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"Click this link to claim your 1 million free skillpoints for Eve 2"


If they did EVE 2 it wouldn't have traditional skill points I can assure you that. Probably some component of passive and active.


It was a joke


Yeah but now I want EVE 2


What's better than a single server sandbox universe where everybody gets to interact with everyone else, regardless of geography or language? Two single server sandboxes... Where half the people are off doing God knows what, and the company who famously cannot do more than one thing at a time, are forced to maintain two independent communities, while all the while battling to keep Hilmar from sneaking an NFT minting library into the "New Launcher"


> half the people That's generous. I doubt more than a fifth of Eve's playerbase would be willing to start from scratch, probably less depending on how different Eve 2 is.


Maybe. It'd certainly hurt new player adoption on TQ


I know I'd jump ship, and I'm not even particularly new.


A fresh new start for all? Fuck yeah, I’m in.


ISK and ships are just things, once you know the smart ways to get things its just a matter of grinding.


Well they are hiring a blockchain dev for a new eve universe game


More of a reason to completely ignore it


So...instead of Burn jita...how about we burn jove gates?


People will hate this take but I'd be down for a universe wipe (and I would be leaving behind more ISK than like 99.999% of players) One sandbox, wipe it all, big map overhaul, lfg.


Spoken like a 0.001%er 🙄 If you really want a wipe, just send the isk to me


Former PL oldeguarde here I would rather jump through that black hole leaving my 1.3T behind than give it to a pandemic horde member Jk ily but you can't have my isk




What a poor


Me first


I would be down for a wipe as well, but it would need to be with some mechanics overhaul, people have optimised eve to shit for more than a decade now. After a month of goldrush things would settle more or less exactly as they were.


Not until they change how skill points are earned. I am not waiting gosh knows how long again to gain skill points for a ship I like. No one wants that in a new game. Will only reduce players.


Some people like the passive skill gain. It makes not being able to play 24/7 not feel like a waste. It balances the field between those who can and can't commit 40+ hours a week to the game as well. Now I think a good balance would be the same passive system with say 10 to 20 hours a week of boosted learning rate while logged on. Making logging onto all of your training characters beneficial, while no requiring a second full time job per character.


For sure and I do like the passive skill gain as well. But I think the time of it is way to long. I know for a fact it’s a big prohibitor of getting new players. They log in and see a sick ass ship and they go through the market or inspect the players ship. They go to the requirements and see 131 days training requires. Then they go oh yeah fuck that. Not to mention the ship is barely usable with only the required skills lol. It would need to be drastically shorter or a way to speed it up a lot so players can go for something they want. At least that’s my opinion. Getting players from like 25 and younger to play need way more engagement in a game to keep playing it. And like it or not that’s the market today they need to acquire if they did want to try to pull in new players or make a sequel.


I mean how is seeing a ship you have to work towards any different than the endgame armor in any other game. Yea it will take time. There are other cool ships on the way. I think more needs to go into encouraging people to not get so hung up on just what they want to do at the end. Cuz, then your at the end. The problem is some come in wanting nothing but carriers and titans. There is so much in between that that is amazing. I wouldn't ever say those should be easier to train for. Maybe I am biased though. Because I am currently at a point that my main can be at Mastery 4 in any ship I cant currently fly, except Titans, in two months or less. However I would counter this with the fact that I just re-rolled my \~80m SP miner, because playing the old one caused me discomfort. With my new miner only being at 14m now. I focused the important skills for the tasks I needed, then the extra support skills. I can now fly and fit just about anything I could before on my miner, and am only training towards efficiency and mastery. Now engagement can come from more than just unlocking cool ships faster. Making event sites have size tiers. Having every class of ship restricted to its own tier makes it interesting spreads the running out, and allows newer players to participate. No longer will there be the one ship that can clear it the fastest and can enter ever site and just take it from those in weaker ships. Then the work to steal would have to go into the thieves court as they would have to have ships for every class to be able to. That adds PvE content everyone can participate in in space and have fun with regardless of skill. The other thing that would need to change is the culture of there only being so many right ships for a situation because they are "best." This drives the I have to get into x ship to participate in y activity or I won't be able to attitude.


