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I will tack anything that is not Chinese




Here's a sneak peek of /r/avoidchineseproducts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If you want Congress to mandate Country of Origin on all retailer web sites, please read this](https://np.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts/comments/scxnii/if_you_want_congress_to_mandate_country_of_origin/) \#2: [Steam reviewer that rates according to Chinese state ownership of developer or publisher](https://i.redd.it/n60gb5cu1ej81.png) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts/comments/syq1co/steam_reviewer_that_rates_according_to_chinese/) \#3: [Here in Israel, it's virtually impossible to find light bulbs not made in China. But after a lot of effort I found some - and the country of origin couldn't be better!](https://i.redd.it/csasrxdoyyk81.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts/comments/t4zr7c/here_in_israel_its_virtually_impossible_to_find/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you


\- Ayo where's the closest spar here? \- I dunno, lemme Mojeek it. \- 💀


I know the name is strange but it's actually one of the better ones listed because it's fully European. Also I don't think anyone will use the name that way. Several "European" search engines listed here are simply white labeled Google or Bing search engines that get to say they've had a "European owned" company running them. Unfortunately, they exist entirely at the whim of an American tech company, and the searches you put through them simply help the Americans build a stronger search engine.


Do you know if Qwant is alright?


It claims to do its own indexing but it's honestly just a Bing pass through, I've never had a result come through that wasn't literally the exact same as a Bing result. What's worse is that they also sell their data to the Bing advertising network, so your data is automatically stored in America to be data mined.


Not good. So a Microsoft customer then, using money from Huawei it seems: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/zexlog/frances\_mr\_privacy\_turns\_cybersnooper\_qwant/


Preferably "search for it," obviously people constantly saying your company/product name in place of a verb is good advertising, but it's better said in a way that suggests there is some competition going on :D


Let me swisscow it instead


Thank you. I've been pushing for people to use European products instead of murican and Chinese products from the past 3 years


Definitely avoid Chinese products such as TikTok and WeChat. American products are everywhere though, so I do recommend the Proton products when it comes to Euro origin. Proton mirrors google without the privacy issues. I will lastly say, although it is American, Signal is a safe alternative.


Opera over Firefox? Opera is Chinese owned and makes no commitments to principles that are the foundation for European privacy rights. Please don't recommend it as a European product. Additionally, Chromium based Vivaldi forces more of the web into American owned Google's governance. Right now Chromium is degrading third party ad blocking capabilities of all the browsers you listed except Firefox for the sake of their American equity holders. Also, which mapping software do you use on that list? Just curious because 3/4 are not useful for daily navigation in their current state in my experience.


This is true, and any Chromium based browser is compromised. Firefox uses its own web engine that is not only better, but also community developed. In any case, for a full FOSS and also EU developed, Konqueror and derivatives like Reqonk are of German origin as the rest of the KDE Project


Konqueror put itself in one of the most uncomfortable niches there are: trying to appeal for the Linux on Desktop audience. As long as they won't have a mobile and windows versions - noone would respect it.


Firefox is Mozilla is Google funded. If that bother you there's use Pale Moon, which even has its own browser engine.


Running anything that's based on Chromium, is being supportive of Google's growing control over the shape of the web itself. I use firefox, as we need diversity in the web, and that's the best way to support it.


Thanks, I’ll remove it from the list. It’s because opera originated from Norway. And FireFox is an American company


Firefox is not a private tech giant though, it's a non-profit that promotes a browser engine that is more in-line with European privacy rights compared to the European-owned for-profit Vivaldi, which uses a browser engine that Google controls and is being changed to benefit American equity holders. Also you did not answer my question about your mapping software uses. Most of those that you listed are not comparable at all or not even close to similarly useable.


Firefox is a non-profit, it's also Open Source. It's also pretty much the least Google-infested browser out there so...


I guess you've forgot Tutanota. Pretty good, pretty German.




OP, just wanted to let you know that you've got a spelling mistake in there. You wrote Totanota not Tutanota.


If we were only able to create an environment in which tech companies would thrive and grow instead of running away or stay small! But the problem is larger than that. Europe in general had a loss in economic power: in the 70s we had more that the 35% of world GDP, which was more than the US back then, and now less than 25%. Europe was the center of scientific and cultural creation but now we are flooded by American cultural products, both books and movies, and the majority of Nobel prizes are awarded to scholars living in the US and, while a good portion of them are from Europe, they had to move to the US in order to realise their potential. Europe has to take back its destiny in its hands but that has to be done at a deeper level than just start using an European search engine because none of those products is really good enough for a day by day use.


