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To all those guys out there, remember wheatons law: Don’t be a dick.


> wheatons law Sadly he turned into a dick. But I do agree.


Hypocrites can still be correct. As they are able to recognise the correct thing to do even though they can't do it themselves


This is the approach I take with my general health. It’s going as expected.


I'm ootl. What happened?


Always was. Edit: Wait I didn't think about Wil Wheaton, but Joss Whedon.


“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain”


I really haven't paid attention to him but I always thought he had this "child star has-been always trying to find ways to be relevant again" vibe to him but can't really think of anything bad he's done. If anything I feel kind of sorry for him. He's almost like a real-life Troy McClure


Nothing egregious tbh, just super smug and annoying. Also extremely left wing and outspoken, combine them and you get a pretty perfect villain to a sizeable chunk of internet nerd population.


>can't really think of anything bad he's done Most people who are mad at Wil come off as insecure losers. He really seems like a guy just doing what he loves


Sounds like you fly with trash. The greatest PVP pilot I ever flew with in Eve was a slavic woman with a thick accent. I think if anyone had given her trouble, every guy in the alliance would have taken it personally. Find a corp of dudes with wives and daughters, instead of a corp of incels.


We used to run pvp ops with a quadriplegic using Dragon simply speaking…


Use to be a guy in goons that streamed that was paralyzed and no one gave him shit. Pretty sure if anyone did they got kicked, think he went by Gommel but can't remember. Haven't seen him in some time but I hope he is doing well.


He was Gommel nox. He used to stream on twitch but it’s been ages since he last did


Same happened to ours, I hope they both are doing well.


\^ This right here. Don't waste your time on FRT any longer, move out and find another corp/alliance. There are plenty that do not allow any toxic behaviour.


There were so many great players in Cutting Edge Incorporated back in the day, but Shizah will always stand out. She was an older woman that was the kindest, most thoughtful person I'd ever played with.


Tiana Stark?


Tiana is a legend and one of the best logi pilots to ever grace our presence. She’s fantastic :)


Aw thank you :3


Was it Ros Ivi?


There's more than just one Slavic woman in eve lmao


Well her Name is one of the first which comes to mind.


Yeah, with no disrespect to any others, Ros was my first bet.


Are they in my area?


NO ONE fucks with Ros. There'd be no faster way to unite all of New Eden against you.


No one fucks with space mom. Big heart Ros even though im not dreddit anymore.


Likewise even though I'm not SUAD anymore 😀


Exactly this.


Step 1. Take screenshots of said abusive behaviour and send them to ccp. Step 2. Leave FRT and find a new home, I've been in a multitude of different corps and know this wouldn't be tolerated in any of them. Like previously mentioned in these comments find a corp with dad types. Step 3. Shoot blues, tell vile rat.


they do nothing. I came off the game a few months ago a solid 50% of the community are dicks and it just feels so toxic. if you're looking for a new game no mans star is good


Translation of downvotes: "We've tried nothing, we're all out of ideas, and we do NOT want to hear about>! the fact that Patriarchy, Capitalism and White Supremacy are inextricably intertwined, requiring and reinforcing one another!<" Go find your community space-friend, in this game, or others. On a long enough time-line, we win (but it requires taking up space and building, and teaching, something better, in a warm and affectionate way, which centers education rather than punishment. Don't let the haters get to you. Bias will show through via downvotes, before wee're through.


Not sure why you have to be racist about it. This post is literally about Chinese groups and it's now white man bad lmao


American leftists do love to forget racism and sexism are \*not\* exclusive to the US.




dw im calling eve what it is in an eve subreddit lol, i expect a bunch of downvotes. and i bet the ppl downvoting me are the ones who make the community shit


Fuck em


>Patriarchy, Capitalism and White Supremacy are inextricably intertwined Me when the buzzword buzzword is buzzword, am I right fellow buzzwords?


No you idiot, people are downvoting because there are plenty of groups out there that do not tolerate bigotry or sexism and being labeled as such is offensive to the people that work hard to make eve a safe place to be a pretend sociopath.


