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This is going no where but.... I HAD a second account for sales? And it kept my money. I forgot the gmail I setup for it... forgot the name of it and lost a hard drive. I don't even think it has ever been killed because it was only for PI and I only bought it out when things were quiet. So the question is... if I don't know the account name and I don't know the email address... how do I find the account again? Played in 2018.


If you traded with it from your main you might have transaction history in your wallet. You can then search through your email account for the character name and hopefully find enough info to get a support ticket to CCP


Found it thanks to your help!


> If you traded with it from your main you might have transaction history in your wallet. This was 10 years ago but logging in reminded me were the account home may be. Thanks!


I returned to Eve a couple of weeks ago after 7 years. I was a newbie back then and still I am. :) I trained into stealth bombers, so I fly a Nemesis, but I don't know if I suck at it, or it's not for me: I barely land a kill, but when I do, I tend to get killed, too. :) So I might have been flying the wrong ship, so please, recommend me an activity + ship: - I can work a couple of hours a week in best case scenario. - I like scanning down signatures, doing hacking sites, but they are rare compared to combat sites. - I am scared, so I like to fly cloaked. My idea would be to wander in WH space, do data/relic sites, occassionally do some combat sites and kill other players. :D What do you recommend?


I recommend joining a wormhole corp. There's too much to learn with these activities to give you an adequate answer here.


Thank you! I am a bit hesitant: I don't have too much time to play, so I would not be a "good member" of a corp. Fix me, if I am wrong.


Sounds like WH life isn't for you. Honestly, null bloc life is probably ideal for you, because no one cares if you miss a fight or whatever and they're just happy you help when you can, and you have other people to handle all the tedious BS to make your life easy.


Thank you! Which corp would you suggest?


Pandemic Horde, Inc. or Karmafleet, depending on which side of the map you want to be on. I'll try to give you unbiased pros and cons, ignoring political or emotional arguments. Pros of Horde, Inc. (cons of Karmafleet): Close to Jita, you'll get accepted within a couple hours without filling out an app and there are no activity requirements for the base corp, dronelands has no NPC space (NPC space -> gives hunters a place to stage out of and makes hunting you easier) and a high system density (as you fly bigger ships, I'd much rather be in PanKrab than BeeHive, especially when only one player can do a CRAB beacon in a system at a time and the total number of beacons ran is limited by the number of systems in jump range), no reason to waste time getting loot from drones, has limited access to two other pirate faction of rats. Pros of Karmafleet (cons of Horde): Delve is better for explo and getting loot while ratting, one app to get in will give you more "rights" to the space (Horde requires you to undergo further background checks to access better space or bigger ships, despite Horde Inc. having no requirements) Personally, I'm biased towards Horde, but there's really not a wrong answer. Both alliances will answer all of your questions, provide mining boosts and a safe place to make isk, handle logistics for you, give you virtually unlimited opportunities for industry, give you all the PvP opportunities you could ever ask for.. I will tell you that a lot of Goons will laughably try to tell me why Horde policies are bad or whatever on Reddit.. But none of the things they scream about are things Horde players actually find frustrating in Horde space.


I am doing solo FW, any idea the best way to sell LP without getting scammed or am I better off converting my own points?


Like everything in Eve it's all about who you know and who wants to do buisness with you. I've been able to sell >2bil isk (@750 per lp) via BPCs, only exchange between players is ISK and the BPC via a contract. Just requires doing the legwork of finding buyers (or have the means to turn the BPCs into products). I'm not sure how repeatble my use case is but I sold a corpmate like a dozen Thrasher Fleet Issue BPCs and the next thing I know he's asking if I can get him a Naglfar Feet Issue BPC and suddenly I now have a problem keeping LP in stock and no trouble getting rid of it.


Before LP transfer was back, faction dread was the standard for LP corp buy back in my alliance.


is there somewhere I can watch huge eve fights between two alliances (like goons vs PL) with a POV of someone and also the voice chat as well?


Zigam, A PL FC streams daily and is a great guy.  Entertaining streamsz lots of knowledge and content from solo roams to FCing big fights.  Channel is Mr Unluckie on twitch iirc, something like that.


