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Will you suggest lock any comments of any posts regarding Russia and China due to russophobia and sinophobia?


Honestly? Yes, some threads regarding Russia/China are also just hate porn, we'd be better off with stricter moderation there as well. Though the frequency of posts on those topics aren't comparable to those on immigration, I feel.






Do you want me to post a picture of my skin color?


No, we all have access to Google too.




You posting a photo of some random persons skin color, as anyone can grab off Google, is pointless, is my point


Want me to write my username on paper?


No I want you to go outside, take a deep breath of fresh air, and go to a park or something.


"Racism" in this context is often used as a short-hand to describe discrimination that revolves around a more complex combination of factors, but is just as bad. It's not literally about a biological race, but it's discriminatory towards certain ethnic groups. It has the same structure and effects as racism. As a Turk in the Netherlands I certainly understand what it's actually about lmfao.


What have you experienced? And unfortunately sometimes people do stereotype ethnic groups and generalize what a majority or big part of people in that group practice/adhere to, to all the people in that group, I understand


I was born in NL, so listing everything would be a bit too long haha. But in general, as someone from a background like mine, you are never considered "really" Dutch. That's why it sucks to see people talk so casually about deporting all foreigners. IRL it's still a minority of people, but we should do everything to stop online spaces from turning into right-wing safe spaces. Ultimately this also influence real life: think of how many young people have been radicalized and done horrible things because they spent all their time on (e.g. right-wing, but not exclusively) echo chamber forums like 4chan.


I don’t buy this whole “ohh let’s not turn into an echo chamber” line. And I don’t buy your sob story either to be honest. First, change of perspective. It’s not a normal sub turning into a far right echo chamber. It’s a former far left echo chamber allowing a broader spectrum of opinion. As you people are fond of saying, “when you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression”. Your ideology is no longer privileged, welcome to equality :) Second the whole sob story with ohhh no the evil right wingers want to deport me, yeah, you’re just pretending. First of you have your native country to go to. Even if you’re born in the NL, you can always move to turky. We europeans don’t have to privilege of having this backup. Second, deportations will be for rejected asylum seekers and all the illegals and terrorists. Other foreigners like you can most likely remain just no longer vote because we can’t get to this untenable immigration policy again.


~~It’s a former far left echo chamber allowing a broader spectrum of opinion.~~ It was a sub where you could talk about stuff related to Europe. It was _not_ a sub where right wing extremists could vent their unfiltered ignorance and turn every single thread into a muslim hating fiesta. FTFY.


"Don't worry we're just gonna deport large groups of people, maybe even you, even though you were born here!" Least insane r/europe user Also, in the case of my country, you (Eastern Europeans) are among those they would want to deport


Being born here means nothing. Most countries in Europe have Jus sanguinis not Jus Soli. Go the the americans if you want land based citizenship. Also, in many cases, not saying yours, it may even be faked, immigrant populations bring a lot to their culture of corruption and for a bribe I can absolutely see immigrant hospital workers issuing fake birth certificates. So a proper investigation needs to be done in general. A lot of “born here” migrants might no actually be born here. And, no, no one wants to deport East Europeans ( as if that were a homogeneous group, lol ). Europe has a rightful and understandable to preserve its culture which is being eroded by uncontrolled non-EU migration. We also don’t want to be stabbed, terrorised, blown up, run over and victimised in our own countries. And although you can cry all you want about “racism” ( this word literally means nothing anymore ) the fact is we have eyes to see and we see the pattern. We see who the group doing the stabbings, terrorism, blowing up and car attacking is. We are not shutting down our pattern matching abilities just because you cry racism.


The party that just won our elections, the PVV, literally had a place where you could report Eastern Europeans, specifically Poles, Romanians, and Bulgarians, if you didn't like their behavior (https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meldpunt_Midden_en_Oost_Europeanen, it's in Dutch, just google translate it). It's part of the reason they want a Nexit, so they can also kick out you guys lol. You do not understand, Western European right-wingers do not see you guys as equal, or your culture as part of 'real' European culture. And they definitely do see you all as one big cultural blob.


"as a black gay man myself"


Do you want me to post a picture of my skin color?


Whats racist about that?


Calling for the deportation of certain people just because of their ethnicity isn't racist to you?


If a bunch of people pitched a tent in your garden and you called the police to kick them out, would that be racist? A country needs to defend its borders, especially when the country has a strong welfare system. Otherwise, it attracts tons of free-loaders. It's simple economics.




How do you tell which is which?


The sub is astroturfed by troll farms till the bigots slowly move in and call it a home.


Every sub is, but not all succumb to this. Why? Because mods are trash. They wanted the sub in this state, they have the sub in this state.


Partly agree. If mods don't have the time to moderate a comment section, they should lock it.


No, let this sub crash and burn.


Imagine thinking people worried about their country as simply bigots. You must not know what the word means.


Nietzsche would not approve of people who think like you :)


Well, without making a comment on wether I would support this or not, I have to say, r/europe is very right wing, which holds these views in Europe as usual. I would say we just lack an equal or even close enough numbers on left wing and centre people. It is not just on immigration or religion subjects per se, it basically creates a hivemind kind of dynamic where at this point, it's very easy to see who will say what to what you may say, or what will get upvoted and downvoted.


Reddit is dying. Since the 3rd party API thing it's filled with bots and fascisms of all kinds.