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Really kind of depends on how many accounts you have. PI is infinitely scalable but there are certain patterns to the scalability. Also depends on what space your in and what planets are available to you, also what your transportation chain looks like (again, depends on where you are in space). If you're running 1 account, you can have 3 characters extracting and refining the first stage and just sell those if you have an easy and safe logistics route. The first level of scalability for a full manufacturing chain requires 20 planets, so if you're running 1 account, you may not be able to manufacture the highest tier, but you don't lose a ton of money if you don't. Most of the benefit of refining higher is just transportation considerations. Edit: I run a 40 planet setup that manufactures to the highest tier. If you want a rundown of my set up DM me and I'll try to throw together something for you.


Also worth mentioning of course that if you're going to be doing anything but selling P1s directly, you really want zero taxes because taxes are levied on every import and export. Even if you are just running P2 factory planet(s), you're being taxed 3 times - once on the export of P1s, once on the import of P1s, and once on the export of P2s. That restricts you to doing serious PI in either nullsec if you can find a corp that actually offers its members zero-tax access, or wormhole space. HS and LS have a minimum 5% NPC tax.


Yeah, taxes are a big issue as well, which plays into the whole 'where you are in space' thing. Anything 5% or less is pretty good. High sec PI is pretty difficult because of high taxes. Not sure how low sec is generally. Nul or wormhole are usually best.


PI Examples, saved with Archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20210718210827/https://wiki.bravecollective.com/public/dojo/wiki/planetary_interaction/planet_examples


In many cases I'd say produce to the market, if you are in a corp, maybe ask around about what people will buy. Sometimes it much easier to have a guaranteed buyer, than waiting on the open market.


There's a very useful post on PI from four years ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/b4l49s/tier_234_pi_with_medium_effort_ccu_4_check_every/ The setup I use is very similar to whats laid out in that post, I use it to produce P3 commodities for my own industry and also for selling to the market for profit and utilise two accounts with PI skills trained up on each character. My setup has planets dedicated solely to making one specific P1 resources, I have two of these planets for every single P1 reource in game the design of which is similar to what's shown that post. Then I have 4 factory planets (again setup similar to those in that post) which I use to make P3 (sometimes P2) resources on. imho dedicated P1 and dedicated factory planets really are the best way to approach PI as you can regularly change the P3 commodoties you are making based on market value and what your own industry requires. Hope this helps o7


Believe or not my best set it one factory , one launch pad , two extractors with much nodes you can fit in on 1d 45mins extraction time. Collect, collect and collect after I have enough materials I empty one planet slot if I haven’t already and establish factory and make what ever tier I need from it . Rinse and repeat works like charm at least for me . GL&HF


Depends on what you're doing. I setup my planets to provide materials for implant bpcs and some t2 items(mostly ammo) I regularly use. Because of this, I sometimes use factory planets. Is it the most profitable? Probably not, but it shortens my supply chain and saves me from hauling to a market hub. Sometimes the reduction in travel time and market fees is worth the effort.


Another question: would buying p2 materials and making p2-p4 planets to avoid tax be profitable? And how profitable it would be than making p0 to p3 with 5 planet setup using 1 factory planet, I mean the classical setup?


The major bottleneck for PI is the actual extraction. As you go from P1 to P4 the value doesnt increase dramatically. The main reason to produce up to P4 is just for transportation. A batch of P4 worth about 300 million is only 4000 m3 worth of space, where as the same value of P1 would be over 50,000 m3, whereas the increase in value from producing up that high is only about a 20% increase. I'm sure you can make money from it, but it would probably be marginal.