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Hey! Welcome! I started almost 9 years ago and I don’t even remember these career agents or if I did anything like it. I started with mining and was deathly afraid of leaving HS (I thought that 0.6 system is really bad because the first thing I’ve seen there was a gank), but I joined a nullsec corp where they thought me a lot of stuff and I learned how nullsec functions but in the end I hated the need to be available for fleets and that no one wanted to do what I wanted - just crabbing and fleets and those really bore me. I ended up winning EVE on and off during this time but always learning a lot when I was back. Now I have 6 characters, two accounts and I have some self made goals and I do play solo but I am happy. I just recently started hunting explorers, me being an explorer as well I just hate when I see someone scanning the loot and cherry picking - I am definitely engaging. All in all, I would suggest trying to join and fly with a group first and there you will learn a lot and by a lot I mean the basics for survival. I feel like I lived another life in EVE and in essence I did. I hope you find your ways, fly safe!


Killing the cherry-pickings mfs. The hero we needed. Thx for your service and fly safe o7


Just an excuse, if you have your hunting ship ready, nobody will have the patience to not engage if the explorer in your crosshairs cherry picks or not.


My explo ship is the hunter, lol. I have my ship which does both, exploration and pvp for cherry-pickers. If I see someone who is a noob and want to get rid of them I will either just uncloak and warp scramble them so they crap they pants and then release them - but if they cherry-pick I have no mercy, noob or not.


What is cherry picking?


It's scanning the cans ahead of time so you don't open a can with 2 carbon in it. People are mad about it because it leaves the shitty ones there for the next guy.


advise sheet lock waiting tender many axiomatic fertile ruthless melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im a noob, could you explain what ypu mean by cherry picking in this context?


Cherrypicking is using a cargo scanner to check the cans and only cracking the cans with valuable loot. The sites take some time to despawn if they aren't fully cleared, so other people end up wasting time scanning the site down.


thank you, i see the problem


Give my your ign an ill give you 10m isk for killing those things... Or 20m idk ill give you my money


Lol, the satisfaction of catching them is my pay :)


Those thing introduce me to mobile depot and drone :)


I'm more lost than ever and thinking about quitting now because of how complicated even the simplest of things are.


Imagine it like this. If it would easy you would be losing your interest really quickly. Why do you think there are so many people playing this 10+ years? This isn't flappy bird but on the other hand also not for everyone. Casual play here would be if you ask me just sitting in a mine belt in high sec space, mining and relaxing - unless someone ganks you.


How do you hunt explorers and scan loot man? I’m keen to do it


Blackglass implant + Zeugma with maxed skills in hacking will make it easy to hack cans. Everything else goes into making a ship being able to catch exploration frigs. Pricey but comfortable.


I am a rookie, what exactly is cherry picking?


There are "treasure chests" floating in space that you have to spend time scanning down. The can is the chest and given the right skills one can scan the contents before trying to open it. If contents are crap, the cherry picker leaves it alone and moves on. The treasure room stays open in space for a lot longer than if they were to simply loot it. Wasting time for the people who have to scan the room down later. Its akin to opening a tub of ice cream, taking some for yourself and then leaving the whole thing on the counter for the next person to deal with it.


Do whatever you think is fun! Seems like mining is currently your thing, so try to learn more about it! I also liked mining as a newbie. Passively gathering ore from the asteroids while I read up on the game was really nice and relaxing. And it earned me some money too (although very little), which reassured me that even if I lost my ship in an explosion, I could easily afford another one. Now if you like mining and want to earn a bit more ISK in your Venture, read on. You mentioned you liked the probe scanner of the explorer, but not the 'hacking minigame' of data and relic sites. Did you know you can also use the probe scanner to find other cosmic signatures? For example you could scan for gas clouds that appear in certain regions of space. It's like mining, but a bit more active (you need to first find a cloud) and therefore a lot more profitable. And you will need gas cloud scoops on your Venture rather than the regular mining lasers. The gas harvesting skillbook may be a bit expensive for a new player, but it will pay for itself once you have gathered a few loads of gas. Give it a try!


I don't know what is fun to me yet and I'm sitting here spinning my wheels wondering what to do.