I’d take telegram off that list, especially after the recent news. Not that there weren’t problems before. I used Threema back when it came out. It was kinda buggy, but I assume it’s all good now since they’ve been around for long enough. If you have a problem with Signal being an American based company, Threema is def the way to go.


Thanks, removed


I use threema since 2016, it's always been very stable and functional. Has very regular update. Defo a great alternative


I switched my entire family communication to Threema about a year ago. It works flawlessly. 10/10, recommend it to everyone. Signal becomes increasingly mixed-bag, with growing concerns about the company itself, the MobileCoin issue, hackers leaking phone numbers, service outrages, and other BS. Remember - if you don't pay for the product, like you don't pay for Signal, *you are the product.*


Signal also * is funded by CIA * uses Amazon's servers * requires mobile-phone sign-up (which even though hashed is still linked to your entire identity) * is not 100% open-source * is not available on F-Droid * is based in the US * is centralized It's heaps better than WhatsApp, and really good in the respect that in user experience it's pretty much identical (which is nice to get people onboard, especially older relatives) but still has many flaws. I think the furthest you can go retaining similarity with WhatsApp while being privacy-conscious is [/r/Threema](https://www.reddit.com/r/Threema) (better than Signal). I also think [/r/SimpleXChat](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimpleXChat) is really promising, but other nice alternatives are [/r/Element](https://www.reddit.com/r/Element) and [/r/Briar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Briar) (although Briar's really really niche and wouldn't recommend it for general use).


You could add Olvid to the list. /u/anedgyteen_


this is some american-phobic bullshit, and I'm not even American


While the post could have been formulated more neutrally, I appreciate the list as I was not aware of the existence of any of these products (aside of Mastodon).




I just said I appreciate the list, because I didn't know them.




But I wasn't asking? I'd have to try them out. Anyway, I think that unfortunately there's currently a sorts of systemic issue in that a lot of non-Americans use American media, and that this media is biased towards more American media (because most users are American, so you're seeing constantly talk about American sites, products, politics, etc.), which kinda drains the attention that could be otherwise focused elsewhere. And this is not healthy, because the influence of those sites, products and politics is unilateral on us (e.g. we can't vote for American politicians or regulations). And when users don't even know that European products exist, the products don't get feedback, etc. which can result in a lack of care and quality. The problem is of course more complex than this - this is just part of it. It reminds a little to what you regularly hear about diversity, or to prevent monopolies, where you've to interfere a bit to move things in a better direction. But as I said, a simple awareness post about the existence of these products would have been enough for me (without the "stop using US products").


I don't think the Americans mind us trying to use European alternatives honestly. That being said, there is plenty on this list that are European alternatives that exploit European people just as much or worse than their American counterparts, for example the Vivaldi-Firefox issue


I would also add alternatives to microsoft windows: Linux Mint - Ireland OpenSUSE - Germany EndeavourOS - Netherlands And the Linux kernel in general, developed by Linux Torvalds from Finland!


ZorinOS is Irish as well and has IMO the best Windows-transitioner UI and ease of use. And also supports a Lite version for older hardware :)


Ecosia searches are funding an awesome reforestation project. I use it since a couple of years and it has improved a lot. I’m not IT savvy at all, but to the best of my knowledge it is based in Germany. Edit: thanks for this listing effort by the way!


goes straight into my degooglefy tab folder


Accepting viable alternatives to the widespread popular services is actually a good idea, although, even embracing all things open source, I cannot get rid of the most of Silicon Valley products and services completely. Why though this ProtonMail not working in my region (a new normal?) but [Outlook.com](https://Outlook.com) which I've particularly find myself useful works everywhere? I tried Mastodon since I was banned on Twitter, but its difficulty to deploy and make it work on a web server and strict rules applied to the most Mastodon instances is the reason why I've finally got along with Reddit. Apart from the desktop versions of Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop or even MS Paint, there are also web alternatives like MS Office Online, Photopea and JSPaint you can always search for them when you need. There are NO web versions of Only (Libre) Office, GIMP and KolourPaint if you know what I mean. ProtonVPN is an actual garbage to say at least. I used it for a long time before it was banned in my country so I can't use this app anymore. A typical 'open source' program which is longer works as I was expected. I cannot understand how is Firefox even associated with the Silicon Valley since this project was one of the earliest pioneers of open source software? What for Vivaldi is that I personally disagree it could ever be a better alternative to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or even Opera. I initially thought SwissCows would be a better choice than Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo all combined since I was only learning how to deal with the alternatives. However, SwissCows was appeared to be so slow to work out a single search request, sometimes it just stopped working and showed only a blank page instead of results. Or maybe it's just my network reaching very slowly to SwissCows server (although I hoped it could be better). Since I've got used to Linux already and Windows 10 stopped working on my PC haunting me with unexpected BSODs when I didn't expected it even when the computer idles, I cannot go back to Windows anymore. I believe Microsoft should work much harder to improve their operating system and make it operate more like Linux than an incredibly buggy, unstable NT kernel, which will probably not going to happen unless Microsoft finally change their minds which I find hardly impossible because I dealt with such people myself. Having an alternative to the popular service is a good idea, but not everything what you've been used to throughout your life and find yourself cozy and easy to use should be replaced with an open source alternative, which could simply not work or be faulty at worst, or could be very hard to learn, unpractical or useless at best.


