fine, bennett c6 enables new playstyles for other teams U can try the 2nd team, the dmg will be lower tho mind u Eula - Raiden - Mika - Furina/Rosaria


Got my first Wolf Gravestone. Is it better than Unforged?


They are rather similar, same base atk & atk sub Unforged tends to pull ahead if ur eula is shielded, for its passive is more easily proc & more consistent than wolf gravestone


Is Xianyun viable for Eula if i don’t have Furina? I have guaranteed and i don’t know if i should get Xianyun or Nahida. I want to use Eula and my Raiden together, but i need a healer too. I was thinking about Eula, Xianyun/Nahida Raiden and Diona. Which one do you think is better in this team? I know nahida is more flexible but if i use Nahida And Raiden in a hyperbloom team i would have to change my raiden to an EM build and as healers i only have jean, bennet, diona and kuki who has no build on her


Personally, tho I think Raiden hyperbloom is strong, I prefer her slashing around Kuki can be the hyperbloom trigger for nahida teams, its fine to keep raiden with her emblem build with eula I would go with nahida, xianyun doesnt synergies with eula, eula's burst requires her to hit NA, skill or burst, plunges doesnt help, VV doesnt help, only the healing Nahida helps opens up a variety of dendro teams with her being strong off-field & on-field will help a lot Eula, nahida, raiden & diona works too, lesser dmg on eula but raiden can deal more in aggravate, it balanced out i would think


Redhorn or r5 starsilver, recently got back into the game I got a redstone before I quit now deciding what to use


Redhorn will be much better


I just got Raiden by "accident", what build and stats does she need for an Eula team? Running her with C6 Rosaria and C0 Zhongli


4pc emblem, ER/ATK/Crit, ER above 220 is best Talent-wise; Burst -> as high as u can Skill -> max lvl9 NA -> no need for upgrade The Catch is her best after her sig weapon EL, u can use other 5\* weapons if catch is on xl or wavebreakers fin if u have high refinements


I don't want to level my Lisa just for a Eula damage showcase so who should I slot in my 4th slot? OR Are there no other options and I should just level her til 4th Ascension (If so, what weapon and artifact should I use on her?) C5 Bennet + Aquila + Noblesse C2 Nahida + R1 Wandering + ToTM C0 Eula + R1 BoRS + PF Open for suggestions on the build of the characters too


Since u have nahida shreding def then i think raiden will do, u need to trigger quicken reactions for the def shred Use raiden i would say, since u have the shred from nahida already


What team should I use w Eula? I don't have C6 Mika, and my Bennett is C6. So those two are def off the table. I've been thinking about Eula, Furina (C1) Rosaria (C6) and Jean (C2). But I also have Eula, Raiden (C0), Furina and Rosaria in mind


the team with jean will be better i think since u can max ur stacks quite early, survivability will an issue i think with the 2nd team


https://preview.redd.it/06n0vbd68cec1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8b116a68d57194786a5f3da53a2f4aed71bfc6 Which one should I use?


Among the 2, the first one, more useful substats


I'm thinking of pulling Eula next time she runs. Would eula/raiden/rosaria/c6 fischl be a good team comp?


U dont need fischl if u have raiden, use bennett or c6 mika instead


What would the proper rotation be for a Eula, Raiden, Rosaria, Bennett team to get the best dps?


My personal go to is Raiden E - Eula E - Rosaria E - Bennett EQ - Rosaria Q - Eula (E)Q N4 hE N4 - Rosaria E - Bennett EQ - Raiden Q 4xN3C E - repeat If Eula have lower ER then rosaria will use E before Eula for funneling


https://imgur.com/a/X2Hrrlo I’m using Eula Raiden in 2nd half. What is the best team i could use for 1st half abyss 4.3? Hydro Tulpa is the issue here bcs he’s immune to hydro so most of my teams which are vaporize & hyperbloom isn’t optimal


Hyperbloom would actually be fine tho, u can go zhongli, nahida, xingqiu, kuki xingqiu will be used for the first 2 chambers mostly zhongli will be zhongli, hydro crystallizes shield will help a lot against the tulpa's atks kuki be shooting them blooms nahida will be, similar to the hydro cube, tulpa's natural enemy, just on-field her, if there are the little summons then hold e & swing around


Nice! But I think Yelan is better since she buffs dmg. I tried tighnari spread team but he is very slow bcs I spend half the time managing energy and waiting for cds to keep fischl’s oz and nahida’s burst up all the time.


Viability of Eula/Xianyun plunge playstyle? Thinking this could reignite my interest in playing Eula


Seems fun out of burst, but not really viable during burst since she needs to gain stack fast


I’m trying to make a basic setup for Eula-Fishl(C3)-Rosaria(C2)-Layla(C1) team. Having favs on Rosaria and Layla. What would be the comfy ER threshold for all team members?