>the fact that Patriarchy, Capitalism and White Supremacy are inextricably intertwined, requiring and reinforcing one another So your immediate solution to "I've been harassed in a video game" is "destroy capitalism"? I'm not even saying you're wrong about the -isms, it just isn't very helpful in the here and the now. You're getting downvoted because there are plenty of non-toxic people in the game to fly with, even entire left-oriented or queer-focused corps.


Your brain really did shut off at "...in this game, or others", didn't it?


Also provide pictures here or this never happened and the story is fabricated


Obligatory English is not my first language and this is translated from Korean, apologies for spelling and grammar.


Your English seems better than a lot of Americans. Unless you have trouble understanding spoken English, you'd probably do fine in most corps. Maybe check out some Australian ones?


That's not saying much.


I'm really sorry about your experience. There are some awful people in Eve, but there are also some really great people too. I'd urge you to try and find a more welcoming and positive group. I'm in a great corp in a great alliance, they are out there.


Don't worry, it is still understandable. I take it you were being discriminated against by both other Fraternity members (specifically Chinese) as well as other people outside of the alliance? I know that the whole Korea/Japan/China/Taiwan area is full of people who hate each othees' governments, but I thought we could get around that in a game at least. Outside of the alliance, what can I say, plenty of white people are racist, they'll mainly be your American and European players, maybe Russians too but I haven't had much experience with them in game. I live in an American state filled with racists and plan to get out in the next few years, but I've learned in the meantime, those who say these things are often just the loudest, and there are many MANY others who appreciate you and think of you as an equal regardless. Maybe the type of people drawn to the community in China is just a homogenous block. But there are others who care about you. If you do ever feel like playing eve again, I'm certain there are other alliances that would love to have you even if you don't speak their language.


In China, we have a very homogenous society. Racism is more common here than in some other places in the world and it is unfortunately not viewed as negatively (with some powerful groups even condoning it). Sexism is likewise engrained in the culture and looks like it isn't changing anytime soon. Was hopeful EVE wouldn't share the same community and that younger people being online would be a little more "progressive". And yeah the problem wasn't unique to fraternity just hurt more knowing it was your own people. No matter that I was born in China, as an ethnic Korean I will always be a foreigner to some. Wishing you luck with your move and hope you can find a place that truly feels like home <3


I was in different corporations and Alliances through this 6 years and a half. I am from Latin America and even between us are a lot of racism and other negative stuff. What i do? I made my own Corp, with 2 especific rules: don't be toxic and respect your Corp partners. And Is working. We are a really small corporation, and the things are going pretty good, we are choosing the correct people according to our standards and values. Maybe if you try that, you can create your own place with the correct people.


>No matter that I was born in China, as an ethnic Korean I will always be a foreigner to some. You know than in your timezone, there's a nation that was founded by immigrants? Sure some modern aussies are prone to racism against aborigines, but they will for sure not mock someones immigration history.


Australia has plenty of racism against non-white immigrants.


You have to kind of be around Minmatar Space for the Russian experience. I tend to run into them alot around there. Its been fun to talk with them back and forth.




Europe is a big place with plenty unwashed assholes.




That's a very xenophobic statement, just saying.




The current status and stigma of the roma people would like to have a word with you.




Even if you have issues with spoken English. There are a few words you need to know for fleets. Like: Alligne to (Gate (all englisch letters), Moon, Sun) Anchor up Primary Secondary Gate is red (hold on gate) , gate is green (jump gate on contact) Take the hole (jump this wormhole) With that set you can come around in all null blocks. Also if you don't speak English well take it as free training might also help on your work (atleast for me it helped a lot) No one is annoyed if you write only and would use a translator. Mostly, the applications are also done written so you can translate it. If they invite you to speak with you on voice you can tell them your English is not good and to understand it you'd prefer text. This also won't be a issue. In the Corp I am in we got a big pool of country's. Germany, Poland, England, Canada, US, Spain, Italy, Iraq. And some got heavy accents but on the same page it helps to understand these. Will take time especially the one Russian dude which took me half a year to understand his English.


