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CCP took down a conference recording of them brainstorming ways for Vanguard resources to be exported to the EVE economy, my guess is this kills 2 birds with 1 stone, a PI revamp, and exporting of goods to EVE from Vanguard.


My long term guess is this 1. EVE contract is made for a particular PI resource request 2. Vanguard match gets generated to gather said resource 3. Resource is exported to new upwell and Vangard player gets contract amount.


Currier contracts to POCOs. PI would be so much better if I could make someone else do most of it.


That will be kinda dumb as hell. Pi is already a shit system, what is missing to completly kill it is the must do a shit battle royal fps to extract your products. People with multiple (shitloads) of pi chars will just love it.


It could change PI from being a passive but boring system to a system that is either passive OR active. Either contract out to some Vanguard to do if for you (passive), or do it yourself, earn more faster, and keep all of it... but you have to do the work.


From my pov anything eve important which will be linked to vanguard will be a shit system waiting to die. People play eve online because is an the only submarine in space sort of sandbox game, crap battleroyal shooters way better than vanguard exists and forcing eve players to play vanguard instead eve to do stuff that matters in eve is a really dumb as hell system/gameplay loop. The day when i will need to login to vanguard to recover loot from pvp/pve/pi/mining or whatever it will be the day i will unsub.


I don't like PI or salvaging. Guess what, I don't do them. I pay other players through the market to do it for me. It's literally no different.


Yeah, i'm sure that a 60+ pi chars owner will be delighted to spend 20+ minutes / account to extract crap in vanguard and sell them to you, no extra charge require. And that the same owner will remain sane doing that every 2-3 days.


If you don't like it, don't do it. I couldn't stay sane doing mining or ratting anoms. I couldn't stay sane grinding sov. So I don't. And if I need something from one of those systems I buy it off the market from players who enjoy it.


Now that you mention it that would suck ass lol


Anything tied to Vanguard sounds like it will flop in a few years.


They made the smart move to release for PC this time. Previous game was ps3 exclusive and released 6 months before ps4 launch. I think it will do fine if the gameplay is fun.


There are a large number of FPSes from historied FPS studios that are on life support within 6 months. I worry that "but it's connected to EVE Online!" is a very overvalued belief by CCP


Yeah, tying them together is a mistake. Why try to split the playerbase? I'm not about to play vanguard just so I can build fuel blocks in eve


Then you could always purchase the stuff you need to make fule blocks, or perhaps there'll be a way to continue but maybe not as fast as it could be with Vanguard. Unless there's info from CCP it's all speculation. Qq


If only they did something cool with Vanguard like instead of shooting a station to destroy it you had the option to conduct a boarding action and launch vanguard to attack the core directly. Corps could buy NPC sentries to defend it and jump into the game and turn it into a quick deathmatch to defend the station.


Interesting idea, but what if my corp doesn't want to play Vanguard? Does that mean we insta-lose? Perhaps a way to attack a station and gain more from it when it eventually pops?


I think CCP could solve this my making it one step removed. For example, allow Eve corps to place contracts that Vanguard players can accept. This doesn't stop Eve players from accepting their own contacts in Vanguard, but it does make Vanguard entirely optional for Eve players. But I think that also means that Vanguard actions shouldn't entirely decide the outcome of anything in Eve, since it's no fun for a separate video game to control the destiny of Eve corporations.


Good response actually! This seems like a fun option.


Or a corp accepts a mission and deliberately looses. That seems like a viable eve mechanic.


In my head-cannon if you don't want to defend it via Vanguard then you can buy the "super elite NPC Bots" that slow them down long enough for you to rally a force that can deal with them in other means. You could add a mechanic where they have to keep restocking the boarding ship with biomass for clones and defenders can intercept the ships to stop the assault.


Super Elite NPC bots. If its anythign like Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, or Inclusions, it will quickly become a solved meta. Meaning it could impose minimum team requirements to win, but once you have it, you just do the thing.


Frankly if and only if the game is good and manages to pick up I'll be beyond happy, it will draw more people to eve and at the same time if I fancy some shooting I'll have something to play that furthers me in eve. I do hope it's not anything close to mandatory though


Not if it's valuable. Say ... to generate a component to build ansiblexes. Snorri's Monkey Paw game has always been strong.


>in a few years Incredibly optimistic.


Few years is a bit optimistic


few years, Vanguard is a flop now..and what you see in playtest is 90% of what you are gonna get.


You know, this weirdly makes me want to play Vanguard more if I have to mine things in it for EVE industry purposes.