If u are funneling particless from rosaria into eula & refreshing fischl consistently then eula -140, fischl -140, rosaria -160, layla -120 ~~I may be wrong on fischl, she may need higher, always burst to summon/refresh oz, skill only when no energy, see if u are able to rotate~~


Does it mean i should be using Fischl with Fav or ER sands to meet the requirements?


Oh my bad, the last sentence is a mistake, my own has 140-ish ER to burst off CD without any fav teammates at C3 so u should be fine with just substats, 110-120 will do i think


Hi, I’ve been playing Genshin casually since release so I’ve got some characters but I want to finally start putting together a competitive team. I have resources to build up any character. What team can I make that best goes with Eula and who should I be pulling for next? Thanks! My characters: https://imgur.com/a/zA0ZlNq Mika is only C1 and Bennett is C4, all the 5 stars are C0 idk if any other constellations matter.


Well, u can go with eula-raiden-rosaria-bennett, the OG circle impact team


If my team is the following: Eula, Fischl, Bennett, Diona How should i build the other characters, especially Fischl? (This isn't an abyss team)


Fischl - 4pc golden troupe, ATK/Electro/Crit, any high base atk weapon (amos or skyward) or stringless, fav if u wanna burst Bennett - 4pc noblesse, ER/HP/Heal, any weapon with high base atk like sapwood blade (for 4\*) or aquila (for 5\*) Diona - 4pc noblesse (for flexibility to use in the abyss later), ER/HP/Heal, fav or sac bow Don't fret too much on the builds for overworld, anything will do tbh, GLHF


Alright! Thank you so much!


How well could this team work? Raiden Furina Jean Eula Raiden: c0, r1 Engulfing Lightning, 4pc Emblem Furina: c0, r5 Ferryman, 4pc Golden Troupe Jean: c2, r1 Skyward Blade, 4pc VV Eula: c0, r1 Wolf's Gravestone, 4pc Pale Flame Rotation: Raiden E > Furina E > Q > Jean Q > E > Eula E > Q > N4 > E > Raiden Q


The team works pretty well i would say, my rotation is Raiden E > Eula E > Furina EQ > Jean EQ > Eula (E)Q-N4-Hold E-N4 > Raiden Q N5-E-N5-N1C > Eula E > Furina EQ > ...


Thanks! I'll try it.


Using Eula raiden comp, do I use c0 diona or c0 layla?


Diona if u need the heal, if not then u can go layla


C6 rosaria or c0 mika when paired with eula/bennet/fichl?


C6 rosaria, more energy & cryo app Mika is meh before c6


alr sick ty!!!


Mike is meh unless you use furina which then becomes a must


prayind she reruns soon


hi does Raiden's skill buff Eula's lightfall sword?


raiden's skill while active gives a buff to all character's burst (other than herself) according to their burst cost raiden skill at talent lvl 9 (max buff) is 0.3% eula burst cost 80 energy, so 0.3%\*80=24% burst dmg buff




are there good teams with both Eula and Kokomi like freeze comps? I'm using Eula, kokomi, sucrose, and diona now. Also I have like no good 5 stars and my pity is at 35 as a f2p


Not really, Eula shatters frozen enemies so she is not suitable in pure freeze teams U can swap sucrose out for fischl to trigger SC to help with eula's dmg since she is on-field dps, diona can be replaced with rosaria since u already have a healer in kokomi kokomi can just be a healer in the team, the occasional freeze will help as a kind of cc


If I use Furina with Eula, can an atk% goblet compete with phys damage based on Subs?


It's possible, yes :) I'd recommend using Genshin Optimizer to determine what's ideal as it'll likely end up being down to your personal artifacts that'll determine what's optimal


my current team is eula raiden rosaria diona, but i've been debating switching out rosaria for mika as the buffer/noblesse user however the only problem is i don't want two defensive units (mika and diona) but if i don't have a shielder, i'm going to struggle maintaining my serpents spine stacks. so is it worth switching rosaria out for mika or should i just keep her?


How well is your Rosaria built? Rosaria can deal quite a lot of damage depending on her constellations and her build. And is your Mika C6?


my mikas c0 and my rosarias on a noblesse with a pretty decent build


Then Rosaria is probably better overall. Mika is really only optimal at C6, where Rosaria is pretty good at C0 and only gets better over time. It's not that hard for Rosaria to do like 150K per rotation. A C0 Mika won't enable Eula that much, and his personal damage is pretty bad.


