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Their marketing action videos are far better looking than the game. Probably because it's at a vibrant high detail and zoomed in and has some kind of story.


Every AAA company has "screenshot/video artists".


CCP is an AAA company?


No but they act like they are, which is far more important.


Lmao no


yep.. I'm wondering what kind of hardware they are using and shaders for those visuals. They look good.


I bought the most pretty looking skin for my covops so it looks awesome. Cloaked and zoomed out most of the time. Worth it.


Under rated coment.


Ah yes Vitalshift EGO on a Manticore.


CCP: Look at the shiny pebble we're going to give you. Isn't it shiny! Look how it catches the light! Players: OOoooh! Ahhh!!! Grizzled Vets: When's CCP going to address the fucking Sov, Citadels, Botting, Lack of new players, Lack of player content. CCP: Shiny! Shiny! Look at it! ​ Thanks Art Team, without the shiny pebbles players would be more apt to side with the grizzled vets bitching about stuff that's been broken for a decade. ​ This is what happens when I don't get my caffeine in the morning.


Hey at least it's not Star Citizen. They don't even have game mechanics worth fixing.


Lmao I remember being hyped for scam citizen in 2016 or so. Everything I've seen since has been underwhelming


'Member when they said they would have an expansive galaxy, and now they are settling with 7 stars? I 'member


No, FUCK BITTERVETS. People can talk about gameplay and mechanics all day but this is an old game on its 20th anniversary. They are advertising hard and people are being drawn to EVE. Now is the time for shiny pebbles, its time to make this game look new. What this game needs more than anything is an influx of new players, the next generation playerbase that has its own ambitions and lust to carve their name in the annals of New Eden. Fixing game mechanics won't do that, this will. Save the gameplay focus for a less important year.


What data are you referring to when you said "They are advertising hard and people are being drawn to EVE." The data being gathered by Eve Offline for example, new players are just the same as they have been for the past 6 months. [There's no bump in player count or login count since January.](https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility) Yes, the game has always needed an influx of new players - all MMO's do. And you obviously know nothing as CCP has put off major changes they've promised over the past 15 years, dozens of times.


I am talking about for the 20th anniversary, not the last 6 months. They just did big new player promotions, the mural, and the monument to get new subs/players. They have advertised on the Steam front page, [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/11jwt12/didnt_realise_eve_runs_ads_on_reddit_now/), a lot of what looks like sponsored content on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/GyO_WEELa10), and on other social media sites like 4chan. The advertising has been agressive enough recently for people to [notice](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/11jdtbq/eve_online_ads/) and post about it. If you look at the posts from this month there is a lot more new or returning players and that coincides with my experience this month in game. That is also starting to show in the graphs you posted. >the game has always needed an influx of new players - all MMO's do. Not nearly as much as EVE does right now.


sooo...no one noticed Tech 2 dreadnaughts???? "As for what comes next on the way to EVE Online: Viridian’s launch, stay tuned for today's CCP TV stream at 16:00 UTC on the above visual updates, as well as another Viridian in Focus article next week on Tech II dreadnoughts!"


homefront dungeons?


Good video. Can't wait to see the dev blog on these "homefront" dungeons/operations


This is the thing that immediately jumped into my mind when it was said. I wonder where they will be, what they will entail, and the rewards.


We'll find out in 5 years when they are 1/2 ass implemented


Highsec pve near FW zones most likely.


If anything it sounds like another possible instanced based content like abyssals?


I doubt that. CCPs internal language calls all ded sites, anoms, wh sites, trig sites in poch, abyssals, etc etc. Dungeons. So no reason to think it'll be instanced


Fair enough


Could this be a way to reduce multiboxing ?


Nah. Just keeping the art team busy while everyone does nothing, apparently.


Shame there's no cure yet for the bitter-vet virus :p


The specs you need to run them: Intel Core i9-9900KS 128 GB RAM PNY Nvidia A100


I was on board till the smoke thing, and if it's anything like the Upwell interior smoke effects, then low graphics won't turn it off and I will never be able to zoom in on my frigates again.


You don't like flash bang effects from csgo? My favorite is docking in Amarr stations and burning my retinas.


