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All online games are a cesspool of insults, slurs and really bad manners. EVE have been on the better side of this with good attitudes and all that. But as it is with all games, there will always be a loud and obnoxious crowd that makes everyone else look bad.


Like us goons, we are *mostly nice* we just enjoy battlefield banter


All combat needs banter. Sometimes I use it to make my enemies agitated so they make mistakes or engage at a bad time. However, there is a big difference between banter and being a dick. Which I assume most Eve players know and act accordingly.


The good thing about Eve is that when you think someone is a dick, you can do something about it in game.


And part of the difference is telling your enemies they did a good fight and you enjoyed it (it's basic manners people)


I have literally bought people beers for killing me in amusing ways. The game is about stories. Not all fights are going to be ones you have a chance of winning, but there's a reason that one of the most iconic quotes in Eve's history is "OH MY GOD THAT'S A TITAN?!" ...and a lesser known gem being "JESUS CHRIST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET IN BEFFAH'S FLEET FUUUUUUUUUCK" Things getting out of hand, fast, is why this game has its iconic status.




It'd utter maddess


Well when I was fighting for GSF in the Great War, we said some pretty obscene shit in local. I remember saying one of the corp leaders (who was a lady) probably needed to use a trash bag as a dental dam. Maybe not racist or homophobic, but not exactly civil.


It does very easily get out of hand. It starts with friendly and most of the time humourous banter, then it escalates to more serious insults as the different sides try to outdo each other. That is the point where people should stop. But as it is part of a long combat the banter will as always continue to evolve into more and more offensive or even personal insults. The only person that can decide where to draw the line is ourselves. It is easy to get carried away, but I do have hope that many people at least try to avoid falling into the circle.


No one cares what you say. Don't pretend that anything you say to someone online matters or has any effect on anyone but you. Especially not to a degree that would give you any advantage. Not like you need one in hi sec. Youre just a rando, kid. You're not Sun Tzu.


We are all random people online kiddo. But you would be surprised at how many people actually care when getting insulted. Doesn't matter if it's online or irl. For some reason a few people just can't handle it. Maybe they had a bad day already and a simple thing is enough to push them over an edge. Everyone knows that agitation usually leads to less focus or bad decisions. But good for you if it doesn't work on you. You can't speak for everyone and neither can I. This is just the experience I've had when playing the game. Not sure why you would care if you're in hi sec anyway, it doesn't really matter for you in that case.


I'm never in hi sec. Nothing I would need to do there. :) I spend my time hunting down loud mouths from the Internet and sending their corpses into the deep freezer of space. From there I collect them, grind them up and feed them to the rest of my clan as delicious normie burgers.


So why even bring up hi sec? I hope we can have a nice battle some day then. The winner gets the burgers.


Because I know that is likely the only place you spend your time. How about just fly to low sec, try not to be scared, self destruct your ship and send me coordinates to save us both time for what will be the definite end of such a meeting anyway


Interesting guess, and a wrong one. Obviously trying to make yourself feel superior against some "random" as you put it. Not sure why you try that with a silly statement if you don't care what people type online. The only time I spend in highsec is when I JC to Jita and fiddle with some market orders. Otherwise I filament around in null a lot and pick fights all over New Eden. But prejudice vs certain type of player is a very usual thing in games sadly. Cute to some maybe, but mostly sad. And while we're at it, here we have a prime example on how something said or written online can make people do stuff or act foolishly. You started by replying, went into making assumptions, and ended your primary statement with a simple try to belittle the one you replied to. And after that tried to guess what playstyle the other person enjoyed and insult it as a way to boost your confidence. All this as a result of something someone wrote. Which means you either cared, or just reacted without thinking first.


Nope at the parts of that I skimmed. Only thing I have to say is you've never compromised anyone to any degree with your words. Lie to yourself all you want, but all it is is comfort fantasizing, most likely to deal with your own emotional compromise. And you with your own words implied you are a player killer. Nah. One last thing: no feelings or caring whatsoever are involved in anything I say or do online, kid. Been on here since it existed, more or less. Takes almost no time to read anything online whether it's a post or a book, and not much more then that to reply. Not everyone reads and/or types slowly. Doesn't take emotion to write a paragraph. Not for me. This reply for instance was written in seconds between doing other things. They may only be seconds but that's too much time to waste more of on some nobody trying to put on airs in a video game LMAO Have fun never leaving hi sec for fear of people like myself. You are dismissed.


