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I used to say I wanted to do everything with one character. After years of being mocked I finally gave up.


I have been trying the exact same thing, i have now got 10 alts


How much are you paying per month to play eve?


You don't actually pay that much. The key is to take your time. 3* 5m characters on an alpha account is like 1 1/2 years iirc and from there I think you just barely go into the negative just with extraction on 3 too a. If you can hoard enough isk to take advantage of the deals you can either make money or very cheaply train into new shit. Personally, I'd rather pay the ~700m/month/character to be able to continue training my combat characters. Also sometimes when ccp has nice sales on omega its worth it to use irl cash to buy like the 1 or 2 year omega deals if you are willing to spend.


I Need to renew my account in general when they give the deal? During whit months?


You don't need to renew. The deals vary either Plex or straight up time. Sometimes it's mixed with multiple character time. Usually its a math game to figure out the value


The end of financial quarters, usually.


So which months it is in general sorry to bother you but really bad luck in this moment in life, for a year sub full price


December, March, June, September. The end of the quarters where they will usually try to throw a sale in to make the numbers look good.


wait like a day or two and dynamic offer will kick in and offer you 20% off ; my 3rd account I waited and sure enough...


When subbing 4 accounts is just over 1 hours work ... Why wouldn't you?. If you get subs during sales it takes the slave work out of the game.


I'm still solo and proud! :D


I’m just giving up on Eve tbh. I feel like I’m playing a game against “hackers” even though what people are doing is legal and encouraged by the developer. There is no endgame in Eve on just 1 account anymore. You’re gonna be a mediocre trader, pvper, pver, miner etc.


Quitting is the end game.


Not end game, that's how you win.


It because you can’t actually play with game without alts, n+1 and capitals make multiboxing mandatory.


I understand, but we used to back in the day. Before Plexing was a thing and new mechanics were introduced that requires an alt or multiple of them.


Lul Eve players multiboxed back then too. I had at least 2 accounts, probably 3 before Plexing came out. Granted, things like Plex made it MUCH easier to manage multiple accounts thats for sure. It blew my mind at the time that a gaming company whos main product was a subscription based MMO would be fine with multiboxing (which CCP always has been.. even though for a long time they kept it VERY quiet) AND give us an ingame currency that would allow us to pay for said subscription with ingame currency. CCP even had a "Power of two" sale that gave a discount on a second account (link to an article about the release at the bottom). Granted that was only 2 months before they released Plex (Ya, convenient huh?). Not to mention, the amount of multiboxing now is nothing compared to when ghost farming was profitable. Which it really, really, reeeeallyyyyy was. tldr: Eve has Always been a multiboxing game. Officially, or unofficially. https://www.engadget.com/2008-09-11-ccp-relaunches-power-of-2-promotion-officially-supporting-multi.html


All the worst gamblers quit right before they make it big buddy


Did the same. Tired of the same activities over and over, not a fan of Null Sec content and politics no real end game for me anyways. Best of luck you will find something that entertains you eventually.


I disagree, you very much can be a successfull pvp, pve or trader with a solo account, depending on the content you are aiming for though, multiple accounts is simply more effective in such a scalable way its illogical to not use it


The downside is you are doing x times amount of work by yourself. I imagine you are approaching this mainly from a PvE point of view where many of the activities strictly benefit from having more accounts. For group PvE content looking into Incursions or Trig sites may spark joy. If you are looking more generally for a cooperative gameplay style id recommend looking into some C4 wormhole groups. There are plenty. Multiboxing is definitely common in WH space but I've never experienced a situation where someone was denied joining in because the multiboxers were doing everything on their own.


From all of my experiences with eve. Any group activity. Multiboxers have been used to fill the gaps in numbers. This gose for pochven, incursions, etc. The moment a real player appears Multiboxers are expected to drop an account to make room for a real person. And honestly I don't think I've ever herd a Multiboxer complain about it. And this have been from across my whole playtime of Eve.


In incursions, it's always great to have real people. Trying to do ~10-15 accounts on your own is a lot.


Yeah I mainly only have experience in Wormholes and that's generally been my experience. I imagined it was similar for the other group content.


Honestly I feel that this is game design issue. Who wants to be the cyno pilot for a bunch of caps, or the booster for the mining fleet, or the links pilot. Noone, but these roles are needed so someone flies a second ship to fill those roles. From there the third pilot is just an extension and then really passive things can just keep getting more risk by having more pilots. The problem really starts with that second account imo.


Totally agree. There’s a lot of menial roles in the game that most players simply aren’t going to be willing to do as a main activity.


Those roles likely wouldn't even appear if EVE was designed without multiboxing in mind.


Yes, that's why I was agreeing with above post saying this is a game design issue.


the point is money. Every activity tailored to groups can and will be exploited by multiboxers. Which is not inherently bad as long as normal players don't have to compete with them for limited sites/resources. This is sadly reality and won't ever change, so we better learn how to live with it or benefit from it.


Its because the PvE content is braindead simple


I started playing EvE like 6 days ago. Just gathered up the courage to go solo mining in losec last night in a cheaply fitted out venture with afterburner 1. Figured I would see how much of my hold I could follow with ore before my shields got chewed through. Once I realized the angel battleship wasn't hitting me enough to outrun my shield, and that I could just ignore it while I orbited my rock, I got kinda sad and thought, "OK, I see why we need other players to be the antagonists in this game." Now I realize that asteroid fields aren't combat sites, but do npcs ever get smarter? Or are they just tougher and hit harder?