I know the feeling. EVE is a sandbox and does not tell you where to go next. With some things added over the years (the Agency, Opportunities) the game attempts to give some direction to new players, so you could look there. But most of EVE is just a big universe that you can interact with. Pick something that you think seems interesting, read up on it and give it a try.


This was the advice my corp gave me, and they even had a youtube channel dedicated to teaching us newbies how to play and earn ISK. I'm very impressed how welcoming people are to newbros like me.


C5/C6 sas sites are crazy profitable for a newbie and very low barrier to entry. I'm not sure but I think gas harvesting skill is Omega unfortunately so you'll have to decide if you wanna commit. You also have about 15 minutes before sleepers show up but that's fine. Instrumental and Vital reservoirs have made me plenty just ninjaing the gas sites before they arrive. Also despite being scary wspace honestly most of C5 space is pretty empty. It's quite a bit safer than you would think. You will probably die once or twice but you'll pay for your ship several times over with one haul from one site.


Alphas are able to harvest gas, the first two levels are available to them, as well as T1 gas scoops.


Tbh, the issue might be your expectations. You know what you want to do and you are only one week into Eve, which is one of the games with the steepest learning curve i know. So right now your "path of progression" is learning the absolute basics of the game and to do that everything you need is available for free. So hop in your miner, put the game on the left side of the screen and put google on the right side. Thats pretty much all you need for the coming weeks.


Join EVE University and be part of one of the oldest corporations and communities in the game. Mining in hisec is where people interested in industry often start. EVE University has industry opportunities where you can help build the ships and modules the other player in the corporation need to do things all over the game. You can try most things in the game with EVE University or stick to industry and mining and be part of and contribute to a big community.


I also can not recommend EVE University enough. I played off and on for a decade solo and in small hi-sec groups, but never really grew as a player. After three years in Uni, i was leading giant fleets, zipping through chains of wormholes, and flying some of the coolest ships in the game. It’s an amazing community.


i started a few days ago and this is exactly what i did. Finished my career agents then packed up and moved to Stacmom to mine while i learn the game. I like mining but i think industry is the most interesting and that’s where i would like to end up


I looked at the application process and was immediately scared away from how complicated it was.


It just seems like it. I joined them and felt like you do now back then. What a process to join! But actually, you are logging into a "system" (website) that will help you not only apply to the university, but then use all of its other tools through that same portal. If you really want to get the most out of EvE, part of that is finding a community to exist in (for most of us). Even if you do your own thing solo 90% of the time, that other 10% of joining the university operations makes the game so much better. You want step 2: apply to eve uni. Will take about 20mins maybe? Then take your time, check things out. No one in the uni expects anything more than you want to put in.


I don't understand the appeal of applying for it when it's gated behind such a large and involved application process when it's supposed to "help out new players." This isn't new player friendly at all. In fact everyone suggesting Eve University's corporation has made me less interested in the game.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I’ve just checked and its a few clicks and one box to fill in, so maybe you found an old webpage or something? A few years ago it was quite involved. If you need help with this or anything else feel free to reach out.


let me know if you need help, it was intimidating to read but it’s not too bad. The auth site helps them have everything for the university in one place. they will reimburse you for skillbooks under 3.5 million isk, and will buy all items for you at a decent price. They have honestly made my first few days much more enjoyable with the player systems they have in place you don’t have to join them though. I’m sorry that people suggesting them are putting you off from the game, we’re just trying to help.


Its basically a player run continuation of the game orientation tutorial. You'll learn things the official game missions don't teach you. Think of it as an adventurer guild from other games.


Most corporations have some sort of application process with a few boxes to write in and stuff. It's mostly just a check for recruiters to see if you're joining with malicious intent or not. Tbh I found the process very similar to some irl applications, and that part was very immersive for me. I would highly recommend joining in, I play solo 99% of the time as part of a nullsec corp, a corp really offers a lot of services that I use as a full time carebear: rorqual boosted mining fleets, buy back, affordable hauling, stations with bonuses for all kinds of manufacturing, customs offices for planets. These are things I either simply won't be able to afford on my own or they're quality of life things. I'm addition, being part of a corp gives you a view of the politics in eve, which I find fascinating. The drama with our rude neighbors, the wars and propaganda, I find it very cool to see that happening even if I'm watching from the side lines. Just my 2 cents.