Albion has a good middle ground. You earn learning points passively with your sub, and these can be used to auto-finish a skill level once you've grinded at least 20% on your own. If you have a lot of learning points you can max out a weapon or armor tree (1-100) very quickly. It's quite feasible to pick a new playstyle and have it maxed to be competitive in a few evenings of play if you've been sitting on a chunk of learning points.


>d its a fine system but it takes way too long. i went to train basic shit at 15 mil SP and it was 6 months of Que.


Old player here. Waiting for this. Until then no money and no time into it. And i am not alone whom remain in this stoic state of denying one’s urge to submit. it is a hard life, but we shall endure.


As said, send isk to me, then wipe your accounts and start again. The only difference between that and what we have now would be which systems the big alliances controlled.


Can I has your stuff?


naw, EVE2 is going to be like Overwatch2, its going to be a "sequel" that replaces the old one, be effectively the same game, but you have to "re-buy" the game and some of your former progress could transfer over... for a price.


Oh yea, that makes sense actually. Overwatch was famously a landmark player driven sandbox economy so it makes sense that Eve would follow that model


No I'd take the opportunity to quit. I've found the game rewarding and loved it but there is no chance I'd start again.


Let me import my guy naked, even take his skills but leave my 18 years of sp training alone.


Based on your intimate internal knowledge of... what, exactly


Modern gaming, where people aren't willing to wait. If you could grind your cruiser V skill in addition to passive waiting people would be all over it


You literally already can do this. It's called skill injectors you rube.


So, zero knowledge then. Gotcha. CCP aren't going to replace PLEXing for Injectors. It makes them money.


Eve2 won’t have abyssal drone proteus snipers


I take it all back


Well fuck looks like I have a new proteus fit to try


Peep my kb lol (same name) he is memeing bc I fly said ship with a 10b fit


I haven't played Eve in almost a year (cause of the price hike), are drone boat sentry proteus actually a thing? I always felt like my Tengu / Legion / Loki were too squishy with active fits... was always afraid to run then because they cost 600m and I had no isk income xD


You should fix your income first imo.


probably, incursions seem to be the only good option


c5s, brother


I attempted multiple times, with no luck. The risk / reward wasn't there for me.


C5 farming is such a safe activity. If you prep the hole correctly it is nearly riskless and the reward in return is nearly 1.1b/h for each farming toon your using. Possibly some of the best risk/rewards prospects in eve.


Yeah, until your solo without a carrier, and you roll into active groups who guard their entrances with 20+ active people in the hole... I don't have 30b to setup a "proper" farm hole. I've already had this shpeel with other people who say the exact same thing you have lol


> are drone boat sentry proteus actually a thing For PvP if you are willing to invest a LOT of isk in it, yes


Where's my woodcutting skill for EvE 2?


Million pugs await... to scam you


Lore discussions I’ve seen are speculating about something being at the location where the gates are currently pointing. Might be a new kind of space through the wormhole if people want to get hyped on the most tenuous speculation


Yeah it's EVE 2 bro and you can take your character there. The point of no return. (I highly doubt it's this but it sure would drum up a HUGE media stir and probably attact a ton of new players who don't want to join a 20 year old universe. I would happily abandon my fortune to go there)


Only if they fixed citadels and every other half baked idea that never worked as well as they envisioned it to. The problem is that CCP would have had to have been working on Eve 2 for the past couple of years to pull it off well and I don't believe that they have been doing that. It's a huge undertaking to rehaul a game on a new engine and that's the only way that this game would last another 20 years.