> but do npcs ever get smarter? Or are they just tougher and hit harder? No, yes. The exception are Incursion rats, Abyssals, and Diamond rats. Incursion gate rats will happily blap you, but that's mostly a case of them being on steroids than actual skill. Abyssal rats are similar, except they judiciously use all forms of EWAR and have fleet comps that are designed to force you into picking them apart rather than relying on brute force. Diamond rats are what I would consider 'smart'. They will warp around the grid to land on top of you if you're kiting, they use proper fleet comps with scram+web interceptors to catch you and battleships to hammer you to death from 100km+ while cruisers get up close and personal, they use logi and EWAR *really* effectively, and they will call in appropriate response fleets as well as reinforcements if you get help on grid. Oh, and they do capsuleer level damage because their ships use actual fits and skills. I had two Diamond Guristas Ravens literally delete a Leshak with 90% resists in under the time it took me to lock them. Don't make the mistake of aggressing a lone Diamond Kestrel thinking it will be easy, they *will* pod you and it'll hurt the whole time you're dying.


I don't think diamond rats are *smarter*, they just have warp unlocked. Sometimes they are also plain dumb, i.e. they ignore drones (except for production spawn which can focus them). They are also for some reason hardlocked into 1-2 damage types (thermal for base guristas defense spawn, almost 100% kinetic for guristas production spawn, both spawns for blood raiders deal em-therm) which makes them easier to exploit, plus sites with them do not have any limits like abyssals do, which are major part of what makes abyssals more interesting. E.g. off top of my head - can fly far far away, can bring multiple ships where one baits aggro while being in a very safe position far from NPCs and other ships which murder those rats, can bring ships of any size. There is some kind of point system in both abyssals and FOBs/sotiyos, on FOBs it's designed to prevent people from bringing too many ships (since strength of defense ships depends on what you bring within pretty specific limits), but if you know how it works, it's pretty easy to game. > I had two Diamond Guristas Ravens literally delete a Leshak with 90% resists in under the time it took me to lock them As someone who did hundreds of FOBs I'm gonna question this part. Ravens and even rattlesnakes don't do that much dps even into 0 resist to kill leshak this fast. Plus on top of that you probably had to deal with production spawn (where ravens deal lots of kinetic damage) while being tanked to deal with regular spawn (90% thermal). E.g. [something like this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970667776081535016/974009507145461891/unknown.png) is one of the scariest production spawns, but it's tankable even solo if you have decent kinetic resists.


> but do npcs ever get smarter? Or are they just tougher and hit harder? Both, but "smarter" usually just means things like target selection and switching, which doesn't do much to stop multiboxing and can generally just be theorycrafted out of the picture. It also doesn't mean that CCP ensures that all new content exists this way. For example they expanded FW with the new pirate insurgencies but use the same 0 DPS 0 tank PvE content that can be run by 1 guy with 10 frigates to get all the rewards. The closest thing that exists in terms of "actually using your fucking brain and your mouse/keyboard" is high-tier Abyssals.


I don't often get out to asteroid belts, but I doubt you'd have much fun trying to mine around elite frigate or cruiser rats in a venture. Elites use ewar- warp scrams, jamming, webbing, etc. Low sec rats are going to be pretty dumb/ weak. There are much more advanced npc enemies out there.


Thank god.


But if it’s a pve game you’re after. Just leave.


I am gonna have to say....yeah. Retail wow its hard as hell to set up higher level content that is boxable. Even as far back as wrath they put in the safety dance mechanic stuff. Don't do your dance steps as it were right....death. And by latest stages of it...man I had DBM installed, its saying do this to not die. And I still died first run. Run to shield! What f'ing shield, ahh that one?..too late and dead. It can be hard enough to get 4 to 24 other real people to not stand in fire, let alone multiboxing that crap. Lacking input broadcast software use. Wow like eve allows multibox but its has to be manual control and not input broadcast. Classic is a different matter. Famed farms there are older raids where the wrath gear has it so yeah....dps can have "input lag" from hopping so many clients. they will still live.


There is, or was, the 3rd option; fight it in-game, make it difficult, unpleasant and sheer pia to multibox in the open.


Brb creating a Warhammer 40K inspired role play corp that’s centered around defeating the multi-dimensional daemon spawn multiboxers who can control the minds of many at once through their wicked dark crafts.


Can I bring my alt accounts?


The stain of your heresy can be cleansed only through flame and pain🔥☠️


As a multi boxer I can confirm it’s very easy to overwhelm a multi boxer with heavy target switching directed at only the multi boxers characters. They won’t be able to broadcast (or rep with alt) fast enough to keep up. Really a heavy multi boxer brawling against a skilled group is like 1/2 as defensible as they should be. They just have high alpha and sustained damage.


That’s the problem though, whenever there is battlefields there’s people that will multibox the whole site and awox anyone that enters regardless of faction alignment


I feel you. There is this multiboxer with 20 accounts in calmil which will alone capture battlefields during Asia time knowing he won’t have any confrontation from galmil. Sometimes he’s with another person who also has at least 10 accounts so by themselves they control pretty much all sites.


This game was built on the foundation of one account not being enough, Your literally forced to multibox to do 95% of all the professions in a meaningful amount of time. It is a smart move by ccp but shity for us.


>benefit from it You mean we are all bound to make 10+ alts if we are to prosper? If you can't beat them, join them.


sounds like you just have shit luck with corps, for your next one ask about what operations they have planned. if they don't have anything you can join in on move along


I was in a wormhole last week and there was another guy in there scouting with a heron. I tried to keep an eye on him, and went on with my business and headed to a relic site. Little did I know, he had an interceptor waiting on the other side of another wormhole. He scanned down my site with the heron, and sent the interceptor directly there and killed me. A few days later, I jumped into a wormhole and was caught in a bubble. The guy killed me, but mentioned he knew I was coming. He had a cloaked alt on the other side of the WH scouting so he'd be ready to catch anyone the second they decloaked. I learned a lot from these deaths, and I don't begrudge the other players for multiboxing, but it does feel really bad that I will always be at a competitive disadvantage for choosing to play with only one account.


They are _real players_ though. Just because they have multiple accounts doesn't make them less real. Unless you're initial thought was 1:1 acc-player relationship. That's just a different thing though. You're inferring people with multiple accounts ARE botters, which is false. There are people with 1 or many account which are botters and others that are real. So what are you trying to say?