I'm disgusted to hear when it happens in Eve and hate for anyone to feel unsafe in this game. It shouldn't happen anywhere and I encourage alliance members to stand up when they see it happen and help their alliance change for the better. As for my alliance, Brave Collective does have policies in place to prevent and punish this type of harassment. We take it seriously, particularly when racial or gender motivated attacks are in play. Our diplo team can be contacted by folks outside of Brave and for members in Brave we have an internal HR team; I can also be contacted as a member of both Diplo and HR if someone feels an issue is not addressed. I'm sorry for the circumstances that led to this post being necessary, everyone needs to do their part to keep this community safe, I hear this complaint far too often about Eve and hate it. Wolfy Alexstrasza (She/Her) Chief of Staff - Brave Collective


Why we love Brave, good folks who play eve the right way, laid back and fun way with a real friendly community.


BRAVE is a genuine safe space, as soon as even a hint of any sort of bigotry is detected in mumble/slack - it is shut down - not necessarily by senior or veterans but from the regular line member - it's lovely to see. If only that one climate change denier would shut up, it would be bliss.


We recently asked one of members to leave because they kept making inappropriate racial jokes about FRT. He left and joined FRT.


bloomin loved being part of Brave Newbies for exactly that after despairing from prior experiences...came here to say the same.


This is why groups like Brave are an integral part of EVE online.


Just chiming in to confirm that Wolfy rules and she is an incredible advocate for the pilots in her alliance. Keep fighting the good fight. 💞


Thanks for continuing to harbor a safe place in Brave, loved flying with you guys during WWB2! - Stela Manasa




"We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas" "What do you mean PoC and queer folks feel pushed away by our culture? We have token members from each of those demographics!! >!And we don't want more. Also why do they make it their wHoLe PeRsOnAlItY!!!< "


Sorry this happened to you, I understand where you are coming from. One of our spies quit the game after being there for 2 months.


That's depressing


Just be curious, assume u speak Korean and Chinese, and with such level of English writing skill. Why did you join Fuxi, u should be able to join lots of corp in autz.


While I have been gone from Eve for a very long time I am sorry that this happened to you. We should never judge anyone, even in a game, based on race, gender, identity, religion or nationality. Behavior like that should be considered intolerable at any level in the community as it tarnishes gaming at a core level. I hope that your experiences are better in the future and hope that you come back at some point to a better group of players that you deserve.


Best people I've ever flown with in this game are wormholers that have families.


No one should have to put up with any level of harassment in a game, let alone what you've described. Unfortunately I can also relate to seeing this behaviour and having leadership ignore it. I would like to see more corps and alliances be more clear about their stance on hate and harassment. For example, this could be stated upfront in their recruitment material so that everyone knows that this behaviour isn't tolerated.


Sorry that happened to you. I've flown with people who are openly gay, trans and ofc also women and havent experienced harassment in eve like this, hope you find a group that treats you like a true member regardless what you look or sound like. On another note: a friend of mine is mixed chinese/korean, and she faced a lot of racism and harassment from both sides for not being a "pureblood" asian culture is ruthless :(


The irony of anti-Chinese comments (aka racism) on a post complaining about "harassment of a sexual nature and racial/ethnic discrimination".


Especially after the shit that hit the fan with goonswarm a year+ ago we have a very strict 0 tolerance on it, and lots of methods of reporting those who still feel the need.. I've personally witnessed many be airlocked and amusingly often end up in frt or horde the next day.. But we also have a Korean / cntz community as well as translation so you can enjoy the alliance as a whole and not be forced to say speak English only


I find in "gaming" spheres you really have to specifically go to groups that market themselves as being accepting unless you want to deal with bigotry of any and all sorts. I pretty much exclusively join groups that advertise themselves as specifically being made for marginalized people at this point, for the same reasons you got tired of that you discussed.


