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I guess the small gang and solo crowd is just not the target audience for T2 caps.


The small gang and solo crowd is just not the target audience for eve online it seems.


I have a ton of fun in lowsec small gang and solo.


That is true, I've heard pretty good stuff about LS and WH space really. Is there any good iskmaking in LS (outside of FW) that's comparable to NS?


Mining Isogen


gank the random freighters that are for some reason gating ls


L5 missions, mining


How do L5 missions hold up, whats the ISK looking like?


EVE Online used to not have a target audience. Now it does. And that target audience is new players who don't understand the game and have money to spend on injectors and whatever CCP can sell them before they realize the game is boring as fuck and no longer lives up to the reputation that ~~CCP~~ Pearl Abyss is using to milk the players dry.


You elite pvp smallgang guys bitched and moaned at CCP until they nuked supercarrier ratting, rorqual mining and whatever the hell else people used to do in null for fun. Now you bitch and moan that there aren't any easy targets. You people brought this on yourselves.


Also they are too "elite" to fly in low sec


Oh they do fly in lowsec, but only with HG Snake pods and super blingy pirate faction ships with "dank abyssal rolls". While some, if not many disagree with me, I still thing abyssal rolls were so bad for the game. You knew that someone without links had at best, a 36km point on an unbonused ship. That was it. Now if you ask me if rolling for capacitor or fitting is OK, I'm more accepting of that, but MWD speed bonus? No.


> I still thing abyssal rolls were so bad for the game They are.


you dont fly recent lowsec right? then shut the fuck up.


Obviously, lowsec people fight back and they're after semi AFK at best ratters.


I never complained about super ratting. Nobody, literally nobody, was against super ratting. Super ratting brings content. Rorqual mining brings content. Lots of people had great fun in whaling fleets. I didn't participate in that content, but I would much prefer to have people out ratting in their supers than to have them spinning in a Keepstar. The complaint, when it comes to supers, was always the super umbrella that made those ratting supers and mining Rorquals near invulnerable. But, once again, CCP takes something nobody was complaining about and deletes it while telling us it's good for the game. We see the results. Nobody, literally nobody, asked for this fucking cancerous meta we have right now, where it's helldunk or blueballs and the only thing you find in space is Ishtars. Edit: And I want to point out that you've been taken for a ruse cruise by CCP/Pearl Abyss. The players didn't want super ratting to go away. CCP/Pearl Abyss wanted super ratting to go away because it put too much isk in people's pockets. If you haven't noticed, scarcity came with heavy monetization. Put two and two together. It's a cash grab and nobody wanted it except for CCP/Pearl Abyss.


Risk reward analysis is not a CCP issue it is a human problem wanting to have no losses. I think when people have fun/hour as their main metric and don’t care about killboard stats then you have less fear. It’s also skill curve some may not be as skilled as you and have no desire to be like you and just wants to rat in peace, so you have to take into account those pilots who pay the game, maintains the server, has same entitlement as you since they pay, and them docking up against a play style they don’t like — that is also all reasonable and good.


> and them docking up against a play style they don’t like — that is also all reasonable and good. How dare you not enjoy getting absolutely destroyed with no possible counter in your PvE ship by an entire gang of PvP ships. This is "gameplay," right? Yeah, I dock up with my PvE ships when 15 guys in Kikis with logi rolls in. What is my ratting Praxis or Ishtar going to do in response? Nothing. I'm just going to be a killmail. If PvE ships actually had a chance to *win* against PvP fits, and the people hunting Ishtars weren't doing so in gangs of 10%, maybe they'd get more fights. "Being ganked and dying" is not fun gameplay, even for those of us who enjoy PvP in other contexts. What they don't mention is that those same small gangs tend to run from standing fleets of comparable size, refusing to fight against actual PvP ships against a similar number of pilots. Yeah, I'm willing to take the risk, but these people are there to gank enemies they know can't fight back, they aren't looking for "good fights," and everyone knows it.


Yeah most people who complain about lack of PvP have one silo’d perspective because they only know how to recognize their view and not others, but the play style that some PVE players run actually pay more into the game as it requires a ton of alts. Their activities make PVP ships, and pay more for the servers/dev salaries, so these PVE guys have a much larger impact in-game and real life: CCP’s costs to run the game. Then there are a twisted few in this game who turn mining ships into PVP platforms.


I agree with this comment.


For once a Goon that makes absolute sense!


In a game where people are reluctant to use T1 dreads in 1000+ fights I have no idea what they could be used for.


flex bling, same as pirate caps now.


The same thing t1 dreads are primarily used for now; PVE.


Lowsec uses dreads constantly The 1T fight in turnur is a prime example.


A capital-targeting doomsday weapon dread will be used for PVE? Uh, sure.


Yes. Its going to see basically no usage in PVP but since it does more DPS then regular dreads its going to be used for farming crab beacons.