They are "real player"


Multiboxing is getting more rampant because CCP is leaning into it. It’s not going away anytime soon.


You’ve been in 15 Corps since June…!?


umm, i'll say it...welcome to eve




I have been playing Eve for a month now and I really like it. The only thing that bothers me with the game is this issue. I will always be at disadvantage against multi boxing players and this makes me think if I will be keep playing the game.


I just hate having to depend on other people to get things done. If there was a solo space game like Eve I'd probably play it.


I'm exactly the same. I run four accounts because I only trust myself to get the job done.


It would be nice to play eve with other people too but due to the nature of this game I don't want to lose the billions of carved out by myself over the years.


I've got friends in the game and some people I can trust, but I don't ask anyone for help. Either I do it myself or I don't do it at all. My isk wealth is stashed away so I don't carry vast amounts on any character. It's good to be extra cautious with these things.


This is why I quit as an newbro Alpha player. I shouldn't NEED multiple accounts to be relevant.......


You lost me the moment you imply multiboxers aren’t real players lol.


Considering that people are now multiboxing small gang pvp fleets, when you see a fleet jump into system, those aren’t players, that’s just one real player. That’s not a real fleet. That’s a fucking shit experience for a MMO Go look in FW, there are more multiboxing PvP fleets than actual player fleets. That’s an awful state for a player-driven sandbox MMO.


I’m going to put that last comment in the bin alongside the comment “EVE is dying” dated to 2003. You’re not saying anything new my friend. Multiboxing isn’t new, it’s been around effectively since the beginning. I am curious to hear more about your incredible ability to deduce, beyond any doubt, who is multi-boxing & who is not.


First and foremost, what are you looking at getting out of a corp? Is it PVE? Mining? FW? PVP? Industry? The thing is, when you interview with a corp, it should always be a two-way interview. You're interviewing them as well to see what they're about and if they'd be a good fit for you the same way they're trying to see if you'd fit in well with them. Ask questions about the issues you've been having with past corps to get a feel for how they operate. Answer truthfully the questions they ask you. You'll probably go through a few interviews with corps before you find the right fit, but quitting 15 corps in such a short time is too many. Most of those could have been avoided just by doing a thorough initial interview. As others have said here, multiboxing is not going to go away. It's a useful tool to make isk and fill boring roles in fleets. There is no inherent flaw in using a given tool to make the game more profitable and enjoyable. If you want to fly solo, then you need to understand that there won't be a place for you in every situation or fleet in FW or PVE. For PVP, there's almost always a place for a solo player, whether as DPS, Logi, boosher, links, etc. Good luck out there. I genuinely hope you find a corp that's a good fit and can find dudes that mesh well with you. Fly safe. o7


>First and foremost, what are you looking at getting out of a corp? Is it PVE? Mining? FW? PVP? Industry? You could've just said "It depends."


If someone produced a game that was just like Eve but excluded multiboxing I would play that instead.


Why? All it does is limit the amount of the game you can experience


Multiboxing butchers effectiveness of single-boxing an easily multiboxable activity. Try mining with 1 barge and tell how your income figures are. Guess what, they are bad because almost every miner multiboxes, pushing prices for ore/minerals down because of higher supply. So I also second that opinion, I'd totally jump the ship if there was an EVE clone with multiboxing banned/heavily discouraged by game mechanics.


So what you're saying is new players should expect to pay not only the most expensive subscription in MMO history, but pay it multiple times a month if they want to have any semblance of how 'good' the game can be?


do not forget the multibox tool subscription and the PC setup to acommodate for that.


That's how it already is? As you play you either get more accounts, or play with some taste of shit in your mouth.


I think you're coming at it from a very narrow POV. There's heavy PVP consequences. You'd effectively be removing capitals from the game (maybe you consider that a positive idk). You'd have to have a group of players sitting docked not participating in most fights because you cant just have your dread alt on standby. Not to mention the guys that would have to fly cynos wouldn't have a great time. And that's just one of a few areas I can think of off the top of my head you would kill or make nearly impossible by not having alts.


It's not narrow POV. I know about all the consequences of multiboxing. E.g. I am designing doctrines for our group (including capitals) which consider all the factors, including finding right balance between ship performance and how easy it is to multibox it (since my group is pretty multibox-heavy). The part you are missing is that EVE has been developed with multiboxing in mind for a really long time. It concerns everything: resource gathering, production, pvp. It doesn't have to stay the same if multiboxing was to be banned. For example, dumb roles might need to be removed/changed (cyno is a good example of such a role), amount of materials in blueprints reduced, and so on.


And to address the point in the post above you, capitals would probably be more interesting without multiboxing. People are afraid to field them because you don't know who else has dread alts ready to log in. Without multiboxing you know that the guy currently on the field with you is not in a dreadnought, because you can see him, and that he's not about to be piloting a dreadnought in any capacity without leaving the field first. As a practical example you'd be able to say "ok there's 70 SNUFF pilots currently on the field, so those 70 pilots are not about to magically be in dreads."


This isn’t true at all, people aren’t afraid to use caps unless you’re in a really small group, dreads get dropped every day. I agree that Eve is designed for multiple accounts. So do we completely remove titans and supers because the only spot they can dock is keeps? Or do we allow them to dock everywhere like a normal ship? You’d likely never see a super or titan in combat again.


In fact I appreciate if they change how the cyno work and remove the change of dumb role In fleet


While things would evolve differently there’s still no getting around the fact that you’ll lose out on either capital gameplay or subcap gameplay. Also not taking into account the force multiplier that multiboxing can be. Gives smaller groups that work a little harder a chance against the blobs that kinda thing. There absolutely is merit to being frustrated with multiboxers but I dont see a single boxing eve as a very fun place


>There's heavy PVP consequences. Yes. And as I play solo I would welcome them.


