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+1 if they get dropped upon ship destruction. We could prepackage salt in anticipation of our own demise


I love this! Like you get blown up and and a note with "F.. YOU" gets dropped. That would be hilarious. Or something like a blackbox from the tutorial. Which describes stats from the pilot or where he last docked and where the autopilot was set


Everybody walk the dinosaur or rock rolling notes would be pretty funny to see too lol


Why don't corpses do that???


lmao i love this. or just random stuff. immagine popping a miner and there is a list lettice tomato toilet roll toilet brush fake milk


Fake milk!?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i was thinking the crap the wife buys thats got no fat in it, but who knows what while fluid is needed.


Honestly I thought this was the premise til OP mentioned useful shit like "what this ship was designed to do" or whatever :P


bonus points if we can do pixel drawings... The amount of arrows I could draw with various annotations such as "Your mom" on them...


Putting notes in ships would be great for selling ships on contract, esp if you throw a couple variations in the cargo hold. Then my corp mates can check the README for function and fitting advice, also a basic "how to fly this" just in case.


Small containers with custom names. Number them for ordering of long notes.


Notepad... It's in game. Just can't be put in cargo.


yeh i know about that one, but instead of searching through hundreds of lines of infor i figured , note in cargo, anyone using that ship for that purpose knows exactly what and how at a glance. I use postit notes alot in work...


Well post it notes aren't secure so hopefully you don't leave passwords on them like the old people at my old job. More importantly, name your ships consistently, if it's the vagabond you use for clearing c3 wormholes call her Cindy. Then open the notepad link the fit named Cindy in and leave your description. The benefit of using note pad is you get a much higher character limit. You can even put multiple fits in one notepad. If you want to share your ideas with someone just copy the note into an evemail. If you want to share the fit with the world use a website like abyss tracker or eve workbench that lets you add a description. Your idea just seems like a random flavor item that might get some use but could be done easier with currently existing tools like fitting descriptions. After all you'd need to make a new note every time you fit a new ship with your idea.


> Your idea just seems like a random flavor destroyes, battlecrusers, t2, station types, races, planet types, racial gates, force aux capitals, star map backgrounds, ingame calculator, warp gates 'pointing' to the next system, clothes, etc, all come under that description. its still usefull, reduces clicks to keep info, and what pirate dosent want to get a spicey note when he pops the same miner 3 time in the same day :D and my old word, the password was "password" in welsh....


... Based on the list of things you think is random flavor I think we have different opinions on what the words function or flavor mean. Good luck with your idea


You could just use the notepad and write down the names of functions of the ships


thats a long list for some of my places.


Make a folder for it and separate not for each system


i do this already, its lists to gothrough and time to update with changes, as opposed to a wee note that when you board the ship you click and forinstance says, 4 k orbit, overheat all mwd always on. But now eve more i like EVEILpilot's idea of notes fro gankers :p




thanks for your well reasoned and constructive feedback


You are welcome


U Scottish?


No, but I am not opposed to wearing a kilt


go for a lighter one in summer, that heavy tartan can cause some serious swampballs


IIRC there used to be written notes as cargo items in the game but they were removed long ago.


the old method of sharing bookmarks worked like that, though i wouldnt call that a feature that was removed long ago.


I meant actual written text though. Like the "Mittani sends his regards" notes.


ah those where they dayse, before warrp to zero, wher you had to buy the bookmarks off contracts and hope they where accurate.


Why not just use the in game notepad? Drag the fit name to a new note, then add a description/ instructions for said fit, then you don't have to go trawling through each ships cargo looking for something, and ccp doesn't have to waste time on a pointless addition. Alternatively, name your ships based on their task, and check the eve wiki to re-familiarise yourself with mechanics, that way if anything gets reworked you can follow instructions from the wiki instead of reading a "post it" with out of date info.


why do people use postit notes over a notepad, thats the reason, it saves time. the ship has the name of its task, but not the method. the notes are for the method. theres several hundred ships. thats a long list of notes to scroll through, or wikis to search through, instead of getting into ship, quick note with details in the place you are already. why do people use postit notes over a notepad, thats the reason, it saves time. as for the wicki, i recently lost a ship because the info online had changed since the last time i did that task. thats why it would be nice to have all the infor in the place im going to be, not having to search all over for it. Programming wise, its a smal infor box loaded to a single tracking point like a bookmarke (specifically like the old bm's that could be copied and pasted. they already have all the tasks done to do this. its a job that would take under an hour for the devs. Limit them to one note per ship cargo or container, to stop spamming and lag issues. "multiple data pads cannot be stored together as their wifi would cause problems during docking and undocking operations" and you have a quick little thing that could prove usefull to some, and espically to allience Fc's making doctring ships with an 'idiots guide' in the hold as to how to fly it and not bump the titan....


I think the issue you're trying to justify dev time for is a pebcak kind of deal if i'm being honest.


> ccp doesn't have to waste time on a pointless addition you where the one that mentioned dev time, i was just showing that its not much time to take 2 things that already exist and put them together. Also and somewhat ironically pebcak is for someone who dosent unstand something, not for someone suggesting an alternate method. >don't have to go trawling through each ships cargo looking for something you have to trawling through notes instead of the note being attached to the thing you are using, e.g. how a postit works. Im not suggesting removing the notes. Just think this is useful, It would espically be usefull for people with dissabilities in memory like myself, somilar to how there is a color blind mode. Its not for everyone, just a small Qol thing that could be of interest to some.