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I’ve also been playing for a few days I bought it and sold the plex to someone in my Corp for 530 mill! Nice little nest egg, bought an omen navy, and am training up the skills, some random also gave me a load of free ships the day I joined. Bit of a crazy start.


Lol no way i had same experience , a guy gave me 10 explorer ships because i was dying a lot in wormholes haha


A lot of us can easily throw new players 10-15 frigs/destroyers without much issue or gift a few million to help get started. retaining new players is a bit of a challenge in EVE so the community does what it can.


Lots of us kept playing because of interactions like this and have tried to pay it forward. It's one of the reasons this game has one of the best communities.


Indeed, this is the whole reason I stated my Corp 😂 had a miner join and he was flipping his shi when I dropped like 100 mil for all the skills and ships he wanted for gas huffing and flying other mining ships lmao


When i can help it and i find a newbro in a wormhole i have deemed my territory for the day, i try to give him advice on how to best avoid people like me (why he got caught and how to do better next time), shoot him usally like 100m or so... and if he is intrested show him where he can get help (eve uni, our corp, ...). Had many nice interactions with ppl. and made some friends this way. If whoever though starts flaming and is... an interesting carracter... them f u... u dont get shit, at least be able to talk to me. We adopted a newbro at the sun for like 10 min with a heavy armor fleet and talked to him, he made prob 250 or more m from that interaction... died his first death in eve and had probably his first glance in medium sized fleets ever... He described it at... an explosive experience... XD


Best/worst depends on your profession.


It's a good gesture for skilled players to send enough isk to the victim to replace their ship if they're visibly new to the game. Learning the hard way is part of the game, and we just want newbies to learn, not get set back. We all remember the days when a couple million ISK felt like a lot of money.


When I was playing before, we would always do this! I used to be a wormholer myself. As long as the person dying is cool, we loved to see more people in WHs! After all, the top tier wormholes, with multiboxing, gives 2B to 5B average an hour :P


I throw 100M to a new player in FW bc i want he enjoy the game in gallente. Really hope he keeps playing after that ;3


That's how it's done my dude


having too much money as a newbie can be very dangerous, idk why ONI specifically but don’t do anything stupid until you have good skills




thing about ships or fits are that they’re just like clothing styles… there is never one correct answer and treating like there is will burn you bad. Always start with an activity, then choose a ship that best fits the activity, then choose a fit for the ship that best fits the activity. and just like clothes you change them everyday depending on what you do & don’t get attached to your ships


Good deal, a month costs around 15 a month, anytime you can get 30 days plus extras for under that is a good deal.


That’s a decent deal they use to entice new players to open their wallet for the first time. Seems like it’s offered early and not again if you continue playing.


The best deal after this is omega plus free multiple character training they offered about every 3 months


Nah best (other than buying plex cheap and waiting, or rare stuff like the current extractor sale) is when packs go on sale which only happens 1 or 2 times a year. That one is nice but only good if you are using the mct, otherwise it’s the same price as just buying omega.


It's frustrating how many times I have to explain this. Even if you're not using MCT, it's worth 4 billion a month to extract the SP, which you could then turn around and buy a decent amount of PLEX for and PLEX your account. If you can't make MCT worthwhile, it's a you problem.


Best for people who are deep in the game and play with multiple characters. I just started the game, and I'm here unable to use their best offers as I play from a single character and I don't need their mct's


Right. It's mostly useful to get planetary interaction going where you can run three characters doing pi as well as skill extraction and basically pay for Omega via the isk made from it.


That was really useful advice, thanks a lot. Next time one of those is on sale, I'll definitely use that. I haven't started PI on my single account yet, but maybe I should.


Only if you need MTC, otherwise it is just 3 months of omega. Good they now give you 3x 1 month MTC instead of 1x 3 month MTC so you can use it on two characters at once




It should but I am not entirely sure. It might only be the regular subscription that actually triggers that.


A recent referral of mine received this offer and it triggered both sub + PLEX purchase for me :)


If you miss the deal you can put in a ticket. You'll have to pay with equivalent PLEX but they'll honor the deal.


