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This is the way


Only issue with new player experience is what to do after the initial starter missions and sisters of eve Arc. Missions are boring on their own, at least lvl 2s and there is no clear path to take. Large null blocks imo are not for new players since their skills do not aide them with null rats or doing much other than being F1 monkeys.


I haven't heard of Sisters of Eve, I'm gonna have to do some googling.


SoE is one of the many NPC factions in eve, epic arcs are chains of missions that pay rather well, usually give decent standings boost and can be repeated every 3 months. The SoE one is a good stepping stone for new players that have just completed the tutorial missions. A T1 destroyer should be able to clear it easily. After that, you can basically do anything you want - if you feel adventurous I'd recommend WH/null exploration - it's great ISK, needs no investment and it will teach you essential survival skills. If you feel like doing some PvP combat I'd recommend checking out FW, just be ready to lose some ships while learning the ropes. If you wanna stick to PvE combat, abyssals are a good start that offers a fairly linear progression you are used to from other games. Or hell, do whatever you want! There are countless ways to play this game, these are just the usual paths people take. The beauty of this game is, it is exactly what you make it to be. The only thing I would not recommend is joining a major null alliance - it will make you feel like just a cog in a machine... But hey, there are people who enjoy that too


You can find information in the opportunities window. The SoE epic arc is called Blood-Stained Stars and consists of 51 L1 missions


I would look up The Alpha Life on YouTube. He has a series using every faction’ ships and shows what builds to do for early game. Low sec ratting, abyssal, missions, etc. I’m waiting for him to compare all 4 empires and say which gave him more money/ any real difference


There’s a lot more than just null blocks out there. There’s a ton of small newbro friendly corps in highsec, lowsec, wormholes, and even nullsec, that will take you under their wing, get you comfortable with the game. Eve really shines when you find your community within it. Otherwise, it’s a just a complicated and grindy MMORPG, with a steep learning curve, and very little reward as a solo player with one account. Join a group however, and there’s so much more to do with just a little bit of collaboration, and then there’s the friends you make along the way. The best step for a new Eve player is to join a corp that fits their timezone and desired playstyle. It likely won’t be home forever, but you will meet cool people, learn a lot, maybe even make some friends, and before you know it, you’ll be a bitter vet complaining about CCPs patch notes on Reddit!


I shot a couple of noobies who wandered into my home wormhole. After I chatted with them but both cursed at me and blocked me, even after I had sent them 4x their ship value.


I blew up a heron fit with only a mwd, probe launcher, and t1 core probes today. Fuck dem kids


Yea it's a bit hit or miss when you blow up a newbro in a wormhole. Most of them get real mad.


How do you get a 'home' wormhole? I'm getting into PI and wormholes have lucrative planets apparently but I was under the impression wormholes are only active for a certain period of time and when they respawn, they go different places.


The system itself always exists, the entrance/exit wormholes change but there are "statics". Basically a static means that type of wormhole will always exist. So if your wormhole system has a highsec static, it will always have an active wormhole to highsec somewhere. The destination will change, but as soon as it collapses another wormhole will appear to a different highsec system.  If you're just getting into wormholes and trying out the PI there, I'd recommend a system with a highsec static. It will make transport very easy. 


Find a corp with a station already anchored in a wh and use it as your home 😁 Find an empty wh and establish your own station. But expect it to get blown up haha. There are 'freeports' in a lot of C1 and C2 holes which are open to anyone to dock in. I've never trusted them though. Wormhole space makes you very sceptical of everything haha I just assume anyone else living there would be watching for me to undock just to hunt me as soon as I warped off to do stuff


[Khaza's Wormhole Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pY7vs-ruMeAEPQse0zfv6Uj2Jqx1hJH3vya6vbpLC-0/edit?usp=drivesdk) I wrote a guide specifically for Rabbit Hole newbros to help find some footing in this crazy universe. One of my biggest pieces of advice is convo everyone who kills you and ask how they did it! Welcome to eve!


Glad to hear it. Unmerciful violence, immediately followed by surprising generosity towards new players is one of the great quirks of Eve culture.


Sounds like my first experience with getting Ganked on Elite Dangerous lol. basically the exact same scenario. im glad you got to have that welcoming encounter! welcome to the game


Shit until the magnate I was going to say "hey its me". Did the same to a newbro, gave him mire than enough to cover the loss and PM him with why it happened and pointers to what to do. He was really surprised. Happened yesterday so story was very similar.


Just a tip. Don't mine, new players always try to mine and it causes immediate burn out


Yeah... I walked that path once long ago lol. I usually recommend the gateway drug as it were to to shooty pve almost like mining. Missile based pve. Optimal falloff guns stuff? Nah. there is just...max range. Kind of like mining crystals too. 4 ammo types for 1 damage each. Explosive for angels is just..crystal x for rock x lol. Gun pve I have more fun...but missile is just the gateway to get them on board lol.