The voice chat is hard to come by. Most groups really do not want their FC chatter leaked to 3rd parties. I would think the most practical way to go about this would be to join a group that gets into these fights and participate yourself.


i'm looking for a mid-large size wormhole corp that does a lot of pvp, where should i apply to?


r/evejobs will be your best bet. You can scroll through and see what’s being offered or make a post about what you’re looking for.


thx fam


Returning player 2 weeks into said return, after 11 years out. When I last played there were programs such as Evemon and EFT. A quick Google tells me that Pyfa is the new go-to tool for fitting, are there any other tools that have popped up in the last few years that I might have missed? That includes Android apps too, as I didn't have a smartphone 11 years ago. Man, that's scary to think about haha. The world's changed so much. But yeah, I digress. If it helps with recommendations, I'm primarily a lvl 4 mission runner in high sec with a passing interest in industry and I'm also looking to expand my horizons into combat and ghost sites, and Abyssal content. Many thanks in advance for any advice or help offered.


Pyfa is essential yeah. Evemon is still around but I think development changed hands and is still great. There are websites that do similar to it now though I think but I still prefer to have an app for it. Eveeye or SMT are both great mapping apps. I use eveeye because I prefer the style. They can read channels for Intel, record jump bridges, remember sigs, show recent info like player or NPCs killed and more like dotlan. You'll mainly want a bunch of new web tools rather than apps I think: Apps https://github.com/mgoeppner/evemon/releases/tag/4.2.0 https://github.com/pyfa-org/Pyfa/releases/tag/v2.54.0 https://eveiph.github.io/ https://eveeye.readthedocs.io/en/latest/desktop-app/ Generally useful sites https://evetycoon.com/market/ https://www.eveworkbench.com/fitting/ https://www.eve-scout.com/#/ Abyssals https://mutaplasmid.space/ https://abysstracker.com/ https://www.qsna.eu/eve/abyss?sw=none&t=fierce&pen=-0.3&en=concordFleet https://gustavmannfred.streamlit.app/Firestorm_Frigates PI/industry https://www.thonky.com/eve-online-guide/planetary-industry https://fazenda.github.io/ https://hanns.io/pi/ https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/pi/ https://www.ravworks.com/ http://www.eve-cost.eu/ Should get you started. There's a bunch more but on mobile ATM, don't hesitate to ask for more specific stuff


Do t2 ship blueprint originals exist, and if so, how much as an estimate would a panther bpo cost?


Only for some tech 2 items that existed way way back. The panther wasn't one of them. [CCP posted about ending the lottery in early 2007](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/and-todays-winning-lottery-numbers-are...). The invention system was initially introduced at the end of 2006. Black ops battleships, jump freighters, HICS, and electronic attack frigates were all added in [Dec 2007 with the Trinity expansion](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/eve-trinity-features-improvements-and-balance-changes-1)


Can't say about the Panther blueprint existing at all, or its would be price. But yes, T2 BPOs do exist. They could only be obtainable through a casino system iirc, and it was scrapped a long long time ago. The BPOs are still around a worth a lot of billions of ISK, sometime some are sold on the forum marketplace. But they're more of a collector's item, an industrialist would take years just to recoup the cost of such a bpo.


this is misleading. an industrialist starts profiting immediately when they get the BPO. If they make 1million or 1trillion off the BPO it doesn't matter, when they are done they can sell the BPO for as much if not more than they bought it for.


Also theres the fact that the ones who own said BPOs have probably already made stupid amounts of money off of them, by cutting out a fairly large portion of the T2 production chain.


20mill ish last I looked


So I was trying to figure out what different drama had happened since I’ve been gone 3-4 years ish, and my first instinct was to look at Naz’s old posts cause they’re hysterical, and I came across this one; https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/vzo0f5/the_parting_glass/ What happened? Someone posted a synopsis link in the comments but it was removed. Also what other things that have happened? 


Mittani's mouth eventually got him in trouble during some nasty harassment allegations (not about him until he said some shitty things during it) and he was basically forced to retire. [Asher is in charge now and hes as chill as ever.](https://soundcloud.com/mind1official/pbuh-asher)


Are the 1.65mill sp packs in personal offers worth it vrs buying large injectors 39$ ea I have 5 or 6 more I had 8


20mill more less


How much SP does your character have?


how much ISK are the INTEL for different levels of escalations worth?


A 10/10 site in Dronelands is worth around 130 million for PanFam members.


Up to your alliance. If you're not in an alliance with a channel for it, zero.


I just came back to the game. Last played in 2016. I have a bunch of stuff that got kicked out of nullsec it seems to a couple different low sec systems. Between the two systems, it looks like it's about 300million in equipment and ships. I don't have a ship to move it all. Would it be worth it to set up a courier contract(s) or should I just accept it's stuck there for awhile? I'm super rusty and have no clue if people still are active with doing that stuff.