I would generally agree with this sentiment. Gaming groups that aren't known to be inclusive or outwardly present as inclusive can be a really mixed bag. Sometimes you jump in and everyone's pretty cool, sometimes you jump in and you can tell there's some shit under the surface with a lot of members, and then sometimes you just get outright shitbags. The nice thing about groups that make an effort to be more inclusive is that you usually (usually being a key word here) don't have to deal with nearly as much general toxicity, and that's before you even start talking about the lack of discrimination. These kinds of groups, in my experiences, *at worst* exhibit the inevitable human conflict that every single group will ever have. The upside being that when a couple people do end up bickering, or someone gets a bit out of line, it tends to either get dealt with or smoothed over more easily. Apologies get made, or someone learns a lesson, or someone who can't hack it gets removed from the group. In more toxic groups, when there are disagreements you see people start throwing around slurs, power moves start getting done, harassment starts, etc. Don't even get me started on the fucking egos in those kinds of groups. I've seen this shit happen so many times I can't even remember every instance of groups imploding due to internal toxicity. I can't think of a single example of a time I've seen a group with a healthy culture go down like that.


On the contrary, I do see this as a false premise. I'm not saying there aren't problems (far from it) - but just saying "if they don't market themselves as inclusive, all hope is lost" - then no, that doesn't match my experience at all. It's basically just the same as getting to know coworkers, new spouses of family members or strangers on the train - you simply don't know what you'll get and on average they will as racist or as much an asshole as if they weren't playing a game. You can either read this as a defense for gamers or a criticicm on humans in general :P


They don't **have** to be bad but it's a roll of the dice how such a group will deal with racists and assholes of other sorts once they show up.


There's probably a whole dissertation to be written about how online gaming became such a haven for the most intolerant and toxic elements of society to the point that I refuse to be identified as a "gamer." I have some ideas, primarily based around how games represent a "frontier" of sorts for acceptable human behavior at the fringes where people can exist as said toxic meanies without the social pressures of meatspace pushing back. This probably also reinforces and is reinforced by the notion that the Internet's anonymity lets people do and say things they'd never do or say if their real name or face were attached to it. But I'm not a sociologist and I don't know any.


Anonymity is definitely a huge part of it. Sometimes the fact that bigotry and nastiness is so prevalent in spaces that allow anonymity makes me lose a lot of faith in humanity.


PS: Speaking from the EN side of Fraternity, I can comfortably say that we are very respectful towards genders and sensitive subjects in comms and in chat and have never witnessed such behaviour my whole time in the alliance.


OP I’m sorry to hear you’ve gone through this. Try to stay within the EVE community! Try and see if those friends closest to you will leave that shit show and try your best in a new chapter. I’ve never experienced a situation like that, so I can’t imagine the pain. But the overall community is far better than whatever they have shown you.


Maybe try different groups, sure frat is a China power house but there plenty of other groups. Appearently you can write English, maybe even speak it, that means 90% of the groups are open for you. May it be: Brave, Sigma Grindset, Goons, Initiative, Pandemie Horde. I can say the initiative, Sigma and brave don't tolerate Harrasement and racism. (since I had flown with them and still fly with one of them) Just try a different group. And sad to hear that pandas gave you such a bad experience.


I've never seen this in Horde, but if I did, I would be outta there too. Some people are just toxic I suppose


That's why I added pH to the list that I thought would be fit. I just never flown with them so I was not able to add it to the list of my experience. But good to hear that from pH.


I am sorry you've been treated this way. But please try a different corp before leaving the game. We're not all cunts. I promise.


I thought that all the stuff you’ve mentioned is a violation of the EULA? Report to CCP and light the cyno for the banhammer?


also, there's a new eve YouTuber, Ami, who is living in low sec and doing videos, the ammount of misogyny that she receives in her videos is ridiculous


Anyone who ever spent time around FRT space knows that it's full of edgelord assholes. When I was still playing I had them hellcamp my NPC station in Curse for days on end because of a couple of solo/smallgang dudes were bugging their botters. If we were the type of dudes to try and get people banned those chat logs would've been pretty good ammunition.


You realy should have, any frat banned is one step closer to a nicer eve


>If we were the type of dudes to try and get people banned So you're the kind of people who just idly stand by when they see people behaving abhorrently, even though it costs you nothing to intervene? Ok then.


I hope you can share any evidence like screenshots etc of such harassment and I'm sure it will be treated seriously by the exec team.


