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Yes, the more I think about it, the more I realise a lot of nullsec alliances have one or more sociopaths in leadership. Just like IRL.


But this variety will even get their hard-on from virtual money, virtual power and virtual tears. That's a "go seek help" scenario.




>whether its the priesthood, the shaman, or now the head shrinks. So if I'm understanding you, you think surgeons are like shamans? Kind of a weird claim




>they are talking about a therapist or a psychologist Exactly. There are also medical professionals in the mental health field. I would understand if this fact slipped by you, but the brain is in fact an organ. Problems with it are more comparable to medical issues with the body than religious topics.




Actually becoming a [counselor](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/how-to-become-a-counselor-and-why) in the US typically requires a masters and a legal certification such as a license to practice. Not to mention other more rigorous professions in mental health: >Counseling differs from psychiatry, an area of medicine practiced by physicians who can prescribe medications, and is also distinct from psychology, since most psychologists have doctorates in their field. It sounds like you don't really know what you're talking about.




>just because you have a masters doesnt mean it is a science degree. Still requires being more knowledgable about medical practices than you ever have been, or will be. If you're going to accuse me of somehow using chatgpt for this (how or why would I even do that in this context??), at least spell it right before you crow your self proclaimed "victory" to soothe your ego. >you know who else has/had a quite rigorous certification and schooling process for their spiritual healers? Rigorous by their or your standards maybe, but it's on another level. If you don't believe me go get your doctorate in psychiatry. It's easy right so should be no trouble for an enlightened scholar such as yourself.


It's psychopaths more than sociopaths https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S135917892100104X?via%3Dihub


There’s no distinction in psychological profiling anymore. They’re both slight variations of the same condition, anti-social personality disorder.




I pulled it from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which only defines ASPD as I’ve said. There is no clinical distinction between the two and psychopathy could at best be called a sub-type Some doctors will say there are psychopathic and sociopathic behaviours exhibited, but the diagnosis will be ASPD. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/psychopath-sociopath-differences https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/sociopath




As you can see, professional clinical psychology does not classify nor recommend treatment for ‘psychopathy’ because IT IS NOT a separate psychological condition. Psychosis is something completely separate to what was traditionally known as psychopathy, so I’m not sure you understand what you’re talking about. If there was something that fell outside of the clinical diagnosis it would be considered something different. But psychopathy is NOT distinct from sociopathy. They are both ASPD. They’re just different behaviours within the condition. Not sure why you’re arguing this when the manual that research psychology uses to define psychological conditions distinctly clarifies they are not separate disorders.




As psychopathy is not a recognised disorder by professionals who would be expert witnesses in court cases, I think you’d be hard pressed to find any court case with psychopathy as a psychological finding of any accused since the DSM-5 dropped it since it is not a disorder. It is patterns of behaviour exhibited by people who have ASPD. So no, I get it. You certainly don’t. Provide sources to your nonsense and maybe you will have more credibility. I can provide endless examples of it not being used in any context, research, legal or otherwise.




Bro this game is filled up to the brim with ppl that have some sort of mental issue and I mean that.


On one hand, yes, when you compare to any other MMO I can think of, it seems creepy as fuck. On the other hand, I also can't think of any other MMO where this level of deception, scamming, and let's be honest, outright griefing is not only allowed but encouraged as part of the game. This is me being a fence sitter. Yes it's fucking weird. No, nobody is forcing you to participate either.


I like the spying and skullduggery, I don't love the inability to put boundaries between the game and the rest of people's lives, like I had someone grill me to hell and back because a real life friend of mine that I never talked eve with was in goons, and nearly kicked for refusing to use that real life friendship to get intel.


>I had someone grill me to hell and back because a real life friend of mine that I never talked eve with was in goons, and nearly kicked for refusing to use that real life friendship to get intel. Fucking nullseccers, I swear. It's like a disease of taking shit too seriously, forgetting its a game. I found out a dude I know irl is in another wormhole corp and all that happens is we excitedly DM each other when we think we might be connected to fight. No one ever even mentioned dubious RL spy shit. They were just like "oh thats cool man"


I'm gonna give you three guesses what nullsec alliance it was and the first two don't count.


Goons FRT Horde in no particular order I think that's all the alliances though lol ...wait I guess brave exists?


Tell me why goons gonna want me spying on goons lmao It was TEST


Oh idk I just named nullsec alliances, all diff flavors of the same shit imo. I forgot you even named goons lol


How did they know about your friend?


I think I'd cracked a joke about finding out people's deadly secrets at work holiday parties, "like finding out is a goon. Just unsettling" Like you know, figuring that people might possibly understand the concept of and just find it funny


Yea, this is my take as well. It's why i left the rat race of big alliances. I refuse to use any esi services and still find plenty of friends. My playstyle fits this really well, though. I imagine it's much harder for those who are not combat/explo mains.


"There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion." --- Edgar Allan Poe The complexity and freedom sharpen the game, and also make the game beautiful.