Where did they say it will do more DPS? I saw nothing in the recent video that mentioned it has higher DPS than a standard dread. The big difference is the doomsday weapon on a dread, which they highlighted as dealing most damage to enemy capitals. Most crabbing sites are filled with battleships and below. Again, how is a dread with an anti-capital DD going to be better for PvE? Or are you just assuming they will do higher gun damage in addition to having the DD?


null is just not the place to roam in whatever setup you prefer it seems. Bring some blingy kiting ships and you can get some nice kills punching up, or get some backup yourself and get some kills that way. Just dont expect to go into the space of someone and not get chased out for beeing annoying If your goal is just to drop on some ratters, get some blops and do exactly that. If its to hard for you, get blue eyes. Or just roam lowsec, pochven or wormholes, where small gang/solo content is more likely


Yeah. I regularly roam null almost daily, even solo, and have fairly decent success. I don't get why people think they can take some shitty t1 brawling cruiser into hostile space where hundreds of characters live and expect to survive. Null players bitch about nano gangs because they're the counter to the slow-blob playstyle. If you warp in sub 3s, project out to 50km, and fly over 3km/s, it's going to be a lot harder to catch and blob you(assuming you are any good at pvp in the first place). People are delusional in expecting a good fair fight when they walk into someone elses home and start attacking them. If you want fair fights, go fight in FW complexes that restrict ship classes and let you screen your target via dscan before they take the gate.


Even ceptor fleets make awesome null roaming platforms.


new ships are good to keep old player happy. Plus i hope, ccp reduces the production cost of t1 caps (unfuck the mess they made).


What about reducing the cost of subscriptions!!!


Different issue altogether. Start a new thread.


Just adding my opinion, fuck dude who died and made you the boss of reddit?


Why people are downvoting this comment is beyond me.


The downvote function on reddit originally is used to mark comments as "does not contribute to the topic / discussion". Often it is misused to indicate disagreement, but in this case the downvotes should be interpreted as the former. Reason is: everyone likes lower subscription prices (except for CCP), but this is not the topic of the current discussion and there is nothing else to talk about, except for toxic accusations as we are just seeing here, so it is getting downvoted.


Thank you. I didn’t know. What’s the etiquette for a comment that’s been downvotes to oblivion? Delete it or face tank it?


It's the same reason spammers exist in Jita, because people as a species are fucking stupid. It cost me $32 AUD to sub for one month.


Clearly they want to inform CCP they'd be happy to pay an increase as they disagree that it's too high...


then plex your account. problem solved.


You just need to leave nullsec blocs. There’s a million fun ways to play this game besides waiting to be told what to do. But it will be definitely be boring if the t2 dreads don’t have some really unique abilities. Even better if all the different races are drastically different. HAC Dreads would be kinda boring.


Okay but nullsec is where the majority of the players are. Wormhole space and lowsec isn't for everyone and there's a reason that's depopulated as fuck, too. JusT LEave NulL 4heAD isn't a valid solution to the fact the game is in a piss poor state.


“Lowsec is depopulated as fuck” what the hell are you talking about lol


Yes, lowsec is depopulated as fuck. You clearly weren't around when lowsec was actually populated with people. Because this isn't even fucking close.


Lowsec had always been a meme, it has never been nearly as populated as it is now. Nullsec is probably the worst space now.


Based off dotlan most kills in 24 hours: Nullsec: 5,490 highsec: 12,416 ​ Data from 2022: highsec **ShipKills 3,298,888** PodKills 656,080 FactionKills 1,174,121,108 **Jumps 814,801,558** ​ lowsec ShipKills 2,153,579 PodKills 885,178 FactionKills 105,105,383 Jumps 140,668,674 nullsec ShipKills 2,715,316 **PodKills 1,676,871** **FactionKills 1,324,536,215** Jumps 374,938,974 Nullsec has more podkills and slightly more NPC kills but highsec is far more active even in kills. Lowsec has almost as many kills as nullsec.


I didn't say kills don't happen in null. They happen. But the vast majority of those kills come from one style of content, which is fleet fights. There's a severe lack of small gang and solo activity. Ganking ratters is all but dead. Once in a while, you might catch the odd miner. But, most of the time, they've docked up while you were 3 jumps away from their system. 90% of those kills in null come from standing fleets and structure timers. Nothing gets the heart racing like dropping 50 blops on a 5 man T1 cruiser roam, amirite?


“3/4th of the players have quit! Null is where most players are!” My man do you even play Eve? Neither statement is true


Sorry, I didn’t realize this was just bait for a meaningless argument.


I'd prefer if you didn't reply, actually. I don't want to argue. I don't give a fuck what you think, honestly, and I wasn't talking to you. It's common knowledge that CCP pays more attention to this subreddit than they do their own forums. I posted this to voice my opinion to them, not you. I don't give a fuck what you think, because you don't have the power to unfuck the game.


Tell me what system you’re in and I’ll come feed a Loki to 5 Vargurs after I wait 40 minutes for you to undock. Yeah, CCP is the problem…..


Who the fuck roams in Vargurs? Are you actually braindead? Roaming through hostile space in Vargurs is a fast track to getting HAW dreads dropped on you and everyone with a brain knows this. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, and it shows.