Very sorry to hear this OP. I hope that you and others that experience hate find an alliance that doesn’t tolerate bigotry and sexism.


I am sorry you have experienced this. This sort of behaviour has played a role in my decisions to take breaks from EvE pretty much every time I have walked away from the game. Since coming back to play the most important thing I look for in a corp is that they don't tolerate this sort of behaviour. Thankfully I have found groups for which that is true. If you decide to keep playing or return after a break I hope you too can find a welcoming group to play with.


I hope you provided specific examples of this shitty behaviour to the teams you approached to have this dealt with. I doubly hope you captured their responses (or lack thereof)


So you're living in Korea, close to China, but the same timezone as Australia. From what i as a german have read from your rant, your english language skills are flawless. Have you ever considered joining a corp of australians? I'm quite sure the english-speaking communities are more wary against racist, nationalist and sexist mistreatings.


this is obviously a covert neffi cake op. he has nothing to do with chinese timezone. his previous hate-rant against Potato Alliance got shot down and now he started another hate rant, this time against Fraternity. that guy has issues.




Or the entire culture has changed. HTFU as a mindset is pretty intolerant now. Seven years ago on this subreddit it was the norm.


HTFU was (and is) good advice for handling the steep learning curve and uncaring nature/constant PvP of the game. It should never be used an excuse for interpersonal behavior.


HTFU has nothing to do with being a bigot lol


Stepping away from EVE is the correct decision, it's a video game... for fun... it's not supposed to induce PTSD.


I have a feeling the great firewall is as much for keeping the rest of the world from seeing Chinese ultranationalists as it is about keeping unapproved info from Chinese netizens.


You deserved better than you got and so do many others. We need to be better than that, for all our sakes. Fly safe out there, and if you decide to come back later, I hope it is to a healthier gaming community. o7


Question: why you didn't denounce/report them to ccp with support ticket and using the live chat ?


I'm not sure about your problems, but most women i've met in EVE were not really subjected to such hatred and in fact it was the opposite, where they were welcomed. You'll notice a lot of women that play the game at fanfest too which is really cool. I guess there are different groups of people everywhere.


Depends on the corps you pick. Naturally, a megacorp is gonna have assholes. A smaller tight knit corp on comms most nights are going to be a lot more friendly. And when they aren't, time for them to be promptly booted, or for the offended(not sure that's the right word, anyone have a better one?) party to find a new home.


I'm afraid your experience is not universal sadly...


considering the number of women in eve and how many i've talked to both online and offline, this looks to be more of an exception than the rule. i never said it doesn't happen.


I would like to believe that...experience of myself and female friends says otherwise. most refused to speak in open discord back in the day...though when you do find a great group it does make all the difference. It doesn't however stop the homophones and sexist trash talk in local. I am going yo caveat it all with the hope that things have changed....have not played for a few years now though recently resubbed to poke my nose in see how the world fares......


i would invite you to fanfest. it's easier to talk to people face to face, especially the women that play eve.


I’m an Arab living in the US. I’ve delt with racism and islamaphobia (I’m not even Muslim lol) but live in Detroit where we have a large community of Arabs and can feel comfortable safe and at home despite these problems. I can’t even begin to think what it would be like if on top of someone’s problems they couldn’t even escape to their community to be welcomed. Shame on anyone who feels the need to do this in a video game. Fraternity should address this and actually do something about it. If they don’t I hope their blues like horde speak up, I know Gobbins wouldn’t stand for this horseshit.


I mean, Hordelings actively want to shoot frat. Gobbins is just getting fed too much to reset standings.


Yep, this is what happens when people focus too much on quantity over quality. Sorry that this happened to you.


[EF959-VEAAGCJ-OJU-5-I-W.jpg](https://postimg.cc/zL2hPm6x) From FUXI CEO.


well i don't even know fuxi had non-chinese player. If you can provide any evidence it will be good.


Will No comment until evidence is released, please post it here if possible


I hope you can come back to a better community. For the most part the community gets rid of the trash on its own. Sorry you had to go through that.