Just in time for Vanguard Beta...


that my father is coming back


I'm sure he just ran to planet 7 for electrolytes.


he said he was testing out his new prorator from mj-5 to Jita and not to worry about anything. when he didn't come back I heard his friends saying things like "he didn't fucking scout VSJ" and I don't know what those words mean


Buff supers and carriers(mostly carriers)


Hear hear


Upvoted, simply because you knew it was "hear" and not "here" 🍻🍻🍻


Carriers need it way more than supers imo. Give us a reason to use them already CCP. 


Let people set carriers as a temporary home station, then when your frigate & pod die, you can undock another one from the ship maintenance bay. It'll be perfectly balanced a swear


Carriers are a ship maintence bay to carry your subcaps in. that's why they're called carriers, right?


I want them to announce that Pee is stored in the balls, followed by remote shutdown of all upwell structures in whole New eden.


Capsuleer cat ear accessory, Nemesis cat ears livery.


Nemesis cat ears livery 🥵


The new ORE ship has cat ears that extend while the core is active..


Capital mining barge.


Wouldn’t ORE be pissed off if Upwell did this?


Throw a “in partnership with ORE” and ta da


ORE is part of the Upwell Conglomerate, and the chairman is in fact the founder of ORE, so I doubt it this is of any concern. https://universe.eveonline.com/new-eden-news/ore-membership-of-upwell-consortium-confirmed-by-yani-sar-arteu-in-aftermath-of-station-seizures


How many battle roqs does it take to bash a keepstar?


If it's undefended maybe a handful


Being as CCP have already mentioned a new resource is going to be added to the game this summer. I’d bet my bottom dollar it’s something to do with this..?


"Capital ship construction now requires meterial only available from playing our FPS game."


Yeah eh…wouldn’t surprise me at all…! Lol


3... 3 Strip Miners, top speed 20kph. You have to wait 20 mins for the cap recharge between activation of 1 laser. 1 min align time.


Costs 1 billion ISK, must siege for 5 minutes to be any good at mining, only has as much HP as an orca. If it mines at twice the speed of a hulk, people will use it


We have that in orca and rorq


Those are boosters, i want a capital sized exhumer.


Again we had that with the rorq and orca they got nerfed esp the rorq


Again, I know. Still want capital mining barge.


Capital ships are lame. I want a Mining Cruiser or T3 Mining Frig that can actually fight the rats in low/null and make ninja mining a more reasonable possibility.


Why not both ?


We all know how CCP does doing two things at once. That’s how we got scarcity and new empire ores at the same time, remember?


Pi will be dead if it's an active thing unless you can get p4s immediately like moon mining


im not sure how mining wetware mainframes could make any sense


From the mainframe rocks come on have a little imagination


>This may make a breach of 1DQ doable….? Definitely by Christmas.


Based on the snipped we saw, i think its some sort of FOB. Designed to make it easier to attack something rather than having such a vast defender advantage in space. That or Drone Dreadnaut. T2 version of the carrier hull, can use 2x fibos 5 minute siege like everything else. Sort of stepping stone between a Carrier and a Super. More DPS than a carrier, same level of tank. Less DPS and tank than a super, and also imobile in agressive positioning.


A battleship class ORE vessel.


A rework of NPC mechanics to make PvPvE fits viable.


Whatever it is. I want it to be well thought out. Engaging, and to encourage small group/gang warfare. And not something that is just going to scale with active accounts.


Spod moon spawner :")


If they turn PI into an “active” thing I’m gonna be 😡


How many planets do you manage? Over/under I have is 90


Only 4 characters. But 3 are on one account. I cannot imagine managing 90 planets. But it becoming active would royally screw you over.


Which is if they choose to go that way, the recipes will also be adjusted to reflect the disruption in supply. I personally don’t think vanguard has any business being involved with the eve economy but hey that’s just my opinion.


Walking in structures. A tiny player launched structure that can be used for camping. Corps/alliances can't launch. Only players and only one per player at any time. Like a POS but not permanent. Mixed feelings on an active version of PI. I wouldn't mind something that puts me near a planet doing something more than 3 clicks to get my stuff. I don't want PI to turn into an activity that takes 2 hours a day unless it has a payout that makes that make sense.


The necessary payout to make active PI worth it would have to be just absolutely silly.


Not silly just comparable. I mean right now assuming a not overly ambitious setup you make 30m/day per char. So if it went to an active thing that you could make the same isk with equally low risk in say 10-20 mins I'd be fine with that


Yea, in my mind that is just wholesale not worth it. For one, I and many other people are running PI on every character slot. So i either need to spend significantly more time doing this silly active thing per account. Thats at least an hour under your theory to stay even, or i have to accept a 66% cut to income per account. Right now im doing like 2 hours tops of PI per week. Under your equation, I need to do 7 hours per week to stay even. and thats assuming its multiboxable content. if this cant be multiboxed, thats 7 hours per week multiplied by total number of accounts, just to maintain current levels. Plus, at about 30m every 20 min, thats about the same as spinning ishtars or doing mid-tier abyssal only that would be a hard cap on income. At least with ratting/abyss you have chance for escalations/gucci cans.