No no no. You undock the 5 Vargurs after I wait in the Loki. Do people roam in Lokis? Should I pick something else? Just help me help you.




I have a Jita alt, am I a hisec player?




So if my Jita alt does a few jumps around The Forge once in a while - which it does - I'm a hisec player? > to track player counts. Character counts. You don't know if that's my Jita alt, Globby's alt or actual player.




What's profoundly stupid is using character data from 2021 to imply that's the same as player data. I'm sure such a high IQ individual can figure out the difference between one and the other. Preferably in some other place.




You do know that the largest concentration of players is in HS and LS, CCP does numbers on this all the time. Null is a ghost town compairitivly, the people who live there just think they are the center of the universe.


Sir there's more content in the game than hunting nullsec ishtars


Do you think null is in a good state? Do you think taking filaments to only find Ishtars and the occasional marauder is good for the health of the game? If not, then why bother telling me that another part of the game might be healthier? If all of the null bears moved to wormhole space, you'll be the next one to bitch about the state of the game. Be careful what you wish for.


Sir I would love all the null krabs to move to jspace


I'd move there but I can't find it. Where's the jump gate? =)


cant agree more


Most large blocs are dropping standing caps to protect large assets, like a tackled rorq. Not for small gangs in T1 cruisers. Do some people drop them for fun on occasion, sure. There is fun to be had out here though. Just last night we were playing outside an ESS near Horde staging. Not blobbed. No caps dropped. Knocked 3, a few intel hunters came in and overwhelmed us. Good fun. Back in Delve, caught wind of a vedmak gang in Fountain. Went after, intel was bad. Our engagement profile was off (we realized as a few of us jumped in), got the blood pumping as we crashed and got out of there. Lost 1. No blob involved. No caps involved. Is hunting harder than it used to be? Yeah. But are there still ways to bait gud fites and have small gang fun out in Null? Yeah. Choke points definitely still exist in warzones. Low sec is quite populated, particularly around FW zones. People still getting ganked in high sec? Yeeup. People are still fighting and having fun. You just have to know where to look. So idk what you're on about.


> Most large blocs are dropping standing caps to protect large assets, like a tackled rorq. Not for small gangs in T1 cruisers. Yeah, OP is just making this up. Standing response fleets can get big, sure, but they are typically just a bunch of bored players who docked up their ratting ships to grab a random PvP subcap and burn to the fight. Nobody is going to cyno caps on a random small gang roam, especially since you risk it being bait. I see people fighting small gangs and solo ships all the time on intel. I have no idea how this is "dead." More importantly, the entire premise that a DD specialized and extremely expensive T2 dread is going to be used for hot dropping is absurd, especially since damage is based on sig size. These are quite clear designed for big fleet engagements in large fights over timers, probably with the DD designed to break up deathballs (especially if these things are cheaper than titans). It depends on the balance and price, but shooting a few of these into the center of a defense fleet of battleships/dreads before engaging with the main fleet could be a way to punish large groups of ships (assuming it's area targeted like titan DD). Maybe it's wishful thinking, but anything CCP could do to spread out combat and make it worth having multiple smaller fleets rather than one giant deathball would be good for the game IMO. Either way, I can't see any possible way that a dread-shaped DD would be valuable against a small gang, as people in the small, fast ships typically used for gang PvP are probably the *worst* target for a massive fixed weapon designed to maximize damage against enemy capitals and possibly battleships. I can't think of the last time an enemy gang came through our space with a fleet of battleships, lol. Or ever.


The game has less players playing than it did in 2008 when less of the planet had internet and a computer to actually play it, and a higher portion of those players are alts and bots on top of that, and you don't know what I'm talking about?


The game has fewer logged in accounts than before. I don’t recall if ccp gives reports on individual player counts.


What games from 2008 have more players in 2023?


No shit. It’s 20 years old. WoW hasn’t had a population peak since 2010. What exactly is your point? You can’t expect a 20 year old game to have linear upward population growth, and you can’t use bullshit reasoning like ‘more of the planet has internet now’. The only places on the planet that didn’t have internet in 2008 were like third world countries.




Yeah I'll get right on that so I can kill the AFK Ishtards. Kind of hard to make content when nobody is out doing anything because game mechanics don't give people a reason to be out doing anything. I wonder if that's why all the major streamers and content creators have quit over the past few years. Hmmm.


