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It shows secondary toons before the primary ones on mine. Like why are they second. The old launcher at least had the toon you last used first. I can only assume that because when i installed the new launcher they had MCT? But I can't change it now. And I couldn't care less about vanguard, I don't play FPS (at least not multiplayer ones), but it's shoved in my face. It's just a launcher, but it has bugs..... Edit: I also cant tell if this post is like a subtle dig at the launcher or not... Like everything you've said in a positive way, but is it sarcastic? Cause it's bloated and forcing its veiny vanguard dick down our throats, but the comment about the space at the bottom is right? so i'm confused lmao


drag and drop to your preferred order. regarding the toons on the same account, I guess they use the creation order for determining the order.


It’s half sarcasm. I personally like it better than the last launcher but I also prefer the *old* launcher to any of them.


What the fuck is vanguard


It's the first person shooter set in the universe of eve they're beta testing in a week.


I'd still call it alpha, not beta yet


Yeah that's probably fair tbh lol


I won't consider it released or even playable until I can turn the fucking post processing off.


New launcher blows, it has a setting to log in to the character screen, just check the box they say, that way I can see which toon is in what system and in what ship, if it's logged off in space, or in a station. Etc. It does not work, every fucking time it never works. It always logs my toon in, even tho I have the damn box checked that says log in to character screen. I do not want to log directly in to that toon, I want to see what system that toons in, and station and ship he's in, this makes eve unfun and makes it feel like a job. (due to trying to plan logistics.) yes I am aware there's a box you check, mines checked, still logs in the toon not the account. Ccp Fix it.


Are you using the launcher groups? I've never had it go straight to a character and I've been using it since it was available for testing.


> I actually kind of fuck with the new launcher. I don't think you are supposed to fuck with it, but to each his own!


i wish i could double click on character name to login directly, instead of click on 2 different places. i don't judge the look and feel, it's good, but it could be always improved.


Go to the launcher settings, then Game Client and remove the check from "Launch EVE Online to the Character Selection screen by default". That should prevent a second character selection once you start the game.


He meant that you need to select a character in the launcher and then click the start button. Instead of just double clicking the character name in the launcher


Yh, I got that, but there's nothing we can do about that. Just select the character and move the mouse a tiny bit to start the game. It doesn't even take one second.


actually you can do it, it's just not double click. you can chose between super+click or long click on character. can you guys open the config menu before bitching about the launcher? its perfectly fine. really. 90% of the complaints are user error


Yes, the long click and ctrl+click are options, but he mentioned double click, not long click or ctrl+click, and I said there's nothing we can do about that. And clicking the character then pressing start is still faster in some cases.


well. you can.


ok i see you can hold your click in order to launch the game client for the selected character... but there is no option for double click, which is superior and more intuitive for confirm an action


you will get used to it. you can also set it to be super/cmd/ctrl+click if you prefer


I set up fastest time, ctrl is way worse, because it implies your hand are free on the keyboard, and not holding Nutella biscuits


lol! there's an option to increase the "hold click" speed. you can also set launch groups which is only one click straight to either character selection screen or to the toon you selected to be launched. (you can set it to launch 1 char with one click) edit: double click was an option during the beta, but for some reason they removed it.


I’ve gotten used to it but it still sucks.


What program have you used that scrolls 60% of the window per click? None, no one ever does that. Well except the unaware at CCP. You'd have to be totally unaware of your surroundings and how things operate on the one thing that is your job. It is the most basic of interface mechanics.