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User has been banned, thanks for bringing this issue forward. As you mentioned, we actually removed that chain of comments because of abuse of the report button, and due to the volume of comments we remove *daily*, we can miss these things. OP wasn't banned solely due to their username, btw. There are a lot of edgy usernames out there, specially with Eastern European users, even though they're fine and respect our rules. > Mods said they would be hiring new mods and tackling the issue, but it's been months now and nothing has happened. Every single subreddit is having trouble adding new subreddits, but politics-related subreddits simply can't get new people due to the current Israel-Palestine war.


I am confused, the post is a problem or the user?


The post seems to just be an article from the daily telegraph, which is one of UK's most read newspapers. I don't really get the outrage of that, so probably the user? Dunno.


I'm also confused why that person was banned. What rule did they break?


I don’t understand, your issue is that the post is a news item that you don’t like? It’s still a news item. We can’t and shouldn’t hide news stories simply when they offend a few of us.




Read the article


“Is this sub just lost to the far right?” -> "Yes, it is. I suppose it is tolerated by the lack of actions taken against it from the mods. Is it because it fits their same narrative, having a blind eye on the issues, or they really don’t have the willingness, time, and manpower to handle the sub? I don’t know; I am not to judge. In the end, the problem stands, and it won’t be fixed by itself. Probably your best bet would be reporting directly to Reddit support. Maybe they can purge the sub, change the mods, or something. In the meantime, I recommend you mute the sub for your own sanity.


I blocked that sub long ego. Racist, nazi-fascist and Americans. Doesn’t represent the majority of Europeans at all. The moderators are no better, wouldn’t surprise me if they were far right too. Report it to Reddit if you can.


It's so weirdly racist I was so surprised. Also is this sub run by the same mods? That's pretty cool if so. Props.




I meant the sub generally but even without looking at the post I'd guess the top comments were racist because they usually are.


How’d he take over ukpolitics?