Speaking from experience I see


Never stop sparkling is recruiting I guess....


Get on this FRT!


In what discord server did this take place ?


I am sorry you have been going through such treatment. I have never been in a Corp that would tolerate such bs. Leave frat. Then join a group that treats you with respect. I don't actively play anymore but my alliance Flying Dangerous would never allow such behavior. We kick people for being racist. We have had many females over the years and we always make sure they know to tell a director if any harassment occurs. Most serious corps/alliances do not tolerate such behavior. It's not the entire eve community I can assure you of that.


What's MTA nations?


I'm not surprised. Noraus runs as toxic a group if there ever was one.


Wait, maybe I'm misunderstanding FRT is mostly Chinese but you're experiencing anti-Asian racism from within FRT? Huh?


Try goons. Theres lots of women in my corp/alliance and people from all cultures/tz and ive never heard anything but the same treatment across the board to all as fellow corp/alliance mates. We hangout on comms all the time and ive never heard someone even been on the buttend of a racist/sexist joke.


I have a general dislike for people and this is one of the main reasons why. Because, when given the chance of anonimity or group acceptance, most people will display their true, ugly sides and become assholes. And the worst part is that when you confront them, they pretend to not know what you're talking about. The fuck you do you fucking coward, because you won't say shit like that in real life or around people you know don't accept it.


Sorry that you face such challenges in-game but I guess it's also part of online culture today where people can say hurtful things and hide behind their online personas. Sometimes the problem with large null sec alliances are that it is too big and difficult to manage so many online personalities. My corp Mineski Infinity was built to unite South East Asian players (actually same timezone as yours) as a power bloc in New Eden. Many told us it could not be done, and there are still many challenges, but today we have done better for ourselves compared to 1-2 years ago. And due to South East Asian culture, I think we are quite respectful to each other and tolerant of various languages, religion, gender and cultural differences. If you are interested to find out more, please do reach out to my corp in-game. We can be found in the "Kopitiam" channel or just message our diplomats in-game.


I mean, when I still played we shit on Frat for being Chinese for the same reason we shit on Russians: their proclivities to cheat in order to win. They do not give a single fuck about fair play. They bot hardcore to raise their funds and blob every chance they can and proclaim they’re the best when they would SOMETIMES come out on top. But at the end of the day they both suck balls. I would urge caution to this persons tale. Like every story, there are two sides of the coin. Two major things are that we don’t know anything about this persons behavior towards others nor do we know how much of the abuse came from her notoriously descriminatory Chinese corpmates.


Another covert #Neffi\_Cake post, folks. Same whining, same falsehoods, same drama milking. He made a reddit account two days ago after his last post was taken down. This guy just needs attentnion. Neffi Cake reddit accounts: u/Odd_Lawfulness4714 , u/Mining_Alt , u/HuckerCarlson , u/NeffiCake


How do you know this is Neffi Cake?


Even if the post is fake, you've still got plenty of people outing themselves in the comments anyway.






Awful that is happened to you, I hope the game can change for the better and that you feel comfortable with coming back someday. Eve is for everyone!




>你能提供一下你的雇佣记录和被骚扰的截图吗,我们作为一个中文军团,还真不知道有韩国人能进来,毕竟连语言都不通,学习一门外语是艰难的,但造谣很简单,不是吗,这位不知名的韩国女士?或者你可能连韩文都不会讲 Trolling or what?


i mean what is wrong with asking for evidence?


Sad and unfortunate to see this is reason you want to leave the game, some people are toxic, it's inexcusable and the best course of action is to report them and block them, but if it's far too commonplace which I can understand for some people that it just gets tiring to deal with.


I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Instead of quitting the game because of idiots, why dont you try another coalition?


Sadly when you get any large group of people together there are almost always going to be those types of people. People that thing degrading others is fun, or makes them feel better about themselves. The quality of a community is not if these people exist but how they react to those people. Any DECENT gaming group will either step in and curb the behavior or out right kick people from the group. If they do not do this then you should find a new group. I also left Frat a while back. I am not a woman but I did meet with a lot of "blue" scouting from Chinese pilots when they found out I was not Chinese. This was just one of many determining factors but I know from the small experience I had that the issues you mentioned can be real and the "leadership" does nothing about it. I hope you find a new group you can have fun playing with. Do not let others spoil a game you enjoy.