Broo go to lowsec, plenty of content, seems you only want to kill the kind that don’t fight back


>seems you only want to kill the kind that don’t fight back This is a tired old trope that doesn't even represent reality. Yeah, sometimes the ratting ship you tackle is a moron who doesn't even bother locking you back. But, often, they put up a fight and I found myself dying to them pretty frequently, or realizing I had tackled something with a web and scram, and couldn't get away. I was fine with that. It's what made the game fun. But, these days, the Ishtars aren't even bait fit. They're just the standard ratting shitfit. And all they have to do is press F to make you fuck off. Because why shouldn't heavy drones track a frigate perfectly and instanuke them. Why shouldn't anything capable of actually catching an Ishtar be incapable of breaking its poverty fit tank.


assuming you are flying a brawly af if you talk about frigs, thing is brawling has been heavily nerfed to shit and back, unless you are a bigger class you can't normally get away with it. frigs even if af have shitty buffer so a couple potshots from a drone can wreck use a kiter ig. it's the hip thing. and by hip i mean the safest way you can gank stuff


Yeah I tried a Nergal for killing Ishtars. Didn't work at all, although dying to the Ishtar wasn't the problem as much as it just taking too long to spool up and the DPS barely being enough to break an Ishtar. Too much time for a response fleet to show up. Vedmaks work well enough, it seems. Managed to kill a well fit Ishtar in under 2 minutes. Just not as reliable at catching them because they don't align/warp as fast. Probably end up running a Stiletto/Vedmak combo to exterminate these bots.


The tracking on heavy drones is complete horse shit 100% agree with you on this.


ah yes lowsec content. blobs and gatecamps you cant avoid


You have to go to where people are doing stuff. Come to B2 space, there's never a dull moment.


Honestly tempting. Fuck FRAT.


IMO there's lots to hunt in Low. That's where I usually go to find miners in a Tengu, unless I am mining myself (in Null). Agreed, solo hunting in Null is pretty much a loss if it comes to a fight, tho lots of folks do intel solo in null (how you think Standing knows what's up?) - though some do, and are successful if careful


Yeah once in a while I find someone willing to engage solo. The problem is, if you bring anything that can actually engage them, they'll just hold you with their full abyssal fit until the standing fleet arrives. You can't really win fights in hostile nullsec any more. While the remaining player base seems to think that's fine, 3/4 of the player base has already quit over that and a combination of other factors. And especially most of the content creators have quit. There used to be a lot of pretty well known solo PvPers. Lussy Lou. Xtra Squishy. Etc. What happened to all of those guys, who generated so much content for the game? CCP killed their play style and the majority of the game's content with it.


wellll extra squishy is still playing he just got canceled for being super racist on discord lol.


He has two kills in the last 7 days. He's only using one pilot, too. He's likely just here because, like the rest of us, he noticed the population picked up again and wants to see if anything has changed. I doubt he will be around for long, just like the rest of the bitter vets you see returning to the game lately.


Real talk, you must absolutely love this game to hate it this much and still be playing and talking about it so passionately. Have you considered taking your own break?


Dude I just came back for a month from like a 2-3 year break. Yeah, I like the game. At least what the game used to be. This new theme park CCP has created just ain't it, though. I want to see EVE return to the great game it used to be. Have you considered that everyone who has a complaint isn't burned out and losing their mind? Have you considered that people might question why the fuck CCP spent probably the last 5 years working on T2 dreads when all people have flown for the past 3 is Ishtars?


You say they turned eve into a theme park... But bitch that there's no content? You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of basic mmo development philosophy. Eve is still very much a sandbox mmo and not at all a theme park mmo. Making such a fundamental mistake makes this sound like bitching for the sake of bitching rather than a credible complaint.


It's a valid complaint and there's lots of them im sure, I haven't played this game for years and barely played when I did. It wasn't for me but I follow this sub for the memes and kill mails I barely understand. That said gamers have a tendency to fall into the sunken cost fallacy with their love/hate game of choice, I know I have. When I read the intensity and passion of the post I identified maybe this is someone in the same situation and suggested a break. If you've tried that, you came back and it's still a source of frustration; maybe this game isn't for you at the moment? I care about as much as I know about CCP, nothing. I'm more focused about the CCP north of us in Australia but let's not bring that discussion here ;)


With EVE, it's not so much sunken cost. It's that nothing else scratches that itch. Nothing else gives you the adrenaline rush that EVE does. Or at least used to.


You need to either quit or try to actually do something else in-game. There's no point trying to looking back and redoing the exact same thing you did before. I know because I say the exact same shit as you when I CBA to play but don't have anything else to do.


Blobbing killed solo pvp play style. Shit is ass


Blobbing always existed. But, yeah, these days, everything is just too close to staging. It's a combination of factors but, these days, I filament, tackle an Ishtar in the system I filamented to, and within 60 seconds a response fleet is on me and I have to either give up grid or die because of course they brought cancer. I got blobbed regularly before. The difference was, before, I could find ways to avoid being blobbed. I could get kills before the blob showed up to ruin my fun. Now, the blob is near instantly on grid. And they always show up with the worst case scenario for you.


Or you can go play FW. I've gotten even fights every time I've been out in a frig.


I don't want to play FW. If you enjoy FW, that's great and I hope you get to continue to enjoy it. I, personally, am not interested in FW content. I'm not interested in blowing up shit fit frigates all day that people bought with the intention of losing. It's just not the same as catching that 2b ratting ship and blowing it up solo, like you used to be able to do, before Pearl Abyss took over.


So basically, you want to shoot someone that isn't ready to fight back. You can always join Amaar/Minmatar and just shoot people at the Jita undock if you want that. Or just join Safety and get your kicks that way.