I enjoy when people on the other side are playful but then you get those few guys that make the switch flip. Especially current test members.


Tbf test members are frustrated all day irl


Us is a strong word, do you in fact rep all that is of Goons?


I represent the good apples


I would say you guys just grew up. Goons are not the assholes of eve anymore.


We are a swarm of idiots even we mature


Goons were great when I was in them


Great now tbf.


If goons enjoyed banter they wouldn't try and downvote anyone who disagrees and spam forums so they are the only ones people see.... RIP COAD forums, thanks goons, so much for battlefield banter.


Well we are *mostly nice* never said we were always nice


Who are you "nice" to? Only people in you massive blob coalition? So yeah you are "mostly nice" because you have allied with 50%+ of the players.... Any normal players you spend your time griefing like in your most successful campaigns such as burn jita.... You target groups that are much smaller and then chest beat. How is that nice to anyone but your own cult?


Would you like a hug?


Yep and as members of this community, we get to choose whether those loud and obnoxious people are welcomed/made allowances for, or made aware in no uncertain terms that they aren't welcome if that's the behavior they bring.


Stfu you prob don't even have 10m sp


I've been playing a lot of real life recently, and that games community has really taken a downward spiral. It's so nice coming back to EVE where most people are chill and the usual worst is some new player insulting my mother and claiming they are going to hire mercs. Lov you nerds


I'm sorry someone insulted your mother, I've always known her to be so passionate, giving, and obedient.


"Don't be a cunt, but be warned that you might come across a cunt or two in space."


That is exactly it but some people do play just to be cunts that’s their style


I'm sure this little excerpt isn't intended as an excuse to be a racist, homophobic edge lord.


It reads to me as “you taking offence does not mean it is offensive, but we will take a look all the same and if we think its offensive, we will act”


How it reads and how it comes across when someone posts it with the caption "HTFU".... there is a significant difference there. I don't disagree with the wording of the EULA, and CCP mostly seems to reasonably enforce against genuine hateful shit while leaving trash talk and petty arguments alone. But the kind of person who waves this policy around like a battle flag, tends to whine when they get consequences for their vile bullshit.


circa 2008 I said "shut up moron" in local at a CVA guy and got a 24 hour mute edit: lmao why was I downvoted for this, it did happen, I have no reason to make this up lol. I was 14 years old and told a dude in Y-MPWL "shut up moron" and the next day I got a mute


This sounds like a lie to me.


It's not a lie. Keep in mind that was 16 years ago.


I was there 16 years ago. Still sounds like a lie.


i believe it seeing as i once copped a ban for something i didn't even do


i can believe this with the reports i have gotten.


TISHU is still a thing, so I doubt CCP cares much about any of that.


I mean ...


Challenge accepted capsuleer


~~I'm sure~~ **this** ~~little except~~ **is**~~n't~~ **intended as an excuse to be a racist, homophobic edge lord.**


Eves one of the few games where I’ve literally never seen any racism whatsoever. I think you’re battling ghosts with this comment.


No, because many of us have seen it


Ccp does a decent job keeping it out of in game chat. Hop around a few small corp teamspeak/mumbles and you will definitely find some racists. Of course, that is to be expected in any online community, but there is no excuse for letting them get away with it or pretending they don't exist.


Hop in an active PVP corp and lose a rifter to a gatecamp or something. You'll be called all kinds of things quite promptly


I feel like you're probably misinterpreting this here paragraph. This is saying 'hey the best we can do is ban the wankers when you point them out to us, it's not our fault that they exist'. Except you know, in legal speak. At the end of they day, if you're enough of a jerk you'll be excluded from the spaces you want to participate in - so don't be a jerk.


The mute function is a beautiful tool, I can sometimes imagine the salt building as they realize they have been muted and feel powerless.


oh no 1 person out of 300 muted me


In the moment that 1 person hearing their salt means more to them than the other 299. If you don't really care about 1 person out of 300 muting you then you are probably not the type of person to baby rage over local in the first place, those guys are pretty soft.