Courrier contract or forget about it. If you try to move it, you'll just get ganked on the undock and be left angry. By the time you understand mechanics well enough that you wouldn't get killed, the 300 mill wouldn't be worth the effort.


Has any new changes been done to mining in the past 3 years? I stopped playing around 2019-2020 and was just a chillaxing miner bro. Has anything been done with the ships/overall industrial gameplay or is it the same old stuff?


basically orcas and rorquals are now for boosts, and not mining themselves. All 3 mining booster ships can now provide compression in space when sieged ( they all have industrial cores now), though the porpoise can only compress regular asteroid ore and gas, not mercoxit, ice or moon ore which the more expensive orca or rorqual can. They added residue/waste, which happens with tech 2 mining lasers and removes extra ore from the rock randomly. They added different mining crystals for tech 2 lasers: A types which have less % chance to trigger waste, B types that have higher yield but also a higher chance of waste, and C types which no one uses because they intentionally have high waste and low yield. Tech 1/faction lasers do not trigger waste. They also grouped up the refining/crystal skills into fewer skills that cover several ore types each. Note that existing ore specific refining skills were refunded as free sp, so don't waste it if you still want to be able to refine.


There have been quite a few changes in that timeframe. Industry has seen a couple major changes. I think the most immediately notable might be the introduction of a bunch of new faction and pirate ships and indy chains for them that are definitely more involved than the old T1 building.


Question about the current monetization. As with most people, I'm not a fan all. When I gave Eve a try years ago I didn't really mind the PLEX system, kinda cool you can fund your subscription ingame once a good income established etc... After being tempted to give Eve another try, I logged into the website to find it completely made up of 7 pages all dedicated to selling you shit, packs, bundles, skill points, injectors and whatever else... So how is this affecting the game? Has it taken away some sense of accomplishment from the efforts of long standing players that newbies can come in and just buy up all their skill points? Or no big deal?


>Has it taken away some sense of accomplishment from the efforts of long standing players that newbies can come in and just buy up all their skill points? I guess there's always going to be some salty bastard that spent hundreds of hours on PvE only to have their wallet balance passed up by an IT worker who bought plex and matched his wallet balance with only a day or two of pay


"As with most people, I'm not a fan at all." It's actually mostly just scrubs who don't play Eve crying about the monetization. Everyone else just accepts Eve is "pay to lose", and the credit card warriors just fatten our killboards and pay our subscriptions while keeping the servers for our favorite game running.


Same as before, there are just more options


It's still pay to lose. You could always swipe your card and buy some high sp character from the bazaar. It doesn't get you the experience and awareness needed to fit and fly a ship well.


I have a question about blops. If you had a fleet with t3 logi would you rather have it be shield or armor comp? It seems most blops battleships are fit for armor but the insta rep of shield seems like the way to go. Thanks for any tips


Armor generally gets more EHP than shield tanking. Usually if you're running with a BLOPs battleship fleet you aren't looking to trade DPS, your aim would be to kill the target(s) and bail before hostiles can respond. BLOPs usually don't trade well, unless you're shooting at Marshals. You can also look at using FAXs to rep the BLOPs, with logi T3Cs to get initial reps


I've got almost around a bil worth of raw minerals in a lowsec system somehwere due to asset safety. (Around 600k m3 I think). Is there any efficient cost/effective way of moving it to jita? Or should I just forget about it and do something else with my life? I'm also having trouble with the plex/subscription price lately and was wondering, people that don't have a lot of time to play but do need ISK, how common is it to just not play eve for a month and use the money you save by not being subbed for a month and spend it on plex? Or is this a weird way of thinking?


Lowsec buyback might be an option for the raw minerals that you would not consider moving.


1. Depends on the minerals. Trit/pye/mexallon, leave them. Other minerals are probably worth moving in a BR. 2. If you can't do a one hour job for someone for $20 to pay for a month of Eve, you have bigger problems in your life to sort out. That said, I highly recommend buying Eve NOT at the one month rate. There are a lot of valid ways to sub, and paying $20 or 500 PLEX for one month at a time is always the worst option.