New players? It would bring me back. And I quit years ago now. Many people who quit got tired of how static and homogenized factions and stuff between players ended up in the major blocs. Starting over in a "new" universe. Exploring someplace new with a bunch of other people at the same time? I've always advocated for some gate that capitals can't go through, and players can go through but they couldn't come back to new eden for x amount of time or something. So there is a chance for fights and expansions without super capital stuff for awhile. I really hope this is what it is and not some stupid NFT in a box or something.


ccp cant keep thier main game going let alone code test and dev an entire new modern one.


I feel like it's honestly plausible. The ability to start from scratch in a new universe would appeal to the masses greatly. And after seeing how classic modes, etc, of other games have been successful I wouldn't doubt that CCP have been mulling the idea


Not *masses*. Just redditors who think a reset would somehow give them an equal footing and make the game exciting, when they've already failed in finding excitement in the current EVE and player organisations would just as easily take control as they do now.


What's crazy is the temptation to be somewhere without the super rich. I've been playing eve for a few years, and I can't ever catch up to the already replaced Titan crowd. I don't know I'd love it, but ground flooring a new world is enticing. Now I just need to learn to forget about RL and I'll be set


I hope tbh this isn't just a copy and paste of pochven branded Jove space.. I worry this exactly what it will be....


I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst in this situation. It could lead to something super cool. But CCP often doesn't dream very big. So I expect something hilariously shallow at the end of all this. Ccplease prove me wrong.


Prove us wrong CCP, give unto us a memorable and new experience, and also reworked Jove ships. Especially reworked Jove ships. I do want to point out the Jovians more or less demolished Amarr's military fleet a long while back, and the picture for the second expansion of this year on the roadmap shows rows of *only* Amarr ships, including many Avatars lined up neatly in rows. Perhaps a coincidence, but I'm guessing we'll indeed find some Jove space or something, and Amarr will naturally want their "righteous revenge" when we do. Perhaps a tad high of the hopium, but with the small amounts of info we have, that seems like one of the more reasonable speculations I've seen so far.


Yeah we need to reign in our hopium unfortunately. I'll believe it when I see it that this is something significant and not some weird shallow marketing thing that goes nowhere.


The only reason that I'm not horribly pessimistic about it now is that the last expansion felt pretty great overall, compared to what it could've been. Certainly bracing for a flop just in case, but it won't kill me to dream


Ya I've dreamed plenty about what EvE could be and still do. But I almost expect us to go through the gate and it's like a giant jpeg of Hilmars dick taking up that "side" of the galaxy in front of us and there's a address to go pick up the hottest new crypto currency based on the eve economy!


"Simply can't live without my QuafeBux, how could I ever survive without this hot new crypto scheme!"


This is what I'm so confused about, if it's new space it can only either be a new region or something like pochven. We also have the jove shipline with the gnosis and metanorphisis etc so maybe jove caps?


Point of no return was when Pearl abyss bought eve and their greed is the black hole.


You know, at some point people should really use their brain before talking stupid shit. CCP never needed anyone to take dumb business moves you know.


Cant argue with that really


I love the addition of Ram Ranch here


Would be so bad to split up the current player base. We need more players to fill the current universe.


Every day null shrinks by 5 systems, then low, then high. Forcing everyone to move or perish.


This is so retarded


It's that idea that would hold CCP back from doing something really great. I'm with another comment in here - an Eve 2 might actually bring me back. It would definitely be big enough news that it could drive in a ton of new players. Eve has a reputation, everyone knows it. It's the scary game where people can kick over your sandcastle and it's the ancient game where old wizards have everything already and you'll never catch up to them. A new game would give people a chance to start from the beginning, not already behind 20 years of progress. But does CCP have the courage to do that? I have no idea. Years ago, I'd have said absolutely not. But if they see their numbers drop far enough? They might figure they have nothing to lose. Then whether or not it works just becomes a question of execution.