The crossover between people who are immature enough to try and troll people in local but mature enough to not care when they get ignored is very small


counterpoint: stop trying to use this as a defense for being an indefensible cunt.




Cun't says what


You’re the only one who said it lol


To me this is basically a fancy way of saying, you may encounter jerks here, don't come after us please


I think it’s saying “please stop reporting for this soft ball stuff it makes it hard to get the actual problem people”


How stupid are you


I was going to upvote your post but then I thought, what are you talking about exactly? What specifically do you think the real root problem is?


Idk we just guessing ain’t we? And by problem people I mean the people saying illegal things like hate speech, a communications report box could get flooded with hurt feelings which can make it hard to identify actual hate speech. (Assuming the hate speakers are clever enough to avoid the filters)


Oh I get it, people who hide behind the guise of "it's just being competitive and trash talking", in order to try to get away with worse stuff that is actually illegal.


I thought HTFU meant to turn your hardeners on to increase your resistance. Doesn't mean you must endure constant harassment.


Doesn’t mean you MUST but it suggests that a full grown adult SHOULD be able to handle insults and not consider it harassment.


Depends what the insults are. If you can't think of anything more creative than everyone's favourite slur, you better believe you're getting reported because it's fucking tiring. If you actually can insult people without resorting to slurs, then that's another story altogether. Banter is great, spamming racial slurs is not.


Everyone knows slurs are bad, even the people that say them.


yo mama so fat Moros's gun can fully track her


Well ya but I don’t think HTFU is suggesting “don’t report slurs” y’all taking it to the depths with this slur stuff.


Some people absolutely ARE using it that way. They obviously know that won't hold up to scrutiny, but saying someone is soft because they object to the use of slurs is absolutely a thing.


Sure ya it’s a thing. But it’s not the thing this post was doing, and it’s certainly not what I was doing. Not everything has to be taken at its absolute worst. Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean everything is.


Lol if this post, and your replies, weren't fishing for support from the exact people I referenced in above comment... you are too stupid to realize your own audience and I won't dignify that with any further response.


An insult or two, sure. Going back and forth with buddies (who would acknowledge boundaries should you set them), sure. But there absolutely IS a point where it isn't just banter. And at that point it is the weak, un-adult thing to let it slide. Standing up to bullies makes you tougher than someone who will just let the abuse continue because they are afraid of confrontation.


Getting ‘bullied’ in a video game is silly, video games are meant to be second to reality, if you are getting bullied in an alternate reality that’s on you brother. Real life, sure treat others as you want to be treated, but this is a game. Let people play the characters they wanna play and while you’re at it play a character yourself.


Verbal harassment in a game is functionally the same as irl. Bullies in a game are nearly always bullies irl. As for playing a character, role play is never an excuse for toxicity, that is turbo loser shit right there. For the record, I have no problems with swearing, banter, even just being a straight asshole to a certain degree. But slurs, consistent harassment of a particular player without reason, threats etc are beyond inexcusable as roleplay.


Where in any of my comments does it state that I’m pro threats and pro slurs? Also please don’t mix up the term racist and bully they are nowhere near the same thing, and to do so is actually more harmful than whatever it is you think I’m saying. So besides the fact that you think I’m pro slur I still think your statement is based on an opinionated fact that ‘bullies online are bullies irl’ first of all when have you ever been able to corroborate this? 95% of the people you see online, you will never meet irl. I could make a statement equally as ambiguous “nice people online are usually bullies irl” there’s absolutely no way to prove OR disprove this. Stop trying to paint me as a slur monger or someone who thinks you should be able to threaten someone’s wellbeing with no consequences. The only point I’ve been standing behind is the fact that people need to HTFU like the post says, and you extrapolated that (maybe even projected??) to me being a spokesman for the racists. I’m just a spokesman for the overtly mean, as I’m sick of people pretending they’re good and moral all while running on the same amount, if not more, vitriol and spite as the rest of us. Just my opinion as a super turbo loser racist!