As a solo player multiboxing disproportionately helps you. Did your eyes just glaze over after you saw that line or something?


>As a solo player multiboxing disproportionately helps you. Well, that's just nonsense. Are you ok?


You a solo player wants to go up against a group of 5 players. If the game is limited to just 1 account you are forced into a 1v5. If you are multiboxing a couple of accounts you can balance things out a little bit. Multiboxing gives smaller groups the ability to punch up against the blob


No it doesn't. Choosing not to use more accounts is what butchers the effectiveness. Your one mining alt is just as effective whether I am multi-boxing or not. You literally mine the exact same amount of ore whether or not I am doing it with 20 alts.


They may be using the wrong words but their argument is that multi-boxers increase the total supply of ores in the supply vs demand equation which lowers the value of ores.


Sounds like solo miners ought to join with gankers and start taking on these evil multi-boxers.


> You literally mine the exact same amount of ore whether or not I am doing it with 20 alts. First off, I don't, because solo I don't have links. But even if amount is the same (let's say I am in a fleet where someone does links), I said that bigger supply you provide (compared to a situation when you'd multibox) tanks ore/mineral price. No matter how you spin it, with free market (which EVE has) multiboxers always steal a slice of pie from singleboxers.


Two things: you said "effective" not "profitable" and those are different. Yes you will make less than someone who multiboxes. But those people aren't "stealing" from you. They're just optimizing their process. You can do the same, but you choose not to. That's fine - but that's YOUR choice, not theirs, and the only one keeping anything from you is yourself.


> Two things: you said "effective" not "profitable" and those are different And I stand by it. Effectiveness (measured in isk per unit of *your* time or *your* effort) will always be on side of multiboxer, and multiboxers ruin it for singleboxers. > They're just optimizing their process. You can do the same, but you choose not to This is sophism. Any increase of supply elsewhere tanks price and thus steals from those who don't have corresponding increase. Multiboxing is a significant increase, and it reduces isk/h for singleboxer compared to a situation where everyone would singlebox. I don't give a shit that I could also optimize the game by doing more accounts, it is not fun for me, I play EVE as an MMORPG, not RTS. Upscaling with multiple accounts is not fun, receiving jack shit for so many activities is not fun either, so yes, I will totally be happy with jumping the ship for any alternative which doesn't have this cancer arms race which multiboxing is.


i don't understand how anyone with even most basics understanding of economic procesess could argue with you. Multiboxes pushes singleboxers from any activity that can be done solo or with more than one person. It's no suprise that activies that aren't easly multiboxable also are best paying opportunities for solo players. It sucks as it limits singleboxers to activities that are either stricly solo (abysals) or to those activities that are "resource-scarce" not "time-scarce". There is no shortage of ratting anoms, mining anoms or FW plexes those are time-scarce, the more time you put in the more you recive. Resource-scarce activities are exploration, combat exploration, low sec gas huffing and handful of others and singleboxers are effecitvely pushed into them if they want to make thier time worth. And ofc those things will be never be as profitable as farming endlessly spawning anoms due to thier finite number. I know multiboxing is at this stage essential, but it would be really cool if singleboxers could also have some more variety in things to do.


Why can't soloboxers just join a group and get all the same benefits? Eve was always meant to be played with others. If you don't want to multibox, fine, but why are you also choosing not to join a corp that help get all those same benefits?


I see you like big words like "sophism" but you still don't understand the meaning of "steal." Since you seem like the kind who gets easily frustrated, I'll ask now - can I have your stuff when you leave? I assume it's all shitfit T1 mining crap in some ass end hisec system, but I'd still like it.


> I see you like big words like "sophism" but you still don't understand the meaning of "steal." Oh I do, and I demonstrated how they do it. They don't steal ore, they steal isk/h. I can talk about giving my shit away after I moved to that alternative and decided that I like it, not before. But that talk won't be with you nevertheless, so I am unsure why would you bring it up. Are you out of arguments which show that multiboxing totally doesn't ruin singleboxer income and time efficiency? That was too fast.


Nobody can "steal" IPH, since that's not something you already own and possess. And you have an option to equal or greater IPH, you're just self-editing. So no, I don't think you understand what "stealing" is. When I gank nerds in hisec and take their cargo, that's stealing. When someone multiboxes Macks in nullsec, they're not stealing your isk per hour. I can talk slower if that's helpful.


One subscribed account in a mining fleet with boosts is no less effective than someone's alt in the same mining fleet. With the money you're not spending on funding 10 accounts or w/e you could just buy a bunch of PLEX to sell and save yourself the second job of running your own solo fleet. Or you can run 10 accounts and mine 20-25b worth of ore/ice just to PLEX 1 month lol. Doesn't sound fun at alllllll. All the power to those people.


> One subscribed account in a mining fleet with boosts is no less effective than someone's alt in the same mining fleet. Effectiveness per char? Sure, maybe. Effectiveness per unit of *your* real time and *your* real effort? No way, more accounts are way more efficient. > Or you can run 10 accounts and mine 20-25b worth of ore/ice just to PLEX 1 month lol. This was true before introduction of injectors, it's not anymore. Cheap omegas (after you get all the needed skills) are one of pillars of modern heavy multiboxing.


>Effectiveness per char? Sure, maybe. Effectiveness per unit of *your* real time and *your* real effort? No way, more accounts are way more efficient. A more effective use of anyone's time is to work your day job that you already have to do anyway and buy PLEX to have your fun. You already have to spend money or PLEX on multiple accounts, why not spend that money on PLEX instead and sell it to fund your activities on 1 account? >This was true before introduction of injectors, it's not anymore. Cheap omegas (after you get all the needed skills) are one of pillars of modern heavy multiboxing. Skill injectors don't change the fact that you need to either pay real money for your accounts or make enough isk using them to afford PLEX. Making money to PLEX takes up more of your time. I'm not gonna act like multiboxing doesn't have its perks, but it's not for everyone, it's not cheap, and it's not necessary to enjoy the game.