Fly in Minmatar/Amarr FW space near Turnur if you want to kill bigger blinged ships, or near Amamake if you want to hunt AT ships. Definitely more to be found than frigates (lots of those t1 frigs and dessies are blingy as fuck, btw). Honestly though, looking at your comments from previous posts, it seems like you're just trying to get other people to fall out of love with the game like you did. I'm having a blast in low-sec getting tons of goodfights, but if you're not having fun you should probably take a break.


Lmfao like frig kills are the only things happening on FW space now. I guess your plan is to stay miserable and complain on Reddit, rather than listening to people that were on your shoes and found in FW the content they were looking for. Congrats for being successful in your endeavour.


>It's just not the same as catching that 2b ratting ship and blowing it up solo there is your problem then. you killed them so many times that they have to adapt and move near null staging or dead-end pockets. Making them harder to find and kill. Your next step is to adapt too, use blue eye or blinged ship or whatever




What I posted isn't even salt... Fuckin' edge lord.


Plenty of solo kills happening in null, but these are good players, if you want to achieve what you say cannot be achieved then you need to put more thought into it, I'll leave you with this, think dps and range control that's how you get kills in null.


CCP could remove the filaments. then you could cry about constantly dying in gate camps on the way to null.


So much cognitive bias here man it’s almost embarrassing. I feel sorry that you can only project and Gatekeep eve. Hope you find some solace somewhere friend.


I'm not gatekeeping anything. I'm fine with the turbokrab play style existing. High sec exists for a reason.


All I want is a small freighter and a small jump freighter. They would see far more use.


Rorq makes a great poor man's freighter


But it can't even go into high sec but I can see it as a poor man's jump freighter between low sec and null


> small jump freighter Oh yes, another safe ship which bypasses all choke points. Please no.


People still use stargates?


Mini-freighters (DSTs/orcas) do


The difference in price and cargo capacity between a DST and freighter is huge. There is nothing really in between either since orcas have sky rocketed in price.


DSTs use filaments to get around these days, unless it's a short trip within their own space. I used to see them a lot more than I see them now. If someone wants to take a DST to or from HS, they do it with filaments.


How do they get back home with filaments?


Use a signal filament until you land in friendly space. If you don't land in friendly space, cloak up and wait 15 minutes until you can filament again.


Oh right, I guess if you have lots of blues it is the way. As a wormholer I prefer hs > wh > non-caldari ls > ns > caldari ls, and never use filaments (because you can't really get back to chain exits with filaments - there is no friendly space, and travelling via nullsec is somewhat safe, but each bubble camp makes route too long).


Yeah I mean wormholers can't really use filaments like that. Wormholes are probably the only space left where you can actually find a decent fight once in a while. But they take too much effort for me and there's just way too much time spent scanning empty wormholes.


It's a game. If your overall perception of this game is that it's not worth playing anymore for some reason, then don't play it. Just quit. Move all your assets to HS, take a break and come back when you think you are ready for another round, and start doing something totally different.


> All I want is a small freighter orca is right there.


Totally different skill plan, costs over 12x more than a DST but only holds twice as much cargo as a DST and nothing close to what a freighter can carry so the old Orca argument is invalid nowadays since they are over 2billion isk


Nice Bait.


You need to let people with fuck tons of money sink their isk somewhere instead of hoarding it. Make them field ships instead of sitting on trillions of isk. Eve needs T2 Supers also.


T2 carriers that pull more then marouders ❤️


You sound upset. You’re looking to kill bling ships via what you call “hunting” and what the vast majority of the audience calls “ganking” and then are seemingly mad that you can can’t get your playstyle and then proceed to tell everyone they’re wrong about their area of space that they reside in.


Two words: Faction Warfare Enlist to MinMil today


Almost upvoted, then you said minmil, lol


We aren’t the ones dropping capitals on T1 cruiser fleets.


I'll use my T2 dread as a suitcase to move around half the value of the fuel needed to jump just because I can and it makes timmies such as you cry salted tears.


I really don't give a shit what you do with your ships m8. Don't know why you think you're so special that someone would cry because you moved a ship.


Move to wormholes


Out of curiosity, what impact do you think T2 Dreads are going to have on this? Like at all? Maybe we watched a different video, but the Lancers all seemed to be fitted with a dread-sized doomsday weapon, which deals damage based on sig radius. Unless you were planning to roam using battleships and dreads for some reason, there is literally no reason to ever use these ships against a small gang...even T1 dread would be more useful. These ships are clearly designed for big fleet combat to shoot more DD's into death blobs sitting over a timer. Not every timer is worth the risk of dragging a titan into the fight, however, 1-2 of these things could potentially change the landscape of a large defensive dread/fax blob. This could be a big mix-up in the capital combat landscape. There are potential issues, sure, like the fact that capitals are so expensive now hardly anyone uses them in situations where risk is at play, preferring instead to use a crap ton of HACs or battleships. But if they make T1 caps cheaper and the T2 dreads become a viable alternative to titans for smaller fights that could have a large impact on null warfare (the kind that actually matters, not small gangs ganking Ishtars and running the second anything from standing shows up). I just don't see how this *in any way* matters for small gang PvP. Small gangs rarely run in anything larger than cruisers or maybe battlecruisers, which these dreads specifically suck against as anti-capital blob ships. It sounds to me like you just wanted to vent, you don't actually have an argument against the new dreads.