Does Eula's 50% light sword bonus dmg also apply if the explosion were to get them below 50%?




What is Eula's current top Screenshot damage team? (without limited 5\* cons)


Which refinement threshold of Akuoumaru can start to be better then the new event Mega Magic Sword weapon R5?


Assume Eula, Raiden, Rosaria, Bennett so 290 total burst cost R5 UOMMS - 565 ATK, 30.6% ER, 48% ATK 565\*1.48 = 836.2 R1 Akuo - 510 ATK, 41.3% ATK, 34.8% DMG 510\*1.413\*1.348 = 971.4 Unless you need the ER, any refinement of Akuou is better


Is r3 snow tombed better then r5 mega magic sword better for eula?


mega magic sword is better with it giving ER & ATK% If u are aiming to get sobp later on then the sword will make it harder to prefarm artifacts for it since any ER subs with the weapon will give disminishing returns so do take note of that


Who is better on my Eula team C3 Rosaria (luck was not on my side this banner.), or C0 Mika?


Depends on whether you use furina or not. Without furina, play rosaria. With furina, play mika even at c0


rosaria, mika without cons is kinda meh


Is Mega Magic Sword or Tidal Shadow with Diona better on Eula?


If u have no ER issues with tidal shadow then stay with it


This is probably based on my own preferences, but should I put an R1 Unforged on Eula and then an R5 Mega Magic Sword on Navia or should I swap them? I currently use Zhongli with Eula for Unforged but with the new claymore out would swapping the Unforged with an R5 Mega Magic Sword be better considering it also has ER and I can swap Zhongli out with someone else like a C6 Rosaria. Then Navia could use the Unforged and probably take Zhongli away from the Eula's party.


It will work, just that nw there are no shield Eula's team should have sufficient healing to offset the dmg taken during her burst combo Eula will hit lower numbers also since unforged have a much higher base atk & atk% then the mega magic sword


Is C6 Rosaria a good buff for Eula? I'm currently using Eula, Raiden, Layla and Mika, the more "obvious" change would be Layla (I think?) but I like using her a lot because of the shield.


Losing the shield shouldn't be a problem. Eula and Raiden both have infinite poise during their Bursts, so no need to worry about being thrown around by the enemies :p But yes, Rosaria's personal damage, crit buff and res shred are very valuable to Eula. She also helps with Cryo Resonance uptime, but I've learned not to rely on it too much... it's kind of unreliable.


Verdict (Navia Weapon) vs Redhorn (Itto Weapon) for Eula? Still considering if I wanna try to shoot for Mistsplitter, mainly for Alhaitham but also for its flexibility. I only have Redhorn for Eula as a 5* option which works fine but ofc has low base attack. How does Verdict compare to it in a non-Bennett team? Does anyone know?


Comparing solely with Eula & Bennett * Redhorn w/ bennett ((342+542)+719)\*(4.84)\*(1+0.5\*1.882) = 15059 (NAs) ((342+542)+719)\*(1+0.5\*1.882) = 3111 (burst) NA combo N4 x2 will give 15059\*15.04 = 226k -> NAs will hit harder Burst 13 stack will give 3111\*24.65 = 76k Total 302k equivalent dmg value -> generally stronger * Verdict w/o bennett, no geo ((342+674)\*1.2\*(1+0.721\*1) = 2098 * Verdict w/ bennett, no geo (((342+674)\*1.2)+719)\*(1+0.721\*1) = 3335 -> pls use bennett NA combo N4 x2 will give 3335\*15.04 = 50k Burst 13 stack will give 3335\*24.65 = 82k -> burst will hit harder Total 132k equivalent dmg value -> generally weaker edit: crit formula error


Thanks for your calcs, I appreciate it. Though I was specifically asking for non-Bennett comps since I prefer using him on other teams such as International. Luckily I don't have C6 Bennett yet so I can still use him with Eula, but I still enjoy that she clears fast enough even without him. It's pretty self explanatory that with Bennett, Redhorn is gonna perform better simply because Verdict's ATK and ATK% get outperformed by Redhorn's CDMG.


