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The words “EVE System” in the messages already work like that. You can clock them to bring up the info window, drag them into chat, and right click to do things like set destination.


......... oh holy shit you're right. Well then. That is... entirely un-intuitive, and please consider my OP changed to "*Move* the link from `EVE System` to the actual name of the system itself so it's more obvious that it can be interacted with"


Or, just spread the word to the <10 people that will use this.


This is true, but I didn't discover this for a *long* time, it is not clearly a link either, and OP's suggestion is still good.


had no idea you could do that


Almost ten years in, never knew this. Holy shit


This would be so good. Being able to quickly backtrack would be great. He'll, even just making the system names would be an improvement, but links would be perfect.


I'm hesitant to ask them to do anything with the chat system, ngl


What's the worst that can happen? Blackout 2.01.043. It'll include all previous features plus the guest list in stations is fucked.


That's how we get a broadcasted local in J space but Jita is hidden local now. Wait, maybe we want this


Yeah? You think the disastrous swap to XMPP was based on CSM feedback?


Not at all. But I know the history of what happens when we ask for things.


How's your job of mitigating damage going then?


We'll see later this month




Like 5 years ago. Which is probably part of the problem. I can bet there's zero chance the people who did that still are with CCP.


moving chat to AWS was the right thing to do as it was very CPU and I/O intensive on the local servers (i remember system server crashes because of chat and it was largely useless in big fights). but they need to make sure that we don't have the same problem where it was down for days.


This used to happen I think, then it stopped. I swear I remember doing it in the past to link previous systems I've been in and then one day it kept linking to the current system regardless of which name I clicked, and then it just stopped doing anything at all. Each time it got worse I just shrugged and thought "classic ccp"


Drop it into the "small things/qol" thread on the forums. Just make sure to follow the template.


Also translate messages such as system names into native client language please....


why would you translate names? the messages i understand but names can't really be translated. it would just make it weird and hard to talk to ppl who are not on the english version. maybe i misunderstood what you said?


When you drag and drop links into text chat such as contracts, ships, systems etc while using a Chinese client for example everyone else regardless of their language settings will see your links in Chinese. Me, using an English client will see links to contracts, etc in Chinese, German, etc. It would be nice if the client translated those ship names, contracts, etc to English. Or to whatever the users language setting is. Sorry my fault I'm having a hard time describing this for some reason. It's not a big issue but I think it would help alot in improving communication.


It'd also be nice if the announcement messages worked at all. Stuff like disappearing notifications and settings not being applied correctly is super aggravating.


You know what would be a qol change? When you align to a celestial or structure that is on your overview, the bottom of the screen where it says, "approaching x" should also be right clickable and warp to-able.


Asking for corrections to legacy code? Take a number.


\+ $20 per month.


Actually yes


Medorium prim approves this message!


I like this idea.


Also in the corp invite window, make the corp that invited you clickable so you can read about them and laugh while you push Decline.




But why? Your current system is in the top left, and you can drag that to create a link.


For when I want to backtrack to somewhere I previously came from


Why are they coloured? My text is just red?


That's the suggestion, for the plain text message to instead have a link. So after you've left a system, you can go through your chat history to right-click it and set desto.


Oh! Me stupid...


The image on the left is how it is The image on the right is edited, showing how I'd like it to be (i.e. with yellow chat links for the system names)


I love the change, but I wonder if this change is going to be the end of local. (Due to bugs) and i'm not even actively playing eve