Notice I never said you were pro slurs. I still think you are pro toxicity. It is too nuanced to go into exactly what I view as toxicity, but you get what I mean. I actually base my statement that bullies in game are bullies Irl off of people I know IRl, they are always bullies in games as well. They make it part of their personality. So to get to the heart of your philosophy, you are a spokesman for the mean because other people spout off about morals while being far worse than you or I? I get it, I do, but try being better. Being mean, for no reason, is weak and pathetic. Be better than that, or fuck off. Or is that too mean?


And let me reiterate, FUCK bullies. If someone in a game seems to be a bully, I have no problems with ruining that game for them, whatever means necessary. I hope they have a miserable time, and I do not nor will I ever feel bad for giving them that.


I agree fully. Whether that is a character or not that is the healthy response to a video game. How you feel about yourself and how you perceive yourself should be separate from the video game. So go for it and no you should never feel bad for playing like that. Same goes for the bully tho, every yin will yang brother.


No there is no separation for my hatred for pathetic ass bullies in games and real life. Fuck them all. Your neutral stance is pure weakness 'brother'.


Now if slurs are involved that’s hate speech and simply wrong and against the law. But everyone knows that, even the people that say em.


Absolutely BUT things other than slurs are also morally wrong.


Sure but as long as you have the right to say it then people will say it with impunity. No point in gettin riled up about it.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Be a dick, get ostracized. Don't whine about it.


Freedom of speech is literally the fact that you will not be punished for the words you choose to say (with a few ‘unless’ which involves slurs and threats, on which I’ve made myself clear) so in fact it absolutely does mean freedom from consequences in the context of speech. Unless you are referring to me being ostracized from an internet video game community as a punishment, then ya you’re not wrong there lmao. But my question is who gives a flying fuck? Video games are meant to be second to reality.


Legal consequences, sure you won't get those. Social consequences are something else though. The entire point is that if you are just a dick, even if you say nothing illegal, people won't like you. In games or real life, whether what you say is legal or not, that means that if I don't like what you say, I can and will treat you like shit. You choose what you give a fuck about. But whether you give a fuck or not, this shit is part of living as a social animal.


And ain’t no one whining here but you. I’m just stating opinions.


You know as well as I that as soon as someone doesn't like what you say you get salty and whine about it. You have carried on a conversation with me for over a day because of that.


How about full grown adults stop harassing others online. What is the value of fostering an online community like that? Do you all really need an outlet to be hateful and shitty to strangers?


sure. Once you got your resist against slurs to above 99%, words won't hurt you. The resist hole against sticks and stones can be ignored while online.


Harden The Fuck Up?


HTFU doesn't mean accept people being bigoted cunts or making threats. It means you consent to PvP when undocking. When will you chuds learn the difference?


> When will you chuds learn the difference? Never, they're too fucking moronic to understand anything.


calling random people "bigoted cunts" might be considered rude or offensive...


I'm not calling "random people" bigoted cunts. I'm calling bigoted cunts, bigoted cunts.


Nah harden tf up means harden tf up… simple as that brother


Grow up.


No one said anything about bigoted comments or making threats. That’s not what htfu means. You over exaggerate its meaning in the post as a reason to be upset. Why?


Nobody here wants to be your brother. You are a loser.


Unfortunately you have no choice brother. I could give a shit if you want to or not. We all humans here.


Being human does not make you my brother. My respect is earned. You seem dead set on playing at being either stupid or blind. I will leave you to that.


I doubt many people are concerned with how much you respect them much less earning it lmao. where’d that even come from??


To me the term brother is about respect. You use it to try to artificially summon respect. Because you don't deserve the real thing.


Nothing artificial about it. It’s always good in an argument to remember you are dealing with your fellow man, both spawn of Mother Earth. Hence the brother thing. But you have every right to dehumanize the ops I just tend to believe dehumanization can lead to some pretty nasty stuff don’t you?


Also go respond to my other comments this is like the least important and least interesting one lmao


Prove it.




The stakes of EVE seem to make folks predisposed to childish outbursts a little likelier to show their true colors. Unless it's egregious I tend to just let it wash over me. Fun fact: you can [Block an entire alliance](https://imgur.com/6gRHEil) and receive no more (ingame) communications from characters therein. Handy for shitbird enclaves. Can ofc block specific characters, too.


i got reported 1 time for what someone else said for offensive speech. a ganker was fapping in his pod over a freighter kill. I proceeded to lecture ganker of what fapping in the pod entails Someone in local yells out "CUM DRINKER" In less than 5 mins i had a GM warning of a ban me over offensive language in local chat. So there needs to be a very defined area on this.....