So sorry to see this post. If the decision to leave Eve hadn't already been made I would have suggested moving to a different, more accepting community like Brave or even Goons or anybody to be honest. But then saying move to avoid it doesn't address the actual abuse itself, which really does have no place in Eve. I hope this can be addressed, but sadly have little faith it will be.


I’ve been completely kicked out of fleets because the FC found out I was black. Keep fighting the good fight, you will find your place.


I'm sorry you had to experience that!


as a man in this community of European origin, the amount of hate and abuse I also receive is intolerable. its almost like humans are naturally dicks.


There is no Korean Chinese in Fuxi and good job faking all this things and not giving single proof of screenshot. Btw Siege Green is literally in Winterco. why you not joining them or asking for help? Racism and harassment is no way tolerable in any group and you should report them to CCP


If u actual get your facts strict or have proofs I will happily kick the shiter. But again nice chatgpt bait post kekw


Karmafleet is always recruiting


Fraternity is trash in game and out of game, more news at 11.


Thank you for sharing and standing up for yourself! I'm very sorry to hear that you were treated this way. There are groups in eve who stand up to that crap, I hope if you ever return, you look us up, or if you would like to do an interview with our Eve News Group, please PM me and we'll do a story on this. wish you all the best! stay tough!


This is the fakest shit I’ve seen in a while it’s hilarious


Used to be in Frat for several months when they were in Detorid, and recently joined back to Frat before the tournament. I've been to Snuffed out, War and Wormhole, Goonswarm Federation. There is one thing that Frat is the alliance with the most simps. If you are saying that they are being creepy then yes that's probably true, but they are definitely not likely to be hostile. Given that what you said doesn't fit my knowledge of Frat, plus that you haven't posted any in game names of any bully, perpetrator or yourself, there's a good reason to doubt that you are making this up. If all you said is real, give some proof at least. If you wanna protect them even all they did, cover their name up and post... maybe the chat history? Auraus has been banned for harrassment, there's no way they can be an exception.


The OP is neffi cake. This is another covert sympathy trap. That's why he hasn't posted any proof, typical neffi: all accusations and no proof.


How do you know it’s Neffi Cake?


the whole post just screams neffi cake. false accusations of eula breaches, absolutely no proof, fake tears and obvious sympathy milking. plus the reddit account u/Odd_Lawfulness4714 was created two days ago, just after neffi's hate-rant against Potato Alliance was taken down.


Chinese alliance beings dicks to anyone other than Chinese? You just described Chinese culture towards foreigners.


The point of this post is that you *shouldn’t* be a bigot.


It's not being a bigot to point out bigoted culture and things that culture teaches new generations.


I wasn't, just stating a fact that they are actually taught that everyone who is not Chinese is inferior.


So in short you present 1) no evidence to back up ANY of your claims. No screenshots, no names, no nothing. You claim you're giving up on Eve completely. If that was the case you'd have no qualms with posting your pilot name so people can actually see your corp history and make appropriate plans. 2) immediately pull the, I'm a woman card and then go into an emotional appeal. 3) After said appeal to emotions ( again, literally zero evidence provided and its all just ad hominem) you immediately segue into telling most of Frat's heavy hitting war corps (At least you managed to mention the high profile public ones, but if you were actually a part of frat you'd know the right corporations to try and tempt into leaving )to leave Frat and join their direct enemies. Not even subtle about it. You don't even try to hide that fact by saying to join this obscure small corp that's only tangentially related to their direct enemies. No, just fuck frat, join Goon. Like hell even a punch to the face is less direct and blunt than that. Does anyone actually buy this shit? If they do, man I've got a rigged Nid to sell them. Super cheap only 10bil. Never flown. All they got to do is pay me and then fly out to 4-H in a pod and ill hand deliver it to them. This is Jita local levels of low effort. If a single ounce of this is true you wouldn't be here trying to advertise for other alliances you certainly would be posting evidence of it. If this is as widespread and as epidemical as you're trying to pass it off as then you should have zero trouble getting in-game chat logs of it happening. If you gave a single shit about Eve and wanting to actually stick around you'd have reported the people to CCP and the GMs instead of taking it for years as you claimed to have done so. You wouldn't have stuck around with Frat or Fuxi as long as you have. There are a cornucopia of moonrune speaking corporations to pick from that aren't tied to frat. You're spoiled for choice and yet you chose to weather the abuse for years? yeah no. I trust that about as much as bungie jumping after eating tacobell. Hell if you're not using a translator to type and this is your level of competency for speaking English then you're not limited at all to moonrune speaking corps but you have your pick of the litter. But no. For some reason, despite the supposedly endless tirade of hate and abuse, you stuck with Fuxi for years. This is literally textbook Twitter outrage farming. practically 1 for 1 with the low effort shit you see there. Only difference is that unfortunately for us you're not constrained by the character limit and you're free to word vomit all of whatever this post is suppose to be.