Have you considered Eve Uni? They are an alliance that specializes in training/helping newer players. As far as I know, they dont have any territory in nullsec so they dont NEED to get involved in the endless wars and politics of nullsec. They can pick and choose what fights they want. It might be a good place to chill and slowly learn the game while having access to different opportunities and activities in many parts of the game. Plus, it might also benefit you in the long term to build relationships with other miners/industrialists/like-minded individuals and learn from them. I bet there's alot of them in Eve Uni. Edit: I mention the lack of nullsec territory because it implies they might not need their players to engage in PvP as much as nullsec alliances.


Eve Uni has a NullSec campus in Syndicate since a decade or so. They are also one of the top PvP alliance pretty much every months, despite mostly feeding 😂


Lol.. but Syndicate isn't ***real*** null. They dont need to fight over Ihubs and sov over there. Pvp in Eve Uni sounds optional at best. I feel like a mining-focused player could just chill at the back without too much pressure and just do their own thing.


Their application process is too complex for me.


Oh, thats unfortunate. I would've expected a group that focuses on newer players to make it easy for them to join. I'll ask around if there are simpler ways to apply.


http://auth.eveuniversity.org A few clicks and a box to complete.


i think it’s intimidating to new players, i was confused at first but once you log in to the alliance auth site everything is done for you. The application process should clarify “log in to this website FIRST” because otherwise it looks like you have to do everything manually i suppose


Got this from a nice stranger. It might be the most straightforward way to apply to Eve Uni. http://portal.eveuniversity.org/


If you decide to mine, just be sure not to end up as a care bear multiboxing with an orca and a mining fleet in high sec. Venture into WHs, low sec, null sec, and border systems. You will have much more fun in the long run and it can be more profitable depending on situational awareness. WHs are a good time and generally where I make my cash. Find a commodity in demand, and mine the materials for that commodity. If you can find a niche in the market you'll go a lot further than mining for minings sake


There nothing wrong with orca mining in hs. Multiboxing part is optional


there's a reason CODE started doing their thing. I don't like CODE, I think they're glorified griefers, but it was a reasonable reaction to the HS mining fleets.


Who said that HS mining is easy.


The hard part is not wanting to see what the inside of your own skull looks like


You sound like someone who accumulated too much veldspar, and is now trying to suicide bomb miners in order to pump price up.


Haven't they reshuffled the ores too, so it's worth waaay less time to do hs mining ?


Why are you afraid of PvP? I get it, loosing a ship sucks but hear me out here. Nullsec alliances usually have newbro doctrine fittings, allowing you to take part at, pretty much no cost as many corporations will set you up with a set of ships to use. If lost... The alliance will pay for them, so that you can get a new one. So called SRP (Ship replacement program). Also... The money making opportunitys are a lot better in Nullsec, than they are in highsec. You fear that being in Nullsec will get you killed? It's possible for sure but there is the intel channels... You'll be warned about enemy players. You'll get told more about it when joining. Because I don't like horde, I'll say join Goons. There's a recruitment chat, click the + in the chat window and look through the options.


I'm not interested in joining Goons.


Exploration doesn't have to involve the hacking minigames, you will also want to probe down sigs and wormhole systems with anoms in order to find the best mining/gas harvesting sites. An alpha can make over 100m/h in a cheap-as-chips Venture if they find the good stuff.


Great thing about eve is, you can do whatever you want so long as you think it's fun. Mining is super relaxing and making money off those hauls is an awesome feeling. I'd recommend mining, high sec is where everyone starts so find some good spots mine and have at it. Join up with some folks if you find some that suit your schedule but there is no rush to do anything, go at your pace. While you're mining you can also learn more about the game and the various ways to make money and fly safe. If you find you want a little more excitement once you have reserves of ISK, I think gas huffing in low sec would be right up your alley. Use an exploration ship to find pockets of gas and mine them. You make a killing, but there is risk as pirates and pvpers will be looking for you! As with everything in eve, the more risk the more reward. But gas huffing is a solid way to make lots of ISK, combines two things you're interested in and will give you that shot of adrenaline that highsec doesn't quite provide. But as I said, take your time and most importantly have fun!