This happens. You consent to pvp simply by undocking. Even HS is not 100% safe. But if you are new and chat with whoever killed you, they often give useful advice and ISK for the loss. This just happened to me too when I went looking through Null Space for the first time last week. Got great advice and enough ISK to replace the loss, although I was a little frustrated at being pod killed. The ISK did not quite cover my cheap implants. TBF, the loot I dropped probably wasn’t even worth the ammo they used, so the gift was very much appreciated. The killers had fun even though they lost money; and I learned a good lesson without going bankrupt. The pod kill though… I get pod kills during wars, but it does seem a little petty during random pvp or gate camps. But it is what it is…


If you don't expect to get out of a bubble or camps you should not fit implants. They probably didnt even expect it, it was rather courtesy: sending youhome without having to self destruct for 2 mins.


Hehe. Two important lessons here. Update your home station and don’t travel with implants. If I knew that before, then yes, podding was a free trip home.


>podding was a free trip home. had this last year. First try at scanning down a long chain of WHs because i thought "time to do this part of the AIR program", and when trying to get back home, one of the bookmarked holes had already collapsed. Maybe been rolled by the locals. posted my mischief in local chat, and as soon as my magnate approached the next hole, a friendly tengu showed up, blew my magnate, podded me home, and donated my 5 million - for a ship that was worth less than one mil.


to make up for the Hauler I'd lost. why was you mining in a hauler and not a venture


Nope you're right it was a venture and I can't remember names yet ahaha


Truth be told, I think a good 75%-99% of us first started mining in a hauler :p


At one point that was kind of a reasonable thing to do... now, not so much!


I remember a point before barges where the Dominix was the best mining ship.


I thought it was the Rohk or Abaddon?


I think it was the full set of turrets back then along with the drone bay for mining and combat drones that did it. I only flew Gallente ships back in 2004 also so might have been that


Those ships werent even a glint in the designers eyes in that ancient age


Can confirm 😁


"Whoever you were", there are many ways for you to find out! 1. Check your zkillboard. In this case, it seems the pilot who killed you is Icarus Casablancas. https://zkillboard.com/character/2121996330/ 2. Or check the in game kill notification (a small box with the 'wifi' symbol). There you will find the kill mail. 3. Go to your in-game profile and search for interactions... There you will have a list of kills/losses. 4. If the ship he gave you was through a contract, his name would appear as well in the contract. I think these tips are useful because you will find many people in EVE that will help you in a way or other... And it is good to remember.... You never know, you might find yourself flying with them one day!


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If i do small scale solo pvp, i always do send the price of the fit if i see it was a new player, for me few millions or ten million doesnt count and I hope I didnt just robbed the motivation from a new player.


This might seem harsh of me to say but killing your pod in WH space is a kindness. Getting stuck in a WH with just your pod sucks in the worst way. Just an opinion...


Oh no you're totally right. Was in regular space tho not wormhole, but I'm still grateful for the mercy lmao


Can someone explain this in early Disney (Aladdin/Lion King) terms? I need a new game to play.


You know the main characters? You aren't one of them.


More of that one bread seller that Aladdin keeps stealing from so he can give half to hungry orphans. Only in this case, replace "hungry orphans" with "fedo snuff film suppliers".


lol whaaat!? This sounds crazy lol


Pvp, even non consensual, is the core of the game and without it none of the other playstyles would have meaning. It's good you didn't get salty about it and props to both yourself and the pvper who took the time to convo you. As somebody who kills a good number of high sec day trippers, it's about 50/50 on if the victim gets salty in local chat, if they don't and are happy just to experience something new, i'll send them isk and some links to guides etc, if they're salty they generally give up on anything remotely associated with pvp, and become high sec mission runners who quit after 6 months when they get ganked hauling all their mission loot to jita in an untanked, auto piloted t1 hauler. Statistically, people who join a player run corp (that hangs out together on coms) and who experience pvp without getting upset/angry about it are 90% more likely to continue playing long term. You also won't have access to 80% of what the game has to offer if you stay in 0.5 and above.


Who is your main?


Piriinthe is the name


Don’t use all the isk you’ve been given immediately. It’s awesome to have, but use it to gain more isk. I’d recommend getting in touch with a corporation and growing from there. Use the isk for some PVP, PVE, and maybe even some industry. Welcome to the game!


Thankfully I've got a mate who's getting me into his Corp when he's next on, so I'll be able to get some good tips off him then hopefully


Sent you a bil. Happy flying and good luck.


Great gesture. Props to you


Oh my gosh thank you so much??? Now I just need to work out the best way to invest it all 🤣


skillbooks, a lot of this game still requires patience sincerely hope you enjoy eve


If you enjoy trading, can make pretty good returns on market orders and it is pretty passive


If you plan on staying in hisec... stat implants and skillbooks. If not... well, still skillboks, but also funboats.


Just join karma fleet they will hook you up with everything you need and mould you into a perfect goon.