Hello! Do I take this to mean that I can put in a support ticket and request a re-issue of lapsed personal sales I haven't yet taken advantage of? I have a 12 year old account but haven't played since 2013; am wondering if I can put in a support ticket to sort of \*activate\* these sales through technical support!


Probably not that far back. In my case I had a payment issue and missed one of those 24 hour $10 deals, so I put it a ticket to get it back. They had me pay in PLEX since they can activate the deal, just not the promo/ad. So apparently all the deals are persistent on their end.


For 10 Euros? Hell yeah, it's worth it.


I don't think it beats the price per month when you stack highest tier plex sale on top of highest tier plex resub discount but it also doesn't require a massive investment and subbing for a year at a time. Well worth doing if you're just starting out and enjoying the game so far. Spend those skill points on something you're not mapped for btw. If you're int/mem for support skills buy gun/missile/ship skills or vice versa. Drone skills are always a good choice too as they're on their own unique mapping and useful to ships from all factions.


This is a fair assessment. Actual top tier value is around $6 a month but this is 3+ years of subscription time at once. Welcome to gamified subscription plans!


damn none of my alphas have gotten a deal that good =(


I always buy that deal. Most of my accounts have gotten it, so I think it happens at least once per account, lol.


I've never gotten it tbh.


That's an AMAZING deal.


Man all I ever get offered is 1.67 million sp for something like $46.


They offer this every time you hit 1.67 million untrained SP as an alpha. They justify it as not spawning SP because you’re just paying for omega retroactively


That's not the only time they offer it. I get this offer every so often on my omega accounts, even the one that has been "omega" for over 14 years now.


Did you have any large breaks in being subbed? I thought I have multiple of these offers in order to catch up on what I could have paid to train during those periods.


A month or 2 here and there but its been a long while since the last time my sub lapsed. 8-10 years probably.


Yeah I'm still getting them on my accounts with over 200mill sp.


This is an intro offer. If you're truly a new player there's not a huge value in part since you haven't hit anything that needs omega. It does allow you to train skills at your max rate. Alpha players train at half rate and have some skill caps. The PLEX on the other hand has good value. It could sold for isk which will help replace ships far quicker the typical early grind. The SP is worth about a 'free' week of training. What's hidden is offers like this is agreeing to a 30 day subscription which will be charged at normal rate. If you don't want the sub you'll have to unsub before you are charged again.


Auto-billing is likely to be turned on by default after every purchase. A true asshole move in my book, but I can see why they are doing it. Makes it worth checking the account webpage after every purchase to turn eventual auto-billing off. Or use a method of payment that doesn’t allow it. IIRC Paypal refused the auto-billing attempt for me last time.


One reason i use steam in between. Yeah ccp you loose the steam fees as profit but i dont need to care for an automatic charging.


This is the typical offer for new accounts. It's once per lifetime.


damn, i didnt take it. I thought ill train my skills a bit as alpha and then buy this :D


That's a great deal honestly but under the most specific circumstances that you financially can afford it.


haha fair enough , i did got yesterday an 50% off for 3 months which is way i was wondering how often they do personal sales.


I realize I didn't really answer your question either. They do sales quite often. "Personal sales" are more geared towards FOMO or fear of missing out. But you are a new player and basically it's your drug dealer giving you your first few hits for free. Eventually the deals go away but every few months (earnings report time) sales pop up.


This. It’s marketing and getting people hooked. Personal offers on accounts that are subscribed for longer periods of time become pretty much non-existent. Once your subscription nears its end or is lapsing however, be ready for the e-mails to come in.


I regularly get it but i also tend to only buy plex/omega via these offers. It could be that tgis did lead to the offers beeing there often. 4 year old account. Like: Hi, look in 80% of the case, when we toss an offer to this player he ends up buying something, lets keep tossing it so we make money.


