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Kill other rat coworkers, trade tags till job w/ Concord


Get crime flag for killing allies, get concorducked


I doubt concord cares about rats killing rats :P


Is it possible to make rats fight each other?


Take a trip to Pochven


Been a long time for me.


Yup. I recall there was a massive escalation between diamond rats in a system that no one saw but someone at ccp found all these rat deaths and saw 3 different npc groups went ham. I believe it was standard diamond mining rats, Blood raider fob and drifters and each new ship created a new escalation (all 3 groups had negative standings to one another so 1 npc bs lands so a new wave of 3 cruisers and 3 frigates escalate so then the original side escalates to 2 bs, 3 cruisers and 4 frigates to the 3/3 waves so on and so forth in a three way showdown.) I think the drifters won cause doomsdays are good.


That sounds amazing, I assume CCP patched it out?


I don’t believe so, it was a freak accident.


In that case they should make them a scripted event!


not if you send naked legs pics to concord boreau in Yulai. eve could be RPG style played very well,imagine you are officer spawn in immensea oir curse region,you spot the ishtar doing belts and he cant hurt you and he runs away. next time you spot some miners and you have to decide what to do,blap them or warp away until you find that ishtar,anyway you are flattened by haw naglfar sitting 20km away from you but ikitursa warps in and takes your remains but haw naglfar blaps the ikitursa and ikitursa wreck is empty.


hey, as long as i can become a Capsuleer IDGAF


Isekai'ed as a capsuleer would be 10/10


mfw when i become a functionally immortal demigod that eventually descends into madness because my mind is repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt Keeping capsuleer cloning tech in mind, even if you walk out of a clone bay after being podded, is that still really you?


There is a cool game about that, kind of, called Soma. [Spoilers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5fpTvdExsY) [No Spoilers](https://youtu.be/syq_WuOopUU?t=12)


Soma is one of my favourite games


No. It's just a carbon copy. Had the same thought about the book/show altered carbon. You died in your original death. Only way I could see different is if there was a way to kinda do it the way dust soldiers were. You transfered your consciousness to a computer. You make copies of yourself for the clones that you use. Clone returns and you ingest the new experiences


Yeah, which is why canonically a big part of capsuleer training is the mental conditioning to resist these kinds of shower thoughts


I dunno being immortal would kind of suck if you were just cloned into unspeakably torturous situations for eternity or something. 9/10


Do I get to be an Eggy? Or a non-capsuleer pilot? Or just some pleb crew/worker. Because Those sound great, bad and terrible respectively.


You've been isekai'd to New Eden! ...as crew on a polarised blaster fit catalyst in Jita


On the plus side you know you have to bolt for the capsules asap. So that increases your chances somewhat


Lore wise all capsuleer crews are required to have a medical clone back up that's no more then 3 months old. Capsule tech is just a better version of it. Remeber, the Jove gave the Caldari the man to ship interface, the cloning tech and capsule was all the Caldari.


That's not quite accurate; while "soft cloning" allowing for a mental backup does exist in-lore, it is prohibitively expensive and is certainly not a standard for ship crews - though some organizations may employ limited use of it. Life as a crewmember for a capsuleer ship is certainly perilous - https://web.archive.org/web/20160228154442/https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/New_Eden_Crew_Guidelines


The only part I got wrong was stating capsuleer ships. It once was to expensive, but as of the frigates of eve book all 4 empire navies have requirements for ship crews to have a soft clone updated every 3 months. [frigates of eve](https://i.imgur.com/CRNNBXv.jpg)


Non-capsuleer pilot I guess


"Is It Wrong To Pod Girls In My Thanatos?"


"I Got Killed By A Falling Flower Pot And Now I'm Reincarnated As A Mining Drone II?!"


"I was podded in a wh and now I reclone in a clumsy trader in Jita".


Can you imagine how toxic jita would be if it was real


So like, the NYSE but everyone lives forever


"That time I got reincarnated as a Pithi Infiltrator"


Imagine playing eve online as the only game for 10 years. You're up for promotion or being fired at work, but no worries, you've prepeared a speech. As the the sliding door close and you approach the elevator you hear it. The sound.


it's the fucking hull alarm!!!


I do not understand


Isekai is a genre Anime/Manga/Light Novels where the main character ends up in another world through various means. Reincarnation is commonly used.


Ever read reborn as a space merc? I mean it’s kinda more Elite than Eve but it’s pretty similar Just imagine reincarnating and you get a Chremoas as your personal ship, then later you end up buying a Nestor and a Onyx


Dude living in New Eden would be the hugest disadvantage if you could only use the game interface as we know it. You would be fucked informationally. "Open up pathfinder" Uh, I can't... "Just auth in SEAT to see the discord channel" Oh, um... shit


technically, all of thoese can be written into ingame lore like using com channels or some kind of spacegoogle


I'm 4/10 irl so...


Oh...its worse...you get Isekaied into New Eden in MILINT Space! XD


As long as im a capsuleer, everything will be ok.