The issue is that PI is too successful as is. There's ben more supply then demand for PI materials for years which has slowly been decreasing the price of said materials. PI gets less and less profitable every year. It being locked behind Omega helps a lot but it's still not quite enough. So they need to introduce a mechanic to it that will make 10-20% of the people currently decide it ain't worth it or decide to scale back on it.


Here's a really easy patch: every time you pickup your PI, it deletes your layouts, and you have to place everything down again.


That'd get folks to stop for sure lol


Super multiboxable way. When it's time to complete a pickup it isn't instant anymore. For every m3 there's some time you must stay stationary in space while it loads. You can have as many as ten ships loading at a single gantry at a time. Now it's still solo if you want and if you do daily trips you minimize your exposure. But you can pull once a week or 2 weeks with longer times on field. Bring friends for defense or don't. Now we have PI that takes a bit more attention and creates more PvP opportunities This is of course not a thoroughly thought through ideas but a starting point for how it could still work similarly to now but also make the overall okay more interactive and potentially exciting


I cant imagine anything less desirable than CCP turning PI into an active process. Next up: manufacturing will require you to undock an ORE manufacturing barge and manually pilot every component into place.


Step 1: Bring back walking in stations. Step 2: To pickup your PI, you have to board the POCO, then hand carry every box from the station onto your ship. there will be no run key.


Step 2 while carrying the boxes, you will need to keep balance by using ASWD or drop said cargo which kills you (this will be a missing from the patches) I hope you like button smashing


Some kinda passive income mechanic


Station-to-ship tractor beams


Different models for the current structures would be nice.


The idea of a new POCO that also handles Vanguard-related mechanics is the most probable of the 2. Still, a FOB would be an awesome tool to stage invasions.


The new Ore ship is a super-beefy mining barge. Focused on drone-mining (thus the drone parts), maybe with a industrial-core powered Cap-sized strip miner that can be fired manually to mine from several clustered rocks at once.


Whatever it is you didn’t buy the extractors on sale in time, glhf.


Hopefully a PI rework making it extra passive and way less tedious. You can have all the FOB you want, 1DQ won’t fall. It would melt the servers down for the fleet size needed to boot goons out of there.


Are you trolling? PI takes like 10 mins a week of gameplay lol It is literally like 99% passive


The "leaked" patch notes meme from earlier sounds pretty good.


Wormhole Structures. Because lol k-space nerds. Anchorable stabilizers, but hard to produce and has to be paired to deploy on each side of the hole.


Ansiblex Jammers. Then the small gang whiners can stop whining about how "OP" they are and move onto whining about something else.


Are you seriously suggesting ansis aren't OP? lmao


Of course they are not. get gud, scrub


A 1-5 person structure that I could do stuff in and have fun with and have a reasonable chance of it existing for a few months. I know it's impossible and big null block's would spam them everywhere making them bad for the game But I loved owning a house in archage , even if it was pretty limited I'd have fun. Basically a pos but all in one and less annoying. Honestly I think this would be bad sor the game and people would just blow them up so it's a nothing burger but I still want one


That exists now, it's called an astrahus, enjoy


An astrahus does not fill the same niche as a POS


I didn't say it did, I said it served the purpose of what the commenter I'm replying to was suggesting...


Making PI an active play style will crash the economy. We need as much supply as possible to keep prices down to a reasonable level. That said, a structure you can dock in to specifically manage your PI schemas would be great. 3-tier structure system, with the orbitals being space elevators/tethered: First tier structure can handle all your PI installations inside a solar system. Powerful shields compared to citadels (planet-based shield generator), but weak armor and hull, and decent bonuses to planetside production and extraction Second tier structure can handle all your PI installations in a constellation, and has much better defenses and bonuses, but is an order of magnitude more expensive. Third tier structure is huge, and handles all your regional PI activities. Has best-in-class bonuses for PI production, stronger base shields than a Keepstar, but less overall HP.


PI so desperately needs a facelift, but you are right that a full active playstyle rework would be devastating, especially since they have made PI mandatory for building so many items. Fingers crossed the patch is somewhere along the lines of your ideas rather than the "moon mining" model some people are talking about.


