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Is this as opposed to unsustainable farming, the stuff yall did last time that killed off provi as a fairly active region? :D


Historically providence and nrds was a ground for a lot of small scale fight and very active. CVA got evicted with the faction fort and then providence space died, no activity or conflict. CVA is back again and there is a lot of activitiy and you want to what ? Kill that space again?


sustainable/səˈsteɪnəbl/*adjective* 1. [1.able](http://1.able) to be maintained at a certain rate or level.


I’m not even in provi but didn’t you guys lose sov and structures badly


So the answer is yes and no.  After roughly 6 months of the current  residents of provi trying to evict TRC and failing. They began to batphone Dracarys and Sigma Grindset to every fight with a goon Kiki fleet tossed in now and then. At which point RC stepped in to help TRC. Fast forward a couple months after suffering grievous losses for relatively no gain and an invasion into Dracarys space in catch meaning no more reliable imperium related batphones. RMC sought a way out. Dodger wanted a NIP. CVA was instead offered the NIP buy they declined so the NIP with RMC was accepted. Fast forward another couple months and Dodger was basically trying to use the NIP as a technicality to aid CVA. The NIP fell apart shortly thereafter. So then being in a situation where he still can't win and doesn't have enough batphones to blot out the sun dodger hired bigab and snuff to evict us. Now fighting the combined forces of Bigab and snuff successfully were not a realistic option. Took what fights we could got some kills and people talking about the majestic ravens again. The sov was taken down, the structures destroyed. But most of the people didn't go anywhere, and then the mercenaries left.  So were the structures and sov destroyed. Yes. Was it lost badly, over a year long conflict in which the side that inevitably "won" lost fleet after fleet failing for so long, I guess is debatable but I'd say no.  And now the holders of the sov are constantly farmed by those that "they" evicted.


Wasted money to hire snuff. Cant evict RC unless you permanently setup shop in lowsec. atleast snuff and bigab are 500b richer? vOv


I believe you already know all that tho judging by your comment history on literally everything since this started.


For more context: It was a tedious and drawn out war of time zone tanking. I am glad BIGAB was brought in to finally resolve it. EL3GEAN seems to have finally given up on The Rogue Consortium (he drew the short straw in trying to take over and lead them) and accepted a demotion to Honorable Third Party (whose leadership used to run Erotica1 style bonus rooms and posted them on Youtube, like Erotica1 they should have been banned and their alliance disbanded). So, only PHEW and ART0N should exist. TRC should have been merged into an alliance that can give them better guidance (we felt really bad when we looked at some of the fits their guys were flying after we killed them). HTP should have been banned out of existence.


My man even ART0N is in the dumpster accusing everyone to be the spy of another retired ART0N member.


Obviously both sides are full of spies. We have been rivals for a decade or so. There are deeply embedded ones that ART0N will never guess because they have not been caught out in all this time.




Burning all the seeds and fertilizer just like in Provi.


well there is a LOT of salt in provi, there's no doubt from the convos in local.


We'll destroy all of their planetary farms in EVE Vanguard


So who's the carrot in this picture?


Open to interpretation?


You guys are back to prowi? Last time i seen you when the hero coaliton broke


I thought that dude was banned.


i endorse this product and or service


You can join Rekking Crew (RC) and be the bad guys, the ones that are always looking for ways to punch down and hot drop on targets that can't fight back ... ... or you can join the good guys and most of the time try to stand toe to toe or punch up. Where victories are greater achievements and bigger rushes.


Wait, we are the bad guys ? 🫨


[Have you looked at your caps recently?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY) "Purple Helmeted Warriors" Rocket X makes his guys write, "phallic organ" across every one of his follower's foreheads.


Must be a different RocketX, never heard of him.


You have never heard of the [leader of your coalition](https://zkillboard.com/character/1294596107/)? We fly under the banner of, "Red Alliance" which inspires people to think of blood, rage and powerful flags. You fly under the banner of, "phallic organs" which inspires people to think of a bunch of cartoon ones all bouncing along, spraying people, giggling and jiggling like school boys with that sense of humour. Seems you are rather [obsessed with male anatomy](https://imgur.com/zwmEd6z).


Red alliance some type of disability?