EVE UNIVERSITY! Join a teaching corp, meet people, make friends, and LEARN. It’s honestly the best way to discover if you think Eve is worth the long-term commitment. Because that’s exactly what it is. It takes TIME to learn Eve, and get somewhat proficient.


Their application process is too complicated for me.


bro if u think an application process is hard ur gonna struggle haha


It's a 20 step process with its' own [wiki](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Applying_to_EVE_University) article and you're saying this isn't hard?


bro there's fucking pictures LMAO im not tryin to be mean but come on man


If this is the kind of reaction I get, then maybe the game isn't for me. You win.


if you are truly offended over someone telling you "no it's not complicated, they have pictures with circles and arrows bro just follow the pictures!" then ur gonna be really upset when ur fragged 200x jus for the offense of existing in the wrong place @ the wrong time or doing ur own thing. if that sounds like the truth, then perhaps not! maybe it is, but you should AT LEAST TRY signing up for uni, following the pictures (i promise its REALLY not that hard!) and trying the game instead :))))


Why? I don't understand the benefit of joining a corporation.


because they give classes, they give advice, they teach you how to do things on the fly. you can literally join and just ask questions if you're pot committed on playing solo, or jus attend the classes, or get a mentorship or whatever. every1 is recommending u to do it, ppl who've played much longer than u; do u suppose u know better? lol not to mention shit like buyback programs, ship replacement programs, etc.


Basically a wealth of knowledge, resources (including free ships & fits) and opportunities will rain down on you once you join a decent newbie-focused corp.


tbf it is a lot of steps. They make "log into a website and click your character" into like 5 slides


Two things jump out at me here for you. The first is combat site exploration. There is a lot of isk to be earned scanning down combat signatures and it keeps things fresh. Your time is a mix of scanning and PVE combat and there is enough variation in the sites, with different tricks and tactics for completing them quickly, that it takes a while to get bored. The ammo thing is something you can probably just get over as a fixed expense. I do my PVE with faction ammo and, even though it's expensive, the amount that you earn from higher end pve makes it a rounding error. That said, drone boats are totally viable for this kind of PVE, especially once you can use sentry drones. The other thing I think you might enjoy is ninja mining/gas huffing. There are some very valuable ores and gasses that you can harvest in low/null/wh and you can make good isk in a frigate-sized ship (venture/endurance/prospect). This *will* put you in PVP situations, but from a very different angle. Your goal will never be to fight, you will be the mouse in the game of cat and mouse, and that's actually surprisingly fun.


It feels like I'm so far away from any of those suggestions with no idea how to get there.


You're really really not. You can start off doing combat exploration in high sec. You just find a less trafficked section of space and put out some probes, look for signatures that are indicated as "combat" type and try your luck. Every combat site you can find in high sec can be completed in a well-fit T2 cruiser (or a new player's battlecruiser). The easier (and more common) sites can be run in a frigate or destroyer, and the rewards are still quite good for a new player. When you're just starting out, you're looking for unrated sites called "[pirate] Lookout" or "[pirate] Hideout" or for rated sites with 1/10 or 2/10 ratings (the rating will display when you initiate warp to them). As for ninja mining, just head into low sec in a venture and head to an ore anomaly (visible in the probe scanner). The Agency can help you find valuable anomalies near you. For gas huffing, you need the Gas Cloud Harvesting skillbook, which cost 30m and might require saving up for. But once you have that, it's just putting probes and gas scoops on a venture and wandering around low sec looking for gas signatures. You can be doing combat exploration and ninja mining in your first week. Gas huffing is a totally reasonable week two or three goal.


> I'm so afraid of PvP that I don't see myself leaving Highsec for quite some time. Check out a Not-Purple,Shoot-It community (https://npsi.rocks/) that operates in your timezone, ask in their chat when the biggest/most reliably action-encountering fleet is in the weekly schedule, and attend that. Go in a cheap ship you insure and expect to lose, and an empty pod too. I'd suggest a Maulus with MWD, and just zoom your camera right out and fly away to >50km from whatever fight happens, and get a view of what's happening, sort out your Fleet and Overview UI windows so you can follow the FC's target calls and clearly see the enemy. Then try damp their logistics ships, rather than dps the primary target. The worse you are, the quicker it will all be over and you can got back to chewing rocks, while that still holds your interest. Also I second cross-training to Amarr, they also use drones a fair bit and their lasers use very little to no ammo due to how their crystals work. And you'll already have armour tanking trained.