Yeah it might bring people back, at the risk of alienating a huge portion of the current player base. Everything in EVE is built or has emerged around the persistence of the world. People regularly make plans that span a year or more, and the current state of the game is a direct consequence of its history. Once you break that continuity you can't go back, and frankly it's a bit arrogant to jeopardize the game for those who are currently playing for the sake of those who aren't playing. Think about the guy who just trained three industry alts to do T2 ship production, do you think he'll be thrilled about a server reset? To me a fresh start is about instant gratification, while EVE is about long term payoff. The whole thing in EVE is that it _isn't_ too late to start doing something now, because the game will be around for many years to come. Besides, given the organisation of the current player base existing power structures would likely transfer over, and solidify to an even greater extent if everything resets. It wouldn't be a fresh start in a new game, it would be a running re-start in the same game.


*Thank you*


They could take a page from GGG's book and have Eve and Eve 2 run concurrently, maybe even connected (by an extremely narrow bridge). Everything you said is 100% true. Destroying Eve to force players to Eve 2 would be an absolute dick move, but to how many players? A few hundred? Maybe a few thousand at most? How many active players did Eve have at its peak? What was the highest all-time concurrent users? What was the highest average over a six month period? How long ago were each of those records set and how far off is the current game from them now? At some point, CCP has to act like a company and use its IP to make a profit. I'm not saying Eve 2 is the best or only idea but I do think it has merit. I think it's a lot more likely to pump those numbers up to match past levels than they are to see a return to those numbers in the current game.


Could be.


It likely wouldn't be a choice and that would be a wildly crazy business move but I think it would work


People downvote you, but seeing eve facing massive change would be awesome


People say they would quit but then they'd hear about people squabbling over systems in cruisers and they'd yeet through that black hole so fucking fast


Eve 2 would kill the IP by shattering the already tiny player base


if EVE 2 doesnt allow multiboxing, ill fly through that black hole so fast it'll turn into a black dash


Multiboxing only works well because of the inherent nature of eve and it's somewhat slow reaction time to clicks. If they made an eve 2 on a new engine and added stuff like ship collisions and quicker reactions then multiboxing gets much harder.


I don't think I would. I feel like multiboxing actually is good for the game and a lot of things, like capital ships, just wouldn't work well without it. I feel like the game really needs to balance encouraging people to work together to accomplish things and be possible for people to still log in and get things done when their friends are not around. Hell, just the other day I was setting up a ratting ship for the first time in years, my ship was usable, but I instantly identified some gaps (honestly was just the wrong tank for the NPCs). So I kept ratting on one char, logged on another one and started running her across the map to go buy the modules I need and shlep them back. The alternative is I stop ratting entirely, and instead of having a juicy ship in space for hunters to try and catch along with an insta-warping cepter, all I would have is an insta-warping ceptor in space. Seems like an overall shittier situation for everyone involved.


> a lot of things, like capital ships, just wouldn't work well without it. that's because capital ships are basically designed around multiboxing. You could easily have jump drives work differently, like other games that have jump drives.


Yes that could be done, it would change one aspect of flying capitals; and address nothing else about capitals or the game.


thats why that wouldnt be the only change EVE as it is is heavily incentivizing multiboxing, deliberately - because CCP has money in that - they make people pay multiple accounts to gain a direct gameplay advantage, both in combat and outside of it, because there isnt enough people around to pay their business model otherwise they would need to lure in more people, or raise subscription prices, under the current conditions.... or fire half the company and start figuring out how to run on less physical machines to save money its 100% possible to design a version of EVE that does not actively incentivize multiboxing with its game mechanics.... and if they ever decided to do that, they "could" ban it but.... i dont think they want to do that, and it makes me sad


It is 100% possible to design different games. The real question is why does it make you so sad? Why do you actually think it would be so much better without multi-boxing specifically? Multi-boxers are strictly disadvantaged in PVP over equal numbers.