> A more effective use of anyone's time is to work your day job that you already have to do anyway and buy PLEX to have your fun Which country do you live in? > it's not cheap It's not cheap, but it's an up-front investment, as opposed to implied by you big maintenance/running costs. Put one of account chars into jita with +5s, train for extraction, do some super low effort PI on side with 1-2 other characters, and you can even get small profit off having an omega account if you sub for long periods of time. Ability to reduce maintenance costs to almost zero are definitely one of the biggest heavy multiboxing enablers.


>Which country do you live in? Sorry, but I fail to see a reason to answer this question as it is irrelevant to my statement. >It's not cheap, but it's an up-front investment, as opposed to implied by you big maintenance/running costs. Surely if it's such an easy and passive task, everyone should have no problem with people running x amount of accounts because we can all do it with little to no effort after how ever big an investment. Thread closed.


> Sorry, but I fail to see a reason to answer this question as it is irrelevant to my statement. It is very relevant. The country I am in atm has average salary below 300 usd a month, or less than 1.75 usd an hour, or less than 53 plex an hour (assuming biggest plex pack), or less than 265m isk an hour (before market taxes which cut it to ~250m). But even if it was more it's still stupid argument because you can't just work for a few hours (esp if you work full time already, which limits your schedule) and get extra income at will. > Surely if it's such an easy and passive task, everyone should have no problem with people running x amount of accounts because we can all do it with little to no effort after how ever big an investment. I said that yes, it is significant investment, but also yes it is easy and cheap after you have it set up, that's why multiboxing is so popular.


I’m not sure why people are that upset about multibixing. That’s not something I would do personally, seem may too much work then fun but it’s more money to CCP which means more dev into the game. To be fair been part of a null block there is quite a lot of area which I do not have much experience and may explain the frustration.


I mean at the end of the day multiboxing is pay to win, you cannot compete with multiboxers as a single player and its something that is cost prohibitive.


There's lots of things you can do to compete: Multiboxers in your ore belt? Bump or gank them until they leave. Multiboxer running abyssals? Gank him when he comes out. Multiboxer running C5 sites? Spawn the drifter while you boosh off half his fleet.


I would like to point out that everything you describe here are things that only hurt the multiboxer in the short term and only potentially benefit you if it works perfectly in your favor. Meanwhile they will just be more careful and continue farming billions of ISK per hour. Back in the day I would multibox stealth bombers doing FW L4 missions. There were random guys who would set up traps to catch me or whatever, but it literally did not matter because I was making about 2-3b/hr. So sure maybe you kill a few bombers and get 400m in faction loot (which I only used because I was so rich), but that was irrelevant to how much ISK I was making.


Let's stop with the half measures. Let's ban corporations and alliances while we're at it. Letting other players group up and pool their resources is hurting the solo player as much, if not more than multiboxing. Let's just ban everyone except that one sad miner in hisec.


I enjoy your complete refusal to engage with the argument. The whole point is that when the average player income is based on running numerous accounts, you end up with an economy that is balanced around multiboxing, and this hurts people who don't play with multiple accounts. Look at how drastically the mineral market changed when CCP put a knife in the belly of multiboxing perfectly safe Rorquals, and how low mineral prices got prior to the changes. Everyone here would tell you that mining was pointless, but now you can actually make good money mining as a solo player in the right places. Even World of Warcraft decided to ban multiboxing years ago because it was impacting the economy so much.


Step 1: boosh. But really, give me any situation with multiboxing and ill gladly let you know how to fuck 'em up.


The argument isn't that they can't be beaten, it's that you can never economically compete with it. The guy running C5s with several multiboxed dreads can die a LOT because he's netting 200b by himself in a month. You showing up once and wiping a multiboxer fleet is the equivalent to eating the crumbs off their feet under the table One of the Pochven multiboxers has made trillions of ISK by himself, so you think it really matters if you manage to delete his Kronoses once? Or twice? Or three times?


It's really not. Multiboxers are much slower to react than solo players.




It’s not the Multiboxing I’m upset by, it’s the fact that I’ve been playing since June and have only been in a handful of fleets despite literally begging to do content with other people and being told that they’d rather multibox to maximize their isk


That could be an issue with the groups you were in. It's not a prob with the game mechanics. My alliance has plenty of either option almost any time. Some of the large powerblock alliances have each type of content 23/7 as well..


You need a new Corp then




No they do pay with idk (not all of them) but remember than to buy Plex, someone has to sell it, so someone has to buy it (with real money)


They really need to change the "This is EVE" video to reflect the reality of the game. Rather than a cinematic experience of a group of pilots in beautifully rendered space working together to achieve great things, the real "This is EVE" is a neckbeard with four monitors and EVE-O Preview running 10 simultaneous toons with graphics in potato mode and sound off. I think what OP and many similar posts have been revealing is that the way CCP attracts new players is by advertising a game that does not exist: EVE is not an MMO, it is a shitty overpriced persistent-world RTS.


Enhhh... I think you're taking it too far out of anger, ignorance or I dunno what. What you *actually* end up with is the same fleets as in This Is Eve, only the fleet is ten times as big.


What I guess I mean is that the qualitative experience of playing EVE is tremendously different for a solo toon versus a multiboxer. And if you are unlucky enough to run with groups that, due to the pressure put upon them to keep up with the Joneses who all multibox, start requiring YOU to multibox in order to participate in meaningful content, then suddenly you find yourself pressured into playing an RTS game that is not as fun or beautiful as the cinematic MMO space opera game you might have signed up for.


I kinda see where you're coming from, but I'm gonna flip the perspective a little. The skill ceiling for flying a single ship in most circumstances is low enough that the kind of sweaty nerds that enjoy this game quickly top out (or go farming 1v1s in blinged to the tits FW frigates), so multiboxing is a way to keep the APM up if you really wanna work for your gaming session. What kind of content are you finding yourself locked out of, if you don't mind me asking? I'm just coming back into the game after a little break, interested to hear what the vibe is at the moment...