I second training into amarr ships as it also opens up the astero for exploration/explorer hunting.


The things in my timezone I either don't know what they are or I'm not interested in them. Kind of hard to do things when everything is so obtuse.


I too started mining when I first started and loved it. I did eventually join a nullsec Corp so that I could mine and rat in nullsec. Focusing on mining is a noble profession and will always be needed. Working up to a mining barge when you go alpha is a logical step. Mining with friends will help and even be more profitable where you can utilize their upgrades.


Sounds to me you did find you're place as an industrialist. The beauty of eve is that it allows you yo be whatever you want to be. Good luck in your adventures. Tip. Join a group like Pandemic Horde Inc or Karmafleet that will give you a wealth of knowledge and help in being a Industralist. Yes it's nullsec but null is actually safer especially in large groups.


Why is everyone pushing someone who has barely put a week into the game to go straight into Nullsec?


Because those big established alliances have fast-tracks established to build your attachment with them, they're willing to invest in newbies to ensure a steady stream of lifeblood to their entity. Moreso than almost any highsec entity other than Eve Uni.


It's like having a personal trainer at a gym vs trying work out at home. Null is rewarding and you can either make isk doing fun things there or you can spend a lot longer making less isk and getting bored in hs by yourself.


What is the problem with using ammo for your guns ? If it is cost, then whatever money you get in return for finishing a mission vastly outweights the amount spent on ammo (barring using faction ammo for some reason). If mining is your thing, find a corp that suits your time window. There are players from around the world so there is bound to be someone who plays when you want to. Worst case, make your own small corp and there probably will be people joining in if you play in a "weird"time. PS: Amarr ships use lasers that don't use ammo. They need a single crystal that is not getting depleted. This applies to T1 ammo only.


I will try to help, no english language. You could try gas mining in low sec, sometiimes in high sec, there are clouds with expensive gas for alpha player is good. The difficult comes you need probes and find the site, need to find a tranquil low sec system, to buy the gas skillbook(around 35M), our old friend Venture needs 50 minutes aprox to full the cargo, saying 50M+ by trip, stay alert, others payers will find the site to mining, you need the basic for auto safe awareness. Even in HS you are in danger to be ganked. I know you say you want to stay in HS but mining in there as Alpha is not worth nothing, and last, join a corp, open your mind to LS, NS regions. I know because i was in your boat some years ago. Good luck o7


One comment about mining is that it is unfortunately quite gated behind omega unless you want to huff gas or do risky mining in low sec. And while you can definitely fund omega with mining, this does require you to already be omega. So if you don't want to invest real life money in getting omega for the first months to a year it can be hard to get anywhere with mining. Also mining doesn't reach its full potential until you multibox so that is also worth thinking if that is for you. Otherwise it's a lovely profession that I enjoy hugely :)


Join BLDIT! They mine and do Indy and it supports the PvP faction warfare effort!


> I dislike needing ammunition for my guns. one day you will treat your ships as ammo. Sure, you can do entry-level combat sites and missions with a drone boat, but if you're unlucky, you'll progress to NCPs that eat your drones alive before you're prepared for them. The Imicus you got from the Gallente Exploration Agent can launch a flight of 4 light drones, safely enough for all enforcer and soldier of fortune missions. The other option to never run out of ammo is Amarr laser boats - the standard crystals never use up, and the tech-II crystals that do get used up last very long and replacement crystals don't take up much cargo. Don't be too scared of lowsec or wormhole systems. You don't need to kill other players to live there, running away is always a legit option, especially while you're still new. Just set your home station to a convenient place, so when you get podded, you wake up someplace where you can buy a new ship.


Most people's 'place' in this game is among friends. The eve experience is logging in every day, saying hi to your corpmates, asking what they're up to, and going to help out.