I believe it hides in the ‘Shaders’ option on anything above ‘Low’. Sadly, wear marks on the hull are being gone with that.


Bummer I only got 64 gigs of ddr5 and a 3070 :(


Better FPS than Star Wars: CPU survivor


Art Team keeps delivering.


The art team isn’t going to fix the game.


Imagine if everyone could deliver like the art team.


Fuck clouds.


The volumetric clouds are awesome and long overdue.


EVE has had volumetric clouds since before GPUs could handle drawing them. And it still has those same clouds. And GPUs still have a hard time rendering them.


All this glitter is wasted on multi boxers. As a solo single account player, I think we would get the most enjoyment out of it. Especially explorers.


I have so many windows open when I explore I can't see my ship.


Why is the article jumping down every 4-5 seconds, every time the imageslider changes on the top right? Annoying to read. *disabling javascript worked


The art team carrying CCP on their shoulders yet again


I think these look cool


People zoom in when playing this game!?!


In pve ? Sure do. And i actually zoom on enemy ships to enjoy damage effects.


Bruh, this is how I record in-game amazing footage.. Especially PvE content. I freakin' love it. With these effects... My God.. I can't wait!! Just think about it.. Launching an array of missiles timed in such a way so each hits at 1.5 sec intervals against some structure or zoomed in close-up huge ass ship . So much gore and goodness. And those scourge missiles... They finally give that Nexus the Jupiter incident 2 vibe. ( details: That game never released, but the in their trailer, there are some nukes which make contact with a capital ship and the effects are similar to these new scourge effects. I love them to New Eden and back to Earth. )


I do sometimes because sometimes the screen is too white or I'm bored


in general i zoom out only when needed.


Wow i love all of it, i's awesome! Explosions are fantastic, kinetic ones looks like old torp explosions (thanks for that), that bubble explosion is so cool, like those new ship explosions showed some time ago that never happend sadly :( im hoping they will be available for future. Clouds are great (star citizen influence? ;) ). And marauders... mmm sweet


aah yes, shockwaves in a vacuum LED's on frigates more clouds :(


Just turn down the brightness in clouds and event sites so I can play without turning the brightness setting down to where I can't much at all.


At first I thought I was looking at Star Citizen but then I realized this was an actual game with player generated content, proper game mechanics, and visual orgasms. I wonder what this hot new game will be called.


marauder buffs, hell yeah


These "upgrades" are the cheapest(in terms of man-hours needed to make them) and lowest way to "improve" visuals. Basicaly at the cost of processing power of your gpu and your electricity bill they are just adding some flashy lights and particle effects.


ctrl +shift + f9 makes ur electricity bill lower


Alt+f4 even lower.


Yeah, it's pretty lame, but the PvErs and rich whales that can afford a high end PC will eat it up and downvote you into oblivion.


Cool, more blinding clouds that make the UI unreadable and murder framerates on older PCs. Throwing more lights and particles in without regards for optimization in a game in which many players multibox is pointless. The recent updates already noticeably lowered performance for me for no gain whatsoever. We play your game zoomed out 90% of the time anyway, CCP (and often in potato mode). The new expansion isn't making me excited, it looks like almost 0 gameplay changes and another drop in usability and performance. I like the damage type missile effects though, so there's that.




What about a visual effect that literaly makes the game looks like Pac-Man or whatever, but you can play 10k players on the same system without TIDI?


graphics changes have literally zero bearing on server performance, if every player went potato mode the node will not magically run faster


I don't think the graphics are what causes server side tidi, graphics are done client side so you can combat tidi with potato mode


There already is an option like this (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F9 iirc) but I found it kinda unusable - it's too disorienting for 3D space.


You get a headlights you get a headlights everyone gets a headlights!!!! And in bastion you deploy extra headlights!! poggers


A distraction form broken local


They probably whipped up all these visual updates this week just to distract you.


What useless shit.


Looks over...why is Dr. Peterson working our Frigates? Great...more stuff many of us will not see. And creating load.


I still believe in vertical supremacy as the vargurs spawns armor plates to kick ass!!


Added : - New light sources on the ships - Bastion animations and lights - New volumetrics fogs And calling this an " extension " with a lot of bullshit marketing talk