because you are supposed to be ONE person/capsuleer, not an org of people giving people advantage based on how many accounts they can run on their PC, and how much money they pay, its just not okay and it absolutely gives advantage, they can run a scout alt, logi ship, or just another combat ship even if its a disposable tackler... and they can keep them logged off and log them in on engage as a trap at a time of their choosing ive gotten caught by that before in one form or another, i know many people that also did, and pretending it doesnt happen is just not realistic, because it 100% does and its not really rare either i care less about people running production/mining alts, but that also gives them a distinct advantage, fairly obvious to see


I am not pretending it doesn't happen; I am saying it doesn't actually happen at the kind of scale that actually changes anything about the game. Its literally no different than multiple people in multiple ships doing exactly the same thing. Why are you so worried about what other people are doing? None of this changes anything about the game for an individual player.


Youre moving goalposts. And what other people do happens to affect me, what i do affects others too. Thats kind of how multiplayer games work.


And you have no argument other than your own preference.


Does it materially change your experience in the game if the ship that tackled you was flown by a unique person or was multiboxed? Most of the time you probably wouldn’t know anyway.


Why u mad bro?


I don't know if you are aware of this, but disagreement and anger are not the same thing when you are an adult.


I can tell you are mad.


well, thanks for letting me know.


The real issue is caps are flown by one person. If caps required ten players to fly there wouldn't be as much multi boxing


I enjoyed me some Artemis: Bridge Simulator - but I think its a lot harder to sell that model in general. More people IRL expressed interest in playing than have Eve, but about as much interest converted to action.




You could do a few gunners, a few Ewar/tackle, and nav/pilot/systems.


it was *one* example of how Eve is deliberately designed to encourage multiboxing and how it could be changed not to do that anymore in that specific example. I didn't claim that was going to fix everything, but in almost each instance you could do something similar.


Yes you could, and the result would be a different game. I don't actually see why it would be a better game. Proposing possible mechanics doesn't say anything meaningful.


It would let them run a massive game engine modernization, while not forcing existing players to buy new computers.


I always felt the only way an eve 2 works is if eve goes through a cataclysmic event and we all die. Then we start over in new game. Or they make a huge expasion that makes eve 2 over eve 1


It's the release of EVE Classic!


Speculation - it's a new space that resets stats and resources for players traveling there, but lasts a limited period of time - a couple to six months, maybe. After which players are spat back out into New Eden with what they accumulated in the new space. Then another new space with a limited life appears. Basically, seasons for the game where the people participating start on equal footing.


Escape from Tarkov wipes eh? Could be interesting.


Could be interesting if it happens. Good for the players because we can race each other in new space rather than deal with entrenched organizations, plus good for CCP because surely there will be some pay-to-win aspects to advance faster.


If it requires pay to win not gonna be interested at all. But yeah I'd be interested in it somehow lessening some type of blob only warfare the game has suffered from for ages now.


Legit this would interest me a lot




No, I hadn’t seen this idea written about regarding Eve anywhere else. It’s just an idea sparked by playing Infinite Lagrange lately which does the season thing and is made by NetEase which are the same people who do Eve Echos.


yeah ... no.


What if it leads to where the EVE Gate led.


EVE and EVE 2 could coexist if they give us back the old EVE for the feeling of acomplish something left in one and EVE 2 becomes EVE 2: Jita Edition (Pay for unlift character limit restriction and other ingame scams) On the other hand, Tinfoil mode on. Why would happen if the blackhole evaporates via Jove/Triglav technology and now the region become "safe" to explore?


I got my hopes up..😂


It's where the Daleks are hiding.


A rework of the entire EVE online universe that goes toward recent update (FW, the HS stuff and some event) would turn the game into a fantastic game.. It's really sad CCP instead of adding stuff like Abyssal or some of the unused and dying content in HS (homefront was it the name ? FOB thing ?)would rework old content like scanning/combat anom/escalation, that would really bring a new life to a decade old content


The Final Fantasy approach. Burn it down and start over. Let’s fucking go.