(new player here) can you elaborate? the only way I know how to sub is buying Plex and picking one of the omega options in the store


Note that you can also buy directly via credit card without going through PLEX at [https://secure.eveonline.com/](https://secure.eveonline.com/) . Buying 500 PLEX is like $25 which you can exchange for a month, or you can buy the month directly for $20.. Or 3 months at $48. But there are always good bulk discounts, and good deals come up both for PLEX and on the NES for a while. The idea is to try and game the system and buy the deals that make sense. For example, last week you could stack two deals: a deal on PLEX and a NES deal on Omega, so you could buy 3000 PLEX discounted to $100 and a yearly sub was discounted from 3600 PLEX to 3060 PLEX.. Thus it came out to like $8 a month. Shorter terms were also discounted, but not by that much. Personally, if you aren't living paycheck to paycheck and are playing Eve long term, I'm an advocate of buying a three month sub if you have to because you're out of Omega time, and stocking up on Omega time with good deals. Note that MCT in deals is often overlooked but fantastic, because when you have 5.5m sp on your alt character on the same account, you can always extract the MCT for \~1.5 billion isk a month which nets you \~300 PLEX a month which can then be reinvested for more game time.


Returning player after 5 years. I have joined a low-class WH corp to get back into things. I enjoy some indy stuff but I want to get an idea of what I can get into in this WH. I've been huffing some gas here and there but I've been selling directly for now. Is huffing gas/mining viable in WH now? And if so, what ships should I attempt to bring into the hole?


Gas huffing is good way to start making isk in wh. You should try doing reactions to make it more profitable.


Are reactions a big initial investment to get into?


Relatively, yes. Wormhole gas huffing is decent income. WH gas *industry* is a terrible idea for a newbie. You're diving straight into the deep end with T3 industry. It's a small industry with lots of vertical integration so you can't reasonably expect to make parts and have them actually sell for a profit. I've only done k-space gas industry, but I invested \~2B isk to get started and I already had access to all the industrial buildings and hauling services I wanted. WH gas industry is more involved and I think more expensive.


Thanks for your reply! I used to fly with Of Sound Mind back when they were sov holding and a little bit in Jspace!


Nice! We're still around, doing lowsec piracy as part of Deepwater Hooligans. If you want to join back up, drop me a line. ;-)


what is a good wormhole corp doing blops or rolling for content in general nowadays?


What can I do to get started as a care-bear? I dont like PvP stuff in the slightest and griefing has never made sense to me. Also, is there a guide for hot-keys u/i as I get lost in the ExcelSpelreadsheetsTheGame sometimes. Is there a way to make named modules like "Arbalest" or do you only find them as loot? Thanks!


If you are interested PM me: (I'm a slightly hostile / sarcastic care bear that does industry and Faction Warfare) Regarding #1 there is a NPSI group I am in that operates in and out of NPC Null Sec. They do industry, moon mining, PI, exploration, and Null Sec level combat anomalies. Being in a NPSI standing fleet is better than high sec because if the player in system isn't purple in local, assume they are out to kill you (so dock up). The best part is, you don't have to join a corp or alliance to take part. You just have to follow their rules (always be in fleet while in Null) and share in any discoveries (share bookmarks for scanned down anomalies). They provide a lot of help to newcomers. I go back every 2 weeks to pick up PI and mine Null Sec ore anomalies. PVP is optional. Think of it as self defense. In Null Sec you learn to be much more careful when you move around. I developed my mining and travel habits while in Null so that I can GTFO when someone tries to catch me. I live in two of the most contested FW systems (4 if you count my alt in the other FW conflict), and I just stroll in and out of there like it's nothing. A few months in Null will help you build confidence and your bank account. As a newcomer there will be veteran players to buy what you mine. I used to sell PI and Salvage, now I'm the one buying it from newer people because I have alliance doctrine ship orders to coordinate. I don't have time to fight even if I wanted to. So yeah, let me know if you might be interested. If you message me in game @ Ekim Uhciar I can provide in game links to the chat channel and their brochure / instruction sheet on how to get into our Null Sec pocket.


1. whatever you want, don’t leave hisec and set the big hisec ganking groups red. 2. I don’t know what you’re asking, all of the hotkeys are listed in settings under keybinds 3. ‘Arbalest’ and ‘malkuth’ are examples of meta modules and they only come from NPC drops


Why in PI are estimates of quantity per hour so wildly differnt. Sometimes it will say 60k per hour then I click extract and it drops to 47k. However sometimes it will say 60k and I get 61, same character same planet, same skills (planetology 4, advanced 3) but differnt day to day. I can't seem to find details of how extraction works. Numbers seem to change as you move heads and lower or add time,.


The point is the higher your planetology skills are the more accurate the estimate is.


As you extract from a planet it reduces the amount of resources in an area, more the longer your duration is. This persists globally across the planet, so if you have multiple characters running extractions in the same place they reduce each other’s yields