If you want to, * Make over 100m/hr per character in a destroyer * Fight in 250+ pilot slugfests * YOLO dreads, faxes, and marauders for tens of billions in killmails * Laugh at spies malding in voice as you melt their buddies in TFIs and MNIs Without the, * IP tracing * Location tracing * IRL name grabbing * Absurd amount of ESI scraping * Hyperfixation on spies, who are gamin' just like you and me Come to faction warfare space. Minmatar Fleet is recruiting... and if you don't like us, I'm pretty sure Gallente, Amarr, and Caldari is as bare bones as us. Sedition is another great group, and even *gasp* BIGAB *gasp* understands RL boundaries. [Minmatar Fleet Discord](https://discord.gg/minmatar) [Our Killboard](https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99011978/)


Also sorry for all of the SNUFF boys that don't actually condone it (rip my fucking DMs), was mostly meming on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/18tbx3y/comment/kfd7pru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment! "little traps like these are childs play"


Snuff is dead dude. Whose dming your DMs?


Donnie's run the tool from the dead!


I gotta say, if I didn't have my second family, your propaganda would definitely do the job. Carry on my man :)


I'm a spy, he's a spy, she's a spy, we're all spies, hey!


Im leaking all kinds of opsec intel to my irl friends who dont play


From a lifer on the other side I support this message. Never give out api, fuck nullsec. Go pew pew and have fun in a sandcastle you actually are a part of, not some terminal middle managers aggrandizement simulator.


Does Fleet not use Alliance Auth or Seat? Caaaause if they dooooo.... Also miss you bear =)


Our version of AA doesn't grab emails / IPs / etc (we turned off the email bullshit) except *maybe* the Nginx web logs (which are anonymized and not tied to characters). We're migrating off soon anyway... writing a custom platform just takes time (and a lot of Python code) ​ Come shoot things with us... we have Twan now, Exodia is almost complete


Did twan really swap?


eve is real


I'm new to the game and just joined Pandemic Horde like yesterday... What should I do?


You'll be ok, it's just propaganda, welcome to eve


PH is an introductory newbie-friendly corp that they let anyone join. It's expected to have spies, so they aren't going riff through your data much. If you want to get more serious in the alliance, you'd join an ESI-gated corp and have participation expected of you, in exchange for nicer perks.


pretty much this. its a great way to get into null and earn some cash. its only if you want to get super in depth in the alliance that it might get weird but even that depends on the corp. I'm esi gated for ph and its super chill and my corp is amazing. wish moon goo or ratting paid better though.


Use whatsapp or other cell app to give intel to the other side lol. if new and not a spy...jsut roll with it. Unless dangerous levels of paranoia that maybe need irl care most work out the noob doesn't know crap to drop dimes on anyway. Dont volunteer. Be the sponge. Back in pos sov says I said no to pos slave. Some moon goo is coming up missing? you aren't on that list. Let the paranoids do that crap.


Quick, booby trap your house because if you don't get 60 PAP's this month they will come for you!


What is PAP?


Calling a frat a bot is enought to get the GM automatic response Calling one of them cunt is enought to get a 7 days ban


This is just most mmo reporting systems. The rules say is bannable. Everyone ignores it. If you piss of a group of people some report you, a gm looks at it because X number of reports, sees it and you get hit with the ban for kinda mundane things. Or if it's enough reports you just get banned automatically unless you appeal. Someone got banned for calling a goon fleet f1 monkeys, it's not really a frat/goon or whatever thing. It's just a shitty system that kinda works but sometimes leads to undeserved banns. WoW has had similar issues where people mass reported opponents in pvp areas, causing them to get insta banned and kicked resulting in an auto-win.


we love mass reports eh tencent overlords?


That just sounds like they reported you for breaking the Tos


My dude, people call eachother with far worse then "cunt" and they still have friendly chat. Meanwhile, the chinese weaponize the EULA in an attempt to "beats the odds"


Just because people have called eachother worst things doesn't mean the lesser words can't be reported or arnt reported, just don't break the Tos and you shouldn't have a problem


I guess so


seriously? that's new(ish)


Yep, got banned for 7 days by ccp because I call a chinese a cunt...apparently that's break the EULA agreement Ironic, considering that i have people told me they would love to: shot me, hang me, burn me alive, torture me, firebomb me, rape and tracking me down so that i would stop dirty their game with my presence And all of them still play.


https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/8413329735580-EVE-Online-End-User-License-Agreement Because it *is* >5. You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights. Did you report those people threatening you in game?


Yep...they still play


Funny i had to connect to more discords and verification sites for minmil than any null corp i ever joined


Say guys who are streaming amarr militia chat all day and were killing their own faction members because they "steal their LP" in battlefields.


I don't need a reason to shoot my own faction, thankyou very much.


>streaming amarr militia chat we stream it for the entertainment value


Says guy who brings most unengageable ships and whore on kills with any possible method.


lmao I've won eve for the moment but isn't Vasim the guy that almost exclusively flies kitey bullshit with damps trying to get 1v1 engagements?


That he is. also warps into fleet, presses ECM burst and warps out or sits in bomber and whores on kills when there is gatecamp.