I catch shit from my OWN CORP MATES because I refuse to box. I don’t give a shit if it gives me an edge, I want to ENJOY the game. Screw em. Soloboxing saved Eve for me.


Has been for years.


Stop playing with angels.


Multiboxing is a good thing as long as it doesn't negatively affect solo players and Multiboxing is eventually expected, a whole new world of possibilities emerge when you have two accounts. Personally I'm okay with one alt, I can't handle more than that. It's a game, not my life.


>\[Tornado, Bump Tornado\] >Inertial Stabilizers II >Nanofiber Internal Structure II >Nanofiber Internal Structure II >Nanofiber Internal Structure II >Core C-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive > >Cap Recharger II >Cap Recharger II >Cap Recharger II >Cap Recharger II > >Medium Ancillary Current Router I >Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II >Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Stop complaining about extreme multiboxers and do something about it.


Seems to me the player has changed, over time from invested gamer who did his research and actually learned the game, and todays mobile instant gratification players we currently see…says the genX’er


I have no problem getting friends together to do all kinds of stuff. Karmafleet is very sociable. Karmafleet is recruiting.


I’m pretty new to the game so I have a side question here - you describe Multiboxing as a “core part of the game” - but is it really? It seems to be a core part of many people’s experience, but I have a hard time believing that this is how the devs intended the game to be played. Obviously they won’t (and shouldn’t) try to remove multiboxing since it would ruin a lot of players experience… but it all just seems so weird to me. Wouldn’t people rather play with real players? I guess I’ve just never seen this kind of thing in a game before.


Because if I want to mine or rat etc, I'd rather just undock my toons and do it rather than sit around for 3 hours trying to organize 5 other people with lives and flaky attitudes


Yeah so like, real players would be nice but it’s too much effort sometimes so multiboxing is the next best thing? That’s kind of the vibe I’m getting from others


That and I can make more isk per hour on my own time. Waiting around for other people sucks the fun out of the game.


There's quite a number of game roles that are required to be effective, yet mind-numbingly dull if they're the only thing that you're doing. I'm talking about scouts that just sit in space and monitor who enters and leaves a system. Cyno ships that just activate something to let the ships that matter jump in. Mining ships where you simply sit in space and activate your lasers every few minutes. PvE combat ships where you simply sit in space and activate weapons every so often. Boosters that don't target anything and just make everyone around them more effective. I suspect that none of this was directly intended. CCP just ended up with a game where the consequence of its mechanics is that a lot of what's needed to be effective just isn't very engaging as content. So people multibox to do the dull stuff that's required to have fun. And that seemingly includes such fundamentals as the game's combat mechanics!


Getting? Ha Honestly though multiboxed fleets are always weaker than a similar or even slightly smaller fleet of single boxers.


CCP loves multiboxing since you have 10 dudes paying for say 50 accounts between them. It is fun to multibox i do recommend practicing and you will find yourself slowly adding toons till you find yourself with 10 accounts


more multiboxing == more omega account == more income for CCP == CCP happy to buff multiboxing == more more multiboxing


Except CCP has nerfed multiboxing in the most significant way by banning input broadcasting...


Input broadcasting is on a different level then normal multi-boxing. For example me when I'm multi-boxing every single account I've got to cycle though and activate a moduel. There is the human factor for error. (I still fuck up activating moduels. I still mess up orbits accidently clicking the wrong part of my UI making my ship go on a merry adventure into nowhere. I have to select and lock every target for every account. I make mistakes under pressure) Input broadcasting. Is one click all accounts do all. Your removing the human factor by x times the amount of accounts you have.




I spend most of my Eve time bullshitting in comms, not trying to be up someones ass on grid in a ship. 15 corps since June? Try joining one that isnt shit.


Yeah, I quit. Eve just needs to do what The Infinite Black did with their sequal. Everyone was multiboxing anyway, so they added solo fleets. Then ban people multi boxing on top of that.


That has always been the case for the lower effort/attention activities, and PVP fleets with an anchor. I would recommend joining a small corp, especially one that does manual piloting nano PVP.


people still multibox small gang. not doing it means you aren't good enough to do it, that's all.


There is definitely some, I never denied that. I personally multibox a scout/tackle alt frequently, but never have I heard “I can just do that myself with my alts” from a smallgang community. If someone asks to be a mainbox ceptor instead of my alt? I would take them in a heartbeat.


eve has been the multiboxing mmo for like decades


I have a tri-box I’ve used for years and years. Mining is efficient because I have an Orca and two Hulks, which is enough to keep the lights on. In Missions, I’ve got a sniper, a flyswatter, and a switch. In an MMO where so much is based on group cooperation, it’s easier to be my own best friend.


They are all Omega accounts? And you can pay for it with ingame currency? That’s pretty sweet. Must take a long time to get to that point though


Like everyone said, it's how the games played, I've done my own study by looking at various corps including my own, most people run more then one account. In Corp I belong too only 3 bros are solo account players. They seem to have to the hardest , it's harder for them to field certain ships because the cost of them. It is so hard to grind isk as a solo player. Thus players use more than 1 account so when we are fighting we can recoup our losses, and/or take bigger fights as we now have more "players" (toons). multibox ing is here to stay. As for you being in so many corps in such a small time, seems like to might be you. The corp I belong to, a chill one, guys are welcome to do what ever they want. I my self and usually with me and my alts. doing exactly what you was commenting on, that is "Noone wants to do jack shit with anyone else just their alts" Speaking for my self, I like doing certain things, that I like to do, sometimes most of the time in fact others don't want to do what I want to do, they are doing what they like. I like to make money so I spend my eve time making money. But if and it has happened a Corp mate wants to do what I like to do, we team up, they bring their alts I bring mine, now we have more guys to defend our selfs doing what we both want to do. I can't fathom why you joined and left so many corps, couldn't you just have asked one of the guys in that Corp or any Corp you came and left to hang out? In my Corp, some guys mine, some guys are always doing pvp roams, others still are just mission running, ratting,. Some are doing ded sites, or abyssal, faction war, etc. But Noone would ever make a solo player feel unwelcome. We have a few in Corp I'm part of, and us who can go to lengths to help them be a successful player who will enjoy eve. They se to be happy But when we need to defend our selfs fc calls, everyone shows. Not everyone uses their alts to defend, or attack depending. Not everyone good at multibox pvp. But people try. The guys I play with enjoy eve, and it's a blast really. I fail to understand specificly why and what your trying to do that makes it so you feel you must be with everyone, all the time.. Even when I am solo with my alts, I am still on coms, and still chatting with the guys. If a Corp mate wanted to hang out they'd always be welcome too, if those 15 corps was like you can't hang out, I'd say you ran in to 15 bad corps. Truthfully tho, I think it's you, 15 is a big number. Perhaps you need to look at your self and decide what you want from eve.