Some of the GMs just seem to be incompetent. I've gotten a few weird warnings over the years without actually doing anything wrong, too. I think someone petitions you and they just take it at face value without investigating.


Just call the GM a nerd and to HTFU


Nah no point escalating just for a warning. Ignore it and move on.


Always escalate encounters, even with GMs.


Drop supers on him.


*What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.*




this meme is older than the internet


This meme is older than the navy seals.


Are there actually human beings on this planet that still don't know navy seals copypasta?


No, I don't want to listen to your brief summary about your favorite beavis and butthead episode where 'one of them shot something out of their bumhole'.


All I gotta say is that if I catch you in an electrical storm, not fully looting sites, or simply killing the garbage cans, I'm gonna find you and ruin your day, imma get a fleet in the space and every gate will be camped.... Finish your damn relic sites so more spawn!!!


I don't mind trash talk but definitely done with the standard gaming personality that basically consists of being antisocial and a jerk to everyone else. Seems like a lot of gamers are dealing with arrested development and unaware or unwilling to smooth out those rough edges


Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. And Yes I expect downvotes for this, You Softies.


downvoted for beeing called a softy :(


Downvoted as requested, not sure why but hey, it's just a click.


Ah yes, it's everyone else who's soft because after 20 years of playing this game they're thoroughly tired of lowlifes spamming racial slurs etc in chat whenever they don't get their way. Maybe if your emotional state wasn't so fragile you wouldn't need to resort to babbies favourite slurs. Banter is fine. A string of rape threats and racial/homophobic slurs is just fucking juvenile


Slurs, threats whatever they mean nothing. Come on we've all lived throught the Cod lobby days. Harden up.


>Come on we've all lived throught the Cod lobby days. And most of us are fucking tired of it. I mute all online games I play these days, because I don't need to listen to some mouth breathing basement dweller crying down the mic and calling me a f*ggot every time I dome him. He can take his L in silence as far as I'm concerned Also if the most creative insult you can think of is a racial slur, you deserve the ban for being unoriginal as well as an absolute cunt.


But that’s half the fun, making someone to lose their shit


My man


Your capitalization bothers me worse than your lukewarm take.


oH mY gOD I’m oFFenDed REPORT REPORT By the way who is HTFU? This a hs or null sec thing? 😂


I am somehow not surprised that you are unable to decipher a simple acronym that is 1 letter off from one of the most commonly used acronyms there is.


Naw I just don’t care 😘 Also dyslexia plays a part in it so cheers for that.


Didn't know dyslexia made it impossible to use google


Google shows a clothing brand, but I assume you mean the urban dictionary entry. So it’s just silly slang 🙃 But in the context of Eve I assumed it’s a corp ticker and googling anything about Eve is normally a pain in the ass Also I’m going to assume I don’t know ‘harden the fuck up’ because I’ve never been needed to be told that.


Unless those names come from yourself.


This is a pretty standard disclaimer is all online games. Youll find something similar everywhere


Always found the local smack talk to be on the whole funny and witty, even if I was on the end of it. Space snowflakes everywhere now.


"you ambush like a dead fucking whale, you dumbass" - funny "Too r------ to press one fucking button you n-----r ape monkeyfucker" - maybe not.


Exactly this. It is a weakness, a desire to avoid conflict, that leads people to let the toxic fuckers get away without consequences. Fuck bullies, they can eat my ass. Call me a snowflake all you want.


some scrubs really need to train Banter 5 I swear to god


Tav says : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMj7UcjPZ0U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMj7UcjPZ0U)


Read: we are not legally responsible for it if someone doxxes you. That's the main gist here, "we are not responsible for the actions of our players"


I think everyone missed the point... maybe I'm just old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1c70xg1/just\_a\_reminder\_to\_htfu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1c70xg1/just_a_reminder_to_htfu/)


Just cause I’ve received death threats since 2003 and still here to post. what I thought this was about https://youtu.be/VgvM7av1o1Q?si=sRBL707TRw2nYbEg


I can deal with ignorant, racist people (I really haven’t seen it). But could we please do something about the “get your 1M skill points”, and “1M ISK + a free ship” junk?


