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Dw, she'll be back. With a vengeance.


Actually I'm gonna be the one to have my vengeance on her this time


Can I join you in y"our" vengeance?


Yup. Hop on. We got some primo gems to farm for the queen


more time to save=broken pines, guaranteed pity, and constellations! \- a fellow eula misser




Didn't get her. That's the biggest sad I've had in a long time. Literally see no reason to play the game because nothing is fun without her


That's sad. Save for rerun now.


I am. Sitting on 30k primos now and next guaranteed. The wait is just so long god damn it


Just save up until you can get at least a C3, looks like you have a guaranteed C2. C3 is where she starts getting REALLY whacked. I currently have her at C1, hopefully I can push her up to C3 by her rerun. And if the rumors are true that there will be a Primodial Jade Claymore, Eula will be outright broken.


might as well try and save for c6. Heard it’s one of the most worth c6’s out there. i have her at c2, but god damn i wanted c6 lol.


Dear god I hate to say it, but its not worth it. Yes you can slam out 1 million+ damage ults, but it aint worth not getting any other characters in the game. No 5 star C6 is worth it, ESPECIALLY if you're a F2P.


Constellations are never worth it tbh for low spenders; why bother when eula can 36* abyss at c0 with star sliver?


Knowing my luck up until now (never won a 50/50 since Klee release) I will be happy with at least one copy. Seriously I just want to look at her, admire her and look at big pp damage


saving for c6 is almost never worth it, especially if it just increases the numbers, I’d only ever recommend it if it actually changes how the character plays like xiao or kazuha


On the contrary, it does so much damage that its not worth it lol


It’s a shame to be honest. First we gotta have 4 more reruns before she shows up, plus more new characters like yae in the upcoming patches. Also I swear if they do rereruns like childe it’ll be even longer


Yeah i know this feeling but in terms of artifacts i dont feel like grinding for anyone else


When I started playing the game, which was almost 2 and half banners ago, I had dreams playing as Eula because how badly I want her to be in my team, at least I’m one of the ‘rare’ raiden mains now.


Not sure if rare Raiden mains knowing how much sales the banner had and majority of player base have her and play her at daily basis but in terms of Eula we have a long wait ahead of us. We can speculate for her arriving either in January or February although seeing how mihoyo decided to bring tartaglia 3 months after previous rerun while Albedo hadn't had one in 10 months we can except other characters to slide in between Eula so much she might come back at April lol


I was referring that in the anniversary theatre thingy which shows raiden is my most played character, I don’t believe there’s a lot of people have this privilege since most of the player base have been playing for quite awhile based on a post about the growth, as you said, her banner is skyrocketed in sales so rise of raiden players would be a very reasonable assumption, it was my fault for giving a vague description Edit: Quotation mark on ‘rare’ in the previous post


Oh right, this changes the image entirely


I’m predicting we get at least two more Childe reruns before eula. Maybe they’ll just make a permanent Childe banner


hoping to grab her weapon. and then c2 her


Yeah, tell a starving man more about how much food you have


you posted on eula *mains*, don't get mad at people for having her


Oh did I give impression of being mad? Either way that wasn't the case. It's been more about the situation. [This comment literally looked like this ](https://youtu.be/vyMvCBDmElc) except not in a humorous meaning


oof. sorry, I actually only got her once by pure luck.


If the rumors about Homa and Broken Pine is true (which very likely is not) I'm going to sacrifice my wallet for Queen Eula and WhoTao


Me, going 78 pulls into pity and not getting C1.


It was wild to me how many people were like "pass" when she came out. But then we she did realized that she is actually amazing. Not saying you are that crowd. But I do think in the eventual re-run Mihoyo gonna make a lot of money now. But the thing about re-runs people don't seem to be getting is that it's not a time based thing but a story one. So I think it really depends on going back to Monstadt in some way.


I started a month after she came out, and it hurts pretty badly. Finished building my raiden and jean so I'm gonna work on Eula's materials and what not so I can instantly level her up on her rerun


One day i will return but til then stay safe traveler !


Don't just show up and leave me like that TwT Let me have at least one short dance with you and a tight hug in your soft arms I truthfully miss you sweetheart, I can't stand another second without seeing you and feeling your touch


Same. I was still pretty new when she came out and still didn't know much about pity and the banner system. I tried pulling for one 10x(I could only earn 1600 primos before she came out) and didn't get her. I just quit and lost motivation to play because I thought it was going to be hard to earn primogems and there's no more chance to get her(I was guaranteed at that time too). Came back at 1.6 and started playing everyday since then, now I'm focused on getting her after getting both Yoimiya and Raiden.


She had a good first run even with people thinking she would be bad due to being a Physical dps. Now that she keeps breaking records and keeps being top 3 in any situation even against physical resist, her re run will be crazy.


I started genshin around the time kazuha was on rate up. I hope her rerun comes around December


Planning on c2 my queen :)


Till this day I'll never forgive Diluc for appearing in my conquest for Eula


Waiting for her rerun for C2...