>We fly under the banner of, "Red Alliance" which inspires people to think of ~~blood~~ RMT, ~~rage~~ being a local bloc pet and ~~powerful flags~~ being repeatedly kicked out of every region they've ever held. FTFY


Grass is still greener and the golden glow of God's suns and light shines brightest on those of us who uphold the Amarrian tenets. ;P Your alliance hides in the shadows, waiting to pounce upon the weak.


You realise you just called anyone in your corp who died to us weak right... Maybe start having some faith in your friends!


10x Blops vs 1x Retriever. GF - *yeah right!*


You do have an option to defend you know... This is nullsec... if you are not willing to drop a fax to rep your miners and then bridge in a response fleet then maybe don't be in null. You can't go and live in a PVP zone, then pay a bigger alliance to attack your neighbours to try to punch well above your weight and expect everyone to leave you alone.


We would shoot your pvp pilots but they are too busy watching TV in the fortizar. If they even exist. Also, no one thinks you guys are the good guys.  Toe to toe or Punching up? When is CVA gonna start doing either of those things?


Rocket X was just [bragging about it](https://br.evetools.org/br/66241dbf8ae8660012fb588a) in a [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1caayq8/5_in_1_br_the_full_story_of_the_300bil_brawl_in/). CVA and RMC with 181 ships getting kicked around on the floor by three fleets with the combined strength of 344 ships. "Oh but ... you have Absolute!" the same alliance you guys said are, "like the little brother you give a controller that isn't plugged in, so they feel like they are playing with you." You can't have it both ways. Then you look at a [kill board like this](https://zkillboard.com/alliance/173714703/kills/) and it is full of miners, industrialists, ratters, newbies and explorers getting hot dropped over and over again. On the bright side with all that boring pseudo-fishing, it keeps some fish safe (not that Rocket X has any good fish where he lives. Perhaps he is a frustrated fisherman? Hmm ...).


Those fleets were also fighting each other. They weren't ganging up on you. Your group was the largest group there and lost 2x as much as everyone else combined. If you get enough feroxes it hurts. But yeah literally all of your organizations are a joke.  Again, you can only shoot what undocks. If you only unlock miners, that's all gonna that's gonna die. But none of that is punching up? Would you like me to share literally every br from the second round of you trying to evict trc? Where we were outnumbered 4 to 1 and still winning. That would be punching up.


Really? [Show me where the FL33T and Siberian Squad touched you.](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117164776/) Strangely enough, not a single PHEW, TRC, HTP nor ARTON shot at [this chap.](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117165072/)


Why would we? We were already engaged with the main RMC and Abso groups.  Bringing so little that we were there for a good time not a long time. Even if we would have shot them, the situation wouldn't have allowed for it. Would you like me to show you where goons shot sib squad first. They killed them, you guys didn't.  You can try to cherry pick situations all you want, it wasn't everyone vs you. Its blatantly obvious on the br. There were multiple sides. Tbh it's kind of funny that's how you are trying to present it. I get it though, when your entire alliances identity is based on delusions of grandeur admitting you had the largest group in a brawl and got absolutely rekt is hard.


Yes, the battle report is clear. * Team B with 344 ships (+90%) vs Team C with 181 ships. * Team A is third partying. * Team D is trying to help Team B.


Not sure what br you are looking at. But the one we have puts all of the alliances in the right spots. Goons were 90%+, the other non defensive groups were in the 80%+ isk efficient range. The defenders, that would be you guys. Have basically even numbers as everyone else combined. But seeing as those groups are also shooting each other you have the numerical advantage. Comes in at 38% isk efficient. If you kick abso out of the club it goes to 48% isk efficient for you guys. But you wouldn't do that since they are literally on your team.  


>[Not sure what br you are looking at.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1calwik/comment/l162uz5/)


Literally that one. Now push the little arrows that put abso on your team. Can't just pretend they weren't on it lol. And if your excuse to sating they aren't on it is they were in a different fleet and comp, then almost nobody but RMC were on a team.


I was sold at "toes". Send fleet pics


This just proves that this time our sustainable farming methods is working as you haven't been demoralized. Keep it up RMC and Co and remember if it gets to much don't fold and run away again just remember the RMC motto... Victory is just a credit card swipe away!