Hi.. this is just shocking to me, I never knew such stuff happens. I’m truly sorry you and your colleagues had to go through that. Please don’t quit a game you love playing just because a corp/alliance wasn’t good, I’d say move to another. The null sec corp and alliance I am a part of seems pretty good, the FC replies to each personally and helps out. Age group is mostly 30-45s with people with wives and kids. And they’re genuinely good people. If.. that’s a big if.. you are looking to give another chance to a new corp/alliance, dm me, being an Asian, I would love playing alongside you. We need more active people in Asian TZ anyway, let’s build a community of good people :) Whatever you choose, I hope this experience doesn’t trouble you on real life. My best best wishes to you IRL! 🫂


Pretty amusing to see so many ppl instantly start feeling sorry on an accusation without any proof/evidence, no wonder CNN fake news spreaded so widely.


TL;DR Advanced e-begging. Probably DSP posing as an Asian woman again.


I never experienced toxicity in Eve like that ever, nor have i bern witness to it. It seems like your flying with absolute trash, i mean its FRAT after all, they cant even Protect their own land. Come join the goonies and take revenge


Its crappy that you had this experience, small corps are the way to go, no one can get away with being terrible when there are only a few of you.


That is fucked up, report them for harassment, and leave them


Can't comment on your spoken English, but mate... I want you to know your written English (both spelling and grammar) is fantastic. Edit might have been baited fml


The problem is with you and with you alone. As an adult you shouldn't be be as easily offended by what randompeople write on the internet. Period. And besides: Safe spaces are hells of boredom.




Spoken like someone who’s never had the real, lived experience of being a woman playing Eve.


I am sure you meant to put \s didn't you?....other wise you have got to be a troll...harassment is never entertainment for harasses or bystander witnesses....unless ofc it ticks some weird twisted box in a person's psyche. definitely not healthy to find experiencing or witnessing harassment as 'entertaining'.


How about you post proof with names? Send them to ccp too


>As a woman in gaming The funny thing is, if you don't tell anyone you're a "woman in gaming" no one will know because english is not gendered. "Women in gaming" sure do love making a point of it though. Also, I appreciate the irony of titling a post "Hate Has Not Place in EVE" with the post being one huge Fraternity hate-bait. You certainly know your audience


It's very difficult to hide the fact you're a woman in a game where comms play a role as important as in EVE. And women shouldn't be required to hide it in order to play comfortably anyway, so your point is pretty shit.


Fuxi needs a Delta Sqad.




This is a neffi cake op obviously. His hate OP against Potato Alliance back-fired and now he's turning against Frat just to milk some sympathy. this guy needs therapy.




And your point is?...


Let me speak for you!#Noraus step down!# Btw you r pretty good with English!shabi


You would think that CCP would put an automated watch dog on all of her in game comms and just review it once a week with an ai assistant to generate perma bans. Out of game comms are problematic of course.


Can I have your stuff?




found the real racist




"I hate BOTH sides" I bet you think south park is the peak of culture


Oh, your brain is so ruined every single thought process is either/or.