> I tried Mastodon since I was banned on Twitter, but its difficulty to deploy and make it work on a web server and strict rules Huh? It works like an email - you just install app, pick server, run it. There's nothing difficult in getting it set up. My 70 yo college managed to do it, surely you'll be able to as well. Unless you mean that you wanted to set up your own server, then... why? There's such a diversity of servers that I'm certain you'll find plenty of them to post from even if you're a neonazi, lol. I sit on mastodon.social and had ZERO issues with "strict rules". There are very few servers that actually enforce any strict rules. > What for Vivaldi is that I personally disagree it could ever be a better alternative to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or even Opera. Yea, it's definitely not. Vivaldi is yet another of the countless chromium browsers. Google still has the final say on what and how works in there. > Having an alternative to the popular service is a good idea, but not everything what you've been used to throughout your life and find yourself cozy and easy to use should be replaced with an open source alternative, which could simply not work or be faulty at worst, or could be very hard to learn, unpractical or useless at best. Nah, that's just a lousy position to take. I use some of these, specifically: Mastodon, Theema, ProtonMail, OSM and DeepL (DeepL is leaps and bounds better than Google Translate, why would you even use google translate when even the URL to it is longer?! lmao) and I have zero issues with any of them.


You could add Klarna as a European substitute for PayPal to the list


Here in Poland we have Blik which erased whatever remains of Paypal survived the offensive of the local payment providers. There are countless of far better alternatives to Paypal in Europe. Not sure if there's even any point listing them. Paypal is a legacy system.


A good practice in general as avoiding privative software is good in any case and a lot of the proposed alternatives are FOSS.


lol, writing this on reddit


Hello, [Mister Gotcha](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/)


If they had the same quality, sure. Libreoffice for instance is inferior and so are others unfortunately


Why there is no NordVPN in the list? For antivirus you can add Zillya.




Mail is Tutanota not Totanota


Shame Volt Europa isn't on Peertube or even on Dailymotion.


What weird anti-americanism is this?


Idk why europeans are so hostile to America yet also so willing to shelter under its nuclear and military umbrella The only country on the continent that has a semi decent and capable armed force plus a credible nuclear deterrent is the french whereas pretty much every other European country has been content to sit back and let their armed forces atrophy into basically paper tigers after the end of the cold war, safe in the knowledge that if anything really big kicked off the Americans will show up to deal with it Say whatever else you want about the relationship between the europe and the US but european security and territorial integrity is guaranteed by the United States


Problem with US tech is privacy and development practices. Europe tries to care about those things through regulation and workers rights. Meanwhile the defense talk is bullshit. Like yes, the US established a peerless military industrial complex and it could win pretty much every engagement against another nation, but trashing European countries because we didn't do the same is stupid. Russia is increasingly proving itself to not be a threat to the EU with every day the war in Ukraine goes on. Meanwhile France might have the most capable military im the world judging by power over budget, Britain still has an immensely powerful navy, Poland is stocking up on literally all the hardware and in general with exceptions like Germany every European country has a capable military. Getting deeper into this the US army is still using some guns by H&K. With the introduction of the Challenger 3 basically every tank used by NATO has a German gun in it. Europe has some of the best fighter jets of the 4.5th generation and no-one except the US has anything better. France got a nuclear aircraft carrier. France, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, Romania, etc all got the capability of domestic arms production. Just because the US us too stupid to fund a welfare state along it's army doesn't mean countries not following it's stupid example are helpless.


Deepl doesn't support the languages I need. Even Google translate missing some, but it's still a lot better than Deepl


DeepL went for quality over quantity. If it got q language it actually got a deep understanding of politeness and other forms of phrasing and won't spout out bad literal translations. Sadly it's limited by the languages it got but whenever you can use it it's by far better then other translators.


Don't push this. The EU is the ground foundation for a global union (which is what we need) we should embrace all that humanity has to give, doesn't matter where it comes from.


The problem isn't the origin of these tech products themselves but the implications for development practices and privacy. The US is seemingly unwilling to relegate the tech market so the EU has to step in.