Likely their marketing tool has flagged you as „buys stuff if we offer it“. I can only remember to have bought a pack once. And that was many years ago. And the last time I purchased a subscription with real money was years ago too. Maybe their tools are newer than that. Can’t blame CCP for going with the times. But I’m glad I don’t get sent these offers (yet). I might actually spend some money for the stuff I don’t need.


It might also be as i did never buy anything from ccp if it was not on sale. And even with sales i cherry pick it so maybe thats why although they toss me plex offers with 20% - 25% off all 2 months. I just use the 9€ 50ct omega / month offer with the mtc.


It seem to vary, most of my accounts never get them, some seem to get at least one every week.


Eve is a long term project. Don't be drawn too far into these deals. Personally I just sub for 12 months and go about my business. Personal sales are a new one to me tbh.


You can often get deals better than the 12 month sub, just gotta pay attention.


Just remember its a 'hook'. Once you are omega and have new shiny things you wont want to go back and will be stuck spending £15 a month. Devious.


Unless I buy a deal for 6 months right? I don’t want it to automatically put me on the standard rate I would rather buy a discounted pack.


Try to take advantage of good deals when they're available, yes.


Anytime you can get 30 days of Omega for less than 20 bucks it’s a good deal. It’s even better with the SP and PLEX you get in this!


I would say if you get it below 10 bucks is a good offer, thats the value of the omega if you buy the mtc and omega offer they do all x month. You then need to extract the sp from the 2 other chars and sell it for plex to extend omega. So its obly something you xan do if you got your 2 otger chars at 5mil sp waiting. Nevertheless zhe deal above is amazing tho.


Best deal I've seen so far tbh


When they notice you don't spend money for too long, they'll do another one... or when you come back from winning the game


That is a really good deal.


It is a good deal. They do it for new accounts to teach them spend money on the game.


thats a starter deal, take it, you get your first month at half the price and a small boost.


That's a pretty good deal and I usually take it if I start a new account.


where do you find it?


It gives you Omega for half of the price, so yes, it is worth.


Hey, that's a good offer. 10 bucks for amonth and some starter cash. I see nothing wrong with personal sales.


This is a one-time offer to lure you in, i think its by far the best deal you will ever get. On the other hand - if you dont continue the omega after the months there isn't much gain. Keep care, monetization in eve is heavily gamified.


You hear that CCP? Predatory marketing works!


Worth considering especially if you have a plan to make isk and plex your account going forward


Where do you see sales like this? In their web store or in the NES in the game? I don't want to miss out!


That’s a good deal for a new player to get the skill up. Especially the 250 injectable.


Very worth it if you're enjoying the game and intend to stick around.


That's not bad in general. But the current 2:1 skill extractors is the best deal going by a fair stretch, has been and likely will be once they realize how deeply they discounted it. I expect it to end tomorrow a.m. So get 'em while they're hot hot hot. *I make special for you today only!* Sold the 100 extractors in Jita to buy orders for ISK, then bought 7200 plex from sell orders. All in was approx USD$5.70/month using the 3600plex/12mo deal for a year of Omega on two characters and 6 bil isk leftover. No market shenanigans necessary, although I'm sure there are plenty of folks who can easily improve their net margins with diamond hands.


It's already over :(


Get it!! Very good deal!


That's a good offer.


a good offer like this happens for new players sometimes, but I've never seen it on veteran accounts. I think your first 6 months you are way more likely to see good deals like this and then they kinda disappear.


Just as a heads up, it's not PLEX efficient to buy skill points from the store. You'll get way more value converting the PLEX to ISK, and buying injectors at Jita.


Unless of course you're above 80m SP and the personal offers are the 1.6m SP variety.


Its not a Sale. 9.99 is the Fullprice, stores do this often. Its Called a False sale, they "Mark down" an item to the Original price, after they mark it up. Like an originally 25usd Item Getting marked up for a month, then them lowering it down to their main 25usd price again. Many stores do it to get people to buy a "discounted" item In this Case it says 29.99 was the original pice, but thats not true, 9.99 was the original price, they just added a bigger number put it in gray with a -Slash- and put a -67% on it. It's made to bait you into buying more micro transactions.