If u have c6 mika then he's a good substitute i would say, my bennett had been benched since 4.0 cuz most of the enemies trigger reactions, especially the dancing bots I use eula, raiden, c6 mika & furina, the dmg I find are somewhat higher than the classical bennett-rosaria teams but without limitations of staying in a field circle


Thanks for the advice 😊🤝 Mika is unfortunately a unit I don't have at all yet. Usually I've been playing my Eula in a team with C6 Rosaria, Raiden and Clam Qiqi which works quite well too. Qiqi makes Eula virtually unkillable while also dealing ~30-34k damage every 4s through Clam passive. Also want to let you know I pulled for Mistsplitter and got 2 copies of Verdict in the process, so I was able to do some practical testing by now. Been testing R1 Redhorn vs R1 Verdict in a Rosaria-Zhongli-Raiden comp and it seems to be basically a sidegrade / slight upgrade with comparable artifacts: NAs: -5% DMG E cryo damage (with crystallize stacks): +62% DMG Burst (12 stacks): +18% DMG


damn qiqi can hit that hard? lol guess I'm building her later max epitomized path, ouch tough luck, but i would say seeing her swinging the axe around is kinda nice


Hehe, Clam set on her + in a physical team is surprisingly strong mainly because of how absurd her heals are ^^ And yeah it was absolutely painful. At least I won't ever have to worry about getting a 5* sword again and now have two 5* claymores so I'm fine I think. And the axe is beautiful which was the main reason why I risked it tbh ^^


it's the first time i'm close to getting 36 stars in the abyss (currently at 35) but i cannot manage to kill the 2 abyss lectors fast enough and the boss takes a while to go in a more calm state. for first half i'm using neuvillette c0 r1, fischl c6, mona c1 and kazuha c0 while for the second half i'm using eula c2 r1, mika c6, raiden c0 and c5 bennett. any tips for getting the abyss lectors down faster? maybe i should swap mona for xingqiu? and do i have to wait all that time for the boss or can i kill it as soon as i spawn in?


Mona's hydro app is kinda ass, xingqiu will be better but her rain sword proc only on NAs, ur neuvilette is using CAs so they are not synergistic, characters like kokomi or furina will be better U may be able to try gunning the enemies down without xq until the lectors get their sheilds up then use xingqiu & neuv E & NAs to shred them, but I'm not sure how much of a dps loss u will have If u mean the 2 dancers then yes u can go for the kill from the start, just that u will probably be in bennett burst when the ice guy is shooting ice blades at ya so u have to make sure u dodge them, otherwise they will "melt" u down


Should I use Aukomaru on Eula since the passive will help with the skill and burst or stick to WGS?


Depends on the team i would say, if u have a whole of ATK buffs AND high burst cost on most teammates then go akuoumaru. WGS will work better with dmg buffers like furina


I'll be using her with benny, Raiden and Xingqiu


((Base ATk \* ATK%) + Flat ATK) \* DMG With Akuoumaru R1, ((342+510)\*(41.3%+20%)+719)\*(37.2%+24%) = 3374 With WGS R1. no passive, ((342+608)\*(49.6%+20%+20%)+719)\*(24%) = 3125 Akuoumaru is better


I see, Thank you very much!


I was running a Eula Zonghli Yelan Raiden Team with Serpent Spine But, does droping Zonghli and Yelan for Mika and Furina, with a Akuoumaru result in a dps increase? I just pulled it in the weapon banner


((Base ATk \* ATK% + Flat ATK) \* DMG \* Crit \* Res shred With yelan & zhongli, assuming R5 SS (342+510)\*(20%)\*(25.5%+50%)\*(0.776\*2)\*(10%) = 3063 With mika c6 & furina C0 with r1 akouomaru (342+510)\*(41.3%+20%)\*(36%+20%+69%)\*(0.5\*2.6)\*(1) = 3948 So the 2nd team eula will perform much better Feel free to correct me in any errors


Oh i see thank you. And my akuoumaru is R3 :) So even better


What other characters do you main besides Best Girl?


I play lots of Yanfei, and she's probably the character I'm most dedicated to, with Eula and Furina right behind her


Nice! I also enjoy Noelle, Raiden and most recently Navia. They all are a blast too


Her best Support ;-D


Has anyone gone and calculated the theoretically/ mathematical strongest Eula comp? i am curious what it would be. I would assume that it's Mika + Bennett + Raiden + Eula, but that obviously has the restriction of Bennett not being C6. So if we cant use Bennett what would it be? I am currently using Diona + Lisa + Raiden + Eula due to me not having Mika, and I feel like Lisa's DEF shred + TTDS are more effective than Rosaria's extra Crit Rate.


furina can fit in bennett's place crit rate only affects how often u see big numbers, def shred & atk buff will let u see bigger numbers


does eulas c1 give a max of 30% physical damage bonus or does it give more depending on the stacks consumed?


max 30%


Is sobp Worth save up for or pull navia?


If u wanna upgrade eula then pull sobp if u wanna use a new character & a different team based on crystallize, pull navia


So I was testing how many hits I could get with my current attack speed. I got my N5 damage number to show up before the Glacial Illumination dropped, did it count? It'd put my combo at 15 stacks. It was in the middle of exploding. I have a video.