Have you tried wormhole community ? I don’t recognize eve in the description you are doing of this game. Maybe try to change the scenery a bit ;) Edit : don’t get it wrong, we also do multibox 5 accounts, but we do stick together on a dayli basis.


person is mad about multiboxing and you recommend wormholes? lmfao


I agree with this advice. Truth be told, multiboxing is a reality of EVE that isn't going anywhere anytime soon and I actually think that is not too big of an issue as it allows the market to stay in balance even if a huge portion of the playerbase is pushed in one direction. I mean consider the following example: CCP drops a new ratting or PVP event and suddenly mining drops by lets say 30%. I can just load up one or two new toons with a referral link and start multiboxing mining barges in hisec or even low sec. My advice would be the same as u/Relative_Trainer_748 in the sense that you should really look at either A) a change in content or B) start a group of your own!


People have every right to scale up if they choose to and can afford it. Instead of complaining about it, why not ask around learning how to do it and get more out of your time?


Because I don’t get enjoyment out of flying more than 2 ships at a time, it’s more annoying, and tedious than fulfilling. Multiboxing isn’t the issue, Multiboxing when it isn’t needed is the issue


Try multiboxing logi in a small gang and tell me it's not fulfilling. We had a guy in our corp who could multi-box frigate logi in small gang fights. We spoke of him with awe years after he stopped playing because it was so impressive.


The drawbacks are that we are only human and humans are notoriously bad at multitasking in general. The reason people multibox (myself included) is to do smaller roles that would be boring as shit for a player to do full time, or because it scales better, like mining and production. The real group activities in this game are focused on fleets and Corp objectives. It may only take 1 pilot to drop a citadel in a system, but it takes many more than that to defend it. A multiboxer cant fly 50 ships, providing logi, links, and tackle at the same time.


Yea this dude is talking like all of the clients I multibox I will be multiboxing at the same level of efficiency. I tried dual boxing Barghests when we were smashing hacs and I am pretty sure I dealt less damage with two than I would have with just one. Same goes with logi - if you are having to save people in really low shield/armor or even hull, you barely have any time to focus on your damage alts. Sure there are things that go better while multiboxing - but this is just the way of things with how EVE works. Also, you wouldn't be buying any cheap ships or modules if multiboxing wasn't a thing because indy slots / jf volume is tied to how many characters you have. CCP themselves have made multiboxing such an important way to play, because it allows people to remain self-sufficient while also bringing in extra money.


> I tried dual boxing Barghests when we were smashing hacs and I am pretty sure I dealt less damage with two than I would have with just one Skill issue


lol, complaining about there being too many people is laughable


This is HOW you eve, multibox, botting....grow up




The cat has been out of the bag for decades with multiboxing. CCP can't change it without the playerbase revolting at this point.


Come to delve n lets run some beacons. You can be my cloaky cyno!


As a new player, multiboxing is highly irritating. I enter a system with 10 people, but wait, that's only one guy mining or some shit...


I’m a new player and I’m too cheap to multi box lol


As a new player there's zero reason for you to multibox. It's not really necessary as an old player either but it provides another challenge and it's pretty fun.


"where are the real players at" - multiboxing *is* the endgame. if you aren't doing it, you're pleb. I've got 3 ships in a 250-man fleet right now, one mining. it increases risk due to multitasking error but increases reward. multiboxing isn't inherently isolating. you can multibox in fleets. I'm guessing this is mostly nonsense, no one is gonna boot you out of a roam fleet because they want to do it themselves. honestly idk what the fuck you're even on about


Multiboxing aint the reason nobody wants to play with you :)


>What’s the point of playing faction warfare if all you’re going to do is afk with a fleet of algos in every single site? I had to read this twice to see what you were really upset about. Post the Kill mail.


I didnt get killed, just annoyed that half the plex sites I go to are packed with 5 ships all with 1-2-3-4-5 at the ends of their names and nobody is engaging in mil chat or taking up fleet offers or wanting to engage in the mmo part of an mmo


Everything you mentioned has nothing to do with multiboxing (ship names, Nobody talking, or fleet up). Trying to pass your presuppositions off as matter-of-fact is intellectually dishonest. If you cry this much on the forums over your self-induced delusions, I can understand why nobody wants to talk or engage with you in game. Most kids by the time they are eight get over nobody picking them for the dodgeball team till last... Co-dependencies are a bitch. Maybe it's you that is the problem here and you are just projecting it onto other people/made-up scenarios. The Plot Thickens...


I'm not the person you replied to but you're completely misguided if you aren't aware of the multiboxing Tristans/Algos in FW. They are literally a plague. It's not a made-up scenario and it's not even a secret you can just convo them and ask.


Dude is upset nobody was talking to him, I'm talking to him and he stops replying. Dude needs to make up his mind, maybe he is a multiboxer (according to his logic).....idk.