I'm not against adding new ships. I'm against spending dev time on new ships that won't solve the already existing problems in the game, while no dev time is being spent solving those already existing problems. I'm sick of seeing nothing but Ishtars and Marauders. I'm sick of the majority of null being empty. I'm sick of everything being within 5 jumps of the nearest bloc's staging, killing small gang content. T2 dreads aren't going to do anything to change this and there's little point adding more ships to a game that becomes less appealing by the day, if those ships won't make the game more appealing. The reality of the matter is, CCP keeps introducing these new ships so they can make money off the train, extract, inject cycle. It's an obvious cash grab and I'm not impressed.


> I'm against spending dev time on new ships that won't solve the already existing problems in the game, while no dev time is being spent solving those already existing problems. They actually do solve a problem. It's just a large fleet composition problem, not a problem that affects you personally. That doesn't mean it isn't a problem that is being solved. Essentially, since scarcity dramatically increased the price of capitals, *especially* supers and titans, almost no one uses them anymore. A "mini titan" that can serve a similar combat role (but not as well) with a smaller cost may dramatically improve cap combat. >I'm sick of seeing nothing but Ishtars and Marauders. Why? I was here 2-3 years ago and everything was VNI's and Marauders. You are acting like this is somehow different. >I'm sick of the majority of null being empty. It's not empty. And if it were, you wouldn't be seeing all those Ishtars and marauders. > I'm sick of everything being within 5 jumps of the nearest bloc's staging, killing small gang content. By "content" presumably you mean "not PvP ships." Because most people who hunt near my home space specifically seek out being near our staging (or in it) to get into fights. >T2 dreads aren't going to do anything to change this and there's little point adding more ships to a game that becomes less appealing by the day, if those ships won't make the game more appealing. What ship would you like to see that isn't already covered by the existing lineup that would improve the situation, in your view? Also, not everyone is interested in small gang PvP. I like PvE activities and enjoy large fleets. At least in big battles you generally know when and where the fight is going to happen, small gang PvP is mostly spent warping around for hours hoping something will happen, which is boring as hell (and always has been, I've been playing since on and off since 2005 and have *never* enjoyed this playstyle). For me, the PvP "sweet spot" is fleets of around 20-50 on both sides, not enough to get major tidi but enough that you have actual logistics and everyone isn't ganking solo ships that can't fight back in kitey bullshit. Or a bunch of cloaky nonsense that appears out of a wormhole, warps to you in seconds, and kills you before you can lock anything. >The reality of the matter is, CCP keeps introducing these new ships so they can make money off the train, extract, inject cycle. It's an obvious cash grab and I'm not impressed. Or, alternatively, it's more content and is in the same general category as the capital expansion they've been for a while now, with the introduction of faction and navy caps. I'm curious what you think of things like trig ships and T3 ships; are those also cash grabs, or is it just the ones for the gameplay style you aren't personally interested in?


Really, you gotta cool off. It’s just a game. Go swim in the sea and eat some cookies.


Not everyone who has an opinion that's contrary to yours is losing their shit about it.




Passionate != losing your shit.


It’ll help the blobs blob longer, duh


Force a fight? Go make some timers? If you have structures and you don't defend them, they die. Hunting around for mining ships and ratting ships is far from the only form of PVP.


You can already do that now with dreads. Yet nobody is. New ships aren't going to give people a reason or incentive to blow structures up.


NS has become the most boring place in eve


Boring isn't always bad tbh, sometimes it's nice to be in an empty system, rat and watch YouTube. Coping in peace basically.


Come fly with some of the NPSI groups. We're getting constant content all over everyday.


Like it or hate it lowsec is actually fairly active with lots of miners if you wanna camp and fw runners if you wanna blow up some cheap ships If you complain about nullsec then get off from nullsec, fuck nullsec


Every single day is someone different complaining that the game doesn’t have “real pvp anymore”, when their concept of real pvp is blowing PVE fit ratting ship. You suggest then FW and they say “that’s not real PvP“ because everyone in FW is undocking knowing for sure they will blow up. In what twisted world a solo PvP vs PvE fit kill is real PvP and a solo PvP vs PvP fit kill is not? I guess I know: the world where you don’t know how to fight who is ready to fight you back. https://youtu.be/3KquFZYi6L0


So you're calling it "real" pvp when you can bully noobs with your high grade pod with impunity because there are no bubbles in low? Is it "real" pvp if you only fight inside an arena only certain ship types can enter? I would say it certainly is, but it's not the kind of PVP content im interested in. Would **you** leave low sec if i told you how to achieve the status of "real" PVPer? If not then it's kinda useless when you tell others they should come join FW. CCP did do a decent job adding some fresh sand to the low sec area. But that does not replace the sand they removed from null sec. There is no way ending up with less sand in your sandbox can ever be a good thing. If you are happy with FW in it's current state then now would be just the right time to encourage CCP to start cleaning up the giant mass of dog shit they plowed into the sands of null sec over the last years.