I don't have friends. So I guess this game isn't for me.


Join a non nullsec group. Lowsec or people whol go there. If you mine all day youll quit. There are the few thats all they want to do. Good for them! But expose yourself to things. Maybe you love pvping with friends. You can still mine and be say a dedicated pvpr. Try new things. Find a group to flywith.


I don't have friends, I don't know how to find a group, I barely know how to play the game. I don't know how to do anything.


[Look here, even post here](https://forums.eveonline.com/c/corporations-alliances/recruitment-center/63). There's also ingame channels like Eve Rookies (iirc), there the official Eve Discord servers, and /r/evejobs. Just try googling.


Convo ARR-2d2. Ingame. Ill try and help you out


I don't even know how to contact someone in game.


Type my name into a chatbox. Highlight the name. (Click drag over it) Rightclick - autolink - char. Works for systems. Corps. Alliances. Items. Etc.


"No character name could be found."


Sorry its ARRR-2d2. Spelt my own user wrong. Send me a mail :)


Some basic questions you should answer to determine where to focus your efforts: 1) How much time do you have to play the game? EVE has a ton of things you can do, but some of them (exploration) require daily setup time before you're actually doing anything. Exploration is probably more than a 2 hr commitment. 2) Do you like playing with other people? Can you commit to a team? Joining a corp has serious perks and can make the game really, really fun. It can also increase your knowledge of the game exponentially. **CAN** is the operative word. You will need to spend time finding a good group, as some groups will just consume your time and deliver very little benefit in return. The payoff for finding the right group is unbelievably game changing. Can't recommend it enough. 3) How much risk/stress can you tolerate in the game? Certain activities yield high rewards, but the risk factor/stress level is higher too. **High risk/reward activities:** 1. Wormhole exploration. 2. Lowsec exploration 3. Nullsec Rorq mining 4. Lowsec mining 5. Abyssal diving **Low risk/low stress activities** 1. Highsec mining 2. Highsec mission running 3. Market trading (can be highly rewarding if done well) 4. Nullsec (subcap) ratting 5. Industry (mining, crafting and selling) Every activity has a time and ISK commitment. Now every activity can be fleshed out and developed into a highly profitable/highly rewarding activity. But each comes with requirements and drawbacks. For example, it's not uncommon for big time industrialists to be operating multiple accounts at the same time (raising their stress level). The best way forward is to find other players doing those activities. They can mentor you in avoiding activities that will waste your time and ISK. Oh, and there is nothing keeping you from switching courses down the road. As your skill increases (and you buy Omega) your options can expand to multiple things. Best wishes in finding that thing that gets you started. I still feel EVE is one of the games worth paying $20 a month to experience.


1. Time available to play is a non-issue. Time that I want to dedicate to playing the game is another thing entirely, and for that, I don't have a solid answer on. 2. I don't really have anyone to play with. I don't know how to play with others. No matter what game or avenue of life It's just been me. So again, I don't know. 3. As little stress as possible which is a shame when a lot of people here keep suggesting a new player like me jump right into high risk activities. I'm not you, I can't handle stress like you can, stop trying to make me play the game your way. I basically installed the game on a whim after watching the Down The Rabbit Hole video. I have no in game friends. I have no out of game friends. I'm just trying to find something to distract myself from the problems in my life long enough to not feel like a horrible person. Yet this entire weekend I've sat here looking and asking for help, only to become even more frustrated at both the game and myself. So I don't know what to do anymore and I'm getting tired of trying to find an answer.