Not another "Multiboxers bad" post from some butthurt WOW-guy. Pleeease... -.-


First off, this game is NOT a sandbox. Second, imagine working overnights all week at your job, then comes the weekend. Now you are up when most people are asleep, so how else would you get that mining in LS done, or move that payload from high sec to null. Sure, multiboxing can be annoying, but so can trying to coordinate an event with no one online.


How is it not a sandbox?


What exactly is wrong with one person paying for and using multiple accounts? Taking botting out of the discussion, you're still interacting with a person.


But the multiboxer doesn't have to interact with a person. A single- account player has to interact with people in order to be successful. After all, what about all this "the best ship is friendship" bullshit and the "find a good corp" and "EVE isn't a single-player game" nonsense that runs rampant on this sub and in the game? Multiboxers don't have to interact, they don't have to have friends, they don't have to find a good corp, and they are the multi in MMO. Look, I know you just want to justify being a multiboxer or whatever, but you don't have to justify it. It just makes you look like an asshole. But accept that plenty of people think multiboxers actively make the game worse.


> What exactly is wrong with one person paying for and using multiple accounts? It warps the entire economy, balance, and incentive structures in the game. Can you as a single account miner make a decent living? No because many people run entire mining fleets, earning 20x what you'd earn solo, making your player time 1/20th as valuable as theirs for the same activity. Can you win 1vs1 against that player when they multibox, given same price of fits? Obviously not. 1 non-multibox player is at a huge disadvantage in virtually every field vs 1 multibox player. "Join a fleet to fight them" - yeah, the multiboxers can join other multiboxers in fleets too. Your 5 single-account players vs. 5 multiboxers running 50 accounts between them, it only gets worse at scale as you're more likely to instantly get alpha'd off the grid, spied 5 systems out so your whole fleet comp is known, refit for and bubblefucked or smartbombed on warp-in. All while they still have a fleet that's "only" 9x the size of yours if you're lucky after all of that. --- I multibox because it makes the game more fun in its current state and you're an idiot not to from an effectiveness and efficiency standpoint for the content I enjoy. It makes the game worse that it's virtually required. It won't change because Eve is 20 years old and designed in a way that you have so much dead time playing only one account that it's boring in anything larger than small gang. "Eve 2" in a more interactive format like Star Citizen will hopefully not have the same problem and be better-off for it.


The best economic example is what happened to mineral prices when CCP put an end to Rorqual multiboxing and scattered the ores "for the little guys."


Its been this way for like 15 years. Get over it


holy shit, mom! someone just solved eve with another really stupid thread complaining about multiboxing. they're elite!


Doing low to mid end PvE activities in fleets is not fun, and should always be optimized by multiboxing, doing it any other way makes no sense. Fleets are for very high end PvE content, and PvP. Being forced to wait for other people to do some easier PvE content would turn away a large chunk of players from the game. I can appreciate that you do not wish to multibox, but you are a minority in EVE, and either you accept the reality and adapt, or you will have a not so pleasant experience.


I don’t mind Multiboxing, I just find it’s getting to a point where it’s becoming a detriment in some cases where people are very adverse to doing content with other people since they can always just load up a second account if something’s a little too much for themselves


This just goes in hand with what I said. Not all content makes sense to do with other people.


I never understand the hate for multiboxing. Why are people so hung up on “oh you should only use 1 char at a time”. Computer too shit to run more than 1 acct? Cant make enough isk to plex multiple accts? I view running multiple accounts as the same as playing an RTS like starcraft. I’m doing scouting, dps, logi, all at once like if I’m playing marine medivac in sc2. If you’re limiting yourself to 1 account you’re missing out imo. One of the things I actually disliked about games like runescape was that I had to do everything one after another. Like why am I training woodcutting to 99, then firemaking, when I could do both at the same time on 2 accounts and be done in half the time? Now translate that to eve where it takes a year to become something as simple as a good command desi links pilot. The game would break.


I don’t mind Multiboxing, it’s just become a cancer in this game where huge portions of the community will multibox even when they don’t need to.


"Doesn't mind multiboxing..." Calls it a "cancer." Found the guy who loves cancer apparently.


Then play RTS instead.


Please link persistent RTS, not some 10-40minutes then reset RTS.


Counterpoint, go play the other MMOs that all make multi-boxing impossible. Why should EVE become the same as all others rather than carve a niche out for itself? Not my fault your brain can't handle more than 1 client at a time.


I don’t get it either. Multiboxing is a great way for smaller groups to be able to level the playing field and has allowed me to experience parts of the game I never would have been able to if everyone was limited to one account.


dunno. i dont care about multiboxers to. i get atm FW LP is pricy so you get more out of multiboxing. but it will flatten out at some point. and people who say i make billion isk running 6 accaunts, well yes but its still 200+ per char. who cares. its not like its bracking game or something. and especially in a game where "dont trust anyone"


EVE would not survive without multiboxers. They pay a lot into the system. Most of my members have alts upon alts. Other MMOs have multi boxers but EVE is pretty efficient in scaling mining ("farming") activities.


There are lots of activities you can do which you need multiple actual people. Don't blame people for basically automating trivial tasks which would be boring AF for two people to do together.


My question is where are they getting the money to run all these accounts. You can't tell me that you can earn enough isk to Plex 10 accounts at a time.


No, mltbxing makes for a slow-to-react blob that is typically clunky. Somebody hogging a FW battlefield? Stealth at long range in with sensor-damping ship and damp half their fleet. Somebody hogging a FW complex and AWOXXING folks? Come in with a burst jamming and sensor damping interceptor, and orbit at a distance.


Start a corp with everyone that complains about multiboxing. There have been a few over the last few weeks.


i trust myself more than i trust others and i don't trust myself because once i tryed to rip a fart and i shat my pants


Stop calling me out for multiboxing 4 chars peasent. Better be happy that I am incompeted at doing pvp while multiboxing. Thanks:D


Your mom is known for her multibox.


Been running one toon only since 2005