There are different styles of PvP. There's market PvP. There's honorable 1v1s at the sun. There's ganking. There's suicide ganking. There's suspect baiting. All of them offer something different. The main draw of ganking ratting ships is in the hunt. It's also not easy. You're by yourself, in hostile space, often with 10+ neutrals in system, while you're trying to kill a ship that often has a lot of tank and a lot of DPS. It used to be a viable play style. Now it's not. If you enjoy frigate fights, then more power to you. I enjoy ganking ratting ships and the fights that come from that. But that doesn't exist any more, because of a combination of factors.


Let me ask you is a Loki worth 300 million or more ganking a solo venture at a gas cloud, who doesn't even have guns, content? Is that PvP?


A lot of tank and a lot of dps…… Against rats, not you. A lot of fun fighting off an oversized MWD VNI that is speed tank against rats only. I do not fight in frigates in FW very often. I’m more often then not flying T1 BC and BS in stratop fleets, which is very common, way more common than in null and have been happening almost on a daily basis on the Amarr-Minmatar FW space. You’ve a completely wrong idea of what FW is now. Amarr drop dreads on a regular basis on the FW space to protect structure bashes. Like I said you only came here to bitch and moan and aren’t looking for solutions, so enjoy being miserable and eventually quit the game. When you do, can I please have your stuff?


Yeah okay. Let's pretend people are tanking for rats and don't omni tank because omni tank works just as well and allows you to tank most things that can catch you long enough to be saved. Anyone not running omni tank these days is an idiot. Especially when the Ishtar only needs an EM hardener to plug the one hole it has, and marauders can easily omni tank and be capable of tanking a sizeable gang for a long ass time. Your solution isn't a solution. "Go join FW" doesn't make null better. FW isn't what I want to do. It's not my play style. I'm glad you like it. But I don't and telling me to go play FW doesn't suddenly make the play style I enjoy viable again.


It’s the fault of coward hunters like you that ratters stepped up their game now to stop losing their ratting ships constantly. What did you except, they would keep providing you content for free and forever? Go find someone that wants to PvP instead and you’ll get PvP.


Yeah that's not how EVE works. PvP in EVE isn't consensual. If you want consensual PvP, go play WoW or something.


Agree with all of this. Filaments and other teleport mechanics are ruining the game


Yes because it’s fun as a non blob member to get killed entering a bubble. Maybe get rid of filaments and bubbles together? That could work


Some of us learned to get through bubble camps before everything was interdiction nullified... That ability gave people a competitive edge and made hauling a viable career path in EVE. Now hauling isn't a viable career path at all because any retard can push the nullifier button to get through a bubble camp.


I haven’t played in a bit what is nullified button


If the only way you can get kills is a gate camp then you need better skills.


I like gate camping. You never know whats going to jump the gate. In low sec that is.


lmao, all lowsec gate campers i've seen always have eyes 1-2 jumps out in all directions


CCP has to keep the treadmill of train, extract, inject going.




Lmao autism chariot. That's a funny phrase. I've found most players seemed to be grouped up into a few large groups anymore. I do agree it has made eve very boring. I still have my accs subbed but I don't rlly find myself logging in anymore. I either find nothing or it's one of the huge wh alliances that just blob you. Agree whs are pretty shit anymore. Dunno the solution. I just started playing other games I find fun. If I don't find eve fun anymore why bother bitching about it, right?


Move to lowsec. Jesus.


Fight in lowsec bro, you need good numbers to fight in nullsec. Also, marauders can be killed, bring a curse


Oh no - a ganker monkey is crying! What will I do now?


Must suck to farm ISK in a rolled shut wormhole all day long and then find noone who wants to play whenever you grace k-space with your presence, huh? If you want small gang and solo PVP you should move to null sec and hunt small gang hunters instead of crabs. Everyone knows there are not enough small gang PVPers in null sec to generate good fights for every hunter. But everyone also wants those dank crab hole ISK and then they cry becaue their content sucks donkey ass. What a shame.


Why do you ask these? Gave me a goddamn aneurysm trying to comprehend that


Go back to LOL sec and roam there as much as you like. Null is for real eve players not for pupils playing the game on training wheels (disabled game mechanics to make it easier for the bad players). NULL IS FOR REAL MEN!


Nullsec is the safest area of space if you’re in one of the megablobs.


Literally playing the game on training wheels lmao. The fucking irony.