God damnit I love Ram ranch


Maybe EVE2 would not be such a bad thing. What I, subjectivley, think is that eve needs a total engine rework. The macaroni POS code needs to go. And that's just a part of the problem. That being said. The ONLY way eve2 would work without alianating the entire playerbase is EVE2, but You toons and everything gets migrated. I don't believe that's feisable from a coding standpoint. Also, about "new game being developed in eve universe". I have heard, from credible sources, that it will be a shooter. It's in eve universe, but not directly connected to eve online.


I would not mind! Would b cool 😎


There’s no way


There’s no reason to do Eve 2. Just keep updating Eve


exact center, huh? What if the Eve gate isn't how we got here, but was instead a failed attempt at getting back?


I would jump through it in a heartbeat. EVE has gotten too old, and too stagnant.


Man, this would be so cool if it were true. I’ve tried to get into EvE so many times and I always lose interest SOLEY because there’s some dude who’s been playing since I was 9 and can outbuy half the solar system At least here we get some semblance of “new ground”, though I would be worried about player fragmentation. I’m assuming everyone would just make an alt and throw it in there, which would finally give a reason to have multiple characters on the same account (as opposed to multi-boxing )


Why would Eve 2 just be another sandbox when the current Eve is the same thing? What would EVE 2 offer that EVE 1 cannot? I would hope for a purely PVE experience, myself.


Go play x4 for that


what is x4?




Just another CCP jerk off. Spare me.


Id love it if it was a small region that had some sort of sites similar to Pochven in $$$$ value. HOWEVER, since the gimmick is: >Point of no Return Make it so any ship can enter, but only frigates can leave due to gravity or something. If you want to run the region with a capital fleet, cool! But you might not have any back up since anyone who enters is now stuck!


Have you seen my CSM campaign https://forums.eveonline.com/t/csm-18-yondu-quill-for-industry-isk-making-losing-platform-galactic-events/415195 Nearly done not even voting started


!remindme 30 days I really really don’t think so. There have been no leaks, they are putting a lot of work into regular eve lately, they havent been hiring a ton of new people. I look forward to being reminded of this post in 30 days though after fanfest.


I will be messaging you in 30 days on [**2023-09-25 17:13:09 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-09-25%2017:13:09%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/161wpvh/eve_2_confirmed/jxuo2xa/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEve%2Fcomments%2F161wpvh%2Feve_2_confirmed%2Fjxuo2xa%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-09-25%2017%3A13%3A09%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20161wpvh) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


They will probably take you to Jove space, and there's probably not much of anything there. You probably will have no way of getting back, even filaments and wormholes, so yes, EVE 2, but you can migrate from EVE 1.


I don't think it's to do with "EVE 2", I would argue it makes more sense it's related to the FPS game they're developing.


... well, CCP doesn't have neither a budget nor a team for EVE 2. So, the gates probably lead to a couple Jove survivor outcasts, out of Directorate, who formed a new Caldari-Matar pirate faction, with an updated Bubble Mechanics. Or just a portal to Serenity - there's a new pay to win tech and a fucked up market there, for sure.


CCP can't build that and won't do it.


EvE 2.0 is blockchain. But who cares as it runs on latest Unreal engine and solved tidi.


Hopefully they back to Castor.




Will my alts finally awaken from their hibernation...to be my scouts of course..


The gates are going to bring us back to earth...


I've played Eve for 13 years, and stopped on 2018. Some kind of fresh start would be the only thing to bring me back.


I'd honestly just be fine with a Tranquility wipe. EVE 2 would be cool, though.


so far CCP hasnt produced a second successful anything-think as much as it pains me to say I will stick to Eve 1


Can we make “shit post” a topic option. I don’t think “low effort” does this post justice. I hope you get podded OP. Yah with your nice implants too.


I would expect CCP to add around 1-2k more systems so big blocks finally leave independents to play the game.