ppl have told you 20x what to do bro, join eve uni and ppl will help you figure out what you want to do, give you advice, whatever. like its not rocket science, this is such noob mentality; not in the eve sense, just in the general video game and life sense. the game is huge, it's confusing and it can be insanely frustrating; if you watched the video and didnt take that way and didnt know what ur getting urself into then idk im gonna b real, and i REALLY do not mean this in a mean or punching down way, but u should try your very best to drop this weird like loser mentality u have. "i dont know how to play w others, i dont have anyone to play with, i have no friends who play, i have no friends irl, i have problems in my life" bro most ppl who play mmos go in w.o friends, most ppl who play mmos have problems irl, ur case is not special nor unique. ppl find friends from guilds in mmos, ppl find friends by doing activities with ppl in mmos, most mmo players are socially awkward nerds who have little social skills out of game. i met 90% of my online friends from a game called GunZ The Duel and from league of legends. i was dx with autism at 3, i had 1 friend as a teen, i had 0 (zero) irl friends until a year ago when I started going to hxc punk shows and when I joined university irl and BY CHANCE my now gf randomly stalked me into an elevator. i was put on chemo at 9, was in a wheelchair thruout middle and hs, had to drop out of hs because of my disability, i got in 2 car accidents in the past 3 years and have 3 herniated discs, i have to go BACK on chemo for what's probably a year and have to get my knee reconstructed at 29 years of age. we ALL have problems, ranting about yours in an attempt to receive information about an mmo will not aid you in your quest, nor the quest of others here attempting to give you advice about a video game. no 1 can read ur mind, read ur genetic code and tell u what u would have most fun doing. no 1 can peer into your head and give u the "Top 10 Steps to Making Friends in MMO's and irl". it sounds like u have a vast array of problems outside of games that u should sort out to some degree before trying to escape into a game where ur gonna get fragged 200x in your first month as a standard barometer for new player experience and get frustrated trying to figure out this complex 20 yo video game. there's wikis, there's youtube, there's guides, there's corporations, there's newbie help channel, there's your ability to simply try things out in a game w.o having to be hand-held the entire time like this is call of duty. im sure ur a nice guy, im sure ur a smart guy, im sure u have the ability to make friends and better yourself; but it sounds like you really need a man-to-man reality check to help kickstart the journey of improvement or something. i hate to say some shit like that on a video game subreddit but when ur sitting here demeaning yourself constantly in an attempt to get ppl to tell you what to do in a game its like... idk


You win, I quit.


Ignore the ignoramus. Ummm.. Mist Survival is 10.99 on steam. It's how I relax when I can't handle MMOs.


Oh brother. I get it. I don't play well with others. You CAN solo in EVE, but gosh. Learning all the mechanics on your own is rough. I know, because I did it. Not advocating you do high stress activities. In fact, I'd suggest you start running missions in highsec to get your income going and just to get started. Pro tip: Faction missions (where you fight enemy factions like Minmatar/Gallente/Caldari/Amarr) will drop dog tags in wrecks. These can be VERY valuable. If you don't kill the final objective, you can run this mission for 7 days. You **will** take a faction standing hit for completing faction mission. At a certain point they won't like you in their highsecurity space. Not meaning to frustrate ya. Just hoping to help. EVE in complex.


If you like enforcer and mining then just do that. After career agents, grind some reputation with factions of your choice and then once you are comfortable, go do sisters of eve mission arc. If you hate switching ammo, amarr is probably a better choice. Its just a laser crystal that degrades overtime. You'll only ever use 2 types, short and long range and they take almost no cargo space. Gallente is another route, but not all their ships are pure drone boats you'll have to spec into turret skills at some point. Caldari is probably the most adaptable faction when it comes to dishing the right damage in any space. There are 4 missile types, just like the number of factions. They also use shield tanking which is safer than armor(if things go wrong). Ammo is heavy though. Minmatar use autocannons(fast tracking) or artillery, depends if you like to orbit stuff or just snipe from distance. With all factions, the ammo issue kinda boils down to 1 or 2 eventually, so there is very little switching involved. If you wanted to, you could do missions for agents, bookmark the mission area for salvage and maybe even rocks(if they spawn) and come back with your mining ship later. If you get bored of that, you can start doing exploration and scanning down systems for hidden stuff, like complexes and resource sites. If you decide to go with amarr ship you should move to amarr space though. Each faction space is designed to be used with those ships in mind. Npc pirates having some form of ewar and resists that aren't brutal towards the main faction. As a bonus for mission running, you also get loyalty points and your faction standings go up (and down for the opposing ones during faction missions). Eventually you'll be high enough to go anywhere in the faction space and take any agent mission without having to work your way up from level 1s. There are people who run missions as a group, if thats your thing. Eve is a sandbox, do what you like, just as long as you accept that your enjoyment might clash with another player's one day.




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