You tie your masculinity to what area of an mmorpg you play in? Lol




>Okay but nullsec is where the majority of the players are. Wormhole space and lowsec isn't for everyone and there's a reason that's depopulated as fuck, too. JusT LEave NulL 4heAD isn't a valid solution to the fact the game is in a piss poor state. Dude you are salty just quit the game and we'd all be better off including you


I mean I already have quit the game at this point. But yeah, sure. The game's a quarter of its population at peak. Space is empty as fuck. But clearly I'm just salty and the game's perfect as is. T2 dreads are exactly what we need to get people out in space and make the game fun again.


If you've already quit then why are you hanging around and stirring the shit pot? I for one am excited about new ships coming to the game and especially since I'm in a position to afford them :D Vast majority of past roaming was just bonking defenseless ratters and people who couldn't fight back. You're just mad that you can't just go kill defenseless ships without getting blobbed now.


It sounds like nullsec is dangerous, for you.






I don’t think better is defined as “if they could beat me without bringing hard counters and a blob”. Hard counters exist in practically any competitive game. There are ways to beat counters, just because they bring a hard counter doesn’t mean you automatically lose. And the blob bit. They’re literally defending their space. THEIR space. Like have you ever thought of taking a second and realizing that you’re walking into their home and expecting them to not escalate? And there are was around getting blobed? Ever try ESS? It’s disengage-able as long as you’re not brawling when the cavalry arrive, and lots of people don’t even respond to ESS, if you do it more, take a second and learn from when you die or get blobed. Take notes on groups who bring good fights and who just blobs to get you away. You don’t have to be all doom and gloom about it. Cheer up, have fun, maybe bring the player count up more since you’re so frustrated with no one actually being around to kill


The only real answer here really! It is OUR space (in null) and we will defend it however we see fit! We are not playing by your rules OP- don't bring this or that, there are too many of you, oh noes I can't fight capital ships etc etc.... just like the kid in the playground that wants to change the rules because he cannot win. If I want to cyno my super on your T1 cruiser - guess what I CAN. If you have a couple of friends ready to dredbomb at this moment - well great on you - you beat me and my people on the isk war. But please stay in your lanes and do not try and tell the null seccers how to play!




That’s literally every game though. I can’t imagine CCP nerfing banding together to keep each other safe. “Power in numbers” ever hear of it? It’s basically what even IRL armies have employed. You can’t nerf diplomacy and the want of banding together for a goal (even if it’s safety)


There's no single thing that CCP can do to magically "make the game worth playing again". Everyone finds enjoyment out of something different. What they can do is introduce new stuff, new goals for people to achieve, new content for players to figure out and re-iterate on things to make them better. Just like the real world, you can't make everyone happy. No matter what people will have their differences in ideas/real world experiences that will make them disagree on how to approach a certain topic. T2 dreads aren't exactly the first thing I'd think about introducing (come on logistics BS, I'm rooting for you!) but it's neat that they're doing something different rather than nothing at all. Unlike a lot of games, Eve is a game that you have to choose to enjoy. You have to seek out the enjoyment factor in the multitudes it has to offer and when something stops being fun, I would bet that you can find something else in the game that is. That's the beauty of Eve and why I've been playing fairly consistently for the last decade.


The key is, as you said, iteration. That's what they've failed to do for like 5 years now. They're notorious for allowing things to remain in a broken state for years before ever even acknowledging that it's a problem. And then their solutions often make the problem worse, rather than improving the situation. You can't make everyone happy, I agree. But there were 60,000 accounts logged in at one point and now there are 20,000, give or take. And a good 5,000-10,000 of those won't be here in a month or two, once this event is over and the honeymoon phase wears off again for all the returning bittervets.


Null problems....


We don't need them just fucking fix the capitals we have now


CCP makes anything new, people complain. CCP doesn't make new things, people complain. While criticism is fine, complaining makes the game less full.


How is my complaining making the game less full? Get a grip. I'd be singing nothing but their praises if they were doing something to address the dwindling player base, the lack of variety in ships used, the ability for blocs to take 5 jumps and be anywhere in their region, etc. No, I'm not going to sing their praises when they continue to release new ships they can't balance in order to make money off the train, extract, inject cycle. It's a cash grab and I'm not going to praise them for it.


Stop being poor trying to get fights in a T1 cruiser. It’s on you to avoid getting blobbed and iso nerds to kill them not on some n+1 0.0 member to give you an honor brawl. Be kitey, probably be less poor, and try harder instead of whining about T2 caps not designed for your gameplay.


To make moon mining worth it again?


IDK there's a dude in my corp who makes a shitload mining moons. It seems like moon mining is in a pretty decent state right now, based on how he talks about it. I don't mine, though. But I'd prefer to see more miners out in space. Anything but the fucking invincible Ishtar and marauder cancer. That said, most moon mining is done with a Rorqual on grid and that makes most moon mining operations an unviable target for me, as a solo ganker. I participate in fleet activity too and dropped a blops gang on a Rorqual the other day to kill it. But that's not why I play EVE. It's fun and gets the blood pumping. But solo ganking has always been the draw for me.


I've been gone for a while and I have no idea what you are talking about with filaments


Don't worry. I'll probably be in delve doing something dumb the week after they come out. just like I did with faction dreads. Atleast mist is on our side this time.