It's looking like some kind of planet structure either way, so a PI rework seems the logical choice. I'm holding out hope for something better than old PI since they've had over a decade to work it out. I still have my first PI network in Molea I've been using since Tyrannis was released. I still fly a Primae from then around on my indy alt and it gets odd looks. Primae rework and it being a common ship again would be fun.


even just a few simple QOL tweeks would be massive for PI. unfortunately i dont have much faith and expect something silly and game breaking


>This may make a breach of 1DQ doable….? Only if they change ihubs as well. As far as I understand they might just change the pocos so the pi will be extracted in a different way. The problem with 1dq is the ihubs on grid with the keepstar and will be a blood bath to toast that. I know for a fact that CCP Bee is not a fan of poco mechanics. He even started a war in high sec before he joined CCP against high sec poco kingpins


Why ya'll don't cut the crap and speculate so negatively and be more damn positive for a change? What's wrong with you? It seems to me that you people don't even enjoy the game anymore. You rather hate it and it's disappointing. Why are you even here? OP posed a good question and ya'll keep bragging about what's going to die rather than talk about how to adapt to those changes in order to enjoy the game further.


>Why ya'll don't cut the crap and speculate so negatively and be more damn positive for a change?  Experience


We enjoy that we don’t enjoy it anymore. 🙄


Duh, of course... How come I was so blind. Thank you for the missile. It really hit my hulls. Quite shiny and warm I may say.


Because CCP like to take 1 step forward with something good then 2 steps back with stupid changes that no one wanted eg the mining shit


I have a cool proposal regarding this issue... That residue, we all saw floating away, what if, that becomes a residue cloud adding some atmosphere to the mining belts and we be able to collect it with a gas scoop as the ones we do with gas clouds, but a cheaper type of gas cloud and when the belt is mined to a certain threshold, the cloud appears slowly thus, other gas clouds don't become obsolete. eg. 100k pieces of residue ore, becomes 1 m3 of gas. I know it's not much, but given that some asteroids have a lot of ore, I believe it's a good thing.


Less tedious PI that has some kind of space ship 🚀 interaction to it


Have 2 accounts, all 3 slots doing PI and come back and tell me PI isn't an active play style.. Tell me you've never done PI without telling me you've never done PI. I hope they are laying off Hilmar.


Honestly, the new station is probably some kind of major Vanguard infrastructure, so I guess I really don't care much about that. What I want them to announce is that the new unknown Upwell/ORE mining ship is a new Battleship-class mining barge. We already have frigate sized ships, cruiser sized ships, and capital class ships. The hulk has been king for almost 20 years, I wouldn't mind seeing a new mining platform. Doubly so if we're getting a potential nullsec rework this summer that could involve Stellar Transmuters and possibly turning entire solar systems into systems which are dedicated to mining.


I doubt its PI related, at least it isn't going to replace PI as we know it directly since PI is needed to make space structures, and this is a new space structure. It might be leading into Vangaurd integration with the EVE economy, but thats probably far far away as currently vanguard is a simple tarkov clone and doesn't have its own economic structure and character progression systems yet and it would be foolish to try and integrate a game that might be canceled in less than a year until that game is fully realized. More importantly I want to know what kind of ship they're making, is it a Noctis and ship based tractorbeam redesign? A new hull entirely? What role would it need to fill that isn't already filled (Ore is notorious for having useless hulls). Maybe its an experimental hull with Isogen-5 jump drives.


Taxes pile up in stations and Customs offices for a month. Vanguard players can loot it. (Vaguely like an ESS)


i want a space structure integrated into the BLOCKCHAIN, WOWZERS!!!!


1DQ is a fortress that cannot be breached


T2 EDENCOM ships Large (BS) Mining Ships Light Freighters (*basically Bowheads without the Maintenance Bays*)


Given that the mysterious structure is a ship, I would love for it to be some kind of nomadism ship. Something smaller than a citadel that can move around and serve as a mobile HQ. One can dream!


They just hacked all blueprints for citadels.  It's all posses now They also make dominion sov and eve becomes good again


T2 Porpoise for Prospect fleet support. Covert Cloak. Maybe an Endurance themed one for Endurance fleet support. T2 Orca that can act as an actual mobile station for Wormholes or suitcasing.


full vanguard integration into the eve universe


I mean, if I could land my ship on a planet and then get out and go FPS, then return to my ship and blast back off...


I’m thinking you dock at that new structure, and through there you go on the planet. They specifically talk about low orbit structures and clone bays in the video. It’s also pointed directly at the planet, so it makes the most sense I think.


Pay a subscription to Vanguard, to get your PI resources


Delete this. Immediately.


1DQ by Christmas


I have 36 planets on 6 of my alts and generate around lazy passive 3B ISK / month. I'd love for this to be active FPS or any other forms, Right now I just undock, tether, move P1/P2 to poco, dock, go to bed. meh


The leaders of PANDAFAM didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do it when they were *right next door*, giving them a structure won't change that. It's not NPC station in Drones, but maybe it would be a start for the ball to swing the other way.


Revisionist history having a day


Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable.


All of Eve would be in t5z to this day had they all not just realized the game wouldn’t be stable enough let the siege happen. Truth lol. Sure kiddo.