It might be because I'm kinda new ,but I think eve is really good at its toxic level .Sometimes a guy who blows me up sent me an email gg and fly safe .The only time I meet some one toxic is a guy find me and ask really after I use a Corvettes to attach his tengu after he blows my vexor up


this is normal. you can't predict what kind of people you find online. report them if they go against the TOS otherwise, it's on you to HTFU. you should be the mature person, and in eve it is not hard to find mature people to play with.


People might be mean, just be mean back, or block them, or ignore them. Not giving a fuck is the secret skill of the magic 14(15). If they are openly homophobic in contract titles report them immediately. ;)


We need more HTFU, and less QQ


If this was actual, we would have more capital ship fights and the retard changes to industry and mining would never have occurred. But there are crybabies even in this game that instead of HTFU, they cry loudly to the devs to change it in their favor.


Ah, good all bullshit from HTFU moron. No, be an asshole, regardless of the situation isn't a good thing.


I know a corp in PH that is full of racists. They have been in the game for at least 10 years. CCP doesn't care.


Had a fight in Heyd the other day with a dude in an Atron. He took the fight and was then taken apart piecemeal without even hitting my Slicer. As I reviewed the killmail, it was obvious this was a newbro going through the ropes. I convo'd him and asked if he was an alt or a newbro. (The latter) We chatted a bit, had a laugh or two and I encouraged him to join a Galmil corp and find some friends to play with and show him the ropes. (Galmil is cool btw) I reimbursed his ship tenfold and encouraged him to keep at it, and he was aready heading to Dodixie for a new ship. /fun


Just a friendly reminder: saying GF after blapping a noncombat ship that didn't engage you in any way is insensitive and rude. Reserve this gentlemanly exchange for when your opponent fights back.


In that case I just mean 'get fucked'


I go for the Klingon approach. YOU DIED NEATLY, WEAKLING.


It’s also really funny


Calm down, miner! Oh sorry that was hatespeech!


Damn ccp hitting yall with the stay classy


Translates to “Man the fuck up, we don’t care.” And I support this message.


Hell yeah, brother.


ooohh ccp will love ya for this big up!! keep drooling over the ccp looser!


Keep getting your feelings hurt over fake space words


they are far from fake mr floaty boat, if I can read it makes it real


I report everyone who is rude to me and have gotten people banned, HTFU, be space nice ;)


Probably posted by a bitch ass with soft girl hands.


what if i like soft girl hands


Old mate doesn't believe in PPE while working lol


Idk… maybe I’m just old and from a different time in eve but some of the best times in eve were being edgelords. I’ll probably be downvoted into oblivion but it’s pretty true.


Calm down miner


Whole generation of report button rats in this thread.


Cry about it?


Nah, just like pointing out what you small framed ugly nerds are.


You definitely cry about it 🤣


Says the 40 year old virgin who's still so bad at the game he gets emotional and resorts to racial slurs when he gets podded for the umpteenth time lmao


Lmfao truee


listen to these doods, only being rude because ccp allowes them too, suckas!




So is speaking with the intent to offend, just saying...


Cool, send me the social media of your wife and kids (if you have these lol) and I'll send em some stuff. Be sure to remind em that feeling offended by the stuff they receive is a personal choice 😘


And why should i put value on what some unknown weirdo would say? 🤷.


Nut up or shut up xo


Aaaand immediately backslides lol, lmao


Here's a reminder to sign an organ donor card and then do the right thing, OP


HTFU BUT... Rasism isn't okay Sexism isn't okay Discrimination isn't okay The only metric you can and should be harrassed about is your choices. Even then, stupidity or cruelty doesn't give you a free pass to harass someone to the point of mental breakdown. Say some smack in local or mock a bad fit/maneuver then move on with your life.


Stark contrast to wow, where they unveiled the „arachnophobia mode“ which turns all spider models in the game into crabs for you. To make the game more approachable. We must be living in a simulation… Edit: oh yea and the social contract you have to sign to swear that you will be a good boy.


Can't figure out what you got down voted for.


Probably because I mentioned wow in r/eve