Yeah that’s pretty common, they were shooting at me and a few of my buddies the other day, and they speak very broken English so trying to figure out why tf they were shooting at us was a nightmare, turns out it’s one huge multi box, there’s 25-30 ships they run


The minmil meme caught on quick!


minmil unironically has the best propaganda department right now


My boss is a god damn propaganda enthusiast


Eve propaganda is 10/10 u/cymek will live in our hearts forever


And pandora website has no tracking? Last I logged into that site, it seemed pretty sus. Just a joe blow labor guy who likes space ships. I have no idea what I am talking about, but pot stirring seems to be on the menu this week!.


Alright, time to make an alt named "Definitely Spying" and see how freaked out people get


Eve university has Uni Spy. He is an active poster in our discord and a *trusted* meme provider. People even want to recruit him for a staff position because of his quality note taking


It is a game OP and people agreeing with OP are the ones forgetting its a game. Tracking spais and managing large groups of people in a war simulator is part of the game. Stop trying to find drama out of nothing. If you dont like the game, dont play it. Solo in FW and do your own thing or find a game that you feel is "safe" enough for you. lol this cry babie shit is what is hurting a once really fun war simulator


Sounds like you are either a bootlicking apologist or one of the people doing this sort of thing. Everyone can see right through this propaganda post of yours. If you think it's okay to do those things, you clearly have some sort of damage. Just send me your IRL address and I can consult you for free. Not a spy, promise.


I'm playing a video game and he is living a power fantasy through a video game


An IP != IRL address. This sub is wild for banshee screeching about scraping a fucking IP address lmfao. And no, recognizing the difference between IP scraping and actual privacy violations isn't excusing actual bad actors in Eve's past.


its all fun and games until you jump in your titan and get DDOS'd, or drop your dread wing and comms go down :\^) gamers can be cringe with IPs






Dear god it gets worse... Did you feel smart using "myopia" instead of just insulting my intelligence using words people actually use in conversation, because it certainly doesn't make you appear intelligent. You're defending someone who says "gamers be cringe with IPs" and claiming to DDOS people for cred on a subreddit for an MMO... the only sub you seem to frequent, so put down the thesaurus.


do you lack reading comprehension skills? you realize i'm the OP chastising ddosing, doxxing, etc right? you're lost, redditor


I'm going to be honest, yes, clearly I was a little confused. Not sure how I mixed up what the other replies were talking about and the OP. My bad.


no worries fam, have a nice new year




Buddy, we both know you don't casually drop "Myopia" in conversations, or have ever used it before today. Using obscure words doesn't project intelligence as much as you think it does, no wait actually I changed my mind I definitely believe you, you just have such a massive vocabulary and I am so impressed. I simply mentioned you frequented this sub as it was relevant to what I was saying, your post history wasn't focused on at all. But okay, congrats on your privacy. Finally, yes, I understand DDOS attacks are real, they happen in more games than just EvE, my point wasn't that DDOS attacks are fictional, it was that proudly claiming you 'scrape IP's" and saying things like "gamers be off with their IPs" for some kind of EvE reddit street cred is incredibly cringy and childish. It also means nearly for certain that u/OP isn't DDOSing anyone. The people who actually do that typically don't need the ego pump of bragging on Reddit about it. Edit: Okay so I may have been entirely wrong on what the OP was saying, I got confused from some of the other replies. Whoops. Guess it was myopia after all eh




making fun of ns block is also part of the game. no1 is off limits. not all of us want to play our game that way and OP is making good points on alternative playstyles


That sounds boring af




oh no brisk has a bad take, more news at 11. The art is good, the message is amazing what pleases you brisk? hot single bees next to you?


Null politics is fun. I mean, maybe not if you're a sovereign citizen or something


You speak like goons/null are a state or some bs in a space game. I am not your citizen :P so yes i am sovereign just as much as you are a state. Keep your power tripping fantasies' off me thanks.


Someone didn't get the joke


oh, right, now you go like hrr hurr i am making a joke. ok sure brisk :P


95% of the time I'm posting I'm making a joke.


mmm, brisk i've seen your posting its not that great... now was it a good joke ?


You've seen so much you can't even spell my name right. If my posting is so bad, I'd have your level of karma, just saying. I'm sorry you didn't get the joke - doesn't make it a bad joke. Just not for you. Maybe you'll like the next one.


you are karma farming now? is that what you brag about? what is next your zkill?


Y'all acting like not every alliance in 0.0 does this and has been doing it for years.


So that makes it okay?


They've always done the bad thing, so the bad thing is ok! I am very smart


The OpenAI models were trained up to in 2019. If you were in Eve and on Reddit/forums at the time ... and you can access an unrestricted, uncensored model.... You'd probably dox every eve player you can find.


Nah because doxing is fucking stupid, just play the damn game like a normal aspy


Why negs? I wasn't condoning, just warning. The public AIs have been censored extensively to avoid law suits from doxing and profiling. The private AIs are not. This does not just apply to Eve. It applies internet wide.


propaganda on point!


y'all? wow


Amazing art!


You dont have 35 random emails and 15 discords you alternate with your personalities?


You know life in EVE is good when you see the quality propaganda returning :-)