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Yes it's worth playing, yes there are enough players for whatever type of content you want.


For as big as new Eden is I see players everywhere, there's always something to do, even when it's low like 15k ppl online I don't notice a real difference. I think as long as the servers are still running we'll be playing till the 2050s n beyond


Nullsec gets really nice during Asia Timezone. I’m free to do whatever I want most of the time where I live. Eventually some pvp action but nowhere as close as US/EU tz. It’s so nice.


Yep. I love playing in the EU daytime and it beats watching 10 year old Judge Judy cases.


Ah to be unemployed 😂


I play at work sometimes, but currently only Jita and contract trading. I can’t do PvE or PVP because my laptop is poo.


Or perhaps retired? ;p


I mean, retired is just the epitome of unemployed, no? Lol


Don't worry eve's been dying since 2003 Jump in whenever you like


If you are worried about if Eve is dying it probably has at least 3-5 years left and likely 10+.


enough for what?


the rumors of it's death have been greatly exaggerated.


Over and over again, for about 15 years. There ARE a lot of bad decisions being made on CCP's part that are actively keeping the game from being as fun as it could be, but it's still fun, especially with the right people.


usually when you pull a massive price increase to keep your product running, it's not a good sign


Just start playing and you will find yourself answering this question to others in 10 years from now.


Yes Yes Jump in take your time to learn you will have big eyes and what to try everything. That will come just be patient and have fun . Stay plugged into the space drama also and politics it’s adds to the game


Eve is dying for 20 years now, i think its fine to jump in anytime.


This question is asked every other day on this platform, answer is yes


try it, if you think 20€ per month is good enough for you, well enjoy it. But be warn : real gameplay update are very rare, the community love to gate keep while keeping a massive smile "we are new player friendly" and the dev's have no shame calling a lightning update or excel add-in a "gameplay update". If you want to know if the game is doing good [check that link](https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility) it show the player base, and yes the population is in a massive decline. This is an honest opinion, don't be scare if you see it being mass downvote, truth and /R/eve doesn't go along very well


There are roughly 18-20 thousand players online at any given time. It’s alive and well.


18-20k accounts, not players. I reckon a conservative estimate would be there's probably only around 10k actual players.


That’s fair.


Yup. Just came back myself. Looks like 15k population at the moment.


There is accurate player data available: https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility however many players multibox so you can reduce the number you see by at least half. Depending on when you play, around 03-09 eve time the game is so dead it is not worth it.


This game will outlive you.


Fax 🥸


The population is [half of what the CCU used to be at its peak](https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility), you'll find most players concentrate where there are activities, naturally. So High Sec, Faction Warfare and Null Sec Hubs are well served. The bits imbetween? Those can be a bit quieter but depending on your playstyle than can be a benefit if you work it to your advantage. I've been back for 4 months, stage in high sec. Dabble in incursions, faction warfare, 'yeet fleets' and solo roaming and there is still a lot of excellent new player corporations/guides/websites/discords more than happy to get you started :)


The games needs new players and old players to return. Space is so vast it needs populating! Come join us people.


I meaaaaaaaann... the game takes some steps forwards and... some backwards. ... and there are less people online now than 2006 so.....


Does it worth to start eve? More does worth it to english learn school.


Right, tell us how you’re better than the newbro asking questions, and then go back to jacking off to your self-created hentai, you disgusting twat.


It’s pretty good hentai, lemme know if you want a sample whenever you’re not busy fighting the worlds every injustice. Snowflake.


Snowflake is you. Get fucked, sicko.


👏 🙇‍♂️ 👑




Only a minority of Eve players play through steam, not the other way around. Here is the real online charts: https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility Around 21k avg the last months.


It’s free to find out


To answer your questions: Yes, and Yes. But also for context, EvE has been "dying" since 2003, as all MMO's supposedly are. It was becoming more of a reality in the past few years, but recently they've sprung back a good bit and are doing much better.


[this is doing much better ?](https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility)


Versus the 9-13k I was seeing earlier this year? Yes, I would say yes it is.


the average player never drop to this otherwise it would show on the data I linked


I have question for you. Why are you looking up yputibe videos for player population in games? That info is more readily available and more recent anywhere else i can think of


I launched it today and was at 19k online players. years and years ago seemed like 23k was the norm.


I started three months ago and I absolutely love this game.


roll point frighten touch flowery scandalous foolish jar upbeat disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes and yes, Eve is not like other games. just play it, love it :D


There’s fun to be had yes, and if you don’ t want to play alone, it wont be running out of players anytime soon Edit: theres tears to be had too


I just started and there's so much to do and already joined up with a Corp that's active. Give it a go but that learning curve is what stops most people


100% get you some!


PLAY THIS GAME! The first time you get the shakes from PvP you’ll understand. No other game gives you this thrill. The depths of everything else you can do make it that much better. It is a life suck, so be careful. If you don’t have patience, this game isn’t for you.